- Hey everyone and welcome to your 31 Day Yoga Revolution. It's day 24, and today is really awesome. We are practicing patience. Chka-chka-chka-chka-chkhhhh! Let's get started. (lively orchestral music) Alright, today let's begin on our backs, so come on down. Take a second to hug your knees into your chest. When you get there, rock a little side to side. Feel the earth ♫ Move under my feet Just kidding, feel the earth underneath you. Maybe a little foot massage today. Alright, and here is where we transition from whatever it was that you were doing before to the present moment, your practice. So many of us have a lot of responsibilities. The world asks us to be ambitious, to work hard, to take care of others, so now is the time to take care of yourself. To practice, to play, and to just be present with what is, and sometimes that can be really frustrating and so we use the yoga asana to help navigate that, negotiate that, so today's practice is about patience, practicing, keyword patience. So after you've taken a couple moments to roll around like a bug, come into this moment really owning it, taking it for yourself. We're gonna do some core. (laughs) So after you've settled in, we're gonna do some core. But, nice and mindful, so we're just gonna start by opening the legs out wide and closing, and then open the knees out wide. And close. And nothin' like doin' this on YouTube, love my life. Just kidding, and close. And open one more time. And close. Next time you open, stay there. Flex the feet, spread the toes. You can also point the toes, just lots of energy in the toes, and you're gonna reach forward, and scoop the tailbone up, and we're just gonna breathe here. Careful not to really crunch here, so keep a little space between your chin and your chest. And this is really great if you're working on Crow Pose. Scoop the tailbone up. Lift your heart, really feel that squeeze in the abdominal wall, and then reach a little further, lift your head, your neck, your chest up even more, and then one more breath, reach a little further. Give it all you've got. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. Feel that tremble. All those muscles turn on. Yay, and then release, give yourself a hug. Be affectionate. Be kind to yourself. Mmmm. Wonderful. Cross the right leg over the left. Grab the ankles, the big toes, or if you can grab on to the outer edges of the feet here, do, but don't feel like you have to push. You can also grab onto your pant leg or again, the ankle. And then we're gonna kick the toes out here. Breathing, sending lots of awareness and breath and love to the hips, something we have to be quite patient with I feel like in our yoga practice. No matter how many years I've practiced, I come to a pose that asks my hips to engage and to open and I feel like beginner's mind all over again, so have to be really patient and present. 'Tis the way to be, unravel. Switch, left leg goes on top. This hip will be different. Be mindful, so you grab the ankles, the pant leg, the big toes, or the outer edges of your feet, and then this can sometimes be a little yoga for the brain too, a little coordination, great for mind-body coordination. Toes reach out and up. Some people know what I'm talkin' about, others'll be like, I got it. And flex your feet. And then send lots of awareness to your left hip, to both hips actually, just send some breath down, down, down, play with that directional breath as you breathe in, the air travels all the way down towards your tailbone. And as you breathe out, it comes all the way up and shoots out the nose. Fabulous, unravel. Bring your hands to your knees and you're just gonna reach your knees towards the front edge of your mat so that your lower back comes up. So make adjustments as you need. Should feel really good. Again, I'm reaching my knees forward. I'm adjusting so that my lower back can come up off of the mat. And now we're gonna take it to the opposite dimension, so tuck the chin into the chest, bring the lower back flush with the mat, squeeze the knees in, then engage your abdominal wall, hug those lower ribs in, scoop the tail up, and lift the shins so they're parallel to the ceiling. That's just the guide as always. So, parallel to the ceiling may mean that your lower back is coming up so you might actually bring the knees a little bit forward. What you're looking for is that strong, firm connect to your mat with your lower back, nice and flush. Alright, and then when you feel like you have that connect, interlace the fingertips, bring them behind the head. You can extend the thumbs, sneak in a little neck massage. Then big inhale, open the elbows wide. Maintain that as you slowly exhale, lift the head, keep your gaze up so you can look at the video if you need to, but then take your gaze up and back. So we're keeping this length through the crown of the head and this awareness through the whole torso and the spine as we engage through the core. Alright, keep breathing here. You can even use your hands to gently tuck the chin and lengthen the back of the head towards the back edge of your mat. Breathe, start to fire up a breath here. Alright, and then we're gonna focus on not just bringing the right elbow to the left knee, but actually the right shoulder to the center of your chest, so practice that really fast. So rather than trying to kiss elbow to knee, bring your right shoulder to the center of your chest, so really getting into the abdominals here. Yes. And then practice the other side. So instead of left elbow to knee, think about bringing your left shoulder to the center of your chest and notice that sensation, that feeling. Yep, bring it back to center and let's rock and roll. Inhale in. Exhale, twist, right shoulder to the center of your chest. Inhale to lower. Exhale, left shoulder to the center of your chest. Maintain this awareness through the spine. As you inhale, find length. Exhale, twist. Right shoulder to the center of your chest. Inhale to center. Exhale, left shoulder to the center of your chest. Inhale, look up. Exhale, right shoulder to your heart. Inhale, look up, lengthen. Exhale, left shoulder to your heart. Inhale to lengthen. Exhale to twist. And feel the difference as you work shoulder to heart center, so great. Keep it going. Inhale to find expansion. Exhale to contract. Squeeze that tailbone up. Keep it going. Alright, now the next time you bring right shoulder to the center of your chest, you're gonna extend the left leg all the way up towards the ceiling, and then slowly lower it all the way to the ground, just to hover actually, not to the ground. Hover, hover, we're here for five. Lift the chin. Four, soft and easy in the face. Three, two, and then all the way back up to center on the one. Beautiful. Here we go, same thing on the other side. Inhale in. Exhale, left shoulder to your heart center. Then when you're ready, extend the left leg out long. Inhale, and exhale, slowly lower the left leg down, let it hover. And keep the neck nice and long. We're here for five. Four. Three. Two-ooooooooooooooooooo. And back on the one. (laughs) Alright. Release everything, hug the knees into the chest, rock a little side to side. And then when you're ready, we're gonna rock all the way front to back. Massaging the back body. Letting go of any care or worry you might've been holding onto or gripping onto. And rising all the way up. Alright, when you get there, send the legs out long. Dandasana, Stick Pose or Staff Pose. Fingertips or palms come right to the hip points or maybe even slightly behind. And we loop the shoulders, really wrap around the back body and find that lift in the heart. Firm down through the tops of the thighs. Take a couple deep breaths in here. Using this posture not as a place to sit and wait, but rather, to check in with your energetic body, to give the thinking mind a break, and to tap into that self awareness, that discipline of really embodying a posture, maybe lifting the heels up or spreading the toes. Go through your checklist. Wonderful, then press into your hands, lift the hips, bring them down so that your knees bend here. We open up through the chest, big inhale. And then exhale, we're gonna cross the right ankle over the left here. Start to open up through the hips. Now you can adjust your hands now to turn the fingertips out or behind, I'm gonna go behind, but keep that lift in the armpit chest. Nice and active in the foot here. To go a little deeper, of course you'll walk the left heel closer in towards your body. And to ease up you'll inch your toesies out. So we're sending breath, love, awareness to the hip, but maintaining that lift, that length through the entire spine. Wonderful, with control, so we try to watch out for that slingshot effect here. Try to keep energy through the foot as you release, yeah. And we'll take it to the other side. Left ankle crosses over the right. Just honor, see how this side is different. And then again, you can walk the heel in or out, breathing deep, lots of awareness in that left foot. Lift up through your armpit chest. Tap into that inner smile. And then again here, try to resist the slingshot effect, so with control, moving from your center even here, release. Yeah, Dandasana, we return. Fingertips or palms to the earth. We sit up nice and tall, maybe try to lift the heels, hug the elbows in, and again, imagine you're sitting up against a wall here. So we're honoring the natural curve of the spine, but the energetic body is trying to be really nice and tall and long. Alright, big breath in. Big breath out. Grab the right knee. Lift it up. And a twist to the right, so you can hook the left elbow around the left knee, or you can take the bind, but just make sure you're not pinching or holding, keep it soft. Make sure when you breathe, you can feel that expansion we've been working on, that buoyancy as you breathe in. And if buoyant breath doesn't really mean anything to you then just make sure that you can take a breath that feels good. Alright, right fingertips come all the way up and around and we're twisting to the right here. Breathing. One more breath. See if you can really feel your belly, your waistline expand as you breathe in. And then exhale to release. Keep the right knee hugging in. Send the right fingertips forward. Then reach, reach, reach forward and we're gonna actually wrap around. So we're just gonna wrap around so that the right hand is coming to the hip crease here. But, if you'd like to start to work with the bind, you'll swim the left fingertips around and then maybe they interlace here right on my mic pack. Cool. Okay, so when we learn things like binds or balancing poses in yoga, we can get really caught up in the goal of the pose, so we practice patience and remember, our focus, our commitment to the process. So we're here, everyone loop the shoulders, open the chest, or maybe we're working towards that bind, but we're honoring each breath, super present for every inhale and every exhale. Great, take one more inhale as you open the chest and find length through the crown. Look forward. And then exhale, again, resist the slingshot effect as you slowly release, Dandasana, Stick Pose or Staff Pose. And if you've practiced with me before, then you know danda is Sanskrit for the stick or the staff, literally here Dandasana, right, that holds us up, so focus on that lift up through the front body and that grounding energy through the back body. Look at me, I'm like ♫ Huh ha ha ha ha Yes, okay, hug the left knee in. Find your breath. Twisting to the left nice and easy. We'll hook the elbow or you're welcome to take the bind, just make sure you're not pinching off your breath. Inhale, think upward. Lift up, find that upward current. And then exhale, draw the navel in and maybe you journey a little more into your twist. Twists require a lot of patience as well. Wham-bamming into a twist, not a great idea. Doesn't really feel great either, or it feels good for a second and then it's not long lasting, right, it's just like a quick honeymoon feel good. So you can take that into your other practices. And in twists, really practicing patience, using your breath. Inhale as you lift and lengthen. Exhale as you twist or journey into the twist as I like to say as a reminder to myself. Okay, slowly come back. Find that Dandasana, keep the left knee hugging in, and then we're gonna reach the left fingertips forward, find length through the left side body. Squeeze that left knee in, and then reach around, just play. We're just playin' here, havin' some fun and reachin' around, do your best. Maybe the left hand comes to the left hip crease here. If it only comes to the ankle here, amazing, own it. Squeeze. Find support from within. And then maybe in time we reach the right fingertips all the way around to join the left fingertips for our bind. But maybe not, maybe we use this opportunity as a reminder to focus on the process. Are you breathing? Find one more big inhale to lift your heart, lengthen through the crown of the head. And then exhale to release, Dandasana. Big inhale. Big exhale. Wonderful, hike the knees up. Once again, soles of the feet come to the mat and we slide the hands back, and inhale, we're gonna lift the hips all the way up. Knees are gonna go over the ankles here, so you can even eyeball it a little bit, and then send your sits bones towards the backs of your knees and we open up through the chest here, wrapping shoulder blades around and underneath. Lift, lift, lift, lift, lift, and then just take your gaze all the way up, don't take it all the way back today. Press into your fingerprints. One more breath here. Inhale, lift your heart. And then exhale with control. Slowly release. Wonderful, cross the ankles, come forward onto all fours. Take your time. Tabletop position. Curl the toes under. Find your foundation. And when you're ready, inhale in. Exhale, tap into your core, find length. Notice how this has changed since day one, day two. Just be present with what is. We're here for five. Four. Three, tug the shoulders back. Two, and one, Downward Facing Dog. Adjust your stance as you need. Start to breathe deeper, fuller breaths. So when you're really present, when you really say yes, when you can be patient with the process and alive in that, that is the real deal. That is yoga. One more deep breath here. And then we'll walk the big toes together. And then inhale, lift the right leg up high, Three-legged Dog. Exhale, knee to nose, and then step it up. Back knee is gonna lower. And we find that front knee over front ankle. Inhale, slowly rising up through the spine. Heart opens towards the front. And we breathe here. See if you can find a lightness. So press into the top of that back foot. Find a lightness here, so if you're really pressing into your fingerprints, tap into your core and with practice this becomes, I won't say more easy, but we'll be able to access, find more ease. I just remember days of like really there's no way I could not put weight in my fingers, so just be patient. (laughs) There you go! Alright, inhale, look forward, smile. Exhale, send the hips back, runner's lunge, here we go. So the hamstrings, ahhh, patience. I didn't even need to really speak to that. We all know. Soft bend in that right knee. Maybe you find a little length on the inhale. And fold on the exhale. Cool, then rolling through that right foot. Bring the hands to the left side of your yoga mat and walk your right foot out for a Lizard variation. Opening the hips, so to each his own today. If your energy level's kind of low or the hips are pretty tight, you want to be soft and easy, patient. Then just keep that back knee lowered. And maybe you lower to the forearms, maybe not. And as we've been doing, send some love, some awareness, just some energy, some breath, whatever you can do toward the hips, this awareness. And then you can stay here, options, couple other variations here is you can lift the back knee for a more active practice. And then the last variation is you can walk the foot in and up, bring the right shoulder underneath your right knee here and play here. K, just giving some options to play. And also, giving us some extra substance to practice patience. Alright, if you have your right leg hooked over your right shoulder, unravel, and let's all come back to a nice, low lunge, using the hands to frame the right foot again. Inhale, look forward. And exhale, step it back to Plank or to the knees, Half Plank, so we always have options. Hug the elbows into the side body. Gaze forward. And then exhale, slowly lower down. Press into the tops of the feet. Walk the fingertips off the mat, tent the palms, so really lift up here. Then lift your elbows up towards the sky. Then press into the pubic bone, press into the tops of the feet. See if you can root down through your pubic bone without necessarily clenching your buttocks. Alright, it's an art form, yes? Tuck the chin into the chest and inhale, roll up. Exhale, release. Just go as far as you can. Stay connected with your breath, with your core. No need to push. Inhale, rise up. Don't push. And exhale, release. Inhale, rise up. In time, you'll be able to wrap those shoulder blades around and find length, but your lower back's gonna speak to you here, if it doesn't feel good, you need to be patient. And we release. Great work, bring the palms underneath the shoulders. Curl the toes under. Plank or all fours, yogi's choice. And Downward Facing Dog. Big breath in. Big breath out, walk the feet together. Inhale, lift the left leg up high. Exhale, knee to nose. Step it up. Nice, low lunge. Lower the right knee down. And we start to open up. We start to open up, we start to settle in. We start to uncover. We start to let go. Embracing the process. Alright, inhale, look forward. And exhale, send it back. Hamstrings, pulling the left hip crease back, keeping soft bend in that left knee. Again you can play with a little wave in the spine here, finding a root of firmness through that back foot. Start to become absorbed in the sound of your breath here. Maybe you haven't quite really gotten into the groove with your breath. Maybe today's the day. Surprise yourself, be open. Cool, rolling through the left foot. Bring the hands to the right side of the mat, Lizard or Lizard variations. Lizard variations. Walking the left foot towards the left side of the mat. And then listening to your body, so maybe you curl the toes under and lift the back knee for a more active Lizard today. Fierce breath. Lowering to the forearms. Maybe you keep it nice and low. Low to the ground with your knee. Maybe walk those left toes up, and we bring the left shoulder around. And maybe we play here. Maybe there's other variations here where we're working towards an arm balance. So everyone breathe wherever you are. Soften the jaw. Notice where you might be adding any extra added tension. So not only do we carry a tension in our body, but I notice through teaching and sharing yoga, guiding yoga, that I notice a lot of times we don't even realize how we're adding extra tension to moments in asana and to our day. So it's really about the awareness. Okay, take one more breath here. And then if your leg is over your left shoulder, unravel. And let's all come back to the low lunge. Hands framing the left foot. And become light on the fingertips. As you inhale, look forward. And exhale, plant the palms. Step it to Plank or Half Plank. Wrap the elbows, shoulders in. Look forward. Hug the elbows into the side body as you lower down. Then once again, feet come to the earth, fingertips come off the mat. And when you're ready, big inhale lifts you up. And exhale to release. Two more. Press into your foundation. Inhale. Can also just do a baby Cobra here, and exhale. And practice today is patience. One more, big inhale. And exhale. Release. Fabulous work. Curl the toes under. Come to all fours or Plank. And then to Downward Dog. Wonderful, take a deep breath in. Long breath out. We're gonna walk to the middle of your mat. So feet and hands will meet in the middle. Bring your feet as wide as your yoga mat. And then bring your hands underneath your feet for gorilla posture. Wiggle your toes at your wrists. Hold on to your center, your core, your midline for stability and then you can relax the head over. Shake the head loose. And then slowly release the hands. And we're actually going to bring the palms to the shins. Inhale, halfway lift, find length. Keep your palms on your shins. And exhale, fold. And then slide the palms to the tops of the thighs. Soft bend in the knees. Inhale, halfway lift. Cue creaky floor, and exhale, fold. And inhale, press into your feet. Reach for the sky. Full body stretch here. And exhale, hands to heart. Bring the feet together. And preparing for Dancer Pose. Loop the shoulders. Lift your chest. So, we have an idea of where the pose is going and if you're new to yoga, you're like, "No, I don't." (laughs) That's okay, we'll do this together. But let's see if we can really challenge ourselves, invite each other to really be present in every step of the way, and just see what happens. So find that gathering of energy up from the pelvic floor. I love it when I do this. This is great. And then lift up, up, up, up. And then keep the palms at the heart. I like to keep the palms here at the heart to remind my sternum to lift, lift, lift until we release, but for now, lift, lift, lift. And then see if you can do this without shifting your weight too far into your right hip, that's another thing. So, lift up, press away from your yoga mat and try to lift as we've been doing, lift, one moving part here, so I'm grounding into my right heel as I lift my left leg up. Then keep your right thumb here as a reminder for your sternum and slide your left hand down to grab your ankle, and then squeeze everything in, press away from your yoga mat with your standing leg or your right foot. And then be present here. Notice that ooh, that work that goes on, that activity, what is required of you to be here in this present moment. And then from here, you might flip the hand around to the arch of the foot, but you might just stay here working today, going, "Oh, there's so much "for me to work on here." M-kay. Then keep drawing energy up through the front body. Grounding through the back body. Playing with that opposition. And then maybe we release the right hand and start to reach it forward. Keep the chest open, shoulder blades drawing together. Heart space lifting and soft bend in that standing leg as you find buoyancy and take your process, your journey forward as you kick the left leg back, forward and back, breathing into your belly. And hold onto your focus here, squeeze the inner thighs towards the midline. And lift up through your center, so that scissor effect we've been playing with, and then just play here. Soft and easy in the face. Right shoulder dropping down. Breathe. Breathe, kicking left foot out and up. Reach. And then slow and resist the slingshot effect, come all the way back. Hands come together. We place the left foot down, so even if you fell out of the pose a million times, you can place the left foot down here mindfully. And then we'll take a deep breath in. And exhale to let it go. Fabulous. Shifting your weight to the left foot and then without shifting your weight to that hip, see if you can lift that right leg up just as we've been working on. And if you're really new to the practice or you're working on something that's healing, you might honestly just play here working with this coordination and with the muscles here. M-kay. Pressing firmly into that left heel, we might grab the ankle, maybe you're here already. And work here. And then we might flip it and come around here. And then all that gathering of the energy that you've done here in your center, your core, tap into that. Squeeze and lift. And then marry all of this beautiful effort with an ease as you send the left fingertips forward and begin to work here, savoring the process as you squeeze and press. Kick the right foot out and up. Relax the shoulders down. Hug the lower ribs in. Stay focused. Keep breathing, stay calm. Use the inhale to find expansion, the exhale to find stability. Soft bend in your standing leg. You got this, take one more breath. And then use an exhale to slowly bring it back. No matter where you are, everyone find a lightness, whatever that means to you. Maybe it's hee. And then place your right foot down with care. Beautiful, big inhale. Exhale to let it go. Alright, takin' it back down to the ground. Inhale, reach for the sky. Clap the palms together, Jai Namaste. (claps) Forward Fold. Take a couple breaths here. Shake the head loose. Maybe bend the knees, one and then the other. And we'll walk the feet as wide as the yoga mat once again. This time let your toes spill off the edge. And then allow your knees to track your toes. Press into the outer edges of your feet and come down into a nice yogic squat. When the cool weather comes in, I feel like the floor gets creakier. Press the palms together. If your heels are lifted here, fabulous. Opportunity here to practice Crow, a posture that requires patience, discipline. Or you're just here in the squat. So again, opportunity to practice Crow. If you are going to practice Crow, bring the toes together, look forward. Keep that focus forward, that length. We've already tapped into the core here so really broadness through the upper back body. Then you bring the knees right up to the armpit chest. Keep the gaze forward, neck nice and long as you look forward, and then maybe one toe lifts up. And then maybe the other, but gaze is forward. I'm lifting my heart space through my upper back body and pressing away from my yoga mat. And I'm breathing. And if you're still working on the posture, you're welcome to stay there, take your time. The rest of us are going to slowly swim the fingertips around, use our hands to come back to Dandasana. Keep breathing here. Active breath. This is your time to refresh, rejuvenate. Tap into your best and most beautiful side, right? (laughs) (hisses) Alright. Then the left leg is gonna be nice and strong here and firm. We're gonna peel the right knee up just like we did at the beginning of practice. Alright, but this time we're gonna grab the leg just like we've done before here in our Yoga Revolution, and we're gonna pull the right knee back and then use your left hand to kind of brace yourself here. So working nice hip opener here. Stretching through the hamstrings, it takes patience. Pulling back. Pulling back that bow nad arrow. Lifting up through the heart. Alright, so this is your bus stop one. Lifting up through the chest. Working here. You can even find a little movement here if you're working in bus stop one. Another option would be to keep lifting up through the chest, take your right foot to your left hand. Right hand comes in and underneath, and we're going to work and keep a sense of humor here, be patient, we're gonna work to hike the right leg all the way up over the right shoulder. I know, I know, I know. Then right hand's gonna come right underneath here and I'm gonna really squeeze actually my right leg down on that shoulder just to find a little connect, and then maybe you lift the shin. So a little Elephant Pose variation. Bus stop number two. Pressing into the palms, keeping the heart lifted. So even though I've contorted my sweet body into a different shape here, still think Dandasana. Firming down through the legs. Lifting up through the heart. Really strong, strong pose here. Alright, so from this bus stop, you might stay here, bus stop two, or I might shift back a bit. Lift my left leg and cross my left ankle over the right. Use your palms to really create stability and lift your heart even more. Breathing here. Breathing here. Alright, you can come out of this posture whenever you like. And then so this was a request and I don't do it for a lot of reasons, but patience practice, I feel like there's a lesson here, so everyone lift your heart. Last bus stop is to loop the shoulders, wrap. Draw the navel in and up. Shift your gaze forward, shift onto the palms, and then kick the legs out long. So I'm tapping into my core. I'm not dumping weight into my shoulders. I'm drawing my navel in and up, in and up. And then exhale to release, come back. So actually in time too this elbow will come out. So, that was an experience, and you just have to also keep in mind how many people are practicing along with this journey. So we want to be really mindful of every bus stop. Be really kind to our bodies, but then remember, this is all just a big ole metaphor. How do you deal with things like this? What is your approach? Can you laugh it off? Can you smile? Can you enjoy that that just changed the way you breathe? And then let it go and let's do the other side. Dandasana. So, through that process though, it's really not about the shape. Through that process, we open up the hip. We build strength in the arms. We tap into the core, which is great for our back bodies, so that we can carry our groceries and our neighbor's groceries well into our 90s, yeah, right? Alright, super loud airplane. Alright, let's go. Lift the left knee all the way up. Find your right hand on the earth. Then when you're ready, maybe grabbing that, you can just stay here I guess, breathing. And maybe you grab that, pull it back. Grab your foot, pull it back. And so, this is the action, but really where I need to work is finding Dandasana here. Super tough. Reconnect with your breath and this is the first bus stop. Can also return to the leg baby. I won't start singing today, but you can return to the leg baby. It's really hard not to sing. Okay. Second bus stop. We'll bring this leg, hike it all the way up and so there is a bit of a lift up through that sit bone at first to just really get it up and over. And just do your best. And we come into Elephant Pose. And think Dandasana. And in the traditional posture, you lift your leg and everything up. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Okay. Breathing, notice we're not rushing any of this on purpose. Take breaks when you need to. Breathe deep. Think upward current of energy through the front body. Kate at the top of the boat. Ariel on the rock. Alright, and then maybe we shift our weight back a bit. Cross the right ankle over the left. Activate through the hands and lift, lift, lift. Lift here, be patient, be alive, be present. You are awesome, you are amazing. Keep breathing here. The journey is the reward. The process is the candy. That second quote is mine. (laughing) The process is the candy. The journey is the reward. The process is the candy. And loop the shoulders, maybe you take it to your final bus stop just as an experiment, but maybe not. Maybe not. So we're hugging in here. We shift our weight forward. We kick the legs out. There we go, my elbow's out this time. Kicking out, sending the hips up. Engaging my core. Gaze is forward. Lifting up through the upper back body. Breathing deep. And then we release back with control. And shake it off. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Wonderful, return to Dandasana. Awesome work today everyone. Send your fingertips forward and then Thriller arms down, plug the shoulders. Walk your heels towards the front edge of your mat and a little zombie crawl. And let's take it down, whaddaya say, deep breath in, and exhale, slowly release. Point the toes if you need to all the way down. ♫ Fabulous ♫ Hear the call ♫ The time has come ♫ For one and all ♫ To play (laughs) ♫ ball Lift the knees up. Bring the soles of the feet to the mat. And you're actually going to bring the palms face down here for Texas T. Scoop the tailbone up. And then send the legs really heavy to the left. Turn your gaze to the right. Left hand can come to the outer edge of the right thigh, and we breathe. Listen to the sound of your breath here. I'll be quiet. Listen to that ocean sound in and out. Flowing in and out. And big inhale. Exhale to bring it all the way back through center. And then inhale in again and exhale, heavy legs to the right. Right hand can come to the outer edge of the left thigh. And maybe we turn on the left ear here and breathe. Listen to the sounds around you, the sound of your breath and any other sound. Noise in the other room. Really take in your environment here. Close your eyes and then just listen. Take in your environment through the sounds. I like how I said take in your environment and then close your eyes. (laughs) But you know what I mean. Great work my friends. Take a deep inhale in and then use your exhale to melt it back to center. Soles of the feet come to the mat. And we bring the knees to one side. Let's go to the left first, left side. Cross the left ankle over the right. Feel that wonderful stretch in the front of your right hip crease. Stay active in the toes. Deep breath in. Exhale, release, little booty massage as you take the knees to the right. Cross the right ankle over the left. Keep the toes active. Inhale. And exhale. (whistling exhale) And we release. Send the legs out long. Tap into that inner smile. You can keep the hands at your sides or bring them in to rest gently on your belly, your ribs, or perhaps one hand on the heart and one hand on the belly. Now, inhale lots of love in. And as you exhale, lots of love out. Relax the weight of your body completely and fully into your mat. There's such beauty, I find, and such admiration in tending to the physical body, gettin' fit, trim, toned, while still really paying attention to our inner ecosystem, and I feel like having a relationship with a patience, a practice of patience is really valuable so thank you so much for sharing your practice with me. I'll see you tomorrow. Big love. Namaste. (lively orchestral music)