- Hey everyone and welcome to TRUE, your 30 day yoga journey. It's day 26. Be still my beating heart. Hop into something comfy and let's get started. (uplifting music) Okay, my friends. Let's begin today in a nice comfortable seat. We're gonna begin with alternate nostril breathing. So we're gonna bring it all in with a little Pranayama today. So no matter what your day is like or your morning, or your evening, or whenever you're practicing, we can use this breath to really just come spiral into the present moment and find a little stillness. Stillness doesn't always mean stillness in body although we'll play a little bit with that today. It can be something that we strive to return to on a regular basis just to keep the inner ecosystem healthy. I think you probably know what I'm talking about. If you don't, shoot me an email. No, I'm just kidding. Sit up nice and tall. Let's just get settled in here. Take a deep breath in. And as we've been doing, use that exhale to actively relax your shoulders down. Now the idea is that we kind of get in the habit of doing this simple gesture of love and then on the mat and then you do it more naturally and it's more available at the ready for you off the mat. So it's very simple. Just take a nice conscious breath in and use your exhale to consciously relax your shoulders down. Great, then we're just going to nod the head a little bit "Yes" and "No" but nice and slow so you can really pay attention to this sensation as you drop your chin down and lift your chin up. Then bring it back to center and of course take it the other way. And as you do this, see if you can activate the upper back body a bit. So if you're rounding down here, see if you can draw the shoulder blades together and lift your heart up a little more. Yeah, yeah! Alright, come back to center and we'll begin. You're gonna take the hand that you dominate with. (laughs) That sounds wrong. Your dominant hand, any hand. And we're gonna plug the right nostril with the thumb. Take a deep breath in through your left nostril. You're gonna pause at the top, hold your breath, retain the breath, and then you're gonna seal the left nostril with your ring finger and then exhale out through the right nostril. And inhale through the right nostril. We always pause, retain, switch and seal at the top and then exhale out through your left nostril. Alright, here we go. Inhale it. Pause, seal and switch. Exhale all the way out. Long exhale. Inhale. Pause at the top, switch, seal, and exhale. Inhale. Retain the breath at the top, seal and switch and then exhale. Now soften your gaze. Close your eyes and keep it going. Seeing if you can really elongate the breath. Keep the shoulders relaxed. A gentle lift in the heart. And once you get a little rhythm, see if you can, again, close your eyes or soften your gaze so you can really feel this out. Feel the soothing effects of this Pranayama Nadi Shodhana. Then go ahead and even it out. Even out right side, left side. Then you'll release both hands to the knees or the thighs and take a deep breath in through both nostrils and exhale out through both nostrils. Just take a moment to find stillness. This Pranayama practice known to quiet or to still the mind. Excellent for anxiety or just that anxious energy. Chaotic energy. Awesome, then gently open your eyes, we'll bring the hands together. Bow the head to the hands and then let's dive on in. We're gonna come onto all fours, Tabletop Position. Take a couple rounds of Cat-Cow when you're ready. Placing the hands and feet mindfully and starting to really sync up with your breath here. You know what to do, inhale, drop the belly. Exhale around through the spine. Use this as an opportunity to really explore how you're feeling today. Chances are there are places that might be a little sore, a little awake from your previous practices. So I've said it before but careful, no yoga robots here. Cat-Cow, you know, like, use it as an opportunity to explore and that said, you can go ahead and veer off the railroad tracks whenever you feel like it. Bumping the hips a little left to right. Checking in with the side body, the shoulders, maybe the feet. And then you're gonna use this little dance that you've created. Keep a mindful awareness in the hands. We'll use this dance to slowly curl the toes under and make your way to Downward Facing Dog. Keep it going, find that flow. As you deepen your breath, stretch it out. And then you're gonna plant the hands mindfully. Make sure they're not too narrow here but widen the hands a bit today. Maybe even turn pinkies out, thumbs towards the front of your mat just a bit so you can feel that outer rotation because we're gonna come to stillness here as you're ready allowing the blood to flow to the head as you draw the navel in just a bit here. So if you're dumping all your energy towards your knees, see if you can draw the navel in a bit to support the back body and we'll find stillness here. Let your breath move within this structure. Then we'll slowly bend the knees. Look forward and then you're gonna take baby steps, just baby steps, tippy-toe steps all the way to the top so take your time getting there. There's a bit of humility of course in this transition, always, that I love so don't bypass that awesome opportunity to connect with that, always good. And then we'll come to Forward Fold at the top of the mat. Clasp the elbows, rock a little side to side. And then bend your knees, send some extra love to your lower back. Begin to listen with more intention to the sound of your breath. So really get obsessed with the sound of your breath here, today. And then release the arms and when you're ready, you slowly roll it up. And then go ahead and bring the hands together as roll up into your Mountain. And then yogi's choice, feet hip width apart or really together, just nice conscious footing. Toes pointed forward then you're gonna squeeze the shoulders up to the ears. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, take a deep breath in. Then bring them up, up, up, around and back. Loop the shoulders, lift your heart. Tailbone lengthens down, you feel plugged in, connected, active in the lower body. And then we're gonna slowly just lift all the toes and then place the toes down nice and slow. Just a little awareness in all four corners of the feet. Awesome. Then we're gonna bend the knees, here we go, big inhale to reach for the sky. Now you're gonna stay here, open the palms, wrap the shoulder blades around, and then press through all four corners of the feet. You can even lift the toes again if that helps. Draw energy up from the arches. Volcano Pose. Draw energy in so hug the lower ribs in and then draw energy up. Volcano Pose. Tuck the chin and then start to breath like you love yourself here. Nice full, deep breaths. And then you're gonna send your gaze just down past your nose. Lift the kneecaps, kind of engage the quads. Tailbone lengthens down. The body is really active here. We're playing with reaching and lifting and then grounding. That stability with that ease. Keep breathing here, you got it. Volcano Pose. So the energetic body is working here, playing with balancing those two opposing energies. Explore for one more breath cycle. I know your arms are getting tired. Stick with me, stick with it. Awesome, then inhale to carve a line with your nose to look up. Exhale, palms come together, and you're gonna bend the knees, and slowly, mindfully take it down through the midline all the way down to your Forward Fold. Nice. Inhale. Halfway lift your version. Just find length in the spine. Tug the shoulders away from the ears. And then exhale, soften and fold. Great. From here, right toes are gonna slide all the way back and we'll lower the right knee. Inhale. Sweep the arms all the way up. Your volcano arms, big stretch, big breath. Exhale, from here, the navel draws in and up. We've got this. We're gonna lift up, straighten the leg and paint a wall to come all the way back down. Bend that left knee, pull that left hip crease back. Breathe deep and then on your next inhale, take a moment to open through the chest and then bow the head forward. Then rolling through your left foot, you're gonna lift the back knee. We got this. Inhale, high lunge, you can always keep it lower. Reach the fingertips all the way up. Big stretch, big breath. You're connected. Big volcano arms here. And then exhale and release it all the way down. Pyramid variation. Lift up from the hips so lift the hips up high and then you're gonna walk that back foot in and option to stick with the variation or bring the heel down but you're gonna wanna walk it in just a bit. Inhale. Exhale. Bend your back knee. You're gonna simply step the back foot up to meet the front. Forward Fold. Inhale, halfway lift, reset. Exhale, fold. Slide the left toes back, now. Lower the left knee. Inhale, sweep the arms up. Connect. Draw energy up, ground down. Find your moment of stillness, here. Big breath. And then to exhale, here we go, navel draws in and up, we straighten through the front leg and we're gonna paint the wall to come all the way down. Then bend through that front knee just a bit. Pull the right hip crease back. Use an inhale to open, broaden through the chest. And then an exhale to bow the head forward and down. So drop what the pose looks like. I could come here but I'm working with what's going on in my body today. Keep that in mind. Take stock. Rolling through the right foot when you're ready. Lifting that back knee up if you like and then here we go, big inhale to sweep the arms all the way and overhead. Find a moment of stillness, here. Big breath, big stretch. And then exhale to take it down. Step the back foot in, Pyramid variation. Or if you like, you can drop that heel. Breathe deep. Keep lifting up through the right hip crease so it's pulling back. And then bend your back knee and we're gonna rock the back foot up to meet the front, Forward Fold. Inhale to halfway lift, your version. Reset. And exhale to fold. Awesome. Big inhale to reach for the sky. And exhale, hands to heart. Find stillness, close your eyes, observe the breath. Great then bat the eyelashes open. Bend your knees and here we go, inhale and reach for the sky, Volcano Pose. Lift the toes, connect, draw energy from the arches up through the kneecaps, the inner thighs. Inner thighs spiral in and the tailbone lengthens down, we feel that connect. Big breath, big stretch. Maybe this time you take the gaze all the way up. And then if you're holding your breath here, don't do that. (laughs) Breathe deep. When you are in stillness can you allow the breath to move you? One more breath, you've got this. Maybe lean back a bit. Press into your heels. Great and then bring the palms together and slow and with control, with finesse, all the way down, no force. Inhale, halfway lift, your version. Find length and then exhale to soften and bow. Plant the palms, step the right toes back, step the left toes back, gonna get off the arms today. So only one breath here. Inhale in and then exhale all the way onto the belly. Beautiful. You're gonna press into the pubic bone here. Press into the tops of the feet. Interlace the fingertips behind the back. Keep it nice and easy here as you look the shoulders, once again, tuck the chin, inhale, and exhale. Lift the chest, nice and easy. Gaze is down, keep the chin tucking here. Breathing deep and then find stillness and just allow your breath to move you here. Then take one more breath here and then on an exhale, release. Press into the palms, connect to your center, come back to all fours, curl the toes under, and gently peel the tail up, Downward Facing Dog. Right away we're gonna inhale. Lift the right leg up high. Claw through the fingertips and exhale. Step it all the way up and in to your lunge. We're gonna bring the right hand over to meet the left and we'll lower the back knee coming into a Lizard variation here. Now, breathe deep. Full body awareness. Notice what's going on today. Every practice is different. You gotta be really present with your body in this moment. Your Lizard that you did before is gonna be different now or maybe you've never come into this shape before and so paying attention. If you feel good here, you might experiment with coming to the forearms. You might lift that back knee up. Breathing deep here, we want to get into a place where we can find stillness in the body and allow the breath to really move within that. So once you feel like you've set yourself up for greatness, pull the right hip crease back, lift the hips up just like in Pyramid and breathe. Nice, long, beautiful neck. Lots of awareness, cultivating a healthy flow of energy up and down your spinal chord. Breathing deep. Back knee can be lowered or lifted. Use the stillness to push you into a breath with more depth. Beautiful. Use the hands to slowly come up. Really, really nice. We're gonna walk the right foot back to center and then we're gonna repeat this runner's stretch. This time pressing into the top of the back foot. So give those toes a break and pull the right hip crease back, nice and easy. A little wave in the spine, inhale to look forward, exhale to release. Awesome. Slowly coming through, we'll plant the palms. We're just gonna step it right back to the Downward Dog. Inhale, lift the left leg up high. Here we go. Exhale, slow and steady up into your lunge. Great. Lower the back knee, bring the left hand around and let's see what this side is like. Breathing deep. So remember, be aware. And then once you feel like you've figured out where you would like to be on this side, be still. Let your breath move you within that stillness. Find more depth. And then honestly, watch the magic unfold when you do this, when you find stillness and allow the breath the move within that. And then notice if it's hard to be still in this. I notice on this side it's very hard for me to be still and this is great information. Just keep listening. And then connect to your center, your core as you press into the palms. Slowly come up and walk that left foot in. Lower the back knee if it isn't already and then here we go, we'll pull the left hip crease back, flex the left toes towards your face, find a little wave in the spine, catch a wave, inhale, press into the top of that back foot to just give that foot a break and then bow the head. Awesome. Slowly bring it forward. We're gonna plant the palms. Step it back to Downward Dog. This is it, we're near the end here. So take a nice deep breath in. Exhale out through the mouth and find stillness. Inner thighs rotate in, upper arm bones rotate out. Upper arm bones, that was hard. Sits bones shine left to right, hip creases lift. Claw through the fingertips. Draw the lower ribs in. Find stillness here. Breathe deep. Your spirit, your breath, swirling and whirling inside your container. So alive, waking up the inner ecosystem. Yes. (laughs) Take a deep breath in. Slow descend of the knees down. Beautiful. Come to nice, comfortable seat of your choice. It can be cross-legged, it can be on the knees, and you're gonna flip the palms up in whatever seat you choose and sit up nice and tall and just feel that flush of energy. Try not to fidget here if you can. Just be really still. Feel the flush of energy. Just notice anything at all and it doesn't have to be positive, if you have a little bit of a headache today, let's notice that, too. It's all good. Yoga. So good for headaches, by the way. So many wonderful healing tools in the practice. Alright, take one more cycle of breath to be really still. Listen to the sounds around you. I love stillness practice and I love practicing being still because one, to me it's really elegant. Two, it really is a nice way of slowing down and honoring where you are, exactly where you are and who you are. Honoring the practice. Let's bring the palms together. Draw those thumbs up to the third eye. Speaking of honor. Honoring the highest within ourselves and each other. Killing it. Doing awesome. I'll see you tomorrow. Take good care. Namaste. (uplifting music)