what's up Yogi's and want to be Yogi's your friend Adrienne here with yoga with adriene today we're going to learn Shaolin Bassano or the locust pose as part of our foundations of yoga series this is a great posture for the back particularly if you are wanting to strengthen the lower back great for the booty honestly this is a great full body strengthener is also really great for the nervous system and the immune system and overall I think a great pose for anxiety and just kind of a good asana to lift your spirits so put on something comfy and hop on the mat and let's learn locust pose so to begin we're going to come on to Zebedee yeah taking a second to draw the palms underneath the shoulders here and draw the toes or the heels in line with the hip points great then I'm going to take a second to loop the shoulders here forward up and back and imagine my elbows that are hugging it in my side body are like little grasshopper legs right locust Oh grasshopper little grasshopper legs are pulling back can you tell I come from a kid yoga background oh that's good for all of us though okay so I'm just taking a second here in a nice little baby backbend to lengthen through the crown of the head and find a little lift in the heart I'm not putting in fact everyone lift your palms foundations of yoga find your foundation so I'm not putting a bunch of weight into the palms here but I'm just checking in a couple of action points press into the tops of the feet press into the pubic bone so pelvis to the earth should all the shoulders away from the ears and then we already talked about elbows hugging in and drawing back so one more breath here great last point of action here I'm going to press into the tops of the feet and try to lift the legs so I'm pressing into the pelvis lifting the legs so just kind of kick connecting checking in with that activity and then exhale release we'll come on to the right here air here right ear here and just rest great now for a locust variation so I'm going to send the fingertips back palms face down so eventually we'll get to palms face up but I'm going to lift the chin lift the heart inhale in as you exhale find that lift again this time using the palms to kind of pressing up press up and out of breathe now inhale in again and on your next exhale let the legs lift up now press into your foundation find that energy between the inner thighs as if we're hugging them together but I'm still keeping my heels and with the hit points for now draw the shoulders away from the ears and again I like to teach this with the fingertips or the palms pressing up and out of the earth so that I find that length here in the neck create one more breath and then exhale rest and release come onto the left ear now opposite ear and you can shake the hips a little left to right beautiful inhale bring it back to Center press into the pubic bone so pelvis to the earth now I'm not clenching in the buttocks here so that's why I like pressing into the pelvis because when we just clench the buttocks and then we try to lift this not good for the lower back so press the pelvis into the earth tuck the chin into the chest as you lift the head now this time we're going to inhale in exhale lift the legs beautiful now I can stay here working on building strength in the back body and just full body awareness or I can inhale in again and exhale flip the palms send the fingertips towards the backs of my legs breathing here spread the fingertips spread the toes and then exhale release right ear to the earth all relaxed shake the hips a little left to right let's check it out again pressing the pelvis into the earth I'll bring the head back to Center this time we're going to go full on mission impossible with the exhale so I'm going to inhale and find my integrity find my foundation and on an exhale lift breathe traditionally we turn the palms face up but as a beginner I actually like palms down because I remember pressing up and out of the earth to find that extension breathing here and on an exhale we release left ear to the earth shake the hips soften everything and one more little variation for fun to close it out so press the pelvis in press into the tops of the feet lift the head this time I'm going to inhale in exhale lift the legs and then I'm going to crawl my fingertips behind the ears and reach the arms forward as I hover inhale lift and lengthen and exhale inhale and exhale spread the fingertips and toes pressing into the pelvis one more breath we might draw a line with the nose just look forward slightly careful not to crunch here and then on an exhale we release palms come underneath the shoulders here and we counteract coming up to all fours walk the knees in towards the centerline bring the belly to the thighs oh and sink it back into balasana three to five breaths here breathing into the back body sweet then we'll tuck the chin into the chest and slowly roll her up alright so that was the foundations of locust pose or shall emboss onna as I said before it's a great posture to just kind of lift your spirits give the body a little energetic cleanse great for the lower back and we'll talk more about the benefits of this posture over on the website hop on the newsletter if you like yoga with Adriene comm subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and I'm trying to grow our Twitter so join us on Twitter at yoga with Adriene yeah just at yoga theater that's the deal right okay love you guys leave questions comments below and we'll see you next time in almost eight you you