hey pals welcome to 30 days of yoga camp it's day 10 and the mantra today is I am present I love this practice can't wait to get started let's hop to all right today let's begin in a nice comfortable seat all right day ten take the fleshy part of the buttocks to the side if it feels good sit up on a pillow a block a blanket if it feels good do whatever you have to do to come into a nice comfortable seat in this moment what you do with the hands I don't care you decide so taking some of the structure out of this shape right we've been kind of coming into that classic sue cotton today just come to a nice comfortable seat and we get to notice your breath just decide what it feels best palms face up on the knees or palms face down clasping the ankles palms in your lap then when you feel settled close your eyes and again we begin to breathe and some days it's harder than others to kind of drop into that conscious breath so just notice where you're at today let's get some some fresh oxygen into the system and then you just might notice as you welcome that conscious breath and if it changes the way you're sitting the way you're carrying your energy might inspire a little movement in the neck I might start off here with the hands as I deepen my breath I might open up so no right or wrong here just playing and ultimately we're just kind of scratching the surface at presence today what it means to feel present in the body today different everyday the practice today is about presence chances are you aren't just walking around present all the time or are you can you so I know I get into that autopilot mode a lot and autopilot really restricts me from a lot of things I'm an artist it totally takes out takes me out of the creative game usually if I ever stub my toe or injure myself or something like that it's because I'm just on autopilot so for me anyway nothing more than the tools of yoga helped more than what does it want my trance aim for me I think the tools of yoga are the best tool for practicing presence so I'll shut up continue to notice your breath just give yourself we're just giving ourselves a little extra time today to get settled in so that we can really practice being present through our movement through the asana and of course with the breath notice if your body has changed since you first sat down and started the video notice how your breath has changed shifted maybe your energy and then notice if you're kind of holding and not really open to that shift it hasn't happened yet see if you can open up open your mind open your heart for when we practice presence we allow ourselves to stay open to a new experience trying new things going on new adventures then each time you inhale I invite you to repeat the mantra I am present we aren't going to be here long so just give it a try each time you inhale in we say I am present and notice if this shifts your breath your body or your energy in any way even in the slightest way and draw your hands together at your heart one more time speak to yourself say the mantra I am present and then we'll gently release chin to chest take a look down take the shoulders to the back the crown of the head reaches towards the front breathing into the neck here then slowly lifting the chin parallel to the earth awesome so what I was trying to say is when we practice presence we really give ourselves the opportunity to have a new experience right we're not just in that autopilot we give ourselves an opportunity to open ourselves up to new joy new opportunity so if you know especially if you're doing it this at the beginning of a month or the beginning of year or just at a time where you're ready to start a new adventure this could be a really good practice for you all right so take the ankles we're going to come to cobblers pose but today with soles of the feet together with lots of space so often we kind of hike those heels up towards the center so give yourself lots of space here today so the area of the body I'm slowly getting into you know like some reflexology stuff to add to classes so the area the body kind of connected to that third chakra is here right in the arch of the foot so take your thumbs and give yourself a little massage just to enjoy those saws don't even worry about anything else and then we'll take the hands to the ankles once again loop the shoulders pull them back and then lean forward so just like we did pull the shoulders back and then lean forward crown of the head forward pull the shoulders back crown that forwards we're not rounding the spine here pulling shoulders back round of head forward and I invite you to deepen your breath stay present in each shape today and know that this is a practice this is hard harder for some than for others right so we're making an effort to connect the mental the mind the Manas with with the body and it ain't easy especially in this day and age I my right here we go one more breath good then okay to look up at the video here take your left hand wrap it around your toes if your toes are cold this might be good warm those puppies up and then I'm going to pull down with my left shoulder so lots of integrity here in the shoulder so I'm not just collapsing and I'm going to begin to open up through my right arm my right wing so the shoulders are still drawing back like we were doing and we inhale open so nice gentle twist here breathe into the belly you try to stay present what's going on what's going on in the upper back body what's going on in the legs what's going on in the toes what's going on in the chest what's going on in your mind dude use your breath one more breath here to open your heart you might reach the right hand a little bit further back just play be mindful and then exhale back to Center right hand replaces the left we find a little integrity through the shoulder through this arm so careful not to just collapse and then when you're ready open it up so stay present so for me if you must know I'm kind of dealing with some body stuff I'm noticing but since I was in a little wreck but my body is different so you might experiment with you know just staying present from one side to the next the left side and the right side how are they different today remember our first mantra we set out when we we start set out on this journey I accept tugging the shoulders back finding length in the crown one more breath here maybe reaching it further back and then exhale back to Center awesome inhale crown of the head forward shoulders back and then exhale let it round rounding forward you decide whether it feels good elbows in or elbows out tuck the chin into the chest and just come into a little pod here breathing into the legs the hips the back of the neck letting the weight of the head stretch you out through the back body in the spine and then pressing into your foundation the outer edges of the feet and the city ones roll it up stacking up through the staircase of the spine havin a little fun today send the fingertips in through underneath the legs and then we're going to slowly rock back so this is what this looks like nice and slow keep the soles of the feet together so we're connecting to the core just having a little fun turn the palms up and kids yoga we used to call this Lotus something can't remember so I started teaching kids for many many many years of fact my first business was a kid zeal good thing like my first like where I got a DBA my first business was called love kids yoga lky it was official man it was awesome so you can keep the soles of the feet together if that's not working for you can brighten and then we're just connecting to write the the core here but also tug those shoulders back even here open through the chest the heart is having a little fun if you fall laugh it off if you fart laugh it off just just staying present here if you fart you're doing this with someone though they may not laugh it off and I cannot I cannot be responsible for that sorry I have your back but okay one more breath here if you're feeling really adventurous you might unravel the arms and reach them up take a little boat variation here cool beans everyone and then release everything down with control so try not to just with control with control with control come back to sukhasan back where we started nice comfortable seat sit up nice and tall close your eyes and one more time before we come to all fours close your eyes and say the mantra I am present if you're not feeling it you might adjust it say I choose to be present and drop the chin to the chest bat the eyelashes open shoulders pull back crown of the head reaches reaches reaches and then we'll make our way in onto all fours I'm getting like in the zone and it's hard to articulate I have to balance like staying present with you and yeah okay all fours pressing away from the yoga mat here super present in the hand so take a look at your hands spread the palms super wide and we're just going to rock the hips a little side to side it should feel awesome nice and slow if you want you can draw circles this is not something I prefer to do on camera but it's nice it really is nice getting into the pelvis getting into the hips so side to side or circles I'll let you decide press away from your yoga mat and in particular guys if you feel like there's a valley falling in between your shoulder blades here that's what I mean by pressing a yoga mat fill that valley lift your heart up there kind of doming through the upper back body cool then curl the toes under and send the hips back but toes are curled under so stretching the feet here great reach fingertips actively towards the front edge of your mat inhale in exhale heart to earth forehead to mat stay present here press into all 10 toes so sometimes the pinky toe doesn't even reach the map can you send some energy there to the little pinky toes one more breath here you got it stick with it awesome and press into all 10 knuckles press in all 10 toes and come back up knees as wide as your yoga mat big toes to touch here we go left palm comes into the center line we press away and open up through the right wing big breath in here so remember when we were tugging the shoulders back super helpful here breathe breathe breathe nice and aware through the toes still inhale reach exhale right hand replaces the left press away from your yoga mat find length inhale reach shoulders drawing away and release cool plant the palms underneath the shoulders walk the knees back underneath the hips couple cat cows here as you drop the belly inhale mmm and exhale rounding to the spine warming up the body inhale and exhale rounding through the spine and one more time inhale this time as you exhale and round through the spine pause press into your foundation here chin to chest if you can grow even taller up through the shoulder blades hug the lower ribs and more up into the back body crown of the head down towards the Earth one more breath Kru then curl the toes under send it back nice work inhale reach the fingertips actively towards the front edge of the mat exhale come back to all fours great if you need to take a quick second here to sink back and give your wrists some love especially if you're new to the practice and you want to quit I'll ham now just give yourself a little break you have to quit I'll stop the video stick with it this time is for you even if you just do your own thing just let you can even mute the video to say shut up Adriene and do your own thing take this time for you alright here we go coming to downward dog whenever you're ready maybe you're already there cuz you're like I know what's up and down dog take a couple of breaths pedal out through the feet and the knees as needed tops of the shoulders rotating out away from the ears and then remember that gentle tugging of the shoulders back that will help and remember that reach to the crown of the head pay attention to the detail your alignment press and all ten knuckles draw the tops of the shoulders away from the ears and keep moving as long as you like eventually we'll come to a place of stillness to check in return to your breath perhaps finding a new breath maybe an ogive that ocean breath to help you stay present then walk the left toes to the midline drop the left heel best you can and inhale lift the right leg up high lift from your right inner thigh so turn the right toes down we call this squaring the hips check it out inhale in exhale step it up into your nice low lunge inhale look forward exhale lower back knee down inhale look forward again so remember that action of tugging the shoulders back then exhale flip onto the top of the back foot here and slowly send the hips back runners stretch you might find a little wave in the spine here selection in the right foot as you pull the right hip crease back stay present with the sensation strong stretch here and then rolling through the right foot will turn excuse me we'll walk the foot out just a little bit and then turn the right toes out bring the left palm to the yoga mat and then inhale reach the right fingertips up high if you want more you can curl the back toes and lift the back knee up otherwise keep it nice and soft stay present so you know what you want today your body knows so let your body speak to you let your body talk big breath in big breath out as you release be super mindful this front knee as you turn the right toes back in walk the foot back to your lunge great inhale smile look forward and exhale plant the palms make your way back to downward facing dog big breath in find a little movement big breath up then find stillness again maybe close your eyes go through your checklist all those self adjustments there's nothing more beautiful I think sweet then softly bend through the right knee bring the right toes of the centerline drop your right heel and this time lift your left leg up high inhale exhale squeeze left knee up and in towards your heart and step it up into your lunge nice low lunge here inhale look forward exhale lower the right knee down go ahead and come on to the top of that back foot again inhale look forward tug the shoulders back and then exhale keep this left knee hugging into the midline as you find that mula bandha that lift in the pelvic floor and let that take you back so I'm tugging now back through the left hip crease left toes want to turn out and keeping them right up towards the sky and then it's all you baby stay present here press on the top of the back foot you might find a little wave here you might find wow I'm super tight so use your breath and one more you got it good and then slowly rolling through the left foot take your time here so first we'll walk the foot out a little bit left foot to the left edge turn the left toes out then right hand is going to come to the mat and we inhale nice and slow so pulling left hip crease back again we reach the left fingertips up high stay here stay present everyone tug the shoulders back crown of the head reaches just like we've been doing if you want a little more you can curl the back toes under and lift inhale think upward facing dog here breathe breathe breathe and then use an exhale to take it down awesome walk the foot back in inhale low lunge exhale step the back foot up to meet the front if it takes a million steps to get there no worries who cares well meeting forward fold I'm going to go feet hip-width apart you do you it's the same thing here we're going to take a couple moments to freestyle you might walk your fingertips left to right you might grab the elbows Rock gently side to side if only we did this more in society just like excuse me hold on take quick Yuchun asana ok I'm sorry what were you saying you crazy you know like whatever this is so good for just so good for you good for us so after you find some movement here then let's find stillness soft bend in the knee really just letting the weight of the head go the weight of the arms go close your eyes and remember the mantra today I am present in the sensations of the feet the backs of the legs the hips notice what's going on in your head your heart then I invite you to return back to your breath big breath in big breath out good slowly roll it up nice and slow today as slow as you can go my friend stay present all the way up to your Mountain whatever that means to you I like to close my eyes so that I can really energetically travel up to the spine and then we're going to reach the arms all the way up as you stand up nice and tall come into a volcano pose here fingertips reaching towards the sky shoulders drawing down heart lifting up find your breath and then find your legs whatever that means to you're drawing energy up lengthening through the tail inhaling exhale send the fingertips back airplane arms so really working on the energy here breathing into the armpit chest and then inhale drop the fingertips down with um volcano just working on the energy in the body this is great for circulation at the very least we're stretching and then airplane arms sending it back opening up through the chest imagine someone kind of gently if I was in class with you I'd calm and I just give you a little gentle tug on the fingertips it's day ten so let's see those those jazz hands ten inhale reach up and one more time exhale airplane arms reach reach reach reach through every finger even the pinky finger tug the shoulders back great and soft knees drop the fingertips down to come up inhale and exhale forward fold stay present inhale halfway lift your version begin to warm up the body with a little flow today forward fold gorgeous inhale reach for the sky press into the earth and exhale hands to heart namaste soft knees inhale reach press into all four corners of the feet on your exhale send it down forward fold inhale halfway lift long gorgeous neckline here I'm an exhale release great walk the feet together and step the right foot back followed by the left plant the palms so take your time great so we're coming into our first plank chair feel free to lower the knees press away from your yoga mat draw the shoulders away from the ears so we're definitely cultivating strength in the abdominal wall you can close your eyes for a second and notice oh wait how the different parts of the body start to come into the picture just a little different perspective so try not to hit the panic button notice how it all starts to connect press away from your yoga mat one more breath then slowly lower down you can lower the knees first you can do knees chest chin whatever you want we'll come to the belly and then today zip the legs up tight press into the tops of the feet and then nice and easy we're going to walk the fingertips off the yoga mat so it helps to for the lower back to really anchor through the pubic bone here careful not to clot clench your butt so fingertips off the mat lift your elbows up towards the sky inhale in exhale press into your foundation and slowly begin to lift so we don't have to lift the chin here parallel in fact keep it nice and tucked just for now lift the elbows big big big breath and exhale slowly with control release everything awesome palms come underneath the shoulders inhale Cobra exhale release now back off the mat fingertips lift the elbows inhale loop the shoulders maybe we grow a little taller here maybe not exhale release and Cobra palms underneath the shoulders looping here we are with the breath inhale lift exhale release one more time lift the elbows press into your fingertips little King Cobra here in time you'll be able to find the length here but if your shoulders are up here my friend take your time inhale lift and lengthen exhale to take you down one more inhale to lift you open your heart and exhale to release awesome curl the toes under press up to all fours or plank Yogi's choice and send it to downward dog drop the left heel lift the right leg high step it up into your lunge pivot on the back foot so we're building triangle from the ground up today staying present and sensations of the legs so bring your right fingertips in line with the arch of your right foot straighten through your right leg and really actively work to peel that right hip crease back you can have a block here or a couple of books to lift the floor up to the earth up to you and then when you're ready peeling through the left wing opening up hips are sending energy back towards the back edge inner thighs are engaged and then once again we find that tugging of the shoulders away and the crown of the head reaching towards the front take care of your neck here maybe you just keep the gaze straight down maybe you are able to take it to the side and then eventually all the way to bring it more into your Center if you've been practicing while you might practice hovering here rather than collapsing waiting to the right hand one more breath here and then exhale with control bring the fingertips back down soften through the right knee plant the palms and slowly back to downward facing dog great triangle pose here we go drop the right heel lift the left leg up high bring it up and into your lunge now building it from the ground up so we pivot on the back foot you find that heel the arch alignment peel the left hip crease back as you straighten through the left leg then left palm or left fingertips come in line with the arch of the left foot and we begin to find our triangle pose here opening up through the right fingertips lengthening through the crown of the head and finding that tuck of the shoulder excuse me that tug of the shoulders down and away one more breath wherever you are I know you're working hard you're doing great inhale look up exhale send it down great back to the lunge until you got distracted with that lizard inhale look forward exhale downward facing human moment here big breath in here last breath on our down dog you got it then exhale slowly lower to the knees bringing the feet together take a rest Child's Pose and slowly we'll reach the fingertips towards the front press into the tops of the feet and come to all fours heading into one legged pigeon here press away from your yoga mat inhale extend the right leg lift it up and then exhale squeeze right knee up and in towards the heart and slightly slide into your pigeon so today go ahead and take a look back at that back foot and as you come onto the top of the foot press into it so we're going to stay pressing through the extended leg here and then you'll guide the right foot into your pigeon if you're new to the practice go ahead and keep that right heel close as you experiment coming to the midline otherwise in time we can begin to walk it out walk it out walk it out and then everyone press into your fingertips inhale loop the shoulders sit up nice and tall so you don't want to be collapsing over into the right butt cheek here so just just notice what's going on you might need to bring the right handle in a little bit you might just stay up here or you might put it to sleep stay present lots of awareness through the back leg keep a little energy you might spread the big toe here away from the second toe and just take a moment here to bow your head find a configuration that feels good for you to find stillness so you could be on the forearms could be on the blog you could grab a pillow here you could be playing with Hahnemann awesome splits everyone stay rooted through that back leg close your eyes and breathe mmm so good so wonderful for the body enjoy a couple more breaths here maybe it's really intense you stay present in that intense sensation then to release tug the shoulders back can begin to lift the head come up onto the fingertips of the palms and we'll curl the back toes under just come back to all fours here just like we did at the beginning of class come to tabletop position class practice and we're just going to shake the hips a little left to right onto the left side press into your foundation extend the left toes as you lift the left leg up big breath in here then exhale squeezing left knee up and in you'll find it on the other side one-legged pigeon so lots of awareness in the back foot today stay present through the back leg strong and when you're ready you can guide the left foot out maybe and play whew I'm tight fingertips to the earth loop the shoulders inhale extension through the crown of the head and then exhale find what feels good to hear stay present in the sensation stay bright in the left toes anchored in the right foot maybe just stay here or maybe you find a nice place to release close your eyes and practice the mantra repeat it to yourself I am present I choose to be present through the difficulty through the intensity stay present the opposite of ignoring lean into it you can play with that gentle tugging of the shoulders back here and then when you're ready press in your foundation pull the shoulders back crown of the head reaches forward palms press into the earth and we rise up and go ahead and allow all the weight to sink into that left buttock left hip swing old right leg around and we'll come to lie flat on the back nice and slow when you arrive send the left leg out right leg in interlace squeeze the right knee in and then exhale take it over towards the left big breath in as you exhale bringing it back to Center squeeze and switch right leg out left leg in inhale squeeze exhale to a supine twist here inhale in exhale back to Center squeeze and release bridge pose so draw the heels up towards the sitting bones toes pointing forward imagine a block between your inner thighs and then we'll suckle the shoulder blades underneath the heart space press into the feet and slowly inhale begin to lift hip points lift up towards the sky sitting bones reach towards the backs of the knees again imagine that block between your inner thighs and then we'll slowly shimmy the shoulders underneath maybe interlacing the fingertips strong legs lift your chest to your chin and then lift your chin towards the sky one more breath here breathe breathe breathe and exhale slowly release awesome slide the right leg down long followed by the left take your palms flip them up towards the sky inhale in exhale shavasana close your eyes you should feel proud way to show up for yourself awesome work today see if you can take the mantra I am present or I choose to be present with you off the mountain into the rest of your day have an awesome one see tomorrow namaste Oh