- Hello friends near and far and welcome to Yoga with Adriene, I'm Adriene. Today we have a special meditation. This is a very simple practice. You don't need anything but an open mind and an open heart. You don't even need a lot of time. We're gonna take a moment to go inward, to connect with what matters most. We're gonna use the breath to soothe your soul, find that inner calm and of course, to find what feels good. Let's balance it out, hope into something comfy and let's get started. (upbeat music) Alright my sweet friends, let's begin in a nice comfortable seat. Sukhasana with the legs crossed. Try to sit up nice and tall, best you can. And we're just gonna drop right in, so whatever you have going on today, whatever happened before this moment, whatever is going to happen after this, we're gonna really just allow that to dissolve and we're gonna do our best for this very short time we have together to really just tap into the breath and quality of movement and essentially find our chill. Going inward, just seeing what that will do for us for the rest of our day, but for now really into this present moment. So in order to do that I'm gonna invite you to close the eyes. And quietly repeat this mantra to yourself. I choose to let go. I choose to let go. Sit up nice and tall and one more time repeat this mantra quietly to yourself I choose to let go. And start to listen to the sound of your breath. And start to relax the shoulders down. Begin to imagine space in between each vertebrae. And so the quality of energy that runs up and down the spine slowly starts to change, even if just a little bit. And continue to notice the sound of your breath. And with the eyes closed we just check out what's going on inside. Notice where you might be holding or gripping in the shoulders. Maybe just let them drape down the back body. Maybe you're gripping in the toes or the fingers. Maybe you soften. Maybe you're leaning a little forward and you could stand to tuck the chin and just lean back. Then after you've taken a moment to notice what's going on physically, just take a moment to just very gently notice what's going on emotionally in the present moment. This is really a way of just honoring and recognizing the different kinds of intelligence of the body. And please begin to notice an audible breath. So this can be Ujjayi breath or just a breath you can hear, that you can really listen to. (breathing) And with the eyes closed, continue to listen to the sound of your breath And see if you can connect the moment that the inhalation and the exhalation join together. So a great image is that of like an ocean wave, yes. So the wave rises and then it crests and it falls. So we're just gonna be here with his ocean breath for a couple beats. Practice just really being present with what is. Still in the body. Welcoming that inner calm. Your natural state of peace that does exist within. (slow breathing) So we're giving ourselves this opportunity to practice doing absolutely nothing. When your mind starts to wander you have the option of returning back to that ocean sound, that ocean breath, finding that connection of the inhale and the exhalation. You also now have the mantra that you can repeat quietly to yourself. I choose to let go. Continue to sit up nice and tall through the spine. And if you find that it might be slightly valuable, you can tap into a little inner smile here as you continue to breathe. (slow breathing) When you feel like you have a bit of a groove, make sure you're not gripping or holding. We'll continue to sit with ourselves with the support of one another and all the people practicing this meditation, this video for two minutes. Here we go, deep breath in, long breath out. (deep breathing) One more minute. Continue to explore the breath. Don't decide where it ends. Just as you do with your asana. Really lean into the breath practice, the pranayama here. Let it guide you inward. (deep breathing) Then slowly bat the eyelashes open and draw your hands to your heart. Squeeze the shoulders up to the ears, sit up as tall as you can and lift your heart, then exhale, just allow the shoulders again to drape down the back body. Nice work, my friends. Awesome work. Return to this video any time you need a little chill, a little calm, a little rescue remedy back inside, right? We just proved that we can kind of change the chemical makeup of our body. You may not feel 100% better based on how you felt, but hopefully you feel a little bit calmer, a little more connected to what matters most, right? Thank you so much for sharing your time, your energy. Share this video with your friends so that we can all continue to explore this idea of self transformation and self love so that then we can share that with the world. Thanks again, take good care. Namaste. (upbeat music)