- Hello everyone. Welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I'm Adriene, this is Benji and today we have office break yoga. So you asked for it. This is a huge request. This is a quick little ditty that you can do on a break in your place of work or even just at home when you don't feel like you have quite enough time to change your outfit and roll out the mat. You don't need a yoga mat and you don't need stretchy pants for today's practice so let's get started. (bright music) Okey doke, let's begin standing. If you aren't able to kick off your shoes and socks or just your shoes then I'm gonna go ahead and support that but if you can't don't worry about it. You can still do this practice in your footwear. Alright, this practice is all standing so if you're working at a desk right now, you can check out the yoga at your desk video. I made it several years ago and it's super fun. It has music and no talking, just subtitles so if you like this video or you want to check out more give that one a try. I'll link it in the description down below but for now let's bring the feet a little bit wider than hip width apart. If you're wearing an outfit today that doesn't really allow you to get much space you can do this with the feet together or feet hip width apart. Otherwise, take up just a little bit of space and let's bring the hands together at the heart because you don't need a 90 minute sweat session to practice yoga. Yoga is about carving out any amount of time for yourself to unite the mind and the body with the breath. So I always say a little goes a long way and especially if you're backing it up with nice conscious breaths. So let's take a deep breath in together. Stand up nice and tall. And as you exhale just relax your shoulders down. And one more just like that. Big inhale, ground through your feet, stand up nice and tall. And exhale, relax the shoulders down. Beautiful, release the fingertips down and nice and easy we're gonna take the gaze up towards the sky. Lift the chin and then exhale, drop the chin to the chest. Inhale, look up. Exhale, chin to chest. One more time, inhale, look up. Exhale, chin to chest. Beautiful, align your head over your heart, your heart over your pelvis. You're gonna interlace the fingertips behind you. Now don't worry about getting the palms together unless that feels really good today. You can keep the wrists nice and square, wrists nice and square which would be really great for the wrists and the forearms and the hands particularly if you use your hands at work. Alright, start to open up through the chest. Lift the heart. Kind of come out of our shells, right? Whether you do this at work or not, we all tend to live in cultures in which we spend a lot of time with the shoulders rounding forward so let's counteract that today by, again, squaring the wrists, lifting the chest. Take a deep breath in. Stand up nice and tall. A little power pose here. And then very slowly you're gonna draw a line with your nose past your right shoulder. Work to find a beautiful stretch in the left side of your neck. Ground through the heels. Great, then bring it back to center and just take it to the other side. Feeling beautiful big stretch through the right side of the neck. Awesome, from here come back to center. You're gonna turn the left toes in, turn the right toes out and if you have the ability to just take a slightly wider stance, you'll inch your foot forward just a bit. Alright, pull the right hip crease in towards your center. So just really finding that connection to the earth. Pulling right hip crease back. And then a little modified Pyramid Pose here. So you're gonna send your hips back, look forward. You don't have to go into the full gesture here but it's gonna be really good for your back. and it's gonna feel really good in the back of your leg here the further you lean your heart forward. We're working on stability. We're opening the chest. We're drawing the shoulder blades together. Back foot is firmly grounded. Improving posture one breath at a time here as you hug the low ribs in. Yes, and then slowly come back to center. Try to keep your fingertips interlaced. You're gonna turn the right toes in. Turn the left toes out. And then again just a gentle awareness of the left hip crease kind of pulling up and in and then we'll inhale to reinforce this opening in the chest. And then exhale, I like the image of kind of looking in a pond here. So don't worry about creating this huge yoga pose, the shape. (laughs) Thank you, Benji. Keep the spine nice and long. You're hugging the low ribs in. This is challenging. We're here for three, two and on the one come on up. Alright, bring the toes to point forward again and here we go, release the arms. Ah, feel that awareness and that sensation in the hands and then let's celebrate the fact that we're alive and able to sneak in this little yoga break with one of my favorite little gestures called Knocking on Heaven's Door. You can call it whatever you want. It's a great little dance to get the blood flowing again and to get some energy back in your body. It can help you if you're feeling like your head's gonna burst from workload or boredom or frustration. Just movin' it around. And if you've never done this before in you're like, "What the heck am I doing?" Just try to let loose a little bit here. Smile, you can definitely use a little sense of humor. Keep it going here. You might start to pick up the speed and my only real loving note is to keep the knees bent so that you don't end up bringing any fussiness into your knee joint. Alright, keep it going. Here we go. For three, two. On the one come back to your Mountain Pose. Again, feet still a little bit wider than hip width apart if that's where you started. When you're ready we're gonna spread the fingertips and inhale, reach for the sky. Exhale, float the fingertips down. Inhale, reach for the sky. Exhale, float it down. Inhale, reach for the sky. This time palms come together up and overhead. And then you're gonna interlace the fingertips, keep the index finger pointed forward. We call the steeple grip. Think of this upward current of energy really whooshing up your front body here and then ground through your back body. Keep the feet exactly where they are. Inhale in and exhale slowly lean towards one side, any side. Great, then come back. Inhale in, exhale, slowly lean to the opposite side. Good, beautiful, come back to center. We're gonna release, bend the elbows here. They're gonna come to like a cactus arms or, I'm in Texas, we call 'em football goal post arms but let's do cactus today. And from here you're gonna bring the backs of the hands all the way back. Don't go too crazy here. Just enough to where you feel a nice stretch in the front body, breathing deep. Inhale in, exhale, close it. Palms kiss together. Inhale to open. Exhale to close. Feet stay grounded. Inhale to open. Exhale to close. One more, inhale to open and exhale to close. Beautiful, release the fingertips down. Take a deep, deep breath in. And a long cleansing breath out. Gorgeous, we're gonna draw little circles now with the nose one way and then the other. And then allow that little circle to get bigger and bigger and bigger. And then reverse your circle. Oh yeah. If you don't have time for a yoga break necessarily a little bit of neck hygiene every day, daily neck and should hygiene goes a long way. Okay, from here we're all gonna bring the feet together, really together. And we're gonna return back to those cactus arms. Take a deep breath in. And as you exhale, you're gonna bring the right arm underneath the left for Eagle Arms. So you can just come to kind of a karate (chuckles) little karate chop move here or maybe the palm wraps around. Don't worry too much about what's happening here. More so we want to lift the chest and feel this broadening through the upper back body. Then maybe we just work the front body, excuse me, the upper body today or if it's available to you in your space and in your body or your outfit today, your footwear you'll bend the knees. And maybe, just maybe lift the right heel up, finding a little balance. If you're in a position where you can go a little further today, we'll lift the right knee up, cross it over. Imagine you're sitting now in the chair, imaginary chair so get down nice and low. And if you can and want to wrap that foot around for full Eagle Pose, you can. Don't worry, do your best. Breathing deep, working with what you've got. Stirring the pot. Refocusing your mind on what matters most and replenishing the body because you love your body. Inhale, lift the elbows high. Exhale to unravel everything come back to Mountain. Inhale, squeeze the shoulders up to the ears. Exhale, to let everything go. Drop the shoulders down. Awesome, back to cactus arms. Inhale. Exhale. This time elbows come in and left arm goes under the right. Find your variation on this side. And again you can just work with feet grounded in Mountain or if it's available bend your knees, send your hips back. Connect to your core. And then maybe lifting the left heel. And maybe in time if not today maybe another day even wrapping your left foot around. Just check it out. Hold on to a focal point here. This is the most pretzel-y we'll do so you're doing great. Hang with it, breathe deep. Try to control your breath no matter what your body's doing here. Great and then wherever you are, my darling friend, inhale lift your elbows up and then exhale to unravel. One more time, interlace the fingertips behind. Feet hip width apart or flush together. We'll lift the chest to take a deep breath in and then bend your knees a lot as you send your heart forward. Knuckles, hands reach up and we come into a Forward Fold. Ooh yeah. So bend your knees as much as you need. We're not gonna be here super long so get into that good loving, I love you spa-like breath. So you might be strapped for time or in the middle of a workday but it's amazing how we can just bring our awareness to our breath and kind of change our whole vibe. And I know you know this so thank you for allowing me to just remind you and myself today. Okay, without hitting anything so try to control this move as we release the fingertips down. You're gonna grab opposite elbow with opposite hand. And our last little ditty here we're gonna rock back and forth. Oh yeah! Bringing some love to the low back. Some more love I should say to the low back. Bend your knees. Alright, one more cycle of breath here before we roll it up so make it a good breath. Here we go. Inhaling in. Exhaling out. Root to rise here, release your hands. Slowly roll up to Mountain. Go a lot slower than you think. Surprise yourself. (sighs) Mountain Pose. Our last pose for today. Take a deep breath in. Exhale, if you're feeling adventurous and you trust the people around you, (laughs) close your eyes. Just kidding, close your eyes for just one moment. And find just one last little moment of stillness of inner peace. Just kind of reclaiming your power to move through your day with ease and with grace. Alright, open the eyes, bring the palms together. Awesome! I love this. Thank you so much for sharing your time with me. Tell us how it went in the comment section down below. Check out that other office yoga, yoga at your desk, whenever you like and I'll see you soon. Take good care. Namaste. (bright music)