- Hey everyone and welcome to your 31 Day Yoga Revolution. It's day 28. ♫ You gotta have heart ♫ Groove is in the heart, unbreak my heart, today is our heart practice. Let's get started. (lively orchestral music) Hi, alright, today we're gonna begin cross-legged and I think today would be a great day to have a little blankie if you have one, if you don't don't worry about it, but if you do go ahead and grab it and then we'll sit on it to start. And just take a second to get settled in so pause the video if you need to grab your blanket and, again, if you don't have it don't worry. Give yourself a nice, wide base again today and sit up nice and tall, Sukhasana. You decide what feels good with the hands and then on a big inhale find length all the way up through the crown of the head. And then today we send some love, some energy to the heart space. So lift up through your chest, activate through the upper back body and even if it's not a big physical move see if you can start to occupy some space here. And I just wanna give a disclaimer that you never know. (fingers snapping) This stuff works. If you start to connect to your heart space and emotion comes up, just like when we work with the hips or any time in our practice, I invite you to be kind to yourself, be gentle, soften, maybe allow for whatever is happening to happen. And know that your practice has your back. I'm here for you. All the people in the comment section down below are here for you if you need to share, or share back, or connect. But for now let's just start to notice what's going on here within the four corners of the yoga mat as we lift the heart space and deepen the breath. And keep your heart lifted as you drop your chin to your chest. Activate the upper back body. Again, try to maybe pinch an imaginary pencil between your shoulder blades. Feel the weight of the head stretching the back of the neck. And then slowly rock your left ear over your left shoulder and then we'll tag a little weight down in the elbows and then option today to bring your left hand and just rest it gently on the head. So you don't have to push, you don't have to apply any extra added pressure when in fact just soften and allow your breath to flow here a little deeper and more consciously. With more consciousness. And then slowly release the left hand, draw your chin to your chest and then take it to the other side. You can stay here, breathing, lifting up through your heart. Or, again, option to take that right hand to the head and stretch it out. (deep breathing) And then gently release, chin through chest and roll it up here. Nice and long in the neck. Fabulous. We're gonna take the right hand to your heart space so we have the heart and then we have this center of the chest where we kind of put this heart energy in. So bring your hand to your heart and then lift, lift, lift your chest, or your heart space, up to your hand and then just feel the warmth of your hand on your chest. And then if you like you can get a little fancy here and we're gonna lift the left hand up and you can take a mudra here of index finger and thumb coming together. And then start to listen to your breath. You might close your eyes here or soften your gaze. (deep breathing) And while today's physical practice is delicious and yummy and strengthening and lengthening maybe you take a quiet moment here, just maybe to whisper the mantra quietly to yourself. I am open to love. And if that doesn't resonate maybe it is I am willing to open myself to love. Or maybe you go bold and you say, "I am love." Then we're gonna breathe together, five breaths. So breathe with me, here we go. Inhale in through the nose. (inhaling slowly) Maybe you say the mantra as you exhale out through the nose. (exhaling slowly) Stick with me, inhale in through the nose. (inhaling slowly) And exhale. (exhaling slowly) Feel it out, big inhale. (inhaling slowly) Long exhale. (exhaling slowly) Inhale. (inhaling slowly) And exhale. (exhaling slowly) Feel it out, let this last breath affect you. Feel it, inhale. (inhaling slowly) And this time as you exhale bring your left hand on top of your right. (exhaling slowly) Beautiful (exhaling) nice work. Take the hands forward and then we'll send the fingertips down. Really stretch through the forearms, plug those shoulders in (inhaling) And then flip it. Keep this beautiful breath going. Maybe you take a little stretch in the hands here. (exhaling) Alright, and then take it forward onto all fours. You can use the blanket to pad the knees here. Coming into Cat-Cow, warming up through the spine. You can start with the nice structure of dropping the belly and opening the heart as you inhale. And then rounding the spine, drawing the navel up as you exhale. So start there with strong foundation in the feet and the hands and then begin to get a little creative (exhaling) Maybe sending the hips side to side. Maybe you take it to a Child's Pose if the heart is a little heavy today. Maybe you need to stretch through Cobra already. Maybe you're ready for your Downward Dog. So just find a couple of moments here to listen, really, really listen, and stretch out any parts of the body that might be sore. Move slow and mindful. And with your breath think of your movement being fluid rather than choppy. When you're ready we'll meet in a Downward Dog but take your time, there's no rush. There's never any rush. If you're in a public class don't let anyone rush you. And then same thing in your Downward Dog, see if today you can find a little fluidity. Stretching out any tight areas and using this opportunity to deepen the breath. (deep breathing) Great, then drop the left heel, inhale, lift the right leg up high. (clearing throat) Excuse me, in the exhale come all the way up to your nice low lunge. Lower the back knee and inhale. Sweep the arms all the way up and overhead. So we take a big breath in here. We find that connect, everything we've been working on then really lift your heart center up, up, up today. Maybe you take it further back and then exhale, release. And then two more times like that. We inhale from a place of connect, so strong foundation, lift the sternum and then release. And one more time, inhale. That's like a cascading of the wave. Lifts and then it crashes and falls. (exhaling) Wonderful. Pull the right hip crease back, Half Splits. Notice how this has changed each time you practice or not changed, you know those pesky hamstrings. (deep breathing) And then rolling through. Inhale to come forward and then exhale, plant the palms. Curl the back toes under. We'll step it back to a strong Plank. Big breath in, think fluidity here. As you exhale, slowly lower down. And then inhale, Cobra. Press into your foundation. Pull the elbows back. Send your heart center forward. Keep the neck nice and long. Use an exhale to release. And two more times, inhale. (deep breathing) Exhale to release. One more time, inhale. (deep breathing) and exhale to soften and release. Press into the earth, come to Child's Pose. Knees together, fingertips swim around. We round the shoulders, round the spine, draw your nose towards your knees and breathe here. Feeling the skin of the back stretch. (deep breathing) Then slowly reaching the fingertips forward we'll come back to Downward Facing Dog. Lift the hips up high. Tops of the shoulders rotate out away from the ears. And we melt the heart towards the back edge of the mat but we also find that opposition of hugging the lower ribs in. That containment. Then we'll slowly walk the feet to the center and when you're ready inhale, lift the right leg up, excuse me, left leg up high. Exhale, knee to nose. (exhaling) Then step it up, nice low lunge. (deep breathing) Keep breathing. When you're ready, find your foundation and inhale. Sweep the arms all the way up and overhead. Lift your chest, lift your sternum. And then exhale, rain it down. (exhaling) Two more times. Feel the root of this posture in that back foot strong. Inhale, squeeze inner-thighs to the mid-line. Lift your heart. And exhale, release with control. Here we go, one more time. Inhale, sweep it up. (inhaling) And exhale to release. Send the hips back, Half Splits. Flex the left foot towards the sky. Soft bend in that left knee. Full breaths. Soft, easy movement here so don't push or hold. Try to keep an open mind and open heart here. Find something new. (exhaling) Alright, roll it through. Curl the back toes under. Inhale, look forward. Then exhale, plant the palms, step it back, Plank. Strong Plank. Inhale in, press away from your yoga mat, lift up through the upper back body then exhale all the way down to the belly. (exhaling) Inhale, Cobra. Press into your foundation, open your heart. Exhale to release. Curl the toes under, press up to Plank. And Downward Facing Dog. Awesome work. (deep breathing) Alrighty, walk the feet together. Stick with me now. We inhale, lift the right leg up high, strong. Exhale, knee to nose. Step it up. This time keep the back knee lifted. We're gonna hug the inner thighs to the mid-line and when you're ready, inhale, reach for the sky. Nice high lunge. Squeeze through the mid-line for stability. Bend that back knee. You can always lower it to the ground, to your blanket or to your mat. And get your center underneath you and we inhale, open our hearts. Stay here for a couple breaths. Breathe, let it move you. Lift your heart. You can start to work on a gentle backbend here but don't push it. Remember keep that length in the tailbone. (deep breathing) Breathing deep, you got this. Create a 110 full body experience so reach through that back heel. One more breath and then exhale, hands to heart. Twist. Draw the navel inward and upward, think up and over with your heart. You're gonna bring the outer edge of the left arm to the outer edge of the right thigh. Back knee can come to the ground if you need that stability, no prob. As we inhale open the heart to the right. (inhaling) Breathe deep here, careful not to grip in the front toes. Create length through the neck. Reach your crown all the way towards the front, reach your heel all the way towards the back. Then inhale, lift up from your center just a bit and then exhale, back to your nice low lunge. Fabulous. Plant the palms, step it back, move straight to Down Dog or you can take a vinyasa here. Belly to Cobra or Chaturanga to Up Dog. Or, again, skip it. Go straight to your Down Dog. (exhaling) Inhale in through the nose (inhaling) Exhale out through the mouth. (exhaling) Walk the feet to the mid-line and big inhale lifts the left leg up high. Exhale, knee to nose. (exhaling) Strong, step it up. Keep the back knee lifted this time. Loop the shoulders. Inhale, open your heart forward. Then when you're ready, find your foundation. Connect to the earth, squeeze inner thighs to the mid-line and rise up, lift your heart. Fingertips towards the sky whenever you're ready. You can also keep the hands on the waistline always. Lower that back knee if you need to. Reaching up and we're here for a couple breaths to play (exhaling) within this posture. Think about the heartbeat. Think about that pulse as you breathe. See if it can move you. Come on now, give it a try. (inhaling) Life's too short. (deep breathing) Notice how this makes you feel. Breathe deep. Try to create a 110% full body experience. (deep breathing) Alright, take one more big breath. Then exhale, hands to heart. Keep your sternum lifting to your thumbs. Can always lower that back knee. Inhale to find length, draw everything in and then exhale to twist outer edge of the right arm to the outer edge of the left thigh. We open the heart, open the chest. Reach the right heel back, send the crown forward. You're working to get your thumbs in line with your heart center. Just as a little guide. Breathe here. (inhaling) Breathe into your belly. Keep the heart lifted. (deep breathing) Awesome work, big breath. Lift your center a little bit and then exhale to release everything down. Awesome, plant the palms. Go through your vinyasa if you like or meet us in extended Child's Pose. (deep breathing) Knees wide, big toes to touch. Send the hips back, reach the fingertips forward and lower the forehead to the mat. (deep breathing) And slowly press into your feet. Come all the way back up to all fours. So if you have a blanket walk your knees underneath your hip points and allow your toes to spill off the blanket here. We're moving into Camel Pose or we'll do a couple bus stops as to be really mindful. So everyone, bring your knees underneath your hip points and you can imagine you have a block between your ankles so don't let your ankles come in or splay out. Bring them in alignment with your joints, toes, ankles, knees. And then walk your fingertips all the way up and stack your head over your heart. Your heart's over thy pelvis. (laughing gently) And then find this lift in the heart and then this is really the goal, is to have a heart opener and that can take many forms. It can also just be a sensation, so you don't have to (mimics gagging) come into the whole thing. We're focusing on heart openers so bring a couple fingers, yogi's choice which fingers, to your heart and lift up from there. And then get organized in your body, and in your brain, find support to lift this part of your body. (exhaling) People always ask me, "I want my posture to improve." If you want your posture to improve do Yoga Revolution, amazing, regular practice but it's about, also, connecting the energy behind the shape, the posture. It makes sense, right? Our posture changes based on where our energy level is at. So we get used to really connecting to our natural energy levels you're gonna see your posture improve naturally and in a way that feels good that's not rigid or... Okay, so we can stay here opening the heart, maybe take a little power pose. Shout out to you, Amy. Maybe you just stay here or lengthen the tailbone down, find that lift. So we've been working from the root, lower belly, upper belly, now we're up to the heart. We find this lift, lift, lift. Press into the tops of the feet and then swim your fingertips around, fingers are gonna face up towards your head. See if you can place your hands here on the waistline. Thumbs come to the sacrum area and we loop the shoulders. Squeeze that pencil in your shoulder blades. Hug the elbows together. So I have really tight, rounded in shoulders so I'm a great example. Just do your best to find the action. Focus on the sensation over the shape and then carve a line with your nose as if you're a little kitty cat pushing a ball of yarn forward, up, and back to look up to where maybe the wall and the ceiling meet. So not all the way up but just out in front. Then press into the tops of the feet, keep lifting your heart. Then you might go a little further, continuing to draw that line further up but keeping that awareness in the neck. Then you might just stay here for a couple breaths and slowly release. To go further, stay connected, draw energy up from the pelvic floor, take a deep breath in. Tap into that inner smile and then maybe you exhale, release one hand and then the other to the heels. Hips move forward, heart lifts up. (exhaling) Tailbone lengthens down. We press into the tops of the feet. Carve a line with the nose forward, up, and back. If you wanna release the head back you can but really we've been working so hard on this beautiful line from the crown to the tail. It's okay to keep the neck nice and long. Nice and in control, wherever you are. Pressing into the tops of the feet. Lifting the chest. Now find that big, buoyant breath here as you inhale. And then use the exhale to slowly release. Bring the hands to the back, to the back, and then slowly press in your foundation. So feel your feet grounding into the earth as you come up and then feel the effects of that experience. As you slowly curl the toes under, bring the hands to your lap and sit back. Close your eyes and observe. Keep your heart lifted. (deep breathing) Awesome, one more time. Press back up. Again, you can take any variation you like. Pressing into the tops of the feet. Draw energy up through the front body, grounding through the back body. Inhale, carve a line with your nose to look forward, up, and back. Open the chest. (exhaling) Relish in the process here. Hug the elbows in. Maybe release the hands to the heels and maybe save that for another day. (exhaling) Hips move forward, heart lifts up. Press into the tops of the feet. (exhaling) Long, beautiful neck. Tap into that inner smile, take a deep breath in. And then exhale with control, hands come to the back. We draw the navel in and up, find that support from within. Yes! And curl the toes under, rest your hands in your lap, and feel the effects of that process. ♫ Feels good, yeah ♫ Feels good Alright, let's release. We're gonna come to a Cobbler's Pose so cross the ankles behind ya. Bring the soles of the feet together, knees nice and wide. Open your feetsies up like a book. (deep breathing) Then grab the ankles, sit up nice and tall. Inhale, lift your heart and exhale, round it forward. You can actually grab your toes. Try to draw your nose towards your toes. Nice and slow, feel a great stretch in the back. Elbows go left to right and we contemplate the sensation, what we feel when we take this time to work with our bodies. I'm trying change this idea of working on our bodies. I just, in the breaks, saying, "I need to work on my triceps." But can we change the language to work with, instead of work on? The great thing about yoga and the physical practices we're uncovering what's already awesome and there and amazing. We're not trying to actually transform into something that we're not. We're actually trying to get back to our amazing, true, already there, already established, awesome self. Natural movement. Moving from a place of connect, of intuition, just like we did when we were babies. And then we'll roll up, tucking the chin. And it's okay to get swole and ripped and feel good in your body if that's what you want. Let's do it. Alright, we're gonna come to our backs. You can move your blanket to the side or you can lay it out long. And feel the earth underneath you. Take a couple of breaths to just let go here. (deep breathing) And then, if you'd like, you can hug your knees into your chest. Can take a Happy Baby pose. You can take a twist. Or you can roll around like a bug moving with soft, easy breath. So leaving it up to you today, giving you some options. (exhaling) Lengthening the tailbone towards the front edge if your Happy Baby. Breathing deep into the belly, lower belly if you're in a twist. (deep breathing) Then wherever you are you can catch up with me whenever you need to. We're gonna come to grab the knees with the palms and then really reach the knees towards the front edge of your mat. And feel that sacrum press into the earth. Just kind of neutralizing through the spine here. Relax your shoulders. And final heart opener as you lift your chest. Snuggle your shoulder blades. Breathe. (deep breathing) Fabuloso. From here you can let the legs spill out for Shavasana or you can bring the hands to the backs of the thighs and rock all the way up to a meditation pose, massaging the spine and the back body. So, again, you're headed to Corpse Pose or you're coming up to Shavasana. Whatever your heart is telling you to do, listen. Thank you so much for sharing your time and your energy with me. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow but have a great rest of your day or evening and thank you again. From my heart to yours, namaste. (lively orchestral music)