- Hi everyone, welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I'm Adriene. Today we have an awesome throat chakra yoga for you. So this is a big request. If you want to be nerdy like me, you can wear a little blue for your practice today. If not, don't worry about it, hop into something comfy and let's get started. (upbeat music) Alrighty my sweet friends, let's begin in a nice comfortable seat. Come on down to the ground. And when you're ready, sit up nice and tall. Relax your shoulders down. And bring your hands together at your heart. Take a second here to just get settled in. The hardest part is over, you selected the video. You carved out this time for yourself. Trust, trust the process. Trust that this time is valuable. Let's begin by tucking the chin slightly, feeling this lengthening through the back of the neck. And then gently lift your heart space, your heart chakra, your heart center to your thumbs. So it's ever so slight, it's subtle. But there's a little bit of a connection already brewing heart between the heart and the throat. And if you're like, "Ooh I don't know "if I should've done this video, this is weird," Just see what you can get out of it. You don't have to get everything. Everything doesn't have to resonate. Just experiment. Use this time to stretch to breathe and to recenter, right? Working to find an equilibrium, a feeling of balance energetically. Now close your eyes if you haven't already. Trust me, trust yourself. Trust this practice, this video. And hang with me now here. As you're willing. Heart lifted. Head in a reverent bow. Soften your jaw. And start to gently deepen your breath. Just observe what happens. Notice if it's hard to breathe full depth of breath here today. Notice if it feels good. Let one breath cycle bleed into the next so just take once cycle of breath at a time, not really trying to force anything or do anything, just allowing the story to unfold. And then if you like, you can repeat this affirmation quietly to yourself. I speak my truth, openly and freely. I speak my truth, openly and freely. Take a deep breath in. A long breath out. Interlace the fingertips, lift the chin. Open your eyes. Bring the knuckles right underneath the chin here. Sit up nice and tall. On an inhale, we're gonna take the elbows out, left to right. Continue this journey up by slowly pressing the knuckles up to the chin and looking up towards the sky. As sending your gaze all the way up, and not necessarily up to crunch the back of the neck but just up. Good, exhale. Round it through, elbows come together. Navel comes back towards the spine. And we look down towards the ground. Again, inhale. Lifting up, long puppy belly. Think Cobra, or Upward Facing Dog here. Elbows spread left to right, we look up. And exhale, chin to chest, elbows come together. We round through the spine. Keep it soft and easy here this time. Inhale, elbows wide, breathe deep. Exhale chin to chest. Good. Inhale to come all the way back up. Fingertips are gonna come to our sides. Inhale to look up. Exhale, right fingertips are gonna reach up and over, nice, gentle side body stretch. Come back through center. Good, inhale to look up. Exhale, side body stretch, nice and gentle. Checking in. Beautiful, come back to center. Inhale palms come together, Anjali Mudra at the heart. Exhale to relax the shoulders down. Beautiful. From here, I'm gonna slowly tilt the left ear over the left shoulder. Place your left hand on your heart space. Right fingertips come to the earth. Breathe deep here, maybe walking the right fingertips back. Oop, tickling Benji's paw. Feel that stretch in the side neck, that lengthening through the crown. Notice how that's connected to the shoulder and the scaps. Keep the heart lifted towards your left palm. And then slowly begin to float the right fingertips up. Press your palm into an imaginary surface and breathe deep. Spread the fingers. One more breathe, inhale. And exhale, and then slowly bring everything back to center. Palms come together in prayer. Big breath in. Relax the shoulders as you breathe out. Good. Right ear over right shoulder. Right palm to the heart space. And left fingertips to the earth. Pause here, just check in. Close your eyes. Playing with the subtle body here today. So there is some gross big movements, right? But see if you can find that subtle body connection as you breathe deep. And when you're ready, draw the shoulder blades together here, start to lift the left fingertips up. Press your left palm into an imaginary surface and notice, pay attention to the sensation here. Finding of course, soft easing movement, as you're ready, as feels good. Staying really present with your experience, whatever it may be. Create more awareness. Cool, take a deep breath in. Exhale, release. And slowly bring everything back to center, palms together at the heart. Inhale in, check it out. Exhale out through the mouth, cleansing breath. Inhale in through the nose. Come on now, don't be shy. Exhale out the the mouth. Let something go. And one more as if you were fogging up a window as you breathe out. Inhale. Exhale. Good, from here we're gonna come on to our knees. If coming on to the knees is not suitable for you, you can modify or you can use a little blanky by bringing it underneath the knees. I think the modification for this is to just stay in cross-legged seat. But you can explore. Wow, I hope my mic picked that up 'cause Benji was doing like a throat chakra. (huffs) cleansing breath. He's so in tune. Okay. So from the knees, we're gonna inhale in, lift the chest. Exhale, slowly slide your hips over to your left side so your toes are towards each other or together on your right. Fingertips are gonna come down at your side. Inhale, lift the left arm all the way up to start. Reach reach reach towards the sky. Feel that lengthening from your left waist line. And then take it all the way over. Tuck the chin slightly. Lengthen through the back of the neck. Feel that long deep stretch in the left side body. Inhale to look up towards your left fingertips. Opening up through the throat. And then exhale to slowly bring everything back. Come to center and take it to the other side. First, we reach straight up, right arm all the way up. Think about reaching up from your left, right waistline from your right waist band. So up first, inhale. Exhale, hug the ribs in. Find your tilt. Pull the right thumb back. Breathe deep here. Feel that stretch as you breathe in, that expansion. Hug the low ribs in as you breathe out. Last moment here, inhale carve a line with the nose to look up towards your right fingertips, opening up through the throat. And then exhale to release everything, bring it back through center. Awesome. Interlace the fingertips now. Palms face up. Then loop the shoulders, sit up nice and tall. Bring the thumbs together. Little Mudra here. So you're creating a little hammock with your hands, with your palms. And then thumbprints come to kiss. Close your eyes. Make a wish. Just kidding. Close your eyes. And again, you can repeat the mantra, the affirmation quietly. This time maybe adding in I choose. I choose to speak my truth, openly and freely. Quietly repeat to yourself, or whisper to yourself. I choose to speak my truth, openly and freely. Sweet. Drop the chin to the chest. Release the Mudra, open your eyes. Rock and roll. No let's come forward to all fours. Take your time. Tabletop Position. Inhale, drop the belly, open the chest. Open your heart forward. Open the throat. Exhale with your breath, round through chin to chest. Contract navel to spine, chin to heart center. Inhale, open the heart. Open the throat, look forward breathe in. Exhale, press into your foundation, chin to chest. Find that lock. One more with the sound of your breath, go for it. Good, then on your next inhale, come back to neutral spine. Drop those elbows exactly where the hands were. Try to keep your forearms parallel. So your elbows are gonna wanna come out here most likely with tight shoulders, so keep the elbows right underneath the shoulders. Keep the forearms parallel. Pet your puppy dog, or your pet if you have one. Aww. Then reestablish your foundation, (laughs) bring your gaze back down after looking at Benji. And let's walk it back. Keep the forearms planted. Pin the elbows down. Spread the fingertips evenly. Slowly release the heart, the throat, the forehead towards the earth. Big heart opener here. Opening up through the shoulders. It's gonna be a little sticky. But keep your elbows planted in line with your shoulders. Then send the tailbone up. Create a little slide with the spine. Let the low ribs hang down. Anahatasana, Heart to Earth pose. You can ticktock the hips a little left to right. Try to keep your fingertips firmly connected, planted to the earth so lots of awareness in your foundation here. Pressing the tops of the feet, carve a line with the nose. Slide on into home. Sphinx Pose, tuck the chin first to start here. Press into your pubic bone. Then inhale, slowly carve a line with the nose to look forward. Inhale in here. Exhale. Again inhale in through the nose. And this time as you exhale out through the mouth with sound, press into your elbows. Grow a little taller. And one more. You got this. Notice what's happening in the abdominal walls as you breathe out with sound. Inhale. Exhale, reestablish that connection through the elbows. Grow taller. Good, send your gaze past your right shoulder. Come to your center, send your gaze past your left shoulder. What's up? And then slowly back to center. Tuck the chin. Find that chin lock, broaden through the back of the neck. Curl the toes under, inhale in. Exhale, lift the hips, reach the heels back, Forearm Plank. Tuck the chin, press into the palms, fingerprints firmly planted. Find that hollow body here. Imagine your placing the little teacup on the back of the neck. So there's a straight line from the throat to the crown. Three, two, on the one, slowly lower the knees. Go back through that Puppy Posture, walk the knees back. So you can stay here today, Puppy Posture or inhale in, exhale, hug the low ribs in. Lift one elbow then the other. Curl the toes under and send your hips up high and back, Downward Facing Dog. To start here, you can find a little movement. Make sure the base is nice and wide here. So walk your hands out. Spread the fingers evenly. Index fingers are pointing forward. Great, biceps by the ears. And after you've take a couple of moments to find some soft easy movement, find stillness here. Return to the sound of your breath. Inhale in. Exhale out. Inhale in again. Exhale, slowly come back down to the knees. Walk the knees back. Bring them together. Slow and steady, come to the belly. Zip the legs up tight. Interlace the fingertips behind your tail, tuck the chin as you draw the shoulder blades together. Inhale in. Exhale, press into your foundation to slowly send your gaze forward. No need to crunch here. Great. Reestablish connection through the pubic bone, tops of the feet, inhale in. Exhale, maybe lift a little higher. Inhale in. Exhale slowly release, hands come underneath the shoulders. We're gonna curl the toes under. Press up to all fours or Plank. Yogi's choice. Deep breath in here. Long breath out. Slowly lower to the knees. Tuck the chin into the chest, just like Cat Pose. Press into the tops of the feet (clears throat) excuse me. And slowly roll it up. Great, hands come to the waistline here. Head over heart, heart over pelvis. Inhale in. Exhale, press into the tops of the feet. Send your tailbone down towards the ground, lean back just a bit. Start to open your heart space up towards the sky. Hug the elbows into the side body. Draw the shoulder blades together. Little Camel variation, nothing crazy. If you wanna do Camel, it's in your body, you can. But, perhaps you're not that warmed up for Camel, in my opinion, so just keep it chill. Great. Lift the heart, lift the chin. Crown of the head is lengthening, not collapsing. Awesome work. Slowly bring it back by connect to your core to center. And then slowly we'll sit back onto the heels. Just find an upright spine here to start. Head over heart, heart over pelvis. And lining from the root to the crown. Excellent. From here, we're gonna use the hands. You're gonna come onto the hands. Bring the two big toes together. Knees nice and wide. Dial the hands, excuse me, the left fingers around and back towards your body. Right fingers around and back towards your body. Walk the hands back as you feel comfortable. Lion's Breath. Inhale in through the nose. Exhale, tongue out gaze you up towards your third eye. Two more, you got this. Don't be shy, inhale. Exhale, Lion's Breath. And really go for this next one. Why not? What have you got to lose? See what happens, inhale. Exhale. Good, gently come forward. Release the hands, bring them all the way forward. Extended Child's Pose. Forehead comes to the earth. Rest your sweet heart, close your eyes, soften your jaw, part the lips. We'll take five final relaxing breaths here. Pay attention to that moment between the inhale and the exhale. Imagine you're coming in to your own private little love cave here to soothe any aches, to calm any anxiety, and to welcome your energetic body, your energetic channels to clear. So that you can feel good, because when you feel good, you attract all that you need and you equip yourself with the tools to provide for others, serve others. Find that meaningful contribution to society, whatever it is for you. Getting your energy right is key. A couple more quiet breaths. Relax the jaw again, and slowly start to massage the forehead. Connecting the heart to the throat to the third eye. Then when you're ready, smile, take a deep breath in. As you exhale, slowly rise back up. Come to a nice comfortable seat of your choice. And bring your fingertips to the tops of your shoulders. Smile, sit up tall. Lift the elbows, inhale in. Exhale twist to one side. And you're just gonna go back and forth here. Just bringing little energy stimulating through the mid back all the way up through the throat, all the way up to the crown. Low body's nice and heavy, nice and grounded. Breathing deep. Back and forth. Ooh, I can feel it. Alright and then we'll release it by bringing the palms to the knees or the thighs. Just take a second to notice how you feel. If you like that, you can do it a little bit longer after this video. It's a great way to kinda get the juices flowing. Hmm. Alright bring the palms together. Lift your sternum to your thumbs, and we'll seal this deal by saying, what are we gonna say Benji? He said, "Namaste." Thanks everyone. (upbeat music)