what's up everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene and welcome to day one of 30 days of yoga camp thank you so much for being here it's so beautiful that you have chosen to show up for yourself and practice with me I think we have a fun journey ahead of us the affirmation for today's practice is I accept all about accepting where you're at today just kind of taking stock we're going to take it easy and find what feels good let's get started all right today we're going to begin in a nice comfortable seat you can sit up on a blanket or a block that feels good you can even do this first moment in a chair if you're feeling super tight in the back and you're really new to the practice so come to a comfortable seat of your choice and when you're ready sit up nice and tall take a deep breath in and as you exhale just begin to settle into the moment here so we're going on a journey together and there's a little bit of trust that needs to be felt trust the process trust the video trust yourself the attending to your body your mind your heart taking this time for yourself is worth it in every possible way so right away in this moment not to sound too hokey but just trust trust the video so see if you can take your eyes off the video and close your eyes and notice your breath it can be quite difficult to just stop and notice how you're feeling because we're always on the go we're always trying to master our tasks and sometimes we of course run away from the sensations the feelings because they maybe don't feel good so we're here to just explore final it feels good so close your eyes just going to take a couple breaths here on your own hands can rest gently wherever they naturally fall just take a couple deep breaths in and out in and out we close the eyes to just kind of connect go inward and then to our affirmation for today I accept you can say this quietly to yourself if you're feeling adventurous you can say it out loud I accept today is all about accepting where you are today kind of a taking stock day easing into it one more time with the breath I accept and slowly we'll draw the palms together at the heart you can bat the eyelashes open a little bit and we'll slowly lift the chest up to the thumbs even more sitting up nice and tall wherever you are gently just find a little sway here gently find a little movement so it could be front to back whatever feels good it could be side to side ooh wow I wonder if I might picked up that my neck Wow firework show so here we're just finding a little movement I'm wanting to kind of set the tone for our journey which is that you're really here to have an experience in a process so rather than just coming into this shape here with the palms together on your leg Laura at the heart which is beautiful and lovely but we also give ourselves a little bit of freedom to move and to just kind of notice where we are today again I accept where I am today and I show up for myself fully so you might even say that quietly to yourself I accept where I'm at today and I show up for myself fully awesome bow your head to your heart easing into it today begin to loop the shoulders back so just notice if your shoulders are crunching up and draw the elbows down shoulders away from the ears so again you have to trust the video here I'll do my best I've been working very hard to learn how to guide you with my voice and just let the video be a guide so chin to chest here breathing into the back of the neck one more breath then on an exhale release the palms and wherever you are we're going to come to all four so take your time getting there if you're in a chair you know whatever comfortable seat you chose take your time getting there we're going to meet in tabletop position so today day 1 nice and slow we come to a table top here and if you're new to the practice try to be as meticulous as possible you know in a loving way oh there's that creaky old floor yep love it wrists underneath the shoulders knees directly underneath the hips if you've been following yoga with Adriene for a while then you know about the creaky old work little things first things first guys pay attention to your alignment alignment wrists underneath the shoulders knees directly underneath the hip points toes in line with the knees then everyone bend your elbows take your gaze down trusts off the video and then with the gaze straight down in the neck nice and long we're going to press the earth away so press away from your yoga mat now especially if you're super flexy or you have you know any well just make sure you're not locking in the elbows guys so keep a soft soft bed and then this is it breathe here one nice long line from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone a couple of things just for day one this is going to help us throughout the whole journey remember that the neck is an extension of the spine so nice and long then notice if you're kind of dipping down in the lower back body see if you can lengthen the tailbone towards the back edge of your mat hug the lower ribs in navel up towards the spine so we gently engage the belly the muscles of the abdominal wall and then last but not least my friends notice that there's a little bit of a valley between your two shoulder blades here see if again you can use that pressing away from the earth to bring awareness into the upper back body so again if you're kind of dipping down there's a little valley between your shoulder blades there see if you can bring awareness by pressing away from your yoga mat finding a little doming effect through the upper back body and then if you're working in this way you might begin to feel tired here even shake here even sweat here because we're waking up the whole body noticing how we feel today and as you get tired remember your mantra I accept no need to wait to the thirtieth day to start loving yourself let's start now so one more breath here you want to challenge yourself you can press into the tops of the feet press into the palms and let the knees hover for just a second but again we're easing into the practice today so no need to do this if you're tired or you're just easing in but just a little option here to check that line from the crown to the tail we call this the Dunda and Sanskrit Sanskrit for staff or stick literally the line that holds us up okay release the knees you haven't already and then we'll drop the elbows where the hands were for heart to earth pose on a hatha Ahsan one of my favorites so we let the tail rock up towards the sky and then we slowly walk the knees out so notice how the fingers in the wrists want to come in or splay out see if you can keep two parallel lines so again checking into the alignment eventually we rest the forehead to the mat ah breathe here notice that the toes are coming in or going out and after you feel like you've had it go ahead and take your eyes off the video and press into all ten knuckles and enjoy this beautiful beautiful heart opener here opening the shoulders great for the spine I invite you now to begin deepening the breath who awesome everyone press into the palms press into the tops of the feet and slowly begin to shift your heart forward nice and slow nice and slow all the way to the belly great elbows can walk right underneath the shoulders make adjustments if you need to here again two parallel lines in the forearms press the pubic bone into the earth press into the tops of the feet and slowly we'll begin to open the heart once again Sphinx pose feel the stretch in the belly so day one we're going to do lots of stuff on the floor so enjoy this little dance with gravity keeping it nice and low today lengthen through the crown of the head and then again just notice that the toes are coming in or splaying out can you have a lot of consciousness awareness from the crown of the head to the tips of your toes to take it a little deeper imagine pressing your two elbows into the yoga mat and the palms into the yoga mat so much so that you would maybe rip the center of your mat so again we're not just hanging out here but finding length and using the foundation to build up from one more breath here my friends you got it then slow with control we release draw the palms underneath the shoulders here curl the toes under and we'll come back to all fours lock the knees underneath the hips wrists back underneath the shoulders and here we go cat cow our first cat cow of the 30 days of yoga man enjoy it no yoga robots here I always say so you can once you know what you're doing you can close the eyes and begin to get your groove on inhale drop the belly open up through the chest the heart exhale curling under tailbone tucks navel draws up we find this beautiful arc or arch in the spine chin to chest continuing inhaling dropping the belly finding length opening through the front body should feel good here especially if you slow it down just a hair and then exhaling starting at the tail bone traveling up through the spine crown of the head down towards the ears so find a rhythm here that feels good for you so if it feels good to hang out here in the arc or arch for a couple breaths please do if it feels good to hang out here for a little bit and maybe draw line with the nose back and forth please do day one taking stock and then we can begin to veer off the railroad tracks a little bit side to side with the hips creaky old floor common back strong thank you and then when you feel satisfied we're going to bring the two big toes to touch knees as wide as your yoga mat and then we're going to send it on back extended Child's Pose this time bringing the palms together so coming up off the wrist this time as we bring them up and overhead to start feel good blood flowing opposite direction you can walk your elbows towards the front of your mat a little bit more here if that feels good and take a second here to close your eyes and breathe into the back body whatever that means to you maybe you can even feel the skin of your back stretch as you take a great big inhale in and then let it go slowly begin to reach the fingertips towards the front edge of your mat hug the lower ribs in press into the tops of the feet and slowly begin to look forward as you come all the way back up walk the knees underneath the hip points wrists back underneath the shoulders all right let's start to spice it up what do you say pressing the tops of the feet press away from your yoga mat with your palms we cultivated a little bit of energy through the midline throughout our practice and this is going to just help check in with that here we are pressing into the top of the left foot I would have slide your right toes out now keep your right toes on the earth even if you are an experienced yo you keep your right toes on the earth and just begin to saw back and forth check in with that Dunda this is the foundation of our practice here pressing into all ten knuckles strong spreading the fingertips y-yes we get a nice stretch in the right leg here finding that sit bone to heel connection but also a chance to check in with the spine notice are you hollowing through the upper back body or collapsing is the neck nice and long and the extension of the spine or is it collapsing can you engage your abdominal wall just a little bit drawing the navel up knitting the lower ribs in a little bit and then if you're new to the practice and your wrists are giving you trouble here let's start to really pay attention to the hands straightening the thumbs not collapsing in but pressing away from the earth okay here we go lift the right leg up high turn the right toes down try to lift from your right inner thigh so rather than lifting here keep it nice and in line you might begin to shake here feel that heat ah notice what it feels like to be alive today that's what day one is all about you might rotate the right ankle one way and then the other and then just three little vinyasas here we inhale lift the right leg exhale nose to knee so cow variation your inhale extend spread the right toes exhale nose to knee and one more full-body experience you got it here we go exhale nose to knee navel up great take a second to release you can take a child's pose here roll up to a little hero variation three breaths to notice how you feel awesome and back for more back to all fours find your four posts nice and strong so we have a lot of videos that you can supplement with this journey there's a great one for wrists that would be really nice just to kind of get the foundation of the palms for the wrists really great at the rotation of the shoulders here we go sliding the left toes out find that sit bone to heel connection and just enjoy this nice gentle stretch in the left leg as you saw back and forth and then continue on going through your checklist whatever that means to you just bringing awareness different areas of the body this also helps us stay out of the mind the thinking mind gives it a break and helps us connect to the present moment physically even spiritually with your breath connecting it all and again try to stay present as you press away from your yoga mat and lift the left leg up high here we go then go through your checklist lifting from the left inner thigh left toes down careful not to collapse here we go a little vinyasa here to stir the energy three times we inhale extend lift exhale nose to knee inhale extend press into both palms evenly and exhale nose to knee one more time you got it inhale extend and exhale no finish great release this time everyone come back to sit on the heels palms are going to flip up and at any point during the practice this goes for the whole journey if you need to take your hands to your forearms or risk to give it a little massage tend to it my friends three breaths here awesome and we'll spread the fingertips wide come back to all fours and this time we're going to curl the toes on there and take it to downward facing dog so we send the hips up high take your time getting there nice and slow and forget about creating the downward dog shape remember the mantra or your affirmation for today I accept so using this beautiful opportunity to explore your body so that you can accept yourself fully show up so all that to say resist the urge to come here and hold ouch explore find soft bend in the knees you might wake up the feet a little bit here come on now connect use your breath we're not going to get everything at once even neem right I'm like checking in noticing where my body's at today it's always different staying present deep breath in deep breath out awesome my friends take one more breath here in downward-facing dog inhale in whoo doggy get it and then slowly lower the knees also more cross the ankles slowly slowly come through to seated and voila back to our cross-legged position so from here we're going to sit up nice and tall profile here so you can see my spine this is important we won't go through this every day but this is important on day one for Yogi's of all levels just to check in with the spine so some of us tend to kind of like muscle through twists some of us need a little lift in the hips especially if you feel like this is happening a lot so sit up on something tall if you feel like this is happening in the spine and for those who have been working on them to practice for a long time I encourage you to resist the urge to muscle through your twists let's try it all together palms on the tops of the knees tuck the chin to the chest and slowly roll up through the spine notice your breath once again maybe this time connecting to an e je breath that ocean sound and slowly reach the right fingertips up high fine length in the right side body inhale in as you exhale send lift fingertips behind you but again careful not some muscle keep them soft so inhale we reach and then exhale right hand to the top of the left knee see if you can continue to draw energy up from your Center if you're familiar with mula bandha then connect to those muscles of the pelvic floor and lift lift lift if you're not familiar you know another day loop the shoulders another video can go deeper and take a second here to just notice what's going on in your feet are you clenching in the feet or they just kind of soft can you bring a little energy to your feet and then we inhale lift and lengthen exhale hugging the lower ribs in we just begin to play in the spine you might notice you're really super tight today well good you're in the perfect place a couple more breaths here close your eyes enjoy this time for yourself you on your last breath here lift your chest lift your heart lift the chin slightly and then exhale release back to Center palms on the tops of the knees head over heart heart over pelvis here we go other side lifting left fingertips up this time inhale lengthen through the left side body stretch stretch stretch stretch and then exhale release the right fingertips behind begin to twist now again it's not about how far can I twist is really about taking stock so my suggestion to use just slow it down use your breath inhale lift and lengthen and exhale to explore connecting to the center channel notice if your left leg wants to fly up so lots of awareness here as we ground down inhale lift and lengthen exhale twist inhale lift exhale twist so just playing here one more breath wherever you are inhale lift to your chest your heart lifts your chin slightly grow tall and then exhale back to centre awesome take the hands around to the backs of the legs I'm going to come here just for a moment just a tiny bit of a core check in today before we take it down to the ground again nice and easy breezy today just taking stock of the body so bring the hands to the backs of the legs loop the shoulders and sit up nice and tall here again notice if you're collapsing in the spine and it might just be about finding that long puppy belly as I like to say this long length in the front body so might just be here for you today you can check out your biceps here it's okay to hold onto your legs there's no cheating in yoga you know do what you need to do or you might lift the shins parallel to the ceiling to see breathing deep here staying alive and awake through the feet the toes lifting the chin just slightly long in the back of the neck then you might stay here again we could be here or you might reach the fingertips forward a couple of deep breaths here you got it if you want to take it further we can extend the legs out long fingertips left to right breathing deep here let's do two more breaths wherever you are and then release awesome just a little check-in just start and slow okay come to flat back position here my friends and when you arrive take a nice big long full body stretch so fingertips up and overhead and the biggest breath you've taken all day maybe all year point and flex the feet spread the fingertips and then close your eyes so definitely spending a couple moments here imagining the earth rising up to meet your back body I like to share with my friends and my students this time you know if you've felt a little alone or off balance or off-track here's a moment where you can literally feel your yoga mat having your back this practice having your back I got your back so close your eyes feel supported one more breath here we'll float the fingertips down press the palms into the earth and we'll hug the knees into the chest so scoop the tailbone up so your lower back is nice and flush with your mat we're going to end with a great big hug again nice and simple today wrapping the arms around the shins squeezing the knees up and in towards the heart so I think we take for granted this awesome shape my spine is supported so nice my hips get some love I'm reminded to keep the shoulders relaxed the heart open and I stay awake and alive through the feet Hedgehog inhaling exhale slowly as slow as you can roll my friend peel the head the neck up nose towards the knees so notice I said towards so if you're not nowhere close right it could be here right no no biggie but just the intention of rounding through the spine you can even close your eyes and visualize the spine here and then again just an another opportunity to go through your checklist how are my shoulders can i soften through the skin of the face a little bit here am i clinching maybe even you're able to grab the outer edges of the feet visualize space in the spine in each between each vertebrae one more breath here you got it oh and then let it go soles of the feet come to the mat we slide the right leg out long followed by the left leg let me take the arms side to side palms open then physically literally press into your head press into your elbows and lift your chest up then slowly snuggle your shoulder blades underneath your heart space and then release back into the earth then close your eyes and gift yourself with a big breath in through the nose and a big exhale out through the mouth don't be shy big breath in through the nose big breath out through the mouth soften through the jaw allow the body to relax take a moment to scan from the soles of your feet all the way up to the crown of your head take your time noticing if you might be holding any we're grouping anywhere notice where the thoughts go maybe notice how you've lost track of your breath I accept I accept where my body is at today and I show up for myself fully thank you for being here rock on my friends gonna be a fun journey together see you tomorrow mama see [Music]