- Hey pals, happy sweet 16. Welcome to your 31 Days of Yoga Revolution. I have a really sweet practice for you today. Let's get started. (lively orchestral music) Alright, let's begin lying down today. Come to flat back. Feel the earth underneath you. Extend the legs out long. And when you arrive, take a deep breath in, reach the arms all the way up and overhead. Full body stretch. So point and flex the feet here a little. Maybe open and close the hands, move the fingers around. And start to tap into that sweet, sweet breath. Day 16. When you're ready, float the hands down. And snuggle the shoulder blades underneath your heart space, as we've been doing, open up through the chest. Then we're gonna inhale, just reach the fingertips up towards the sky. You can keep the legs and the feet soft here and relax. We're gonna reach the fingertips up towards the sky. And then inhale, kiss the fingertips together, feel the shoulder blades spread, left to right. And then exhale, open the palms, and drop the shoulders in the sockets. Really feel that plugging in. And you feel this opening up through the chest as you do that. We'll do that a couple more times, just experimenting. So inhale, feel the shoulder blades. Your shoulders literally lift up off the ground. It's as if you were reaching for something, a rope, or your favorite sweet treat. Tell us your favorite sweet treat down below. I'm more of a savory person, not a sweet person, but tell us your favorite sweet treat, and keep it clean, folks. Jeez, Louise. Okay, plug the shoulders down. And then, let's just do one more time, sorry, I got off there. Reach and then plug. And then this time stay plugged, so let the weight of the shoulders really drop down. And you can just feel that connect hopefully, or start to explore that connect. We've been talking a lot about this wrapping of the shoulder blades, playing with this awareness in the upper back body, scapula. And then from here, right arm is gonna cross over the left and we're actually going to give ourselves a big ol' hug. (laughs) So cheesy, but so good. So get your fingers right underneath your back here. And then we'll use this shape to bring a bigger breath in. So as you inhale, feel your shoulders, your arms, your chest and lungs expand. And then as you exhale, feel them soften and just come into this moment. Feel all that sweet, soft, yummy feeling of taking time for yourself. (chuckles) It ain't easy, so give thanks for this moment and appreciate yourself for carving out the time. Take one more breath here. And then inhale, reach all the way up. Fingertips kiss together. Lift the shoulders up off the ground even more, then exhale, with control. Plug 'em down and in, open up through the chest, and then left arm is gonna cross over and we give ourself a hug here. Nice stretch, but also yes, there is this sweet feeling of oh, I'm doing something really nice for myself. And I understand that by doing something nice for myself, I am creating space and making myself more available to do nice, sweet things for others. It's the way to be. Big breath in, feel your breath move you here. And then exhale, feel it soften. If you're not into the whole hugging thing, this is just a great stretch, great neck and shoulder hygiene, inhale. And exhale. But maybe you need to be a little open to loving yourself, who knows? Inhale, reach for the sky, who knows? Exhale, float the hands down. Press the palms into the earth. And nice and slow we're going to walk the heels together. Use the palms pressing into the earth. Connect to your center, so big breath in. Exhale, draw the navel down, and from there, one knee at a time or both knees at the same time, lift the knees up. Scoop the tailbone up, lower back becomes flush with the mat. Again, give yourself a big ol' hug. There's gonna be lots of hugging today, so just get in there. Rocking gently side to side, find what feels good here. You can peel the nose up towards the knee, can grab onto the outer edges of the feet, maybe you open and close the legs a couple times. And then keep hugging your right knee in as you send your left foot up towards the sky. Take a deep breath in, keep the shoulders plugged down just as we explored. And then with the shoulders plugged down, we'll press into the left heel and slowly lower the left leg down. Let it hover for a second here, just so you can feel how that's connected to your center, your core muscles, and then let it release. Deep breath in. Exhale, nose to knee. Inhale, lower the head down. And exhale, twist, slowly, softly, no forcing. Just opening up nice and slow today. You can take the outer edge of the left hand to the outer edge of the left thigh. Avoid pressing the knee here, just nice, soft, gentle. Keep the fingers soft, breathe. And inhale, come back to center. Squeeze the right knee up towards the heart. And then exhale, open it up towards the shoulder. Wonderful, one more breath. And then exhale, bring the knee back to center. Left knee comes up to meet the right. Give yourself a big hug. Feel that connection of the lower back on the mat. It should feel really yummy, feel supported. So if for some reason you've missed a day, hopefully not, but if you have, it's okay. You're still supported, you showed up here today. And if for some reason you've been feeling a little hairy or unbalanced, I have something in my yoga pants, take this time to feel the support on your back and notice that ah, my practice has my back here. If I show up, I can find something that feels good. Squeeze the left knee in, send the right leg up high. Let the blood flow opposite direction here, so good for circulation. Alright, plug the shoulders down, take a deep breath in. Flex through your right foot and then exhale, slowly lower the right heel down. Let it hover, just for a moment, so you could feel ah, yes, this whole body connects. We're not isolating parts, again, moving one part, feel how your core muscles engage as you hover. Keep the shoulders relaxed down. Inhale, exhale to release. Right heel to the earth and then inhale. Exhale, nose to knee. Inhale, lower the head down. And exhale, twist, left knee over to the right. Open up through your left arm. Work to get your left shoulder to the ground, but don't work in a way that you feel like you're forcing or pushing. Just let it open, allow it rather to open. And start to deepen the breath even more. Each breath is like taking a vitamin or drinking a fresh glass of water, something we should not take for granted. And then take one more big breath in here and use your exhale to come back this time. Great, squeeze your left knee up towards your heart. Just keep breathing here and then exhale. Open left knee up towards your left shoulder. So we're just moving from the center, opening up to the left shoulder. Awareness in your right leg. And then bring it back to center. Connect to your abdominals as you bring the right knee up to meet the left, and this time we're gonna cross left ankle over the right. Grab the tops of the feet, bend the elbows left to right. You can rock a little side to side here. Woo, feeling it in my hips today. And when you're ready, we're gonna rock all the way up, front to back. Rock as many times as you like. Then we're gonna come to a seat and send the legs out wide. This is not the Olympics, trust me, I've been there. (laughs) Just kidding. You don't have to push or force to meet some sort of gymnastic qualifications. And I'm saying that from experience. I spent so much of my lifetime in yoga trying to really force into the posture, and I missed all the good stuff. So just bring your legs wide to a place that feels good, where you still can sit up tall. Be sweet with yourself, right? If you're feeling like this here, totally normal. You can roll up the mat a little bit underneath you to give you a lift or grab a blankie. Then firm down through the tops of the thighs. Inhale, lift your heart. And then exhale, we're just gonna walk the fingertips forward, but do it slow enough that you can really feel what's going on in the hips and where things connect, okay? So walking it forward. Keep the toes pointing up towards the sky. You can press into the hands and keep it nice and lifted here. Again, feeling the sensation through the hips and where things connect. Or maybe you can come to the forearms here, maybe not, maybe you save that for another day. Another option is to bubble gum, bubble gum, remember that? The fists, and bring that as a little prop for the forehead. Or if you have the flexibility, you wanna come all the way to the ground, you can, but there's really no need to push actually. Just to kinda be present in this slow unraveling. So if we practice being kind, more sweet with ourselves on the yoga mat, then the idea is that it's easier for us to move to a life being kind to ourself. This happens a lot with self-talk, not just the physical body, but the mental, emotional bod. Your mental, emotional space. Like are you saying kind things to yourself? I have a friend, just keep breathing here in the forward fold. We're gonna be here for a couple more breaths. I have a friend who's just kind of living with back pain. It's like, "Oh, it's never gonna go away. "I just have to deal with it." And it's really hard for me because I'm like, well, it's probably never gonna go away if that is your language. Of course, what do I know? But my invitation was can you shift the language and let go of this back pain as your identity. It's not to discount, you know, what he's saying in any way, but just to offer another way of being sweet and kind with the language. Take a couple more breaths here. Notice if you're holding in the neck. So either send the crown of the head out long, or go ahead and relax the neck over. And then don't rush this, make your way up slowly. Press into the thigh bones so the thigh bones ground down and you slowly roll up. See if you can really feel your way, all the way up. Paying attention, paying attention, paying attention. Fabulous, and then hands are gonna come to the heart. Deep breath in, try to lift your heels here. Lift, lift, lift, lift, lift. Tone the quads, lift, lift, lift. And then exhale, release. Bring the hands behind the thighs, rock back. We're gonna come to a little modified boat. So you'll lean back, hands are behind the thighs. Squeeze the legs together, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. And if you can, best you can, try to bring the shins parallel. Now another hug is coming, so hug the knees into the chest and see if you can get your belly on the tops of the thighs here. And if that's like not possible with your body, remember, be sweet with yourself. The way you think, the way you talk to yourself is everything. So that's just a guide, this is just a suggestion. It could be here, it could be here. It could be here, no. (laughs) Lift your heart, wherever you are, and give yourself a hug. So it doesn't have to be this certain kind of hug. How you love yourself and hug yourself each day is totally different from the man or woman next to you. And it's different from day to day. Some days I want that cold brew, okay? Just kidding, okay. Inhale, extend the right leg long, just try. And bring it back, exhale. Inhale, extend the left leg long, just try. And bring it back. Now we're gonna try and extend both legs out long, but by lifting the heart, plugging the shoulders in like we just did before, you can loosen your hug a little bit to create space. And here we go, big inhale as you send the big toes up towards the sky, just try. Fabulous, and then exhale, release. Cross the right ankle over the left. Come all the way through into Downward Facing Dog. Tap into a breath that feels sweet, supportive. Then lift the heels and press away from your yoga mat. Lift the heels, bend the knees, belly comes to the tops of the thighs. Inhale, look forward. Exhale, drop the heels. Nose to navel, Downward Facing Dog. I'll explain again, lift the heels, bend the knees. Inhale, look forward, belly goes to the tops of the thighs. And exhale, Downward Facing Dog. Send your gaze towards your navel, drop the heels. And one more time, lift the heels. Bend the knees, belly comes to the tops of the thighs. Upper arm bones rotate out as you inhale, look forward. And then exhale, Downward Facing Dog, awesome work. Slowly lower to the knees. Child's Pose, big toes come to touch, knees nice and wide. Send the hips back, melt your heart. Three breaths here, use them wisely, make them sweet. Press into the tops of the feet. Keep the knees where they are. Lift your heart back up, come up onto the hands. Then bring the left hand out a little bit, inhale. Reach the right fingertips forward. Reach, lift your heart, and then exhale, thread the needle. Right fingertips come under the bridge of the left arm. We rest on the right ear and we breathe deep here. Press into your left fingertips to get a deeper stretch. Breathe into your belly. Slowly unravel, take it to the other side. Right hand comes to the outer edge of your mat, reach the left fingertips forward. Use the inhale to create buoyancy. In the exhale we contract, thread the needle. Try to keep the hips over the knees, or at least the sensation, and then press into your right fingertips to go a little bit deeper. Breathe deep. Fabulous, release. Come all the way back, walk the knees underneath the hips. Curl the toes under, we're gonna come to tabletop. Curl the toes, upper arm bones rotate out. Find that length of the neck. Lift up through the front body, inhale in, exhale. Lift the knees, let them hover for five. Notice how it feels today, four, you got this. Draw the navel up and in, three. Two, and Downward Dog on the one. Lift the hips up and back. Wonderful, walk the feet together here in downward dog, arch to arch. Drop the left heel down and inhale, lift the right leg up high. Keep the hips level, right toes point down. Press into both palms evenly. In big sweet inhales you will lift up through the right inner thigh. And then exhale, shift forward, round the back leg, Cat Pose, knee to nose. Inhale, lift up, Three-legged Dog. Kick your right foot into an imaginary wall and then exhale, knee to nose, rounding through the spine. One more time, inhale, kick back, press your foot up against the wall. And then exhale, knee to nose. This time step the right foot up. Nice low lunge, back knee lowered or lifted, yogi's choice. Loop the shoulders, open the chest. Couple breaths here, make sure you're not on a tightrope. And again, back knee can be lowered or lifted. But if it's lifted, really reach that left heel towards the back edge of your yoga mat. One more breath here, you got it. And then slowly take the left hand to the outer edge of your yoga mat. Turn the right toes out a bit and we're gonna slowly come on to the outer edge of the left foot and open up, right fingertips to the sky. Lift your hips, lift, lift, lift. Getting into that IT band should feel really good. Big breath in, find expansion. Lean back into it and then exhale, with control. Bring the right toes back, come back to your nice low lunge. Inhale to look forward. Exhale to plant the palms, step it back to Plank. We're gonna straight to Downward Dog here, inhale. And exhale, lifting the hips up and back, great work. Bring the feet together, arch to arch. Inhale, sweet breath in. Exhale, sweet breath out. Inhale, lift the left leg up high, Three-legged Dog. So I'm not lifting so high here. I'm really leveling the hips out. And the reason why is not because this is how we do it, but to find stability and true stability and strength in the joints, the shoulders, the hips here. So level the hips out and here we go, inhale, lifting left inner thigh up. Exhale, knee to nose. Claw into your fingerprints, cat in the spine. Inhale, Three-legged Dog. Exhale, knee to nose. Inhale, Three-legged Dog. Last time, you got it, knee to nose. Building strength, toning muscle. Then step it up, back knee can stay lowered or lifted. Loop the shoulders, open the chest, breathe. Notice where your thoughts go. And come back to the breath. If the back knee is lifted, really reach the right heel towards the back edge of your mat. Take one more breath here. Then nice and slow, we're gonna open the left toes out, bring the right hand to the right edge of your mat, and slow and steady turn to come onto the outer edge of your right foot. Again, left toes come out and we lift the hips as the left fingertips reach towards the sky. Think Upward Facing Dog in the spine here. So you're opening up, leaning back into it, getting nice stretch as you lift the hips. Beautiful, one more breath, find expansion. And then exhale, be really mindful of that knee. So bring the toes back first and then we release, come back to the lunge. Back knee lowered or lifted, inhale. And exhale. Awesome work, plant the palms, step it back, Plank Oose. And then to Downward Facing Dog. Big breath in. Big breath out. Big breath in. Big breath out, bring the feet together. Inhale, lift the right leg up high, a little faster this time. Exhale, knee to nose. Moving with that sweet breath, inhale, kick out. Exhale, knee to nose. Last one, inhale, kick out. Exhale, knee to nose, then step it up. Inhale, open up through the chest. Exhale, reach the left heel back. Left hand comes down, we turn the right toes out. Come onto the outer edge of that left foot and inhale, lift the hips up high, right fingertips to the sky. Big breath in, lean back. And exhale, turn the right toes forward, come back to your low lunge. Plant the palms, inhale. Exhale, Plank. Big breath in as you press away from your yoga mat. Come into your power here. And then exhale, Downward Dog. Bring the feet together, big breath in. Big breath out. Inhale, lift the left leg up high, stick with me. Exhale, knee to nose, stick with it. Inhale, clawing the fingertips, extend. Exhale, knee to nose, building strength. Inhale, kick. Exhale, knee to nose. Let's do one more, inhale, kick. And exhale, step it up. Inhale, loop the shoulders, soft in the face, open the chest forward. Ground with the exhale. Then right hand comes down, outer edge of your mat. Turn the left toes out, come to the outer edge of your right foot. Then big inhale to lift the hips. Connect, connect, connect, and send the left fingertips up high. Inhale, think Upward Facing Dog, lean back. Big breath in, big breath out here, you got it. Lift the hips even more. Then turn the left toes in and release. Come back to the lunge, big inhale as you open the chest. The neck is an extension of the spine here, so just beware. Be aware, not beware. And then we'll release, palms to the ground. Come into your Plank, power up here. Lift up through the shoulder blades. Tap the right toes off your yoga mat. Yes, and back to center. Tap them to the left, yes, two more times. We got this, tap to the right, tap to the left. You got it, stick with me. Tap to the right and tap to the left. Great, lower the knees. Keep the knees together this time, Child's Pose. Paint, like paintbrushes, your fingertips back and then rest. Very nice work everyone. Enjoy this sweet Balasana, shoulders rounding. Observe your breath. And slowly reach the fingertips up. We'll come all the way back to all fours, tabletop position. Nice work. So I'm gonna walk the right knee into the center of my mat. I'm gonna bring the left knee behind, coming into Cow Legs. So the toes are gonna come out, and to each his own here. I like coming in to it from all fours so you can really feel, just like we did in the first Forward Fold, feel it out, don't just slam into the pose and check it off the list. Life's too short, enjoy the ride, make it sweet as we slowly send the hips back. Active in the toes. We'll roll up, stacking the spine, feeling it out. Hands can come to the feet here or at the heart. You can also take a bind behind, maybe a reverse Namaste or clasping the opposite elbows. Once you feel like you've come to a place where you can really be with your breath, start to amp up a nice, full, long inhale. And a nice, long exhale. You can stay here, stacked through the spine, or we can also take a little Forward Fold as an option. So for some, just being in this shape here, the bind is enough, so the Forward Fold is an option. Don't take it if you're feeling like you're on the brink and if you're feeling like your breath is constricted. Time to relax the jaw, maybe close your eyes. There's not much left in our practice today, so really be present here, be kind. If you're in a Forward Fold, tuck the chin into the chest and slowly roll it up. Now we'll reach the fingertips forward, everyone. Plug the shoulders in, just like we did before. And left arm's gonna go over the right as you give yourself a hug here. Inhale, lift your heart, lift your elbows. Exhale, maybe fingertips come a little further. Inhale, feel the breath, that expansion. And exhale, release. We're gonna slowly, mindfully spread the toes, come back to all fours and switch. So now the left knee will come to the center and the right knee will hug up behind. Notice how this side is different, sometimes way different. Keep active toes and stay present as you slowly come back. So again, if we kind of just blast into the pose and get there and we're waiting for that sweet moment, but the truth is we kind of bypassed it by missing the process, the journey there. Then just notice the side, and again, you can take a bind behind, you can bring the hands to the soles of the feet, or if a Forward Fold is in your practice, take it. And then everyone, let's unite with the breath. Breathing deep. And if you're in a fold, tuck the chin into the chest and slowly roll it up. And reach your fingertips forward, everyone. Plug those shoulders in the socket. And this time right arm over the left, give yourself a great big hug. Don't be so hard on yourself, right? I need to do that. I need to practice that. Maybe that's where the sweet practice came from. Remembering when to be sweet with yourself. I'm making that a natural habit, rather than just like once in a while thing. I think would be good, I think would be good for the world. Okay, big breath in, lift your elbows. Feel the expansion as you inhale. And exhale to release. This time we'll take the palms or the fingertips back to release. Dig the heels into your yoga mat, we've been here before. We're gonna give ourself a hug one last time by bringing the hands behind the thighs, looping the shoulders, and then lifting the shins parallel, lift your heart. Inhale in, as you exhale send both legs out, fingertips out. Great, inhale, catch yourself. Exhale, just radiate the limbs out. Focus on finding that connection within, lifting the heart, shoulders plugging. So really kind to your lower back, here we go. Inhale in, use the exhale to contract in the belly, lift your heart, and send the legs and arms out. Inhale, catch yourself. You can get creative on me too, exhale. Inhale, squeeze. Exhale, radiate. Inhale, squeeze and lift, lift, lift, lift. And exhale, two more times. Inhale, squeeze. Exhale, lift. Squeeze. Last time, exhale, lift. Look at you, look at us, amazing, beautiful. When you come to lie flat on back release. Flat on back, yeah, release everything. Bring your hands to fists at your hip creases. Release everything, and we're just gonna give 'em a little massage, I was gonna say beating, but that's not very sweet. Unless you're into that. (chuckles) Everyone's kids like, "What does that mean?" Okay. (clears throat) So if this doesn't feel good, obviously, don't do it. If it does, partake. Wonderful, then walk your heels as wide as your yoga mat. Inhale, reach for the sky. And exhale, rain the hands down. Take your thumb to your middle finger here, a little Mudra, and relax the rest of your fingers, relax your shoulders. Close your eyes and just feel this sweet, in fact, move your fingers, your thumb and your middle fingerprints together. Don't really focus so much on the Mudra here right now as much as the sensation, the sweetness in which you can move your fingers, the quality. Close your eyes, let's start to relax. This is the end, it's the cool down. And in every end is a new beginning. So enjoy this moment as it will affect the next moment, and so on and so forth. And this might be a little weird to you, and if so, good, I'm doing my job. Bringing something new, trying to experience something new. Just feel your fingerprints and then you can start to move your thumb on your other fingerprints if you like too. And just notice the quality in which, see if you can make it sweet, the quality in which you are doing this. And maybe when you step off your yoga mat and you're moving in and out of the car, the tube, or the subway, or the way in which you place your feet on the ground, maybe you can tap into this sweetness. Or the way you react to something. Or the way you see yourself in the mirror. Alright, think that's enough, great work everyone. Relax your hands, take a deep breath in. And as you exhale, let everything go, relax, restore. Sweet. Thanks so much for sharing your time and your energy with me and all the amazing, sweet human beings that are practicing with this Revolution of yoga. See you maƱana, namaste. (lively orchestral music)