1 00:00:00,210 --> 00:00:02,370 what's up everyone welcome to yoga with 2 00:00:02,370 --> 00:00:05,160 Adriene I am Adriene and today we are 3 00:00:05,160 --> 00:00:08,970 going to release unwanted toxic gas from 4 00:00:08,970 --> 00:00:12,929 our system digestive system that is with 5 00:00:12,929 --> 00:00:16,379 wind-relieving pose not joking that is 6 00:00:16,379 --> 00:00:19,619 what it's called Pavano Mukta sana I 7 00:00:19,619 --> 00:00:21,300 think in Sanskrit 8 00:00:21,300 --> 00:00:24,689 still working on those wind-relieving 9 00:00:24,689 --> 00:00:26,820 pose head to knee pose such a great pose 10 00:00:26,820 --> 00:00:30,269 to massage the abdominal wall to relieve 11 00:00:30,269 --> 00:00:32,399 bloating that's good 12 00:00:32,399 --> 00:00:34,829 also really great for the lower back so 13 00:00:34,829 --> 00:00:36,750 this is our foundational pose of the day 14 00:00:36,750 --> 00:00:41,090 hop on the mat and let's let it all out 15 00:00:52,390 --> 00:00:55,280 right so we're going to begin lying flat 16 00:00:55,280 --> 00:00:58,340 on the bat today just take a second to 17 00:00:58,340 --> 00:01:00,770 tuck the chin into the chest find a 18 00:01:00,770 --> 00:01:02,650 little length in the back of the neck 19 00:01:02,650 --> 00:01:04,760 soles of the feet can come to the mat 20 00:01:04,760 --> 00:01:06,440 here at first knees pointing up towards 21 00:01:06,440 --> 00:01:08,420 the sky take your hands to your belly 22 00:01:08,420 --> 00:01:10,100 and we're just going to sneak in a nice 23 00:01:10,100 --> 00:01:14,470 deep yummy conscious breath here 24 00:01:15,100 --> 00:01:16,970 expanding through the ribcage as you 25 00:01:16,970 --> 00:01:19,550 breathe in and letting the belly fall as 26 00:01:19,550 --> 00:01:24,140 you breathe out cool now we're going to 27 00:01:24,140 --> 00:01:27,140 take the right leg extend it high up 28 00:01:27,140 --> 00:01:30,290 into the sky so if the hammies are tight 29 00:01:30,290 --> 00:01:32,479 which most of our hammies are I've 30 00:01:32,479 --> 00:01:34,729 stretched out today don't worry about 31 00:01:34,729 --> 00:01:36,650 you know straightening that leg just 32 00:01:36,650 --> 00:01:39,050 send that foot up to the sky then we're 33 00:01:39,050 --> 00:01:40,850 going to slowly reach the fingertips up 34 00:01:40,850 --> 00:01:43,640 interlace the fingertips bend the right 35 00:01:43,640 --> 00:01:46,280 knee as you catch that chin or the top 36 00:01:46,280 --> 00:01:48,500 of the knee and squeeze the right knee 37 00:01:48,500 --> 00:01:49,759 up towards the heart 38 00:01:49,759 --> 00:01:52,850 cool step one relax the shoulders keep 39 00:01:52,850 --> 00:01:56,810 the chest open and the neck long cool so 40 00:01:56,810 --> 00:01:57,980 we're going to take a deep breath in 41 00:01:57,980 --> 00:02:03,950 here and then slowly we'll begin to 42 00:02:03,950 --> 00:02:05,840 extend through that left leg so you can 43 00:02:05,840 --> 00:02:08,560 slide the left heel on the ground 44 00:02:08,560 --> 00:02:11,900 extending long through the left leg and 45 00:02:11,900 --> 00:02:13,970 then we find a little resistance our 46 00:02:13,970 --> 00:02:16,010 little opposition here as we squeeze the 47 00:02:16,010 --> 00:02:18,350 right knee in and up towards the heart 48 00:02:18,350 --> 00:02:21,110 and find a little grounding down through 49 00:02:21,110 --> 00:02:24,080 the left thigh in fact you can take your 50 00:02:24,080 --> 00:02:26,239 left palm to the top of the left thigh 51 00:02:26,239 --> 00:02:28,010 bone for a second here and just firm the 52 00:02:28,010 --> 00:02:30,290 top of that left thigh bone down notice 53 00:02:30,290 --> 00:02:32,720 how flexing through the left foot left 54 00:02:32,720 --> 00:02:34,310 toes pointing up towards the sky 55 00:02:34,310 --> 00:02:37,280 a little squeeze in here and as always 56 00:02:37,280 --> 00:02:39,140 find a little bit of movement so you 57 00:02:39,140 --> 00:02:41,299 might rock that right knee from the 58 00:02:41,299 --> 00:02:43,880 shoulder to the heart you might rotate 59 00:02:43,880 --> 00:02:46,489 might get little bang for your buck here 60 00:02:46,489 --> 00:02:48,350 and rotate the right ankle one way and 61 00:02:48,350 --> 00:02:52,190 then the other and then we started 62 00:02:52,190 --> 00:02:54,049 learning this foundational pose with a 63 00:02:54,049 --> 00:02:57,140 nice deep breath in so breathe in fill 64 00:02:57,140 --> 00:03:04,299 the belly massaging the internal organs 65 00:03:04,409 --> 00:03:07,989 now you can stay here and its belly is 66 00:03:07,989 --> 00:03:10,090 you know a little bit large or the chest 67 00:03:10,090 --> 00:03:12,400 is nice and big then no toxic thoughts 68 00:03:12,400 --> 00:03:14,439 guys just be here now okay it's so 69 00:03:14,439 --> 00:03:16,719 important to just be in your body and do 70 00:03:16,719 --> 00:03:18,280 your version of the post so you might be 71 00:03:18,280 --> 00:03:21,099 here might be here or anywhere in 72 00:03:21,099 --> 00:03:23,040 between and you might just stay here 73 00:03:23,040 --> 00:03:25,569 breathing deep checking it out finding 74 00:03:25,569 --> 00:03:29,709 that opposition or you might take it one 75 00:03:29,709 --> 00:03:33,730 step further inhale in and on an exhale 76 00:03:33,730 --> 00:03:35,620 keep extension through the crown of the 77 00:03:35,620 --> 00:03:38,590 head as you slowly lift the nose up 78 00:03:38,590 --> 00:03:41,409 towards the knee so the nose can touch 79 00:03:41,409 --> 00:03:43,540 the knee but really it's not about that 80 00:03:43,540 --> 00:03:45,250 that's the intention so again if you 81 00:03:45,250 --> 00:03:46,450 have a larger chest 82 00:03:46,450 --> 00:03:49,989 rock on just embrace that let that 83 00:03:49,989 --> 00:03:52,859 intention be nose to knee not actually 84 00:03:52,859 --> 00:03:55,780 literal nose to knee 85 00:03:55,780 --> 00:03:57,700 most of us naturally are here in the 86 00:03:57,700 --> 00:04:00,159 shoulders spread a little awareness out 87 00:04:00,159 --> 00:04:01,480 through the whole body as we breathe in 88 00:04:01,480 --> 00:04:03,879 here no tension in the neck I'm keeping 89 00:04:03,879 --> 00:04:05,919 extension through the crown again 90 00:04:05,919 --> 00:04:08,109 relaxing the shoulders down take one 91 00:04:08,109 --> 00:04:10,090 more breath in here find a little 92 00:04:10,090 --> 00:04:12,849 movement if that feels good 93 00:04:12,849 --> 00:04:16,298 and then on an exhale with control with 94 00:04:16,298 --> 00:04:19,599 grace slowly release back down and then 95 00:04:19,599 --> 00:04:21,070 we're going to hug both knees into the 96 00:04:21,070 --> 00:04:26,590 chest wind-relieving pose the joys of 97 00:04:26,590 --> 00:04:30,190 doing a home practice you can fart all 98 00:04:30,190 --> 00:04:33,699 day long oh yeah so rock a little side 99 00:04:33,699 --> 00:04:35,860 to side squeeze both knees into the 100 00:04:35,860 --> 00:04:40,570 chest if you feel any pinch or you know 101 00:04:40,570 --> 00:04:42,159 tightness a little cramp in the size or 102 00:04:42,159 --> 00:04:43,840 the Front's of the hip creases take your 103 00:04:43,840 --> 00:04:49,360 thumb in there dig it out you can 104 00:04:49,360 --> 00:04:51,970 already tell this episodes we have butt 105 00:04:51,970 --> 00:04:54,760 jokes written all over it okay hmm point 106 00:04:54,760 --> 00:04:57,460 and flex the feet here then find a 107 00:04:57,460 --> 00:04:58,830 little stillness when you're satisfied 108 00:04:58,830 --> 00:05:01,389 squeeze the knees into the chest relax 109 00:05:01,389 --> 00:05:03,099 the shoulders down and away from the 110 00:05:03,099 --> 00:05:05,320 ears again we could be here we could be 111 00:05:05,320 --> 00:05:10,210 here and we might just stay here 112 00:05:10,210 --> 00:05:12,969 breathing into the belly squeezing the 113 00:05:12,969 --> 00:05:14,500 tops of the thighs into the lower belly 114 00:05:14,500 --> 00:05:17,020 or on an 115 00:05:17,020 --> 00:05:18,270 yeah we'll extend through the crown 116 00:05:18,270 --> 00:05:21,970 energetically and on an exhale slowly 117 00:05:21,970 --> 00:05:24,400 again begin to peel it up nose to the 118 00:05:24,400 --> 00:05:25,900 center of the knees again that's just an 119 00:05:25,900 --> 00:05:27,789 intention so if you can get here awesome 120 00:05:27,789 --> 00:05:30,310 good for you or maybe we're here or here 121 00:05:30,310 --> 00:05:37,030 or here breathing relaxing shoulders 122 00:05:37,030 --> 00:05:40,030 down and away you can point the toes 123 00:05:40,030 --> 00:05:42,220 here flex the feet or keep them soft but 124 00:05:42,220 --> 00:05:44,319 just I think the point is to just have a 125 00:05:44,319 --> 00:05:47,069 little awareness 126 00:05:49,020 --> 00:05:51,909 one more breath as we breathe into the 127 00:05:51,909 --> 00:05:55,960 lower belly breathe into your butthole 128 00:05:55,960 --> 00:06:00,639 and then on an exhale slowly release I 129 00:06:00,639 --> 00:06:01,930 have been known to say that in class 130 00:06:01,930 --> 00:06:07,210 I've also heard that in class just do it 131 00:06:07,210 --> 00:06:09,580 just try it okay here we go taking it to 132 00:06:09,580 --> 00:06:11,650 the other side we hug now left knee into 133 00:06:11,650 --> 00:06:14,520 the chest extend the right leg out long 134 00:06:14,520 --> 00:06:17,080 check it out on the other side again 135 00:06:17,080 --> 00:06:18,699 finding a little opposition you might 136 00:06:18,699 --> 00:06:20,740 take your right palm to the top of that 137 00:06:20,740 --> 00:06:23,740 right thigh bone firm it down smooth it 138 00:06:23,740 --> 00:06:26,710 out consciousness on the right foot 139 00:06:26,710 --> 00:06:29,139 there relaxing the shoulders down neck 140 00:06:29,139 --> 00:06:34,120 nice and long three I can hear the wind 141 00:06:34,120 --> 00:06:36,130 chimes outside my house today it's 142 00:06:36,130 --> 00:06:38,259 beautiful rock a little side to side if 143 00:06:38,259 --> 00:06:43,599 that feels good nice long smooth deep 144 00:06:43,599 --> 00:06:46,000 breaths see if you can elongate the 145 00:06:46,000 --> 00:06:51,460 inhale and extend that exhale cool we 146 00:06:51,460 --> 00:06:54,940 might just stay here breathing we might 147 00:06:54,940 --> 00:06:56,740 take it a step further as you inhale 148 00:06:56,740 --> 00:06:59,440 extend energetically through the crown 149 00:06:59,440 --> 00:07:02,590 through the sole of the foot nice long 150 00:07:02,590 --> 00:07:04,900 extension and on an exhale peel it up 151 00:07:04,900 --> 00:07:07,990 draw the navel down finding gentle 152 00:07:07,990 --> 00:07:09,460 compression to the lower belly as we 153 00:07:09,460 --> 00:07:13,659 squeeze and intend nose to knee just the 154 00:07:13,659 --> 00:07:17,830 intention could be here could be here no 155 00:07:17,830 --> 00:07:20,259 tension in the neck soft face breathe 156 00:07:20,259 --> 00:07:22,529 deep 157 00:07:29,810 --> 00:07:35,070 cool let's take one more breath and on 158 00:07:35,070 --> 00:07:37,680 an exhale with control with grace we 159 00:07:37,680 --> 00:07:38,850 release back down 160 00:07:38,850 --> 00:07:41,700 cool send the left foot out long and 161 00:07:41,700 --> 00:07:42,900 we'll just take a full body stretch here 162 00:07:42,900 --> 00:07:44,250 to counteract everything 163 00:07:44,250 --> 00:07:46,470 inhale lower back might come up off the 164 00:07:46,470 --> 00:07:48,389 ground here you might find a little 165 00:07:48,389 --> 00:07:53,550 wiggle waggle in the hip points you know 166 00:07:53,550 --> 00:07:56,040 this this is about letting it go so just 167 00:07:56,040 --> 00:08:06,510 let it go here for a couple breaths and 168 00:08:06,510 --> 00:08:09,330 we're done alrighty so that was wind 169 00:08:09,330 --> 00:08:12,930 relieving pose this pose is funny and 170 00:08:12,930 --> 00:08:14,639 kind of ridiculous but really good when 171 00:08:14,639 --> 00:08:16,169 you think about it just kind of letting 172 00:08:16,169 --> 00:08:17,940 out that which no longer serves you 173 00:08:17,940 --> 00:08:21,240 whether that's gas in your belly or just 174 00:08:21,240 --> 00:08:22,950 energy your emotions that you're 175 00:08:22,950 --> 00:08:26,100 carrying that yeah are no longer serving 176 00:08:26,100 --> 00:08:29,550 you let it go I'm going to talk a little 177 00:08:29,550 --> 00:08:32,669 bit more about how yoga can help release 178 00:08:32,669 --> 00:08:35,760 these sort of things I just don't want 179 00:08:35,760 --> 00:08:37,380 any fart jokes like that's all I want to 180 00:08:37,380 --> 00:08:38,520 do right now but I'm not going to I'm 181 00:08:38,520 --> 00:08:40,409 going to do that on the blog with 182 00:08:40,409 --> 00:08:43,020 pictures and sounds maybe I don't know 183 00:08:43,020 --> 00:08:44,940 hop on over to the blog yoga daydream 184 00:08:44,940 --> 00:08:47,820 calm leave questions comments below as 185 00:08:47,820 --> 00:08:50,610 always tend to your body work from the 186 00:08:50,610 --> 00:08:53,040 inside out listen to your guts and take 187 00:08:53,040 --> 00:08:54,780 good care of them I love you guys 188 00:08:54,780 --> 00:08:57,589 we'll see you next time 189 00:09:00,300 --> 00:09:02,359 you 190 00:09:16,360 --> 00:09:18,420 you