okay so we're going to begin flat on our backs today now this is a gentle morning practice so permission to take your time here today you know just checking in with the body and going nice and slow here especially at the beginning so I'm going to take a second to check in with my heels make sure they're in line with the hips or if you're feeling like having a really good morning open them a little wider arms resting gently at the sides palms face up we'll take a second to press into my head press into my elbows and lift the chest up so that I could draw my shoulder blades in and down shoulders away from the ears and then relax back down onto the earth and what I'm doing is I'm basically just opening up this area of my chest energetically but also physically feeling the skin of the the chest kind of stretch open here and then I tuck my chin to my chest lengthen through the back of the neck and take a second here to connect to my natural breath so just noticing the natural ebb and flow of the breath can close your eyes so if you're really sleepy and you don't want to go back to sleep right away you can just keep a soft gaze a nice Drishti past the edge of the nose here so first just noticing the natural rhythm the natural ebb and flow of the breath kind of honoring the breath in that way here as we start our day then the nice and easy nothing fancy just rolling the head here rocking rather the head a little side to side ear to ear can relax the jaw soften the skin of the face sloshing the back of the head and checking in with the neck here maybe the breath starts to deepen here slowly waking up the body one nice sweet inhale at a time okay then I'll come back to Center stillness take a nice deep breath in exhale let it out letting the weight of the body go completely and fully into the earth into the mat feeling supported here I'm going to bring my awareness to my feet so nice and easy pressing into the heels and then pointing through the toes pressing into the heels and pointing through the toes and then just I'll pass it over to you here maybe rotating or rocking the ankles little side-to-side rotating them in a couple circles and again nothing fancy just nice organic movement here as I wake up the feet wake up my roots for the day maybe spreading the toes and then noticing that ripple effect that naturally happens when I press in my heels kind of feeling that sit bone to heel connection when I point my toes maybe lengthening the tops of the legs noticing how the tops of the thighs take shape when I engage the fee noticing that ripple effect in the body and relax the feed and bring it to my hands same thing here spreading the fingertips now and then reeling them in rotating the wrists and again I hand it over to you just finding that nice organic movement as I bring awareness took my hands the wrists and then same thing here letting that ripple effect happen noticing what it does in the body if you only really want to get into it right away you can start to feel it in the torso and the shoulder now I'm going to add my feet back in and my ankles and just notice how that affects the body so we can do this in our bed too you notice my hip points start to shift I'm sure I look a little silly here but starting to just integrate the body which is again what my yoga is all about what this practice inspires that connective tissue breathing a little life into the body once you feel satisfied come back and now I'm going to practice just integrating the breath to the movement the movement to the breath so marrying those two together I'll inhale reach the fingertips up and overhead full body stretch and exhale floating the fingertips down good morning inhale spreading the fingertips deep breath reach it up stretch and exhale floating down one more inhale checking in with the shoulders lengthening through the side body spreading the fingertips and toes and exhale float it down press the palms into the earth all ten fingerprints root down I'm going to hug the knees into the chest either by drawing one at a time or I can begin to already light that fire gently in the belly by drawing both knees in at the same time pressing into the palms and then letting the lower back become flush with the mat keep the feet nice and soft here remember this is gentle morning practice I'm going to wrap my arms around my shins here keeping the shoulders relaxed soft feet soft in the face take a deep breath in lengthen through the back of the neck and exhale slowly peel the nose up to meet the knees we're going to do three of these just checking with the spine with the support of the earth on an exhale we float it down deep breath in relax the shoulders hmm and one more time exhale hedgehog pose navel draws down tailbone scoops up lots of space between the shoulders and the ears here and just visualizing that space between each vertebra one by one spreading and then we exhale release to a reclined baddha konasana or butterfly nice and soft as I release down here if the hips feel really tight it is morning and low then we can draw the toes down towards the edge of mat so we don't have to be in a full soup Tabata Kinison here open the chest open the shoulders maybe draw your shoulder blades down we're going to take the hands to the belly here so again the heels can be drawn up here or the toes can draw down so no sharp pain make sure there's no sharp pain here so make adjustments as needed always hands come to the belly and I'm going to take three nice full breaths in as I inhale the hands of the belly rise belly breath and on an exhale they fall checking in with the breath inhale belly Rises and exhale it falls one more time inhale feeling the skin of the belly stretch as you inhale it Rises and exhale it Falls beautiful take the fingertips to the outer edges of the legs we'll close this chapter as we bring the knees together inhale reach the knees again excuse me squeeze the knees up towards the heart arms wrap around the shins take a couple seconds here to rock a little left to right this should feel great in the morning crawling the shoulder blades down kind of feel like a baby bear cub here kind of massaging the back on a tree hear something and then I'll cross the right ankle over the left grab on to the outer edges of the feet if I can't grab the outer edges the feet here and I can take my middle finger index finger and thumb and grab on to the big toe but I like to grab all the way to the outer edges here kind of squeeze my feet warm them up if they're a little chilly maybe take my thumbs to the arches of the feet and give them a little wake-up call this is also a great little posture little shape to take in bed before you even roll out of bed just be mindful and I can bend the elbows a little left to right and then when I begin to rock north to south so I already rocked a little left right now I'm going to bend the elbows and rock north to south hello I can rock a couple times here massaging the spine then again this might look a little silly but it feels great massaging the back finding what feels good do it as many times as you like and then eventually I'll rock up to a nice comfortable sukhasan or a nice crisscross leg position making sure to take a second here to roll up through the entire spine and maybe find that alignment of head over the heart heart over the pelvis so just noticing if the weight is shifting forward or rounding back we can take a block or a blanket and lift the hips up here if we need to but taking a second to check in with the body in this shape okay finding that opposition how's my hair to find that opposition so lifting up through the front body grounding through the back body shoulder blades in together and down and then again letting that conversation or that ripple effect happen here you can keep the eyes soft so find what it is for you maybe it's a couple loops of the shoulders maybe it's a couple circles with the head drawing circles with the nose and so when I'm teaching public class I often ask people to just find what it is for them because everybody's different who knows how you slept you know so just taking a couple seconds to come into this posture with a little movement letting the body have that ripple effect so again some suggestions are drawing circles with the nose looping the shoulders one way and then the other sometimes it's nice to round all the way forward as we do in our sukhasan video and then when I arrive I'll bring the palms together at the heart nice full breath tops of the thighs roll down as the heart lifts up I'm going to interlace the fingertips here and inhale press the palms forward reach the pinkies forward up and back as you take a deep breath in and on an exhale floating the fingertips down in a way just like that we flow again inhale interlace reach up heart stays lifted as I crawl through the side body and exhale float the fingertips down interlace inhale pressing forward up and back on an exhale this time maybe now I start to float the fingertips slightly behind the hip points really opening up through the chest waking up the shoulders two more times like this inhale and exhale maybe letting an exhale out through the mouth here good morning one more inhale this time let the fingertips come to the earth fingertips pressing into the mat or into the earth really pressing into that pinky - so all ten fingerprints shoulder blades are rotating in and together so I'm opening up through the chest tops of the thighs are drawing down here as I lift up through the heart inhale extend through the crown of the head on an exhale I'm going to draw a line with my nose past the right shoulder so nice and easy here gentle morning practice I'm going to stay here for a couple breaths it's as if I'm receiving a kiss on the neck here hello good morning but two reaches on here so I can draw the shoulder blades in and together it can press up and out of the fingertips I can really lengthen through the crown of the head by maybe lifting the chin slightly just really breathing in here inhale exhale draw your chin to your chest and now drawing a line with the nose to the opposite side towards the left shoulder receiving that kiss on the other side of the neck here finding that ease that graze and this time we'll draw a line with the nose up towards the sky careful not to crunch in the back of the neck so I'm maintaining that lift in the chest and I'm going to inhale open the palm so spiral your shoulders open nice and wide and inhale spread the fingertips left to right really reaching as we reach all the way up palms kiss together chai and then exhale we're going to dive forward onto all fours spread the palms nice and wide wrists underneath the shoulders knees directly underneath the hips I'm going to press up and out of my foundation to find that tabletop position extend through the crown of the head and then I'm going to inhale cat cows scooping the heart forward feeling the skin of the belly stretch close your eyes here soften your gaze the tendency is going to want to be rush through this but I encourage you to really find that micro movement travel up and down the spine inhale shoulders loop heart radiates forward long belly tail up towards the sky and exhale starting at the tail letting it travel all the way up pressing up and out of the tops of the feet here pressing up and out of the palms crown of the head releases let's do one more moving with the breath inhale come to tabletop position I'm going to curl the toes and slowly walk my fingertips up towards the tops of the thighs take a second here to inhale open the shoulders open the palms reach up slide back bend here and then exhale releasing back down I'm going to come onto the tops of the feet here now two big toes are going to come together knees are going to wide in now I'm going to dive back in all fours for a cat cow variation and this is one of my favorites so fingertips are going to reach forward so I'm going to maintain the same movement that I did in cat cow but I'm going to take it in a circle so this is where the good morning practice really gets good I inhale scoop my heart come forward again knees are nice and wide about as wide as the mat big toes together inhale and as you exhale take it around through extended Child's Pose fingertips reaching I'll pause here just to show you the shape and I'm going to continue my journey as I inhale scoop the heart come forward and exhale navel draws up as I round the spine around and back inhale come forward and exhale come back now you're off so this is going to be a little bit different for everyone I encourage you to open yourself up to a new experience I know I may look a little silly here but I'm going to start to really see if I can shine a little light into those dark crevices of the body that haven't received a little light in a long time and if it's morning time I'm going to want to move nice and slow I may want to rest here for a couple breaths in between extended Child's Pose or if while I'm moving I find a catch I might rock back and forth through that catch a little bit finding that space I want to make sure I take time to reverse my circle checking in with the elbows I can begin to get the neck and here my high school yoga students call this drunk cat how nice to always say drunk with love yes and then when you feel satisfied in your circles this is great if you have you can just do one thing in the morning do this cat cow variation it's so awesome so rounding back and forth when you feel satisfied will come to extended Child's Pose then inhale draw a line with your nose look up reach the fingertips forward I'm going to come back to all fours bringing my knees underneath the hips and once again curling my toes under walking the fingertips back this is a great you know little moment to just check in with the feet for the day again stretching the backs of the feed and then anyhow spiraling the shoulders I lift up palms come together Jai that's the celebratory namaste tuck your pelvis in here my friends and then exhale floating back down this time I'm going to dive my palms forward and nice and easy send the sit bones up and back for a little downward dog with bent knees my friend bent legs bend the legs draw your navel towards your spine really gentle here today as we just check in with the backs of the legs check in with the feet so not really worried about creating the perfect downward dog shape here I'm just getting a little oxygen going little stretch in the backs of the legs and checking in with the body you know from here I'm going to slowly walk the feet up see if you can roll through your whole foot so no rush coffee's Brewin to you Brewin we only have this moment so we might as well enjoy it as we walk up to the front of the mat and then we'll land at the front of the mat here together drawing the navel in towards the spine and softening the knees for nice yummy forward fold uttanasana okay so feet are hip-width apart here or even wider hello it's morning time give yourself a little space be kind to your body let the head hang over maybe take the head a little bit yes a little bit no grab the elbows Rock a little side to side and same thing we did in sukhasan here my friends just let that ripple effect happen naturally really you don't need me to tell you what to do here you know you know what to do fine what the body needs and then when you feel satisfied let everything release press into your heels press into the front two corners of the feet ball joint of the big toe ball joint of the pinky toe and then as if I was drawing energy up from the arches of the feet I'm going to bend my knees scoot my tailbone in and roll it up nice and slow again we all have days ahead of us we probably have a busy day ahead of us so the tendency is going to be to rush here but please my friends take this time for yourself you deserve it slow down I'll slowly rise up and begin to loop the shoulders forward up and back and open up back to you back to you feet hip-width apart as they come into my best and most beautiful Tadasana because we're going to have the best and most beautiful day today nice fluid deep breaths taking a second to loop the shoulders one way than the other and then same thing maybe drawing a couple circles with the nose again you know I'm here to empower you so it's nice to have a guide in the video to follow but if any other expressive movements come out of these things in the morning get it do it your body will thank you your mind your heart everything will come together and integrate and your light will shine brighter and then people be like that person okay so from here I'm just going to open the palms spiral the shoulders here really opening the palms and inhale reach up palms come together and exhale float them down away from the hips I can begin to soften the knees as I inhale reach up and exhale float it down one more time inhale reach up this time take your right hand grab your left wrist think up and over as we go into a nice side body stretch here nice and easy nice and organic and then I switch again easy breezy nothing fancy one more time on each side think up and over it see how simple and then I inhale reach fingertips up and exhale opening the palms one last time