hi ladies and welcome to our first ever prenatal yoga with Adriene program I have partnered with my very good friend Hilah on her pregnancy journey to bring you what I think is a truly unique and supportive program this is a great yoga practice for any mother to be and you don't necessarily have to have a yoga experience so this is real women getting down hunkering down to find a really beautiful supportive spot in each trimester that said here's what we have for you we have a content video for each trimester so we have one two and three where we actually follow Hilah in real-time in her yoga and mother-to-be journey I'm there for all sessions but in the first one you'll see just me guiding you through first trimester in the second one you'll see just Hilah on the mat and the third one we come together for a more nurturing practice and the third trimester which i think is really awesome so in addition to your content videos you'll also receive three awesome supplemental videos you might just watch these once or maybe twice or maybe a plethora of times to get our wisdom just kidding but these again are about real conversations real live mother-to-be inquisitiveness and they're also a lot of fun if you know my friend Hilah then you know that they're about to be a lot of fun so in these three videos Hilah and I hunker down and chat about some more practical and specific things when approaching your due date and all throughout new motherhood in the first one we really talk about connecting to the self self-love we provided daily checklist everything from connecting to baby through song and chant and perhaps story to a couple of my favorite daily checklist items to practice physically everything from he goals to cat cow daily and so that's really awesome and helpful on both an energetic and physical level the second lady chat really focuses on labor and birth Hilah and I get real when we talk about what are some ways to deal with pain during or some kind of real live action tools from our prenatal yoga tool well in the third lady chat we tackle the birth partner we thought it'd be a great idea to include your birth partner in this conversation especially towards the end as you near your due date this can be your partner this could be your lover this can be your mother or your friend this might just be your doula or someone that you've met and fall in love with and hired and so we just chat a little bit about the relationship between you and your birth partner and we also just talk about your support system and a couple of this gems that hopefully make you feel supported anyway it is my absolute pleasure to also share a PDF file with you these could be reminders they might be new pieces of information but everything from the do's and don'ts of essential oils to daily affirmations and of course a little fun and humor I look forward to hearing a response from you I'm always available for questions and I wish you the absolute best and your journey of motherhood from my heart to yours getting emotional namaste