what's up everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene I am Adriene and today we're going to learn an awesome pose called knees chest and chin pose this posture is an amazing preparatory posture for chaturanga or chaturanga practice or if you're a beginner this is a wonderful pose to just kind of substitute so that you can build strength in the transition from downward facing dog all the way through upward facing dog great for the back body great for the core really great for the arms and legs too so let's hop on the mat and learn knees chest and chin are also called Ashtanga namaskara let's hop to it [Music] all righty so to begin we're going to come to all fours and I'm just going to kind of walk us through a couple different stages of this and so for starters we'll begin with the knees already on the mat I'm going to walk the knees in towards the midline and walk my wrists underneath my shoulders so I'm going to come to kind of a half plank here so I'll maybe lift the toes up and tuck the pelvis and again just take a second to find your alignment wrists underneath the shoulders pressing up and out of the palms if you feel like your shoulders are kind of coming up towards the ears here you can I say remind yourself to draw them away okay and then I'm going to go knees ok knees already on the ground then I'm going to think chest and chin so the next thing you to come down is the chest I'm going to hug my elbows into the side body they're going to want to splay out like a pushup keep them hugging into the side body as you lower chest down now as I slowly lower chest down I'm going to rock my pelvis so that I can keep my hips reaching up towards the sky as I lower chest to the mat hips stay up just chest comes down chest and then shin release to the earth great take a deep breath in here lower the legs and then inhale baby Cobra why not and exhale we release curl the toes under come back to all fours and let's try that again so again we're going knees chest chin SUNY's are going to already going to be on the ground to start got excited there I'm going to hug the elbows into the side body inhale in exhale I slowly lower chest down to the ground as I do that I let my hips Rock up towards the sky knees chest I look forward and then slowly release chin now this time stay here and rather than just collapsing all your weight into the mat you'll keep elbows hugging in back buddy alive navel drawing in towards the spine kind of awkward here in terms of online yoga video but still yummy posture inhale in and then exhale releasing everything belly comes to the mat in inhale baby Cobra exhale release awesome curl the toes under and we come back to all fours sweet okay take a second to roll the wrist if you need to and then we're going to practice this from downward facing dog which is typically where you'll kind of move into it if you're doing a flow class or most hatha yoga classes I guess never know okay so taking a second to check in with the body and downward facing dog pedal the feet for a second if that feels good then I'll take a nice deep breath in on my exhale I come up onto my tippy tip toes I shift forward and lower the knees now here we pick up with what we did before hugging the elbows into the side body I slowly lower chest to the earth hitpoints rock up towards the sky chin releases stop here one breath cycle in and out and I slowly press into the palms slide the legs out awkward sound and my feet on the mat just going here and then inhale lift up baby Cobra exhale release curl the toes under press back up to all fours and let's try that again sit bones up towards the sky down dog alright ready to try it again deep breath in inhale exhale we shift forward lower the knees first hug the elbows into the side body knees chest lowers down chin to earth take a deep breath in you know on your exhale sliding through Cobra gently release curl the toes under press it back up to all fours let's try one more time hip bones up towards the sky knees chest chin moving flowing with the breath and again making sure that when we release chest to the earth we're not dumping our weight just into the earth without any integrity but again staying alive through the back body and really through the whole body full body experience here we go inhale exhale shifting forward knees lower down elbows hug in chest hips up towards the sky ball is here knees chest chin on an exhale slide it through and exhale release great curl the toes under press back up to all fours and then we'll walk it back maybe taking a second to roll out the wrists take a deep breath in and then exhale let it go alrighty then so that was nice it's still a spin chair thing didn't I already then I'm gonna roll with it it's not cuz roll with this um okay that was knees chest and chin pose I think this is a great posture to practice even if you're already doing chaturanga I think this is a wonderful pose oh just having your tool belt so that if you're going hard and/or you know just to have that tool if you're listening to your body and you're tired so you're in a faster pace class you can sub with this posture or if you're a beginner you're new to yoga this is an amazing pose to work with integrity to give yourself the time and practice you need to get to chaturanga practice okay I feel like often we rush this process and we end up injuring the shoulders and just kind of being like sad you know like I can't do it I'm not strong enough but hopefully with this posture you'll realize that it's not just all about these guys but um it's about full-body experience so leave questions comments below let me know how it goes I love hearing from you guys and peace be the journey Cool Runnings [Music] [Music] you