1 00:00:00,300 --> 00:00:01,367 - What's up everyone? 2 00:00:01,367 --> 00:00:03,537 Welcome to 31 days of Yoga Revolution. 3 00:00:03,537 --> 00:00:05,973 I'm Adriene and it's day six! 4 00:00:06,840 --> 00:00:11,332 And the practice is awareness and abs. 5 00:00:11,332 --> 00:00:13,213 Six pack abs. 6 00:00:13,213 --> 00:00:15,782 Chka-chka-chka-chka -chka-chka-chkhhhh. 7 00:00:15,782 --> 00:00:16,984 Let's get started. 8 00:00:16,984 --> 00:00:20,487 (upbeat music) 9 00:00:25,626 --> 00:00:29,096 Alright my friends, let's begin in a nice, comfortable seat, 10 00:00:29,096 --> 00:00:32,499 cross-legged or maybe you try kneeling today. 11 00:00:32,499 --> 00:00:34,234 Come into a seat, get down on your mat, 12 00:00:34,234 --> 00:00:36,603 start to tune in to the sound of your breath 13 00:00:36,603 --> 00:00:40,607 right away here as you sit up nice and tall. 14 00:00:40,607 --> 00:00:42,843 And we're diving in today, day six is always 15 00:00:42,843 --> 00:00:45,546 one of my favorite days. 16 00:00:45,546 --> 00:00:47,080 And as you sit up nice and tall, 17 00:00:47,080 --> 00:00:49,516 tuck the chin slightly in, perhaps imagine 18 00:00:49,516 --> 00:00:53,053 you're leaning up against a wall, so nice and long 19 00:00:53,053 --> 00:00:54,888 and tall in the spine. 20 00:00:57,157 --> 00:00:58,759 And then see if you can listen to the sound 21 00:00:58,759 --> 00:01:01,161 of your breath as you inhale. 22 00:01:03,263 --> 00:01:06,266 And see if you can hear your exhale. 23 00:01:10,537 --> 00:01:13,273 So before we move the body today 24 00:01:13,273 --> 00:01:16,543 and before we get ripped, just kidding, 25 00:01:18,078 --> 00:01:20,914 see if you can just drop in and listen to the sound 26 00:01:20,914 --> 00:01:24,985 of your breath, become more aware of your breath. 27 00:01:29,623 --> 00:01:32,826 And then as you invite more awareness in, 28 00:01:32,826 --> 00:01:35,062 just slowly begin to nod the head, 29 00:01:35,062 --> 00:01:36,463 but don't kick the head all the way back 30 00:01:36,463 --> 00:01:37,297 crunching in the neck. 31 00:01:37,297 --> 00:01:40,834 In fact, see if you can stay leaning up against that wall, 32 00:01:40,834 --> 00:01:44,530 so it's kind of subtle here, perhaps imagining 33 00:01:44,530 --> 00:01:47,708 drawing lines up and down with the nose. 34 00:01:47,708 --> 00:01:50,344 So no head banging here. 35 00:01:50,344 --> 00:01:52,446 Do that on your own time, okay? 36 00:01:52,446 --> 00:01:55,415 This is our awareness practice. 37 00:01:55,415 --> 00:01:56,783 (laughs) 38 00:01:56,783 --> 00:01:58,919 And then shake the head no, and then just keep it soft 39 00:01:58,919 --> 00:02:01,254 and easy, so again, we're not really trying 40 00:02:01,254 --> 00:02:05,527 to check off the yoga tasks, but rather, 41 00:02:06,159 --> 00:02:08,527 cultivate an awareness so that we're really listening 42 00:02:08,527 --> 00:02:10,263 and paying attention. 43 00:02:11,865 --> 00:02:15,836 So it's kind of easy, especially in the yoga asana practice 44 00:02:15,836 --> 00:02:19,206 to just try to fit the structure. 45 00:02:19,206 --> 00:02:21,808 You see a picture or an image and you want to match 46 00:02:21,808 --> 00:02:24,845 that image, but we actually end up losing 47 00:02:24,845 --> 00:02:27,030 and missing out on all the yummy stuff 48 00:02:27,030 --> 00:02:29,149 that yoga has to offer. 49 00:02:29,149 --> 00:02:33,353 So today's all about honoring, cheerleading 50 00:02:33,353 --> 00:02:35,856 that awareness practice and paying attention 51 00:02:35,856 --> 00:02:37,557 to what's really going on. 52 00:02:37,557 --> 00:02:39,226 Alright, bring the head back to center stillness. 53 00:02:39,226 --> 00:02:40,727 We're gonna sit up nice and tall. 54 00:02:40,727 --> 00:02:43,330 Take a deep breath in. 55 00:02:43,330 --> 00:02:46,967 And use the exhale to relax the shoulders down. 56 00:02:46,967 --> 00:02:49,169 Then inhale, send the fingertips forward. 57 00:02:49,169 --> 00:02:50,704 Spread the fingertips super wide, 58 00:02:50,704 --> 00:02:53,640 so lots of awareness in every fingertip. 59 00:02:53,640 --> 00:02:56,143 And then exhale, tug the shoulders back, 60 00:02:56,143 --> 00:02:58,445 plug the shoulders into socket and lift your heart. 61 00:02:58,445 --> 00:03:00,147 And we'll do that two more times just to play. 62 00:03:00,147 --> 00:03:02,449 Inhale, reach, spread the shoulder blades, 63 00:03:02,449 --> 00:03:04,751 your wings flare out here. 64 00:03:04,751 --> 00:03:08,121 And then exhale, plug the shoulders in. 65 00:03:08,121 --> 00:03:12,325 And then one more time, stretch and reach, 66 00:03:12,325 --> 00:03:14,861 and exhale, shoulder blades draw in 67 00:03:14,861 --> 00:03:18,198 and then maybe down the back body, awesome. 68 00:03:18,198 --> 00:03:19,933 Long, beautiful neck here. 69 00:03:19,933 --> 00:03:22,869 Inhale in, smile, or tap into that inner smile. 70 00:03:22,869 --> 00:03:24,938 Important when doing core work. 71 00:03:24,938 --> 00:03:29,823 And then exhale, send the fingertips down, Thriller arms. 72 00:03:30,477 --> 00:03:32,245 So you can find soft, easy movement here. 73 00:03:32,245 --> 00:03:35,015 If it feels good, you can cross and get 74 00:03:35,015 --> 00:03:36,950 a little creative here. 75 00:03:39,820 --> 00:03:43,356 Feeling that stretch in the forearm while still 76 00:03:43,356 --> 00:03:45,959 maintaining that awareness in the shoulders 77 00:03:45,959 --> 00:03:47,627 and plugging them in and lifting up 78 00:03:47,627 --> 00:03:49,296 through the center channel. 79 00:03:49,296 --> 00:03:50,430 Alright, flip the script, 80 00:03:50,430 --> 00:03:52,699 if you need a little more you can take one hand 81 00:03:52,699 --> 00:03:54,768 to the opposite fingers for a stretch. 82 00:03:54,768 --> 00:03:56,203 Chuw, chuw, chuw. 83 00:03:57,504 --> 00:03:59,573 And for many, especially if you're new to the practice, 84 00:03:59,573 --> 00:04:01,641 I just want to acknowledge that it's hard to sit up 85 00:04:01,641 --> 00:04:04,411 this straight for this long. 86 00:04:04,411 --> 00:04:06,913 So with practice it becomes second nature, 87 00:04:06,913 --> 00:04:09,182 but I want to acknowledge that if you're new 88 00:04:09,182 --> 00:04:11,218 to the practice, because I remember when 89 00:04:11,218 --> 00:04:13,086 I first began yoga asana practice, 90 00:04:13,086 --> 00:04:14,955 just even being able to sit up tall, 91 00:04:14,955 --> 00:04:17,357 even all through the beginning of my teacher training, 92 00:04:17,357 --> 00:04:19,358 it was like, oh my gosh. 93 00:04:20,293 --> 00:04:22,662 But now, my muscle memory and my awareness 94 00:04:22,662 --> 00:04:27,267 is that I can kind of cultivate this lift with ease, 95 00:04:27,267 --> 00:04:29,636 so that's the goal anyway. 96 00:04:29,636 --> 00:04:32,239 Alright, so after you've done some work in the arms 97 00:04:32,239 --> 00:04:36,243 and the wrist and the hands, take the hands out, 98 00:04:37,677 --> 00:04:40,647 find this L-shape with the index finger and thumb, 99 00:04:40,647 --> 00:04:42,182 and then maintain that as you again, 100 00:04:42,182 --> 00:04:43,250 keep the shoulders plugged in. 101 00:04:43,250 --> 00:04:45,118 And then we're just gonna turn the right fingertips out 102 00:04:45,118 --> 00:04:47,721 to the right as if you're opening up a jar 103 00:04:47,721 --> 00:04:50,457 or turning a doorknob without clasping it. 104 00:04:50,457 --> 00:04:51,291 (laughs) 105 00:04:51,291 --> 00:04:52,125 Hey-o. 106 00:04:53,527 --> 00:04:56,630 Yeah, and then see if you can acknowledge, 107 00:04:56,630 --> 00:04:57,864 have awareness in the shoulder 108 00:04:57,864 --> 00:05:00,367 that this is moving as one part. 109 00:05:00,367 --> 00:05:02,769 So the top of the shoulder, the upper arm bone 110 00:05:02,769 --> 00:05:05,872 moves with that rotation of open and close, open and close. 111 00:05:05,872 --> 00:05:06,840 And then try it with the other hand. 112 00:05:06,840 --> 00:05:08,942 If your arm's tired, you can release right hand. 113 00:05:08,942 --> 00:05:11,044 Try it with the left hand opening out. 114 00:05:11,044 --> 00:05:12,779 And you can even exaggerate it a little bit, 115 00:05:12,779 --> 00:05:16,202 so you can feel, and if you're tight in the shoulders, 116 00:05:16,202 --> 00:05:18,385 I actually recommend really exaggerating it 117 00:05:18,385 --> 00:05:20,220 so you can go oh yeah. 118 00:05:21,955 --> 00:05:25,980 There's somethin' goin' on there. 119 00:05:25,980 --> 00:05:27,394 Of course, it'll be different for everyone. 120 00:05:27,394 --> 00:05:29,663 Alright, let's do both just for a little fun. 121 00:05:29,663 --> 00:05:30,630 (grunts) 122 00:05:30,630 --> 00:05:32,599 Cool dance moves, where'd you learn them? 123 00:05:32,599 --> 00:05:33,833 Yoga with Adriene. 124 00:05:33,833 --> 00:05:36,838 Okay. (laughs) 125 00:05:36,838 --> 00:05:38,271 A true revolutionary. 126 00:05:38,271 --> 00:05:40,740 Okay, here we go, and hands are probably getting tired, 127 00:05:40,740 --> 00:05:42,609 so let's take 'em forward and apply 128 00:05:42,609 --> 00:05:44,211 this rotation to all fours. 129 00:05:44,211 --> 00:05:45,245 Deep breath in. 130 00:05:45,245 --> 00:05:47,747 Exhale all the way forward. 131 00:05:47,747 --> 00:05:50,250 Feel the blood rush down. 132 00:05:50,250 --> 00:05:53,653 Come to your tabletop position. 133 00:05:53,653 --> 00:05:56,022 Big cleansing breath here as you inhale. 134 00:05:56,022 --> 00:05:57,791 Exhale, press away from your yoga mat 135 00:05:57,791 --> 00:06:02,229 and pay attention to how you place your hands. 136 00:06:02,229 --> 00:06:03,697 Then remember that rotation here 137 00:06:03,697 --> 00:06:06,366 as you draw the upper arm bones out and away 138 00:06:06,366 --> 00:06:07,667 and lift up through the chest 139 00:06:07,667 --> 00:06:09,836 just like we did in seated position. 140 00:06:09,836 --> 00:06:11,404 Then don't forget about the feet. 141 00:06:11,404 --> 00:06:13,506 Press into the feet, here we go, Cat-Cow, 142 00:06:13,506 --> 00:06:15,775 so playing with that rotation of the shoulder, 143 00:06:15,775 --> 00:06:17,344 today it's gonna be really important. 144 00:06:17,344 --> 00:06:20,213 The bony part of the elbow is pointing back. 145 00:06:20,213 --> 00:06:22,882 Rooted through the index finger and thumb, 146 00:06:22,882 --> 00:06:23,750 let's stretch the belly. 147 00:06:23,750 --> 00:06:26,486 Inhale, tailbone up, heart open. 148 00:06:26,486 --> 00:06:29,956 Maybe you gaze up towards your third eye. 149 00:06:29,956 --> 00:06:31,658 And then exhale, rounding through. 150 00:06:31,658 --> 00:06:34,027 Start at the tailbone and really find articulation 151 00:06:34,027 --> 00:06:36,943 up through the spine. Don't blow through this. 152 00:06:38,064 --> 00:06:40,634 Inhale, drop the belly. 153 00:06:40,634 --> 00:06:41,868 Shine your heart forward. 154 00:06:41,868 --> 00:06:43,770 Feel the muscles of the belly stretch here. 155 00:06:43,770 --> 00:06:47,407 Start to have more awareness of sensation in the belly. 156 00:06:47,407 --> 00:06:50,143 And then exhale, press into the tops of the feet, 157 00:06:50,143 --> 00:06:53,313 rounding through the spine, Cat Pose. 158 00:06:53,313 --> 00:06:56,816 Inhale, drop the belly, keep going here with your breath. 159 00:06:56,816 --> 00:06:59,252 Press into your hands. 160 00:06:59,252 --> 00:07:02,155 And exhale, rounding through, Cat Pose. 161 00:07:02,155 --> 00:07:03,556 Really get a good stretch here. 162 00:07:03,556 --> 00:07:05,191 Lots of awareness in the back body, 163 00:07:05,191 --> 00:07:07,560 in the muscles of the back body. 164 00:07:07,560 --> 00:07:09,629 Let's do one more. 165 00:07:09,629 --> 00:07:10,497 Are you breathing? 166 00:07:10,497 --> 00:07:13,166 Are you moving with your breath? 167 00:07:14,000 --> 00:07:16,102 Exhale, rounding through. 168 00:07:17,337 --> 00:07:20,940 Fabulous, come back to tabletop, nice, neutral spine. 169 00:07:20,940 --> 00:07:22,509 And then nice and easy, drop the elbows 170 00:07:22,509 --> 00:07:24,010 where the hands are and walk the knees 171 00:07:24,010 --> 00:07:25,812 back for Puppy Posture. 172 00:07:25,812 --> 00:07:27,236 This is a great stretch. 173 00:07:27,236 --> 00:07:29,182 This is a great place to come to if you need a break 174 00:07:29,182 --> 00:07:31,952 during today's practice. 175 00:07:31,952 --> 00:07:33,953 Opening the shoulders. 176 00:07:33,953 --> 00:07:35,021 Forehead comes to the mat, 177 00:07:35,021 --> 00:07:36,890 and you can find soft, easy movement here 178 00:07:36,890 --> 00:07:40,527 or let the body be still and let the power of the breath 179 00:07:40,527 --> 00:07:42,529 move you, yogi's choice. 180 00:07:45,432 --> 00:07:47,600 Mm, highly recommend wiping your mat down 181 00:07:47,600 --> 00:07:52,465 with some lavender before your practice, or after. 182 00:07:52,806 --> 00:07:57,010 I'm smelling mine now and it's a big plus. 183 00:07:57,010 --> 00:07:57,977 A-plus. 184 00:07:57,977 --> 00:07:58,812 A plus. 185 00:07:59,913 --> 00:08:01,207 Okay. (laughs) 186 00:08:01,207 --> 00:08:04,317 So, tops of the shoulders roll out. 187 00:08:04,317 --> 00:08:07,020 Keep that rotation here as you hug the navel 188 00:08:07,020 --> 00:08:11,891 up to the spine and slowly slide through, slide into home. 189 00:08:11,891 --> 00:08:14,027 Sphinx Pose, press into the tops of the feet. 190 00:08:14,027 --> 00:08:14,961 Press into the pubic bone. 191 00:08:14,961 --> 00:08:16,429 Don't let the shoulders collapse here, 192 00:08:16,429 --> 00:08:20,233 but keep that rotation and that awareness in the hands. 193 00:08:20,233 --> 00:08:22,969 As you inhale, open the chest. 194 00:08:22,969 --> 00:08:24,804 Now a little grace note here. 195 00:08:24,804 --> 00:08:26,806 Engage the upper abdominals. 196 00:08:26,806 --> 00:08:28,241 Hug the lower ribs in. 197 00:08:28,241 --> 00:08:29,409 (exhaling breath) 198 00:08:29,409 --> 00:08:30,643 And maybe tuck the chin, find length 199 00:08:30,643 --> 00:08:33,113 in the back of the neck. 200 00:08:33,113 --> 00:08:34,481 Breathe deep here. 201 00:08:34,481 --> 00:08:36,883 I mean this with the most love and kindness 202 00:08:36,883 --> 00:08:38,852 and friendship, but what are you waiting for? 203 00:08:38,852 --> 00:08:41,955 If you're not breathing, breathe deep, take your vitamins. 204 00:08:41,955 --> 00:08:45,258 Make the most of this time for yourself. 205 00:08:48,762 --> 00:08:52,532 Alright, one more breath here in Sphinx Pose. 206 00:08:54,200 --> 00:08:55,835 And then curl the toes under. 207 00:08:55,835 --> 00:08:56,936 Inhale, smile. 208 00:08:56,936 --> 00:08:58,872 Exhale, light it up! 209 00:08:58,872 --> 00:09:00,640 ♫ Dun nun nun dun nun nuh 210 00:09:00,640 --> 00:09:02,142 ♫ Forearm plank 211 00:09:02,142 --> 00:09:03,610 Alright, rock front, rock back. 212 00:09:03,610 --> 00:09:05,278 Lift the knees, lift the hips. 213 00:09:05,278 --> 00:09:07,781 And broaden through the upper back body. 214 00:09:07,781 --> 00:09:09,249 Hug the lower ribs in. 215 00:09:09,249 --> 00:09:11,618 Reach the crown of the head towards the front. 216 00:09:11,618 --> 00:09:13,253 Reach the heels towards the back, 217 00:09:13,253 --> 00:09:16,356 and we breathe here for five, breathe deep. 218 00:09:16,356 --> 00:09:18,458 Four, press into the hands. 219 00:09:18,458 --> 00:09:20,060 Three. 220 00:09:20,060 --> 00:09:22,295 Two, long, beautiful neck. 221 00:09:22,295 --> 00:09:23,129 And one. 222 00:09:23,129 --> 00:09:24,564 With control, don't collapse here, 223 00:09:24,564 --> 00:09:25,865 we're gonna slowly lower the knee 224 00:09:25,865 --> 00:09:27,967 and send it back to Puppy Posture. 225 00:09:27,967 --> 00:09:29,235 Inhale in. 226 00:09:29,235 --> 00:09:31,638 Exhale, sigh it out. 227 00:09:31,638 --> 00:09:32,839 Awesome work. 228 00:09:32,839 --> 00:09:34,774 Lift the elbows one at a time. 229 00:09:34,774 --> 00:09:37,177 Root down through your index finger and thumb, 230 00:09:37,177 --> 00:09:41,080 and slowly peel it up, Downward Facing Dog. 231 00:09:41,080 --> 00:09:44,284 Alright, let's stretch out the legs here. 232 00:09:44,284 --> 00:09:47,120 Play with that rotation of the shoulder, 233 00:09:47,120 --> 00:09:49,923 rooting down through the index finger and thumb. 234 00:09:49,923 --> 00:09:52,358 Give the feet some love here. 235 00:09:53,927 --> 00:09:56,696 Start to really drop into this time for yourself. 236 00:09:56,696 --> 00:09:58,798 Who said a workout couldn't be mindful 237 00:09:58,798 --> 00:10:00,633 and full of awareness? 238 00:10:02,435 --> 00:10:05,805 Should serve your mind and your body. 239 00:10:05,805 --> 00:10:09,976 And if you're open to it, your spirit, dang it, your soul, 240 00:10:12,212 --> 00:10:13,179 because you're worth it. 241 00:10:13,179 --> 00:10:15,415 Okay, one more breath here. 242 00:10:18,551 --> 00:10:20,620 Fabulous, then walk the feet together and inhale, 243 00:10:20,620 --> 00:10:23,490 lift the right leg up high. 244 00:10:23,490 --> 00:10:26,292 Exhale, knee to nose, rounding through, 245 00:10:26,292 --> 00:10:28,461 think Cat in the upper body. 246 00:10:28,461 --> 00:10:30,997 Inhale, lift it up, three-legged dog. 247 00:10:30,997 --> 00:10:35,034 Exhale, rounding through, right knee to right tricep. 248 00:10:35,034 --> 00:10:36,736 Inhale, lift it up. 249 00:10:36,736 --> 00:10:39,539 Exhale, cross it over, right knee to left tricep. 250 00:10:39,539 --> 00:10:40,974 Last one, you got this. 251 00:10:40,974 --> 00:10:43,076 Inhale, lift it up, three-legged dog. 252 00:10:43,076 --> 00:10:45,845 And exhale, all the way up and into your lunge. 253 00:10:45,845 --> 00:10:48,248 Lower the back knee if you need to catch your breath. 254 00:10:48,248 --> 00:10:51,684 Loop the shoulders, and we're gonna come all the way up. 255 00:10:51,684 --> 00:10:54,354 Inhale, reach the fingertips up towards the sky 256 00:10:54,354 --> 00:10:56,589 or hands can always go on the waistline. 257 00:10:56,589 --> 00:10:57,824 Feel the belly stretch. 258 00:10:57,824 --> 00:10:59,893 Maybe you start to grow a little backbend here, 259 00:10:59,893 --> 00:11:02,362 pressing into the top of that back foot. 260 00:11:02,362 --> 00:11:04,197 Big breath in. 261 00:11:04,197 --> 00:11:06,166 Exhale to release. 262 00:11:06,166 --> 00:11:07,600 Plant the palms. 263 00:11:07,600 --> 00:11:10,603 Keep that rotation of the shoulder here, 264 00:11:10,603 --> 00:11:13,406 and remember your two pickle jars opening. 265 00:11:13,406 --> 00:11:17,510 So you might even play with maybe taking your index finger 266 00:11:17,510 --> 00:11:19,112 towards the front edge of the mat today 267 00:11:19,112 --> 00:11:21,414 instead of your middle finger just to play. 268 00:11:21,414 --> 00:11:24,450 Alright, step it back to plank. 269 00:11:24,450 --> 00:11:27,320 Strong plank here, so press away from your yoga mat. 270 00:11:27,320 --> 00:11:29,088 Notice if you're lowering in the hips here 271 00:11:29,088 --> 00:11:31,391 or if your shoulder blades are collapsing. 272 00:11:31,391 --> 00:11:32,926 Lift up. 273 00:11:32,926 --> 00:11:35,461 Bring your heart space up between your shoulder blades. 274 00:11:35,461 --> 00:11:37,363 Bring the back body up towards the sky. 275 00:11:37,363 --> 00:11:39,766 We're here for five, breathe deep. 276 00:11:39,766 --> 00:11:40,600 Four. 277 00:11:41,701 --> 00:11:44,103 Three, press away from your yoga mat. 278 00:11:44,103 --> 00:11:45,138 Two. 279 00:11:45,138 --> 00:11:45,972 And one. 280 00:11:45,972 --> 00:11:48,741 Slowly lower down to the belly, this time Cobra. 281 00:11:48,741 --> 00:11:50,209 Big inhale lifts you up. 282 00:11:50,209 --> 00:11:52,545 Hug the elbows into the side body. 283 00:11:52,545 --> 00:11:54,380 And exhale to release. 284 00:11:55,381 --> 00:11:57,016 Curl the toes under. 285 00:11:57,016 --> 00:11:59,652 Inhale to plank or all fours. 286 00:11:59,652 --> 00:12:02,822 And exhale to Downward Facing Dog. 287 00:12:02,822 --> 00:12:04,026 Inhale in. 288 00:12:05,091 --> 00:12:08,661 Exhale, let it out though the mouth. 289 00:12:08,661 --> 00:12:10,330 Walk the feet together. 290 00:12:10,330 --> 00:12:12,432 And inhale, lift the left leg up high. 291 00:12:12,432 --> 00:12:14,300 Claw through your fingertips. 292 00:12:14,300 --> 00:12:15,802 Exhale, nice and slow here. 293 00:12:15,802 --> 00:12:18,404 Carve lines through space, knee to nose. 294 00:12:18,404 --> 00:12:20,440 Cat Pose in the back. 295 00:12:20,440 --> 00:12:22,377 Inhale, lift. 296 00:12:22,377 --> 00:12:24,010 Exhale, left knee to left tricep. 297 00:12:24,010 --> 00:12:27,059 Now upper body's in plank. 298 00:12:27,059 --> 00:12:30,083 Inhale, lift, three-legged dog. 299 00:12:30,083 --> 00:12:31,618 And exhale, cross it over. 300 00:12:31,618 --> 00:12:34,120 Left knee to right tricep, don't rush. 301 00:12:34,120 --> 00:12:37,223 Inhale, lift, spread the left toes. 302 00:12:37,223 --> 00:12:39,392 And exhale, step it up into your lunge. 303 00:12:39,392 --> 00:12:42,395 Feel free to lower that back knee. 304 00:12:42,395 --> 00:12:44,230 And catch your breath. 305 00:12:45,898 --> 00:12:49,302 Crescent lunge, whenever you're ready. 306 00:12:49,302 --> 00:12:50,903 Back knee lowered or lifted. 307 00:12:50,903 --> 00:12:53,973 Inhale, reach the fingertips up high. 308 00:12:56,476 --> 00:12:59,579 Maybe you create a backbend here, Anjaneyasana. 309 00:12:59,579 --> 00:13:00,947 Really rooting through that back foot 310 00:13:00,947 --> 00:13:03,816 if that's the route you're playing on, 311 00:13:03,816 --> 00:13:07,320 and then use a exhale to release. 312 00:13:07,320 --> 00:13:08,154 Plant the palms. 313 00:13:08,154 --> 00:13:11,557 Again, lots of awareness in the shoulders and the hands. 314 00:13:11,557 --> 00:13:13,660 One moving part. 315 00:13:13,660 --> 00:13:17,196 And when you're ready, step it back to plank. 316 00:13:17,196 --> 00:13:19,499 Alright, this time we're here for 10 seconds, 317 00:13:19,499 --> 00:13:22,602 so really from the ground up press away, 318 00:13:22,602 --> 00:13:25,705 refine, get organized, tap into that inner smile here. 319 00:13:25,705 --> 00:13:28,174 And here we are for 10. 320 00:13:28,174 --> 00:13:29,742 Breathe deep, nine. 321 00:13:31,077 --> 00:13:33,012 Eight, life is good. 322 00:13:33,012 --> 00:13:35,648 Seven, index finger and thumb rooting down. 323 00:13:35,648 --> 00:13:37,583 Six, breathe deep. 324 00:13:37,583 --> 00:13:39,786 Five, long, beautiful neck. 325 00:13:39,786 --> 00:13:42,188 Four, reach the heels back. 326 00:13:42,188 --> 00:13:44,557 Three, lift from the inner thighs. 327 00:13:44,557 --> 00:13:46,526 Two (laughs) and one. 328 00:13:46,526 --> 00:13:48,798 Slowly lower down all the way, 329 00:13:48,798 --> 00:13:51,798 Cobra lifts you up, inhale. 330 00:13:51,798 --> 00:13:53,966 Pull the elbows back. 331 00:13:53,966 --> 00:13:56,402 And exhale to release, Child's Pose. 332 00:13:56,402 --> 00:13:58,404 Press up to all fours. 333 00:13:58,404 --> 00:14:02,308 Knees together or wide, yogi's choice. 334 00:14:02,308 --> 00:14:03,576 We take a rest. 335 00:14:06,779 --> 00:14:09,349 Close your eyes here, my friend. 336 00:14:10,717 --> 00:14:13,601 Observe your breath. 337 00:14:28,101 --> 00:14:29,302 Beautiful. 338 00:14:29,302 --> 00:14:32,338 Slowly coming back to all fours, nice and slow, 339 00:14:32,338 --> 00:14:35,742 aware of every movement, every sensation. 340 00:14:37,143 --> 00:14:39,645 Keep paying attention. 341 00:14:39,645 --> 00:14:41,647 Downward Facing Dog is where we'll meet. 342 00:14:41,647 --> 00:14:42,815 Take your time. 343 00:14:42,815 --> 00:14:45,384 Lots of awareness in the hands. 344 00:14:47,520 --> 00:14:49,789 Alright, so hurdles. 345 00:14:49,789 --> 00:14:52,825 So, imagine there's a little hurdle or a big hurdle 346 00:14:52,825 --> 00:14:54,727 in the middle of your mat. 347 00:14:54,727 --> 00:14:56,529 Pull my drawers up. 348 00:14:56,529 --> 00:14:58,431 And then I'm gonna initiate this from the belly, 349 00:14:58,431 --> 00:15:01,033 from that core space, from my center. 350 00:15:01,033 --> 00:15:02,935 So from Downward Dog, hips are up high. 351 00:15:02,935 --> 00:15:06,773 I'm gonna draw the navel in and up, Uddiyana Bandha even. 352 00:15:06,773 --> 00:15:08,975 Finding that lift, that engagement, that lock, 353 00:15:08,975 --> 00:15:11,944 and then continue that journey all the way up 354 00:15:11,944 --> 00:15:15,448 through the spine, finding articulation in the upper back 355 00:15:15,448 --> 00:15:17,216 body, and then come to plank. 356 00:15:17,216 --> 00:15:19,118 Inhale in, rock forward. 357 00:15:19,118 --> 00:15:22,588 Exhale, reverse it, so finding that articulation 358 00:15:22,588 --> 00:15:24,023 all the way back. 359 00:15:25,158 --> 00:15:27,827 Heels drop down towards the ground. 360 00:15:27,827 --> 00:15:31,063 Keep it going, inhale, lift the heels. 361 00:15:31,063 --> 00:15:33,032 Draw the navel in and up. 362 00:15:33,032 --> 00:15:34,467 Claw into the earth. 363 00:15:34,467 --> 00:15:37,904 Rotation in the shoulders here, nice and strong. 364 00:15:37,904 --> 00:15:40,206 Plank pose, inhale, rock forward. 365 00:15:40,206 --> 00:15:42,708 And exhale, take your time. 366 00:15:42,708 --> 00:15:44,777 Claw into your fingertips. 367 00:15:44,777 --> 00:15:46,312 Full body strengthener here. 368 00:15:46,312 --> 00:15:47,647 We'll do two more. 369 00:15:47,647 --> 00:15:48,481 Inhale. 370 00:15:54,954 --> 00:15:56,455 Do two more on your own, 371 00:15:56,455 --> 00:15:59,792 just listen to the sound of your breath. 372 00:16:05,264 --> 00:16:07,233 Don't give up, stick with it. 373 00:16:07,233 --> 00:16:08,835 You got this. 374 00:16:08,835 --> 00:16:13,005 And after your last one, slowly come onto all fours 375 00:16:13,973 --> 00:16:15,041 and thread the needle. 376 00:16:15,041 --> 00:16:16,342 Inhale, look forward. 377 00:16:16,342 --> 00:16:18,744 Exhale, right fingertips come in and underneath 378 00:16:18,744 --> 00:16:20,713 the bridge of the left arm. 379 00:16:20,713 --> 00:16:23,683 Take a rest here, breathe into your upper back body. 380 00:16:23,683 --> 00:16:26,018 You can choose any variation with your top hand. 381 00:16:26,018 --> 00:16:27,320 I'm gonna bend the elbow. 382 00:16:27,320 --> 00:16:30,990 Just allow the blood to flow to my wrist in a new way. 383 00:16:30,990 --> 00:16:35,511 It feels like 384 00:16:35,511 --> 00:16:38,161 a wash of fresh blood (laughs) to my fingers. 385 00:16:39,098 --> 00:16:40,322 Whoa, okay. 386 00:16:44,737 --> 00:16:46,305 Slowly release, come out, 387 00:16:46,305 --> 00:16:48,541 and we'll take it to the other side. 388 00:16:48,541 --> 00:16:50,610 Left arm comes underneath the bridge of the right arm 389 00:16:50,610 --> 00:16:52,411 and then again, find what feels good 390 00:16:52,411 --> 00:16:53,913 with that top arm. 391 00:16:59,986 --> 00:17:05,059 Awareness through the feet, the hips, the pelvis. 392 00:17:07,226 --> 00:17:09,962 One moving part, inhale, rise up. 393 00:17:11,396 --> 00:17:13,833 Alright, last thing, and then we'll flip our burgers 394 00:17:13,833 --> 00:17:15,434 and come onto our backs. 395 00:17:15,434 --> 00:17:17,069 So, here we go. 396 00:17:17,069 --> 00:17:20,402 Side arm plank or Vashistasana. 397 00:17:20,402 --> 00:17:22,808 So, consider all this beautiful work you've been doing 398 00:17:22,808 --> 00:17:25,645 from the crown to the tail, the line of the spine, 399 00:17:25,645 --> 00:17:27,946 the danda, and we'll plant the right hand 400 00:17:27,946 --> 00:17:29,715 to the center line. 401 00:17:29,715 --> 00:17:31,851 Find the rotation of the shoulder, 402 00:17:31,851 --> 00:17:34,487 so start from all fours so you can really work 403 00:17:34,487 --> 00:17:36,088 from the ground up here. 404 00:17:36,088 --> 00:17:37,423 Root index finger and thumb. 405 00:17:37,423 --> 00:17:40,192 Find that upper arm bone rotation, 406 00:17:40,192 --> 00:17:44,597 and then you can actually even stay on your knees here, 407 00:17:44,597 --> 00:17:46,832 and bring the left foot to the ground 408 00:17:46,832 --> 00:17:49,068 and stay on your knee and just work on this rotation, 409 00:17:49,068 --> 00:17:51,237 maybe opening up, hugging in. 410 00:17:51,237 --> 00:17:53,072 Or maybe you keep the left foot on the ground 411 00:17:53,072 --> 00:17:55,041 and bring the outer edge of the right foot to the earth 412 00:17:55,041 --> 00:17:57,476 and lift the hips up. 413 00:17:57,476 --> 00:18:00,279 Or maybe you stack the feet and start to open up 414 00:18:00,279 --> 00:18:02,081 towards the sky. 415 00:18:02,081 --> 00:18:05,751 You can keep your gaze down or take it up or out. 416 00:18:05,751 --> 00:18:07,687 Everyone work on the rotation of that shoulder 417 00:18:07,687 --> 00:18:10,523 for stability, and then breathe into your belly. 418 00:18:10,523 --> 00:18:13,261 Strong in your core. 419 00:18:13,261 --> 00:18:15,328 You can take any variation here that you like. 420 00:18:15,328 --> 00:18:18,931 You can also grow variations the more you 421 00:18:18,931 --> 00:18:20,599 return to this practice. 422 00:18:20,599 --> 00:18:22,668 We'll take three more breaths here, you got this, 423 00:18:22,668 --> 00:18:26,606 stay focused, calm in the face, find that ease. 424 00:18:28,307 --> 00:18:30,443 And then we'll slowly release and head straight 425 00:18:30,443 --> 00:18:33,012 to the other side, you got this. 426 00:18:33,012 --> 00:18:34,914 Left hand comes down. 427 00:18:34,914 --> 00:18:37,016 Find a variation, play here. 428 00:18:37,016 --> 00:18:40,720 You're not stuck either, so you can start here maybe, 429 00:18:40,720 --> 00:18:44,724 or maybe take the arm up and overhead, Vashistasana. 430 00:18:44,724 --> 00:18:48,461 But, making sure you're strong and stable in that shoulder, 431 00:18:48,461 --> 00:18:51,030 stacking it over the elbow, elbow over the wrist, 432 00:18:51,030 --> 00:18:54,634 pressing into that index finger and thumb. 433 00:18:54,634 --> 00:18:57,036 Activate the upper abs. 434 00:18:57,036 --> 00:18:59,238 Lengthen the tailbone towards the heels. 435 00:18:59,238 --> 00:19:00,806 Take any variation that feels good. 436 00:19:00,806 --> 00:19:03,709 Everyone lift your hips up towards the sky. 437 00:19:03,709 --> 00:19:06,579 Take one more deep breath in here, you got this. 438 00:19:06,579 --> 00:19:08,614 And then exhale to release. 439 00:19:08,614 --> 00:19:11,417 Awesome, knees as wide as the yoga mat. 440 00:19:11,417 --> 00:19:14,387 Namaste shark fin here to find a little relief 441 00:19:14,387 --> 00:19:17,423 in the wrists, so palms come together, you walk the elbows 442 00:19:17,423 --> 00:19:19,025 towards the front edge of the mat, 443 00:19:19,025 --> 00:19:23,195 and then you send the hips back, head down, heart melts. 444 00:19:25,264 --> 00:19:27,933 So for more of a stretch in the triceps, 445 00:19:27,933 --> 00:19:30,102 you can walk the elbows forward. 446 00:19:30,102 --> 00:19:32,038 Of course this is gonna be different for everybody. 447 00:19:32,038 --> 00:19:35,674 If this does not feel good to you, maybe just sit up tall, 448 00:19:35,674 --> 00:19:39,011 come to cross-legged, catch your breath. 449 00:19:53,192 --> 00:19:56,128 And then slowly, we'll release, 450 00:19:56,128 --> 00:19:59,231 and come all the way to our backs. 451 00:19:59,231 --> 00:20:00,900 Great work everyone. 452 00:20:07,139 --> 00:20:09,442 So right away, as you come onto your back, 453 00:20:09,442 --> 00:20:12,578 send awareness to the lower back body. 454 00:20:12,578 --> 00:20:15,347 So, especially in my culture, 455 00:20:15,347 --> 00:20:20,298 but I think in many cultures, this energy around the belly, 456 00:20:21,587 --> 00:20:26,240 the tummy, the abdominals is, 457 00:20:26,240 --> 00:20:27,660 well you don't need me 458 00:20:27,660 --> 00:20:30,696 to tell you, it's out of whack. 459 00:20:30,696 --> 00:20:32,965 There are children on this show now, watching this show, 460 00:20:32,965 --> 00:20:37,636 so I have to keep my mouth clean, damn it, no. 461 00:20:37,636 --> 00:20:40,595 And so, 462 00:20:40,595 --> 00:20:42,775 the focus today is on awareness, 463 00:20:42,775 --> 00:20:45,478 so it's not just about anatomical awareness, 464 00:20:45,478 --> 00:20:48,080 it's about the awareness and the relationship 465 00:20:48,080 --> 00:20:49,749 we have with our bellies. 466 00:20:49,749 --> 00:20:52,818 And so, whatever that means to you, 467 00:20:52,818 --> 00:20:54,053 just kind of think about that. 468 00:20:54,053 --> 00:20:55,988 I think that this'll come up off the mat 469 00:20:55,988 --> 00:20:57,890 and if you aren't already subscribed to the emails 470 00:20:57,890 --> 00:21:02,940 that come with every day of Revolution Yoga, 471 00:21:02,940 --> 00:21:04,063 then you should subscribe, 472 00:21:04,063 --> 00:21:07,366 because this day six email is important. 473 00:21:08,234 --> 00:21:09,668 So go ahead and bring your hands to your belly, 474 00:21:09,668 --> 00:21:12,171 how 'bout that, and just start to breathe into your hands 475 00:21:12,171 --> 00:21:16,568 and a lot of you have heard me 476 00:21:16,568 --> 00:21:18,978 mention my friend Kim, 477 00:21:18,978 --> 00:21:22,815 who just once, more than once told me, 478 00:21:22,815 --> 00:21:26,051 "You gotta listen to your guts and trust that." 479 00:21:26,051 --> 00:21:28,120 And that's always really resonated with me 480 00:21:28,120 --> 00:21:29,955 and stuck with me, and when it comes to yoga, 481 00:21:29,955 --> 00:21:34,379 I like this idea of treating my guts kindly. 482 00:21:35,794 --> 00:21:37,463 Side note, if you aren't taking probiotics 483 00:21:37,463 --> 00:21:39,331 or tending to your gut health, you probably should 484 00:21:39,331 --> 00:21:43,402 get on the train, 'cause that has changed my whole game. 485 00:21:43,402 --> 00:21:46,038 Anyway, we store a lot in the body 486 00:21:46,038 --> 00:21:47,740 and the way that we think about our bellies 487 00:21:47,740 --> 00:21:48,908 is often quite sad. 488 00:21:48,908 --> 00:21:51,911 We're always sucking in or tightening or hiding, 489 00:21:51,911 --> 00:21:54,483 and so, even though 490 00:21:54,483 --> 00:21:57,483 I make jokes about six pack abs 491 00:21:57,483 --> 00:21:59,318 and stuff like that, I want to be sure 492 00:21:59,318 --> 00:22:01,053 that we're also all taking responsibility 493 00:22:01,053 --> 00:22:05,157 for our own happiness and the way that we 494 00:22:05,157 --> 00:22:08,093 think about our bellies and what we teach our children, 495 00:22:08,093 --> 00:22:11,030 and et cetera, et cetera, read the email. 496 00:22:11,030 --> 00:22:12,431 Alright, let's work out! 497 00:22:12,431 --> 00:22:13,465 (laughs) 498 00:22:13,465 --> 00:22:16,769 Tuck the chin into the chest, lengthen the back of the neck. 499 00:22:16,769 --> 00:22:20,039 Kinda takes the edge off too, because we're gonna work hard 500 00:22:20,039 --> 00:22:24,294 here, but it's an ongoing process. 501 00:22:24,294 --> 00:22:26,712 This is 31 of days of practice. 502 00:22:26,712 --> 00:22:28,948 Alright, scoop the tailbone up and send awareness 503 00:22:28,948 --> 00:22:30,683 to the lower back. 504 00:22:30,683 --> 00:22:33,085 Oh, that's what started me off on this tangent 505 00:22:33,085 --> 00:22:35,888 was it's great that we're thinking about building 506 00:22:35,888 --> 00:22:37,556 the core muscles, but why? 507 00:22:37,556 --> 00:22:41,160 So we want to be able to walk and stand and run and dance, 508 00:22:41,160 --> 00:22:44,196 and carry our groceries and our neighbor's groceries, 509 00:22:44,196 --> 00:22:46,799 and so for that we need a healthy back, right, 510 00:22:46,799 --> 00:22:49,068 we need to have our own back. 511 00:22:49,068 --> 00:22:52,871 So that would be a good reason to build 512 00:22:52,871 --> 00:22:54,840 the muscles of your core. 513 00:22:54,840 --> 00:22:58,777 Alright, take your imaginary block, grab it, 514 00:22:58,777 --> 00:23:00,946 and put it between your legs. 515 00:23:00,946 --> 00:23:04,083 And then squeeze your imaginary block here. 516 00:23:04,083 --> 00:23:05,537 Yeah. (laughs) 517 00:23:05,537 --> 00:23:06,819 We don't need any props. 518 00:23:06,819 --> 00:23:09,488 Okay, squeeze your imaginary block, 519 00:23:09,488 --> 00:23:10,956 and then leave it there, and then bring your hands 520 00:23:10,956 --> 00:23:14,206 back to your belly, and just see if you can 521 00:23:14,206 --> 00:23:15,194 press into your feet. 522 00:23:15,194 --> 00:23:18,230 Scoop the tailbone up and squeeze your imaginary block 523 00:23:18,230 --> 00:23:23,014 without tightening your bum, your glutes, okay. 524 00:23:23,669 --> 00:23:27,306 So it's an awareness that's a little bit hard to teach 525 00:23:27,306 --> 00:23:30,643 through video, not in the room, so just play. 526 00:23:30,643 --> 00:23:33,112 Imaginary block, scooping the tailbone up, 527 00:23:33,112 --> 00:23:34,713 basically you're finding some support 528 00:23:34,713 --> 00:23:39,151 and you feel your lower back flush with the mat. 529 00:23:39,151 --> 00:23:41,013 Fabuloso. 530 00:23:41,013 --> 00:23:44,290 Interlace the fingertips, bring them behind the head. 531 00:23:44,290 --> 00:23:46,325 Create a little neck hammock for yourself, 532 00:23:46,325 --> 00:23:48,093 elbows nice and wide. 533 00:23:49,128 --> 00:23:51,463 Then, keep the lower back stamped to the mat. 534 00:23:51,463 --> 00:23:54,066 Lift the heels and try to imagine that you're squeezing 535 00:23:54,066 --> 00:23:57,369 your block up the whole way as you lift, oh yeah. 536 00:23:57,369 --> 00:23:58,837 So it's very different than just coming here 537 00:23:58,837 --> 00:24:01,240 and then slamming through your exercise, 538 00:24:01,240 --> 00:24:04,476 so moving with this insane awareness, 539 00:24:04,476 --> 00:24:06,912 or at least working on that, that's the practice. 540 00:24:06,912 --> 00:24:09,081 Navel draws down, squeeze your block, 541 00:24:09,081 --> 00:24:10,716 scoop the tailbone up, lift of the heels, 542 00:24:10,716 --> 00:24:13,385 and slowly, this is going back to one 543 00:24:13,385 --> 00:24:17,556 of our early practices, moving from a place of connect. 544 00:24:18,490 --> 00:24:20,059 Alright, inhale in. 545 00:24:21,060 --> 00:24:24,530 Exhale, lift your heart center, your chin, 546 00:24:24,530 --> 00:24:26,765 and your eyeballs up towards the sky, 547 00:24:26,765 --> 00:24:29,268 not towards your knees, up towards the sky. 548 00:24:29,268 --> 00:24:31,036 Beautiful, and just check this out. 549 00:24:31,036 --> 00:24:32,504 Notice if the elbows have come in. 550 00:24:32,504 --> 00:24:34,340 Maybe you're used to doing a crunch, 551 00:24:34,340 --> 00:24:35,607 and then scoop your tailbone up, 552 00:24:35,607 --> 00:24:38,977 squeeze your block together, try to keep your shins parallel 553 00:24:38,977 --> 00:24:40,303 to the ceiling. (laughs) 554 00:24:40,303 --> 00:24:41,680 Parallel to what? 555 00:24:41,680 --> 00:24:42,948 Alright, one more breath here. 556 00:24:42,948 --> 00:24:45,718 Just feel it all coming together. 557 00:24:47,086 --> 00:24:49,488 Tyin' the room together here. 558 00:24:50,356 --> 00:24:53,125 (laughing) 559 00:24:53,125 --> 00:24:56,282 Alright, and then inhale, lower. 560 00:24:57,463 --> 00:24:59,765 Big breath in, exhale, lift. 561 00:25:00,699 --> 00:25:02,668 Inhale, lower. 562 00:25:02,668 --> 00:25:03,502 Exhale, lift. 563 00:25:03,502 --> 00:25:05,270 And each time you're trying to recreate that 564 00:25:05,270 --> 00:25:07,172 tying the room together. 565 00:25:07,172 --> 00:25:08,540 Inhale, lower. 566 00:25:08,540 --> 00:25:11,777 Exhale, draw the navel down, lift the tailbone up. 567 00:25:11,777 --> 00:25:13,112 Inhale, lower. 568 00:25:13,112 --> 00:25:14,813 Exhale, lift. 569 00:25:14,813 --> 00:25:15,647 Let's get into a groove. 570 00:25:15,647 --> 00:25:17,349 Inhale, lower, gaze straight up. 571 00:25:17,349 --> 00:25:18,751 Exhale, lift. 572 00:25:18,751 --> 00:25:20,219 Inhale, lower. 573 00:25:20,219 --> 00:25:21,787 Exhale, lift. 574 00:25:21,787 --> 00:25:24,061 Inhale, exhale. 575 00:25:24,923 --> 00:25:27,122 Inhale, exhale. 576 00:25:27,122 --> 00:25:28,994 Lower back stays flush on the mat. 577 00:25:28,994 --> 00:25:30,262 Inhale, lower. 578 00:25:30,262 --> 00:25:31,897 Exhale, lift. 579 00:25:31,897 --> 00:25:33,632 Inhale, lower. 580 00:25:33,632 --> 00:25:34,867 Exhale, lift. 581 00:25:34,867 --> 00:25:38,337 Keep it going with your own breath. 582 00:25:38,337 --> 00:25:41,240 Focus on the quality of movement. 583 00:25:41,240 --> 00:25:44,243 Keep an awareness in the lower back. 584 00:25:45,077 --> 00:25:48,647 Gaze straight up, maybe up at your third eye. 585 00:25:48,647 --> 00:25:51,550 So we're not crunching in the neck. 586 00:25:53,385 --> 00:25:54,653 Inhale, lower. 587 00:25:54,653 --> 00:25:55,721 Exhale, lift. 588 00:25:58,857 --> 00:26:02,694 Now back to that Sukha, that ease in the face. 589 00:26:04,129 --> 00:26:06,298 And awareness in the toes. 590 00:26:08,367 --> 00:26:10,202 And five more seconds. 591 00:26:17,676 --> 00:26:20,913 And last one, and then release. 592 00:26:20,913 --> 00:26:23,015 Give yourself a great big hug. 593 00:26:23,015 --> 00:26:25,217 Rock gently side to side, awesome work. 594 00:26:25,217 --> 00:26:27,953 Stay in the zone, keep breathing. 595 00:26:32,991 --> 00:26:34,927 And then we bring the knees back up over the hip points 596 00:26:34,927 --> 00:26:37,096 or slightly in front, so we often try 597 00:26:37,096 --> 00:26:39,998 to fit ourselves into that shape, that image, 598 00:26:39,998 --> 00:26:43,469 so on ab day, it's actually a really perfect day 599 00:26:43,469 --> 00:26:45,704 to think, oh wait, why am I really doing this? 600 00:26:45,704 --> 00:26:46,772 To have a healthy back? 601 00:26:46,772 --> 00:26:50,709 To be able to live a nice life of longevity and health? 602 00:26:50,709 --> 00:26:54,746 Or to look flat-tummied in my favorite sweat pants? 603 00:26:54,746 --> 00:26:56,048 It just seems so ridiculous, right, 604 00:26:56,048 --> 00:26:58,217 so pay attention to your back. 605 00:26:58,217 --> 00:26:59,551 (laughs) 606 00:26:59,551 --> 00:27:02,087 So, even though the shape may look like this 607 00:27:02,087 --> 00:27:05,691 in the magazine, for me, I really need to bring my knees 608 00:27:05,691 --> 00:27:08,794 slightly forward to feel that snugly wugly 609 00:27:08,794 --> 00:27:11,763 of my lower back on the mat, so that I really am connected. 610 00:27:11,763 --> 00:27:15,133 Alright, here we go, come back. 611 00:27:15,133 --> 00:27:16,768 Inhale. 612 00:27:16,768 --> 00:27:18,537 Exhale, lift. 613 00:27:18,537 --> 00:27:19,838 This time, and you have options here, 614 00:27:19,838 --> 00:27:21,740 you can just do yogi bicycles. 615 00:27:21,740 --> 00:27:24,643 So we're gonna cross over, we've been here before. 616 00:27:24,643 --> 00:27:27,513 Or we're gonna straighten both legs and scissor the legs. 617 00:27:27,513 --> 00:27:31,316 So scissor bicycles or yogi bicycles, yogi's choice. 618 00:27:31,316 --> 00:27:32,751 Inhale. 619 00:27:32,751 --> 00:27:34,386 And then exhale, lift. 620 00:27:34,386 --> 00:27:36,221 And then here we go, crossing over. 621 00:27:36,221 --> 00:27:38,090 Inhale at center, exhale, cross over. 622 00:27:38,090 --> 00:27:41,293 So it's either yogi bicycle or scissored legs. 623 00:27:41,293 --> 00:27:43,629 Inhale, back to center, lift the tailbone. 624 00:27:43,629 --> 00:27:45,564 Exhale, twist. 625 00:27:45,564 --> 00:27:47,568 Keep it going. Inhale to center. 626 00:27:47,568 --> 00:27:49,434 Exhale, twist, so the yogi bicycles 627 00:27:49,434 --> 00:27:53,071 are just a variation that's a little bit different. 628 00:27:53,071 --> 00:27:55,040 The scissors is a little more challenging. 629 00:27:55,040 --> 00:27:57,476 Lots of awareness in the toes. 630 00:27:57,476 --> 00:27:58,944 Inhale to center. 631 00:27:58,944 --> 00:28:00,679 Exhale to twist. 632 00:28:00,679 --> 00:28:02,147 Inhale to center. 633 00:28:02,147 --> 00:28:04,750 Exhale to twist, keep it going. 634 00:28:07,786 --> 00:28:09,221 Neck nice and long. 635 00:28:09,221 --> 00:28:12,391 Establish that length each time you come back to center. 636 00:28:12,391 --> 00:28:15,053 Nice, soft, easy, happy face. 637 00:28:19,798 --> 00:28:22,234 Listen to your exhale when you twist. 638 00:28:22,234 --> 00:28:25,504 Draw the navel down as you breathe out. 639 00:28:31,410 --> 00:28:33,993 Fabulous, five more seconds. 640 00:28:39,952 --> 00:28:41,243 Even it out. 641 00:28:43,288 --> 00:28:44,590 And then release. 642 00:28:44,590 --> 00:28:46,858 Beautiful, hug the knees into the chest. 643 00:28:46,858 --> 00:28:48,460 Awesome work. 644 00:28:48,460 --> 00:28:50,395 Dunnin-nun-nun-dun-nuh! 645 00:28:51,463 --> 00:28:54,199 Alright, eagle legs, bring the left foot down. 646 00:28:54,199 --> 00:28:55,267 Right leg to cross. 647 00:28:55,267 --> 00:28:56,868 It can stay here. 648 00:28:56,868 --> 00:28:58,937 Or it can wrap around. 649 00:28:58,937 --> 00:29:00,806 And then you're gonna drop the left toes down 650 00:29:00,806 --> 00:29:04,610 and just shift both your hips over to the right, 651 00:29:04,610 --> 00:29:06,712 and then come into a little eagle twist here, 652 00:29:06,712 --> 00:29:10,048 or again, just right foot over the left. 653 00:29:11,883 --> 00:29:14,386 Alright, then this time, fingertips are gonna come 654 00:29:14,386 --> 00:29:17,022 to the temples, 'cause it looks cool. 655 00:29:17,022 --> 00:29:18,290 Just kidding, or it can come behind 656 00:29:18,290 --> 00:29:20,325 if you want a little more support. 657 00:29:20,325 --> 00:29:22,561 And again, you don't have to come into the eagle legs, 658 00:29:22,561 --> 00:29:24,529 you can just come here. 659 00:29:24,529 --> 00:29:26,131 Alright, let's work the obliques. 660 00:29:26,131 --> 00:29:28,233 Inhale, find length. 661 00:29:28,233 --> 00:29:29,501 Exhale, lift. 662 00:29:29,501 --> 00:29:30,869 Try not to crunch too hard here, 663 00:29:30,869 --> 00:29:34,039 but keep an awareness of the back of the neck. 664 00:29:34,039 --> 00:29:36,008 So, maybe take your gaze straight up 665 00:29:36,008 --> 00:29:38,210 or for this one, it can go out in front. 666 00:29:38,210 --> 00:29:39,444 Just be aware. 667 00:29:39,444 --> 00:29:40,812 Inhale, lower. 668 00:29:40,812 --> 00:29:42,247 Exhale, lift. 669 00:29:42,247 --> 00:29:43,749 Inhale, lower. 670 00:29:43,749 --> 00:29:44,950 Exhale, lift. 671 00:29:44,950 --> 00:29:46,451 Inhale, lower. 672 00:29:46,451 --> 00:29:48,787 Exhale, lift, keep it going. 673 00:29:56,728 --> 00:29:58,163 Elbows stay wide. 674 00:30:06,571 --> 00:30:08,473 Let your awareness be on your breath. 675 00:30:08,473 --> 00:30:09,675 Let your breath move you. 676 00:30:09,675 --> 00:30:10,976 Inhale to lengthen. 677 00:30:10,976 --> 00:30:12,577 Exhale to contract. 678 00:30:18,617 --> 00:30:21,186 Tap into that inner smile here. 679 00:30:23,088 --> 00:30:26,919 It's a symbol of your amazing personality. 680 00:30:28,760 --> 00:30:32,931 A symbol of your own, true inner guiding light, 681 00:30:32,931 --> 00:30:34,066 and I believe that actually, 682 00:30:34,066 --> 00:30:37,669 I really stand behind that, the power of the inner smile. 683 00:30:37,669 --> 00:30:40,072 Man oh man, it'll get you through some days. 684 00:30:40,072 --> 00:30:42,841 Keep it going, five more seconds. 685 00:30:47,646 --> 00:30:48,647 Do one more. 686 00:30:51,316 --> 00:30:52,651 And release. 687 00:30:52,651 --> 00:30:54,352 From here, come through center. 688 00:30:54,352 --> 00:30:55,687 We're gonna windshield wiper the legs 689 00:30:55,687 --> 00:30:57,155 back and forth just a couple times. 690 00:30:57,155 --> 00:30:59,191 Take the feet wide. 691 00:30:59,191 --> 00:31:00,592 Sigh it out. 692 00:31:00,592 --> 00:31:02,260 Maybe some horsey lips, always takes me 693 00:31:02,260 --> 00:31:04,262 out of the tension zone. 694 00:31:05,430 --> 00:31:07,365 (lips sputtering) 695 00:31:07,365 --> 00:31:08,300 Just do it. 696 00:31:09,968 --> 00:31:12,070 Alright, and then other side. 697 00:31:12,070 --> 00:31:14,673 Right foot down, left leg crosses over. 698 00:31:14,673 --> 00:31:19,554 This is our last exercise, so give it your all, 699 00:31:19,554 --> 00:31:20,679 nice, mindful breath. 700 00:31:20,679 --> 00:31:22,848 Eagle legs or just one leg over the other. 701 00:31:22,848 --> 00:31:24,683 Press into your right foot, lift the hips up 702 00:31:24,683 --> 00:31:26,118 over to the left. 703 00:31:27,652 --> 00:31:28,941 Mmm, yeah. 704 00:31:30,021 --> 00:31:31,131 Mic pack. 705 00:31:31,723 --> 00:31:33,358 And nice twist here. 706 00:31:33,358 --> 00:31:37,562 Ooh, that feels so good after yesterday's practice, amazing. 707 00:31:37,562 --> 00:31:38,864 Inhale, tuck the chin. 708 00:31:38,864 --> 00:31:39,698 Find length. 709 00:31:39,698 --> 00:31:42,067 Again, fingertips to the temples. 710 00:31:42,067 --> 00:31:45,570 Or, maybe you create that neck hammock again. 711 00:31:45,570 --> 00:31:47,684 Here we go. Inhale, find length. 712 00:31:47,684 --> 00:31:50,976 Exhale, hug the lower ribs in, lift up. 713 00:31:50,976 --> 00:31:53,211 Don't crunch here. 714 00:31:53,211 --> 00:31:55,247 So keep it isolated here in the oblique. 715 00:31:55,247 --> 00:31:56,915 Chk-chk-chk-tth-tth. 716 00:31:59,017 --> 00:32:00,418 Inhale, lower. 717 00:32:00,418 --> 00:32:02,053 Exhale, lift. 718 00:32:02,053 --> 00:32:03,588 Inhale, lower. 719 00:32:03,588 --> 00:32:04,556 Exhale, lift. 720 00:32:04,556 --> 00:32:06,158 Lots of awareness on the breath. 721 00:32:06,158 --> 00:32:09,060 Hear your breath, let it guide you. 722 00:32:20,372 --> 00:32:21,940 And inhale, lower. 723 00:32:21,940 --> 00:32:24,142 Exhale, lift, you got this. 724 00:32:24,142 --> 00:32:26,511 Lift your chin up towards the sky. 725 00:32:26,511 --> 00:32:27,846 Create a full body experience. 726 00:32:27,846 --> 00:32:30,215 So we're not just slingin' our body up and down, 727 00:32:30,215 --> 00:32:32,417 but we're really having a strong awareness 728 00:32:32,417 --> 00:32:34,219 in what's going on in these muscles as they draw 729 00:32:34,219 --> 00:32:37,522 in on the exhale and lengthen on the inhale. 730 00:32:37,522 --> 00:32:39,457 Draw in on the exhale. 731 00:32:39,457 --> 00:32:41,393 Lengthen on the inhale. 732 00:32:45,697 --> 00:32:48,700 The neck should not be hurting here. 733 00:32:52,938 --> 00:32:55,140 So we started practice imagining we were sitting 734 00:32:55,140 --> 00:32:56,341 up against a wall. 735 00:32:56,341 --> 00:32:59,644 So find that length in the back of the neck here. 736 00:32:59,644 --> 00:33:03,815 Have lots of awareness of your sweet, cervical spine. 737 00:33:06,084 --> 00:33:08,620 Alright my friends, you got this, day six. 738 00:33:08,620 --> 00:33:09,588 We are amazing! 739 00:33:09,588 --> 00:33:11,857 I'm amazing, you're amazing. 740 00:33:11,857 --> 00:33:14,593 Here we go for five more seconds. 741 00:33:16,461 --> 00:33:17,796 And elbows wide. 742 00:33:20,198 --> 00:33:21,533 And do one more. 743 00:33:23,935 --> 00:33:25,203 And release. 744 00:33:25,203 --> 00:33:27,239 Windshield wiper the legs. 745 00:33:27,239 --> 00:33:29,274 Bring your hands to your belly or your ribs. 746 00:33:29,274 --> 00:33:31,009 Give it a little pet. 747 00:33:35,380 --> 00:33:37,015 Hmmmm, beautiful work. 748 00:33:37,015 --> 00:33:38,717 Then walk the knees in. 749 00:33:38,717 --> 00:33:42,153 Take that imaginary block, put it between your thighs again, 750 00:33:42,153 --> 00:33:45,523 and then just a little stretch of Setu Bandhasana, 751 00:33:45,523 --> 00:33:47,525 so snuggle the shoulder blades underneath your heart space. 752 00:33:47,525 --> 00:33:50,428 You can grab the outer edge of your mat here for funsies, 753 00:33:50,428 --> 00:33:52,230 or press the palms into the earth. 754 00:33:52,230 --> 00:33:54,332 Inhale, start with the tail, lift up, 755 00:33:54,332 --> 00:33:55,700 lots of awareness in the spine, 756 00:33:55,700 --> 00:33:58,637 so we're not just hurling the hips up. 757 00:33:58,637 --> 00:34:03,662 You can do that elsewhere, but slowly lifting. 758 00:34:04,509 --> 00:34:08,547 So why not tone the glutes while also giving the spine, 759 00:34:08,547 --> 00:34:11,516 the line that literally holds us up, some love? 760 00:34:11,516 --> 00:34:14,052 It's a bit hard for me to go to classes 761 00:34:14,052 --> 00:34:16,154 where I'm just slingin' my butt up in the air 762 00:34:16,154 --> 00:34:19,357 and tightening, because I want my glutes to be bootylicious, 763 00:34:19,357 --> 00:34:23,295 but I'm really not paying any mind to my spine. 764 00:34:24,129 --> 00:34:28,366 So all I'm saying is can we do it all with awareness? 765 00:34:28,366 --> 00:34:30,302 Take one more big inhale in here. 766 00:34:30,302 --> 00:34:32,771 See if you can really feel your belly stretch. 767 00:34:32,771 --> 00:34:36,440 You might even see it, yeah it's so nice. 768 00:34:36,440 --> 00:34:37,876 And then release. 769 00:34:40,312 --> 00:34:44,215 We're changing the way we think and our patterns 770 00:34:44,215 --> 00:34:47,953 will actually bring us back to the mat more often, 771 00:34:47,953 --> 00:34:51,690 and we'll reach our goals, I think faster 772 00:34:51,690 --> 00:34:52,724 and with more ease. 773 00:34:52,724 --> 00:34:54,025 Alright, send the legs out long. 774 00:34:54,025 --> 00:34:55,327 You've earned this Shavasana. 775 00:34:55,327 --> 00:34:57,529 Our final and most important posture. 776 00:34:57,529 --> 00:34:59,998 Send the legs out long, arms out wide. 777 00:34:59,998 --> 00:35:02,600 Take the deepest breath you've taken in all day 778 00:35:02,600 --> 00:35:04,836 and throughout this whole 31 day journey, 779 00:35:04,836 --> 00:35:07,339 take a deep breath in. 780 00:35:07,339 --> 00:35:09,708 And exhale, sigh it out with a little sound. 781 00:35:09,708 --> 00:35:11,676 (sighing breath) 782 00:35:11,676 --> 00:35:13,478 Let's do it one more time, don't be shy. 783 00:35:13,478 --> 00:35:14,312 Inhale. 784 00:35:15,680 --> 00:35:18,683 Send your sigh all the way to Texas, let me hear ya. 785 00:35:18,683 --> 00:35:22,120 (sighing breath) 786 00:35:22,120 --> 00:35:25,457 Close your eyes, trust me, trust the video. 787 00:35:25,457 --> 00:35:26,858 Great work today. 788 00:35:29,627 --> 00:35:33,365 So as we continue on our journey, stay alert. 789 00:35:35,266 --> 00:35:40,290 Let the focus now be on the awareness in each posture. 790 00:35:40,972 --> 00:35:42,107 Pay attention. 791 00:35:43,481 --> 00:35:45,744 You do this on the mat, you'll definitely be doing 792 00:35:45,744 --> 00:35:48,246 this off the mat more often. 793 00:35:48,246 --> 00:35:50,849 (light music) 794 00:35:53,952 --> 00:35:57,288 Gently draw the hands together. 795 00:35:57,288 --> 00:36:01,559 The awesome in me bows to the awesome in you. 796 00:36:01,559 --> 00:36:02,994 I'll see you tomorrow. 797 00:36:02,994 --> 00:36:04,462 Great work. 798 00:36:04,462 --> 00:36:06,031 Namaste. 799 00:36:06,031 --> 00:36:10,168 (light music)