1 00:00:00,567 --> 00:00:02,469 - What's up everyone, and welcome to Yoga with Adriene. 2 00:00:02,469 --> 00:00:05,839 I'm Adriene and this is Benji and today we have a yoga reset 3 00:00:05,839 --> 00:00:07,884 for the head and the heart. 4 00:00:07,884 --> 00:00:10,711 So hop into something comfy and let's get started. 5 00:00:10,711 --> 00:00:14,202 (upbeat music) 6 00:00:23,624 --> 00:00:26,894 Alright my darling friends, let's begin today standing with 7 00:00:26,894 --> 00:00:29,630 the feet hip width apart. 8 00:00:29,630 --> 00:00:32,219 Right away, let's just jump right into the pool 9 00:00:32,219 --> 00:00:34,968 of self love, the love zone. 10 00:00:34,968 --> 00:00:37,137 Try to relax your shoulders right away. 11 00:00:37,137 --> 00:00:40,974 Try to start breathing a little deeper right away 12 00:00:40,974 --> 00:00:42,342 and just jump in. 13 00:00:42,342 --> 00:00:44,327 In fact, maybe you give it a hop. 14 00:00:44,327 --> 00:00:45,178 Come on, don't be shy. 15 00:00:45,178 --> 00:00:48,882 Give it a hop and just jump right in and when you hop and 16 00:00:48,882 --> 00:00:50,684 land let awareness build 17 00:00:50,684 --> 00:00:53,062 throughout all four corners of your feet. 18 00:00:53,062 --> 00:00:55,055 And we'll stand up nice and tall 19 00:00:55,055 --> 00:00:57,758 bringing the hands together in prayer position. 20 00:01:01,862 --> 00:01:07,317 So, just kind of jumping right in today. Huh? 21 00:01:09,403 --> 00:01:14,942 Inhale in deeply through the nose and exhale to relax the 22 00:01:14,942 --> 00:01:16,710 shoulders and just breathe out through your mouth. 23 00:01:16,710 --> 00:01:20,882 Just natural, easy exhale. 24 00:01:20,882 --> 00:01:21,949 One more time just like that. 25 00:01:21,949 --> 00:01:24,077 Big inhale through your nostrils. 26 00:01:25,987 --> 00:01:29,423 And nice, easy exhale out through the mouth as you relax 27 00:01:29,423 --> 00:01:31,825 the shoulders down, ah. 28 00:01:31,825 --> 00:01:33,327 Great, bow your head to your heart. 29 00:01:33,327 --> 00:01:34,261 Stretch it, feel it. 30 00:01:34,261 --> 00:01:38,198 Generous stretch in the back of your neck. 31 00:01:38,198 --> 00:01:42,708 Here's a little moment here with your head bowing to your heart 32 00:01:42,708 --> 00:01:44,598 to really breathe into your belly. 33 00:01:44,598 --> 00:01:46,807 Essentially we're connecting 34 00:01:46,807 --> 00:01:48,342 your deep listening points today, 35 00:01:48,342 --> 00:01:50,944 your guts, your heart, 36 00:01:50,944 --> 00:01:53,714 and your mind, the brain. 37 00:01:53,714 --> 00:01:58,285 Little reset to just align, get centered again. 38 00:02:00,387 --> 00:02:05,659 Life's twists and turns take us for a ride no matter what so 39 00:02:05,659 --> 00:02:07,828 it's the way in which we're connected to our listening 40 00:02:07,828 --> 00:02:12,799 centers that dictate how we do on that ride. 41 00:02:12,799 --> 00:02:14,801 (chuckles) How we roll. 42 00:02:16,336 --> 00:02:21,375 Also, little moment here as you breathe into your belly to just 43 00:02:21,375 --> 00:02:22,943 let go of the day thus far. 44 00:02:22,943 --> 00:02:27,014 Just come into this moment, choose to really value yourself 45 00:02:29,783 --> 00:02:33,286 and this time that you've taken to be with yourself. 46 00:02:38,458 --> 00:02:40,460 Letting go of the day thus far. 47 00:02:42,262 --> 00:02:47,300 Letting today be an opportunity to reset, 48 00:02:47,300 --> 00:02:50,937 to recalibrate with a little moving meditation. 49 00:02:53,573 --> 00:02:55,342 If there's anything else, an intention, 50 00:02:55,342 --> 00:02:58,311 a word, something that you need to say to yourself right now 51 00:02:58,311 --> 00:03:02,015 just to get out and move with, go ahead and take this 52 00:03:02,015 --> 00:03:05,052 opportunity with the head bowing to the heart toward the belly, 53 00:03:05,052 --> 00:03:08,889 breathing deep to do just that. 54 00:03:10,223 --> 00:03:12,392 And if you're like, "Whoa, dude, I thought this was 55 00:03:12,392 --> 00:03:14,961 "going to be a chill video," just take what you need, 56 00:03:14,961 --> 00:03:15,629 leave what you don't. 57 00:03:15,629 --> 00:03:17,898 This could just be just a nice moment for you to breathe deep 58 00:03:17,898 --> 00:03:22,069 and feel that deep stretch in the back of the neck. 59 00:03:22,069 --> 00:03:25,305 What I'm sharing here is going out to a lot of different types 60 00:03:25,305 --> 00:03:27,207 of people so just always keep that in mind. 61 00:03:27,207 --> 00:03:30,177 Make it your own, you can totally vibe with the things 62 00:03:30,177 --> 00:03:32,712 that makes sense and the things that don't, 63 00:03:32,712 --> 00:03:34,748 try not to get too hung up on them. 64 00:03:34,748 --> 00:03:39,719 Just pass them off to someone else who could use it. 65 00:03:46,807 --> 00:03:51,465 And then we're gonna start to bend the knees just slightly, 66 00:03:51,465 --> 00:03:56,837 then release the arms and inhale fingertips are gonna go all the 67 00:03:56,837 --> 00:03:58,438 way out, big Texas T here. 68 00:03:58,438 --> 00:04:02,509 As if you're kind of opening your arms to grace, 69 00:04:02,509 --> 00:04:04,111 to goodness, to the opportunity. 70 00:04:04,111 --> 00:04:06,780 Palms facing forward, now bring the palms back. 71 00:04:06,780 --> 00:04:08,181 Be careful not to lock in the knees here 72 00:04:08,181 --> 00:04:08,982 so a little slight bend. 73 00:04:08,982 --> 00:04:11,284 You're just gonna open up through the chest and the pecs. 74 00:04:11,284 --> 00:04:12,752 We're starting to open up through the heart. 75 00:04:12,752 --> 00:04:14,254 And if you're feeling a little vulnerable today, 76 00:04:14,254 --> 00:04:16,255 you're gonna feel this right away, dude. 77 00:04:16,255 --> 00:04:19,291 So breathe deep, stand up nice and tall. 78 00:04:19,291 --> 00:04:23,130 Draw the shoulder blades together even more. 79 00:04:23,130 --> 00:04:25,198 Beautiful, then release the arms across, 80 00:04:25,198 --> 00:04:27,300 the right arm over the left, give yourself a big hug. 81 00:04:27,300 --> 00:04:28,902 Lift the elbows, inhale. 82 00:04:30,092 --> 00:04:32,973 And exhale. 83 00:04:32,973 --> 00:04:36,343 Great, then inhale, open wide. 84 00:04:36,343 --> 00:04:38,712 Pull the palms back, shoulder blades come together. 85 00:04:38,712 --> 00:04:40,247 Stand up nice and tall. 86 00:04:40,247 --> 00:04:42,983 So the belly doesn't need to be tight here but there's a 87 00:04:42,983 --> 00:04:45,318 little bit of awareness drawing in and up just to 88 00:04:45,318 --> 00:04:47,020 support your back body here. 89 00:04:47,020 --> 00:04:48,622 Open, open, open. 90 00:04:48,622 --> 00:04:50,423 Great, then release fingertips down, 91 00:04:50,423 --> 00:04:52,592 left arm goes over, give yourself a great big hug. 92 00:04:52,592 --> 00:04:54,828 Lift the elbows. 93 00:04:54,828 --> 00:04:58,465 Take a deep breath in and then exhale, release. 94 00:04:58,465 --> 00:05:00,400 Alright, moving with the breath. 95 00:05:00,400 --> 00:05:03,442 Inhale, send the fingertips out. 96 00:05:03,442 --> 00:05:06,039 Now you're gonna keep going all the way up as you breathe in. 97 00:05:06,039 --> 00:05:08,475 Fingertips are gonna kiss up and overhead. 98 00:05:08,475 --> 00:05:11,511 We lengthen tailbone down here and kind of lift up 99 00:05:11,511 --> 00:05:13,346 from the hip points. 100 00:05:13,346 --> 00:05:16,183 So imagine your hip points shining up here. 101 00:05:16,183 --> 00:05:19,753 There's lots of awareness and then exhale palms down as you 102 00:05:19,753 --> 00:05:23,790 slowly float the arms down at your sides. 103 00:05:23,790 --> 00:05:26,026 Then soft bend in the knees as you inhale reach up. 104 00:05:26,026 --> 00:05:29,896 Just getting used to moving with the breath really syncing up the 105 00:05:29,896 --> 00:05:31,932 movement with your breath. 106 00:05:31,932 --> 00:05:33,800 And exhaling to float it down. 107 00:05:35,710 --> 00:05:37,170 And once you start to catch your groove, 108 00:05:37,170 --> 00:05:42,042 see if you can slowly begin to move the neck 109 00:05:42,042 --> 00:05:43,210 in a way that feels good. 110 00:05:43,210 --> 00:05:47,035 So maybe that's moving in alignment 111 00:05:47,035 --> 00:05:48,815 with the thumbs. 112 00:05:48,815 --> 00:05:53,398 Maybe it's just being aware of the head and neck. 113 00:05:54,747 --> 00:05:58,327 And then last but not least, one little extra layer is maybe 114 00:05:58,327 --> 00:06:01,127 as you breathe in and reach up towards the sky fingertips kiss 115 00:06:01,127 --> 00:06:03,363 overhead and come onto the toes. 116 00:06:03,363 --> 00:06:05,732 And then exhale with your breath. 117 00:06:05,732 --> 00:06:07,834 Float it down. 118 00:06:07,834 --> 00:06:09,502 Take up lots of space. 119 00:06:09,502 --> 00:06:11,504 Reaching up. 120 00:06:12,739 --> 00:06:15,275 Listen to your breath, maybe that Ujjayi breath here. 121 00:06:17,297 --> 00:06:19,707 And then do one more cycle on your own. 122 00:06:25,585 --> 00:06:28,088 And when you release, bring the hands together, 123 00:06:28,088 --> 00:06:29,823 feet together. Samasthiti heat. 124 00:06:29,823 --> 00:06:32,025 Spread awareness throughout all four corners of the feet. 125 00:06:32,025 --> 00:06:34,227 If you want you can lift your toes. 126 00:06:34,227 --> 00:06:36,763 You'll lift the sternum up to the thumbs and come up to the 127 00:06:36,763 --> 00:06:40,533 top of your mat if you're not already there. 128 00:06:40,533 --> 00:06:43,270 Let's flow again mirroring movement with breath, 129 00:06:43,270 --> 00:06:44,671 breath with movement. 130 00:06:44,671 --> 00:06:47,040 Seeing if as we move we can keep 131 00:06:47,040 --> 00:06:49,676 these three listening centers in alignment. 132 00:06:52,379 --> 00:06:54,948 It's a feeling, it's not like physical asana alignment. 133 00:06:54,948 --> 00:06:57,183 It's like an energetic thing. 134 00:06:59,286 --> 00:07:02,589 We talk a lot about it in Light, our seven-day chakra series on 135 00:07:02,589 --> 00:07:04,317 the Find What Feels Good membership. 136 00:07:04,317 --> 00:07:06,026 It's so awesome, life-changing for me. 137 00:07:06,026 --> 00:07:07,360 Here we go, bend the knees, inhale, 138 00:07:07,360 --> 00:07:09,996 reach for the sky. 139 00:07:09,996 --> 00:07:12,471 Exhale, rain it down. Nice Forward Fold. 140 00:07:12,471 --> 00:07:15,368 Just take a couple breaths here to stretch out. 141 00:07:15,368 --> 00:07:19,706 Bend your knees, allow any stress that you've been carrying 142 00:07:19,706 --> 00:07:22,742 slip away for a moment here so you can be a little bit lighter 143 00:07:22,742 --> 00:07:25,078 as you move throughout your practice. 144 00:07:25,078 --> 00:07:26,613 Refresh and reset. 145 00:07:28,798 --> 00:07:32,189 As you are ready, use an inhale to lift up halfway and we find 146 00:07:32,189 --> 00:07:34,587 this length through the crown. 147 00:07:34,587 --> 00:07:38,491 Neck nice and long and then exhale to fold. 148 00:07:38,491 --> 00:07:40,927 Great, plant the palms, step the right toes back, 149 00:07:40,927 --> 00:07:44,030 step the left back, Plank or Half-Plank. 150 00:07:44,030 --> 00:07:45,065 Breathing deep here. 151 00:07:45,065 --> 00:07:47,634 Just creating a little warmth. 152 00:07:47,634 --> 00:07:50,946 A little depth of breath as you breathe into your belly. 153 00:07:50,946 --> 00:07:53,440 And then see if you can lift your heart space up between 154 00:07:53,440 --> 00:07:55,642 your shoulder blades so there's this doming effect 155 00:07:55,642 --> 00:07:57,177 in the upper back body. 156 00:07:57,177 --> 00:07:59,444 Great, take a deep breath in. One more time here. 157 00:07:59,444 --> 00:08:01,748 And then use your exhale to send the hips up high and back, 158 00:08:01,748 --> 00:08:04,156 Downward Facing Dog. 159 00:08:04,156 --> 00:08:08,802 Awesome inhale, and exhale out through the mouth. 160 00:08:09,589 --> 00:08:12,826 Great, bend your knees, melt your heart towards your thighs. 161 00:08:12,826 --> 00:08:15,695 Then inhale to look forward and exhale to make 162 00:08:15,695 --> 00:08:18,131 your way to the top. 163 00:08:18,131 --> 00:08:21,501 Inhale, halfway lift. No rush. 164 00:08:21,501 --> 00:08:24,671 And then exhale to soften and fold. 165 00:08:24,671 --> 00:08:25,805 Great, root to rise here. 166 00:08:25,805 --> 00:08:28,241 Inhale, reach for the sky. 167 00:08:28,241 --> 00:08:30,777 Check it out, exhale, open twist to the left. 168 00:08:30,777 --> 00:08:33,246 Soft bend in the knees. 169 00:08:33,246 --> 00:08:35,615 Great, inhale, reach for the sky. 170 00:08:35,615 --> 00:08:39,519 Exhale, open twist to the right, soft bend in the knees. 171 00:08:39,519 --> 00:08:42,255 Great, inhale, reach for the sky and exhale. 172 00:08:42,255 --> 00:08:44,824 Rain it all the way down. 173 00:08:44,824 --> 00:08:46,359 Here we go, catch a wave. 174 00:08:46,359 --> 00:08:48,261 Inhale halfway lift. 175 00:08:48,261 --> 00:08:51,664 Move with your breath and exhale soften and fold. 176 00:08:51,664 --> 00:08:53,299 Plant the palms, step it back. 177 00:08:53,299 --> 00:08:55,827 Plank or Half-Plank. 178 00:08:55,827 --> 00:08:58,096 There's no rush, it's all good. 179 00:08:58,096 --> 00:09:00,740 And then slowly, shifting forward on to the toes, 180 00:09:00,740 --> 00:09:04,577 hug the elbows in, lower all the way down to your belly. 181 00:09:04,577 --> 00:09:06,279 Inhale, Baby Cobra. 182 00:09:06,279 --> 00:09:07,714 Find what feels good here. 183 00:09:07,714 --> 00:09:10,709 Supportive movement with your breath. 184 00:09:10,709 --> 00:09:13,953 Then exhale, forehead kisses the mat. 185 00:09:13,953 --> 00:09:14,621 Twice more. 186 00:09:14,621 --> 00:09:17,690 Inhale with your breath, inhale to let your breath fuel the 187 00:09:17,690 --> 00:09:19,702 movement to lift up. 188 00:09:19,702 --> 00:09:22,562 Then exhale to release and one more time give it a go. 189 00:09:22,562 --> 00:09:26,508 Inhale, press into your foundation, rise up. 190 00:09:26,508 --> 00:09:29,702 And exhale to cascade it down. 191 00:09:29,702 --> 00:09:31,671 Great, curl the toes under, lift the kneecaps. 192 00:09:31,671 --> 00:09:33,640 Power up, press up, Plank Pose. 193 00:09:33,640 --> 00:09:37,310 Inhale and then exhale, Downward Facing Dog. 194 00:09:37,310 --> 00:09:38,411 Nice work. 195 00:09:38,411 --> 00:09:40,513 Take a second to peddle it out here. 196 00:09:40,513 --> 00:09:43,639 Stretch it out, do your thing. 197 00:09:43,639 --> 00:09:46,279 Love yo self. 198 00:09:50,256 --> 00:09:52,826 Great, keep working here if you want a little more heat today, 199 00:09:52,826 --> 00:09:56,296 you're gonna walk the palms out as wide as your mat. 200 00:09:56,296 --> 00:09:58,498 Turn the two big toes in. 201 00:09:58,498 --> 00:10:00,600 Then, hug the lower ribs in to support. 202 00:10:00,600 --> 00:10:03,470 You're gonna bring your left hand to touch your heart space, 203 00:10:03,470 --> 00:10:04,237 that's right hand. 204 00:10:04,237 --> 00:10:07,373 Bring your right hand to touch your heart space. 205 00:10:07,373 --> 00:10:10,710 Claw through your left fingertips and then switch. 206 00:10:10,710 --> 00:10:12,278 Left hand to touch your heart space, 207 00:10:12,278 --> 00:10:15,114 claw through your right fingertips. 208 00:10:15,114 --> 00:10:16,749 Okay, bring both hands to the earth, 209 00:10:16,749 --> 00:10:18,985 bend the knees, belly comes to the tops of the thighs. 210 00:10:18,985 --> 00:10:20,954 Inhale to look forward and 211 00:10:20,954 --> 00:10:24,924 exhale to make your way to the top. 212 00:10:24,924 --> 00:10:27,927 As you're ready, inhale to find length. 213 00:10:27,927 --> 00:10:32,232 Long neck and then exhale to soften and bow. 214 00:10:32,232 --> 00:10:34,634 And root to rise, inhale, reach for the sky. 215 00:10:34,634 --> 00:10:37,352 Big stretch, big breath. 216 00:10:37,352 --> 00:10:41,207 And then exhale, hands to heart. 217 00:10:41,207 --> 00:10:45,111 Nice, from here, interlace the fingertips behind the back. 218 00:10:45,111 --> 00:10:48,404 Knuckles draw down and away as we open up through the chest. 219 00:10:53,424 --> 00:10:55,774 Breathe deep. 220 00:10:58,758 --> 00:11:00,527 Then find that soft bend in the knees, 221 00:11:00,527 --> 00:11:01,594 release the fingertips, 222 00:11:01,594 --> 00:11:03,496 and inhale, reach for the sky. 223 00:11:03,496 --> 00:11:07,500 Big stretch, exhale to rain it down. 224 00:11:07,500 --> 00:11:09,035 Inhale to catch a wave. 225 00:11:09,035 --> 00:11:12,205 See if you can really sync up with your breath here. 226 00:11:12,205 --> 00:11:15,041 And then, exhale, soften and release. 227 00:11:15,041 --> 00:11:17,377 Plant the palms, step the right toes back, 228 00:11:17,377 --> 00:11:19,279 step the left toes back. 229 00:11:19,279 --> 00:11:21,614 Shift forward, look forward. 230 00:11:21,614 --> 00:11:24,717 This time belly to Cobra or now Chaturanga to Up Dog. 231 00:11:24,717 --> 00:11:25,618 Open the chest. 232 00:11:25,618 --> 00:11:29,589 Use your inhale to lift up through the sternum. 233 00:11:29,589 --> 00:11:33,192 And then use your exhale to make your way everyone back to Plank. 234 00:11:34,728 --> 00:11:38,264 Then inhale, and again, and exhale to your Downward Dog. 235 00:11:38,264 --> 00:11:39,966 Nice work. 236 00:11:41,147 --> 00:11:43,069 Great, anchor through the left heel and inhale, 237 00:11:43,069 --> 00:11:45,204 lift the right leg up high. 238 00:11:45,204 --> 00:11:47,307 Exhale, shift forward. 239 00:11:47,307 --> 00:11:49,242 Squeeze and lift. 240 00:11:49,242 --> 00:11:52,078 Try to hug your right heel up towards your bum. 241 00:11:52,078 --> 00:11:54,347 Yes, and then step it all the way up. 242 00:11:54,347 --> 00:11:55,582 Pivot on the back foot. 243 00:11:55,582 --> 00:11:58,151 Nice and slow, Warrior I. 244 00:11:58,151 --> 00:12:00,253 We'll bring the hands to the heart to start, 245 00:12:00,253 --> 00:12:01,254 just to center. 246 00:12:01,254 --> 00:12:03,389 Lift the sternum up to the thumbs. 247 00:12:03,389 --> 00:12:06,674 Connect to your core. 248 00:12:06,674 --> 00:12:09,312 And then when you're ready, inhale reach for the sky. 249 00:12:11,731 --> 00:12:14,029 Warrior I. 250 00:12:14,029 --> 00:12:15,768 Great, pull the thumbs back. 251 00:12:15,768 --> 00:12:16,803 Sink a little deeper. 252 00:12:16,803 --> 00:12:20,106 Inhale in, then exhale, Warrior Two. 253 00:12:20,106 --> 00:12:22,575 Back toes are turned in. 254 00:12:22,575 --> 00:12:24,310 So you can take a moment to really 255 00:12:24,310 --> 00:12:26,446 check out your foundation here. 256 00:12:26,446 --> 00:12:30,183 Really build the awareness from the ground up. 257 00:12:30,183 --> 00:12:32,318 Making sure you have a nice wide stance. 258 00:12:34,662 --> 00:12:36,789 Then, when you feel like you have your foundation, 259 00:12:36,789 --> 00:12:40,059 go ahead and send a strong focus all the way out. 260 00:12:40,059 --> 00:12:42,695 Pull the pinkies back. 261 00:12:42,695 --> 00:12:44,564 Reaching way beyond the fingertips. 262 00:12:44,564 --> 00:12:47,100 Let energy just go way beyond your physical body. 263 00:12:48,572 --> 00:12:51,264 And then here we go, we're gonna open the palms up towards the 264 00:12:51,264 --> 00:12:54,674 sky and inhale straighten the front leg and fingertips kiss 265 00:12:54,674 --> 00:12:56,542 all the way up and overhead. 266 00:12:56,542 --> 00:12:59,846 Exhale, strong focus out past your right fingertips as you 267 00:12:59,846 --> 00:13:02,148 bend the front knee, Warrior II. 268 00:13:02,148 --> 00:13:05,051 Inhale, press into the big toe mound of your right foot 269 00:13:05,051 --> 00:13:05,885 as you reach up. 270 00:13:05,885 --> 00:13:10,390 Fingertips kiss and then exhale, Warrior II. 271 00:13:10,390 --> 00:13:12,792 Keep it going with your breath. 272 00:13:12,792 --> 00:13:15,389 Squeeze and lift. 273 00:13:23,803 --> 00:13:28,207 So head, heart and center are in alignment here. 274 00:13:28,207 --> 00:13:29,442 We're moving with the breath. 275 00:13:29,442 --> 00:13:31,678 Literally letting the breath fuel the movement. 276 00:13:32,971 --> 00:13:35,248 And the movement inspire the breath. 277 00:13:35,248 --> 00:13:38,618 Do one more and the next time your front leg is straight 278 00:13:38,618 --> 00:13:42,422 fingertips kiss up and overhead, we're going to slowly send the 279 00:13:42,422 --> 00:13:46,059 fingertips behind the neck or behind the nape and then slowly 280 00:13:46,059 --> 00:13:49,195 all the way back out as you bump the hips towards the back edge 281 00:13:49,195 --> 00:13:52,799 of your mat and slow tilt all the way down. 282 00:13:52,799 --> 00:13:54,434 Triangle Pose. 283 00:13:54,434 --> 00:13:55,568 Not gonna be here long. 284 00:13:55,568 --> 00:13:58,938 Open the heart up towards the sky and then exhale, 285 00:13:58,938 --> 00:14:02,308 look down, bring the left fingertips down to the earth. 286 00:14:02,308 --> 00:14:03,676 Bend your front knee and we come 287 00:14:03,676 --> 00:14:06,479 all the way back to our nice low lunge. 288 00:14:06,479 --> 00:14:08,081 Voila, beautiful. 289 00:14:08,081 --> 00:14:09,082 Lower the back knee. 290 00:14:09,082 --> 00:14:11,451 Inhale, open the chest, open your heart. 291 00:14:11,451 --> 00:14:14,087 Palms open towards the front edge of your mat. 292 00:14:15,012 --> 00:14:16,656 Gorgeous and then here we go. 293 00:14:16,656 --> 00:14:19,669 Exhale to release, plant the palms. 294 00:14:19,669 --> 00:14:23,096 Steps the right toes back. Optional vinyasa here, 295 00:14:23,096 --> 00:14:25,598 belly to Cobra or Chaturanga to Up Dog. 296 00:14:25,598 --> 00:14:29,485 Take it or leave it or go straight to Downward Facing Dog. 297 00:14:29,485 --> 00:14:31,245 Breathing deep. 298 00:14:33,439 --> 00:14:36,476 Checking in with your body today. 299 00:14:36,476 --> 00:14:40,155 Checking in with your mind today. 300 00:14:41,814 --> 00:14:43,583 Listening to your heart. 301 00:14:45,075 --> 00:14:47,787 Today 'cause every day is different. 302 00:14:47,787 --> 00:14:49,288 When you come to that Downward Dog, 303 00:14:49,288 --> 00:14:51,624 deep breath, inhale through the nose. 304 00:14:51,624 --> 00:14:53,459 Go ahead and exhale out through the mouth. 305 00:14:53,459 --> 00:14:56,129 Nice cleansing breath. 306 00:14:56,129 --> 00:14:58,231 And then anchor the right heel now and inhale, 307 00:14:58,231 --> 00:15:00,767 lift the left leg up high. 308 00:15:00,767 --> 00:15:03,903 Exhale, shift forward, squeeze, engage your core. 309 00:15:03,903 --> 00:15:06,072 Try to touch your left heel up towards your left glute as you 310 00:15:06,072 --> 00:15:08,074 press away from your yoga mat. 311 00:15:08,074 --> 00:15:10,476 Great, and then step it up all the way up. 312 00:15:10,476 --> 00:15:12,678 Great, inhale to open the chest. 313 00:15:12,678 --> 00:15:14,447 Find your footing. 314 00:15:14,447 --> 00:15:16,048 Nice low lunge and then when you're ready, 315 00:15:16,048 --> 00:15:17,483 pivot on the back foot. 316 00:15:17,483 --> 00:15:20,119 Palms come together and we'll rise up preparing for 317 00:15:20,119 --> 00:15:21,500 Virabhadrasana I. 318 00:15:23,049 --> 00:15:25,958 Hmmm. 319 00:15:25,958 --> 00:15:27,927 So press into the knife edge of that back foot. 320 00:15:27,927 --> 00:15:30,596 Remember back toes are turned in. 321 00:15:30,596 --> 00:15:31,798 Lengthen tailbone down. 322 00:15:31,798 --> 00:15:33,332 When you feel like you're ready, 323 00:15:33,332 --> 00:15:37,036 inhale to reach the fingertips up high. 324 00:15:37,036 --> 00:15:38,838 Pull the thumbs back, lift your chest. 325 00:15:38,838 --> 00:15:39,806 Keep that front knee bent. 326 00:15:39,806 --> 00:15:41,307 You got it. 327 00:15:41,307 --> 00:15:43,519 Inhale, lift, lift, lift. 328 00:15:43,519 --> 00:15:46,879 And then exhale, here we go, Warrior II. 329 00:15:46,879 --> 00:15:49,415 Now you can widen your stance, get situated, 330 00:15:49,415 --> 00:15:51,717 turn those back toes in. 331 00:15:51,717 --> 00:15:53,019 Feel this strong connection as 332 00:15:53,019 --> 00:15:54,954 you drop your center down in space. 333 00:15:54,954 --> 00:15:57,857 And then again, energy way beyond the physical body here. 334 00:15:57,857 --> 00:15:59,081 So we're really reaching. 335 00:16:03,259 --> 00:16:05,665 And then layer the breath back in when you lose it 336 00:16:05,665 --> 00:16:07,333 'cause it comes and goes. 337 00:16:07,333 --> 00:16:09,402 Bring that consciousness back. 338 00:16:09,402 --> 00:16:11,771 And here we go, inhale, open the palms, 339 00:16:11,771 --> 00:16:12,638 straighten the front leg. 340 00:16:12,638 --> 00:16:14,941 Press into the big toe mound of your left foot. 341 00:16:14,941 --> 00:16:17,176 Reach all the way up, lift up from the pelvic floor, 342 00:16:17,176 --> 00:16:19,278 fingertips kiss up and overhead. 343 00:16:19,278 --> 00:16:21,363 And then exhale, Warrior II. 344 00:16:21,363 --> 00:16:23,216 Strong and steady. 345 00:16:23,216 --> 00:16:24,617 With the breath, inhale. 346 00:16:24,617 --> 00:16:26,786 Marry breath to movement, movement to breath. 347 00:16:28,494 --> 00:16:30,590 And exhale, moving with intention. 348 00:16:30,590 --> 00:16:32,892 That's really what vinyasa means. 349 00:16:32,892 --> 00:16:34,894 Keep it going. 350 00:16:36,295 --> 00:16:39,265 Inhaling to reach up, squeeze and lift, exhale. 351 00:16:39,265 --> 00:16:42,057 Strong and steady, Warrior II. 352 00:16:42,057 --> 00:16:43,707 Keep it going. 353 00:16:49,141 --> 00:16:52,257 Think of the archetypes here, the Warriors. 354 00:17:02,188 --> 00:17:05,523 As you inhale, press into your front foot firmly, 355 00:17:05,523 --> 00:17:08,390 all four corners dig into that heel. 356 00:17:08,390 --> 00:17:11,186 Great and then exhale. 357 00:17:11,186 --> 00:17:11,830 You're doing great. 358 00:17:11,830 --> 00:17:13,866 Then next time you're all the way up, 359 00:17:13,866 --> 00:17:16,068 fingertips reach up, stick with it, 360 00:17:16,068 --> 00:17:17,303 lift up from the pelvic floor. 361 00:17:17,303 --> 00:17:19,972 Bring the hands behind the back of the head. 362 00:17:19,972 --> 00:17:23,643 And then they're gonna slowly trace back out as you bump your 363 00:17:23,643 --> 00:17:25,144 hips to the back edge of your mat. 364 00:17:25,144 --> 00:17:27,069 Pull the left hip crease up and in. 365 00:17:27,069 --> 00:17:30,483 And we'll tilt down and over, Triangle Pose, 366 00:17:30,483 --> 00:17:31,384 Trikonasana. 367 00:17:31,384 --> 00:17:34,420 Only for one cycle of breath here so really open the chest up 368 00:17:34,420 --> 00:17:35,655 towards the sky. 369 00:17:35,655 --> 00:17:36,989 Fully embody the pose. 370 00:17:36,989 --> 00:17:38,891 Remember your breath supporting you. 371 00:17:38,891 --> 00:17:41,127 And then we'll slowly send the gaze down, 372 00:17:41,127 --> 00:17:42,295 start to bend that front knee. 373 00:17:42,295 --> 00:17:44,397 Right fingertips come to the earth. 374 00:17:44,397 --> 00:17:46,265 We come back to our nice low lunge. 375 00:17:46,265 --> 00:17:49,335 Lower the back knee as you're ready. 376 00:17:49,335 --> 00:17:51,747 And then loop the shoulders. 377 00:17:51,747 --> 00:17:54,740 Lift the palms, they face forward as you inhale. 378 00:17:54,740 --> 00:17:57,476 Get this big stretch as you lift your heart. 379 00:17:57,476 --> 00:18:00,313 Crown of the head lengthens up and back. 380 00:18:00,313 --> 00:18:01,948 Nice work and then we'll release. 381 00:18:01,948 --> 00:18:03,939 Great, plant the palms. 382 00:18:03,939 --> 00:18:06,852 You're gonna come to a Plank or Half-Plank. 383 00:18:06,852 --> 00:18:08,554 Reach your heels back. 384 00:18:08,554 --> 00:18:09,855 Press away from your yoga mat. 385 00:18:09,855 --> 00:18:12,191 Lift your front body up to meet your back body. 386 00:18:12,191 --> 00:18:13,693 You can, you will. 387 00:18:13,693 --> 00:18:16,629 We're here for five, four, three. 388 00:18:16,629 --> 00:18:18,998 Welcome that shake, that heat, that prana. 389 00:18:18,998 --> 00:18:22,868 Two, and slowly lower your knees with control on the one. 390 00:18:22,868 --> 00:18:24,870 Getting stronger by the day. 391 00:18:24,870 --> 00:18:29,645 Not just in the physical body but this connection. 392 00:18:29,645 --> 00:18:32,011 Mind and heart. 393 00:18:32,011 --> 00:18:33,579 Alright we're gonna come to Baddha Konasana. 394 00:18:33,579 --> 00:18:35,548 So sit up nice and tall. 395 00:18:35,548 --> 00:18:37,203 Bring the soles of your feet together. 396 00:18:39,497 --> 00:18:41,954 And yep, you guessed it. 397 00:18:41,954 --> 00:18:44,657 You're gonna bring your thumbs, you're gonna bring 'em right to 398 00:18:44,657 --> 00:18:46,525 the arches of the feet. 399 00:18:46,525 --> 00:18:49,729 And you're gonna take your gaze off the video and just take a 400 00:18:49,729 --> 00:18:53,171 look down at your sweet feet. 401 00:18:53,171 --> 00:18:58,738 And maybe you consider in your mind that you're not giving your 402 00:18:58,738 --> 00:19:00,973 feet enough love. 403 00:19:00,973 --> 00:19:05,444 So we're gonna take a moment here for a little self massage. 404 00:19:07,029 --> 00:19:10,082 A little yoga massage. 405 00:19:10,082 --> 00:19:13,452 And if this is not your thing, you're with the 90% that's not 406 00:19:13,452 --> 00:19:17,256 your thing so let's give you some action points. 407 00:19:17,256 --> 00:19:20,126 You're gonna just take your thumbs to the arches 408 00:19:20,126 --> 00:19:23,362 and just pull at that area. 409 00:19:23,362 --> 00:19:26,499 Just pull away from the center of your foot out to the arches. 410 00:19:27,858 --> 00:19:29,602 And then if that's all you do, that's great. 411 00:19:29,602 --> 00:19:34,173 But if it, maybe, inspires you to start making the rounds, 412 00:19:34,173 --> 00:19:37,864 (laughs) this is so bizarre, on your feet. 413 00:19:37,864 --> 00:19:39,512 Go ahead and give yourself a little massage. 414 00:19:39,512 --> 00:19:41,580 You might move the toes. 415 00:19:41,580 --> 00:19:46,341 You might massage the ankles, the heels. 416 00:19:47,553 --> 00:19:50,823 And then remember this moment the next time you're getting out 417 00:19:50,823 --> 00:19:54,894 of the shower, you are feeling anxious, 418 00:19:54,894 --> 00:19:57,163 even first thing in the morning, you can take a little oil or 419 00:19:57,163 --> 00:19:59,098 take a little lotion and just 420 00:19:59,098 --> 00:20:02,168 give yourself a little foot and ankle massage. 421 00:20:02,168 --> 00:20:04,403 This comes with a nice hip opener here. 422 00:20:04,403 --> 00:20:06,892 And we're sitting up nice and tall. 423 00:20:06,892 --> 00:20:08,551 Breathing deep. 424 00:20:10,409 --> 00:20:12,011 And then when you feel satisfied, 425 00:20:12,011 --> 00:20:14,526 like you've had enough, but take your time, 426 00:20:14,526 --> 00:20:17,950 you're gonna grab the ankles and lift up from your heart. 427 00:20:19,299 --> 00:20:20,986 You're gonna close your eyes. 428 00:20:23,871 --> 00:20:28,427 And we're gonna draw this beautiful white line from the 429 00:20:28,427 --> 00:20:32,665 base of the pelvis, the base of the spine, 430 00:20:32,665 --> 00:20:36,001 all the way up to your navel. 431 00:20:38,138 --> 00:20:40,573 And then all the way up past your center and if your 432 00:20:40,573 --> 00:20:42,141 legs are shaking, your hips are shaking, 433 00:20:42,141 --> 00:20:45,109 breathe, breathe, breathe deep. 434 00:20:45,109 --> 00:20:47,597 And then all the way up to your heart center, 435 00:20:47,597 --> 00:20:48,748 your sternum. 436 00:20:48,748 --> 00:20:52,680 The chest lifts and there's this inner ecosystem that's going, 437 00:20:52,680 --> 00:20:55,921 "Okay, okay, we support this. This is what's happening? 438 00:20:55,921 --> 00:20:57,356 "Okay, we'll support it by 439 00:20:57,356 --> 00:20:59,225 "energetically lifting all the way up." 440 00:20:59,225 --> 00:21:03,662 And then that soft white light is gonna continue to draw a line 441 00:21:03,662 --> 00:21:06,882 all the way up through the throat chakra. 442 00:21:06,882 --> 00:21:08,300 Couldn't help myself, up through the throat, 443 00:21:08,300 --> 00:21:12,500 and then all the way through the neck and jaw. 444 00:21:12,500 --> 00:21:16,076 And all the way up through the third eye. 445 00:21:16,076 --> 00:21:19,712 And then all the way up through the crown. 446 00:21:19,712 --> 00:21:21,347 Take one more cycle of breath here 447 00:21:21,347 --> 00:21:24,613 to find places to lift and lengthen. 448 00:21:24,613 --> 00:21:26,952 And then use your exhale to really ground down. 449 00:21:26,952 --> 00:21:29,504 Maybe elbows down, shoulders down. 450 00:21:33,425 --> 00:21:35,094 Nice and then we're gonna release. 451 00:21:35,094 --> 00:21:38,510 Just cross one ankle over the other. 452 00:21:38,510 --> 00:21:41,033 And bring the hands together at the heart. 453 00:21:41,033 --> 00:21:43,035 Come into Sukhasana. 454 00:21:44,270 --> 00:21:46,272 Take a deep breath. 455 00:21:47,439 --> 00:21:49,441 Exhale to relax the shoulders. 456 00:21:53,012 --> 00:21:55,014 Inhale, lots of love in. 457 00:21:57,316 --> 00:21:59,671 And exhale, lots of love out. 458 00:22:01,294 --> 00:22:02,354 We're gonna end with a twist. 459 00:22:02,354 --> 00:22:06,892 Just to kind of put the cherry on top of this idea of just 460 00:22:06,892 --> 00:22:10,496 taking some time for yourself and getting out of your own way. 461 00:22:10,496 --> 00:22:12,865 Remembering that a little goes a long way. 462 00:22:12,865 --> 00:22:16,885 Just connecting the mind and the body or the mind and the heart. 463 00:22:16,885 --> 00:22:19,371 So you're gonna sit up nice and tall here, inhale. 464 00:22:19,371 --> 00:22:21,707 And then exhale, nice, easy twist to the left. 465 00:22:21,707 --> 00:22:23,042 Right hand comes to the left knee, 466 00:22:23,042 --> 00:22:24,276 left fingertips behind. 467 00:22:24,276 --> 00:22:25,811 So you want to try to create 468 00:22:25,811 --> 00:22:27,846 this nice long line in the spine. 469 00:22:27,846 --> 00:22:31,750 So if you're rounding here, maybe sit up on something. 470 00:22:31,750 --> 00:22:33,752 You can even double up on your mat. 471 00:22:36,188 --> 00:22:38,903 Or just come out of the twist a little bit more. 472 00:22:38,903 --> 00:22:40,731 Right, we don't have to go so far. 473 00:22:42,895 --> 00:22:44,463 Breathe deep here. 474 00:22:44,463 --> 00:22:47,366 Your last joyous breaths of today's Sadhana, 475 00:22:47,366 --> 00:22:51,729 today's practice, today's showing up. 476 00:22:51,729 --> 00:22:54,240 And come back through center and take it to the other side. 477 00:22:54,240 --> 00:22:57,425 Breathing as you lift up through the spine. 478 00:22:57,425 --> 00:22:59,445 And then drawing the navel in and up. 479 00:22:59,445 --> 00:23:04,086 Connecting to that strong center as you breathe out. 480 00:23:10,823 --> 00:23:13,092 Take one more breath, inhale to sit up nice and tall. 481 00:23:13,092 --> 00:23:15,594 Again, this exhale's an opportunity to 482 00:23:15,594 --> 00:23:19,832 just wring out the sponge. Let go of the excess. 483 00:23:21,900 --> 00:23:24,703 So that when you come back center nice and easy, 484 00:23:24,703 --> 00:23:26,705 here we go. 485 00:23:29,808 --> 00:23:33,379 You can start to find the little inner smile. 486 00:23:33,379 --> 00:23:34,713 Bring the hands back together at 487 00:23:34,713 --> 00:23:36,715 the heart to seal our practice today. 488 00:23:41,487 --> 00:23:43,769 Inhale, nice, refreshing breath in. 489 00:23:46,053 --> 00:23:48,594 And exhale, to empty it out. 490 00:23:52,264 --> 00:23:54,933 From my heart to yours, truly my heart goes out to you. 491 00:23:54,933 --> 00:23:57,036 Thank you so much for sharing your time and your energy and 492 00:23:57,036 --> 00:24:00,239 your practice with me and the Yoga With Adriene community. 493 00:24:00,239 --> 00:24:01,640 Let me know how you're feeling, 494 00:24:01,640 --> 00:24:03,509 how your practice went down below. 495 00:24:03,509 --> 00:24:07,068 Subscribe to this channel if you haven't already 496 00:24:07,068 --> 00:24:10,316 and share it with everyone. 497 00:24:10,316 --> 00:24:13,085 The world needs more yoga. 498 00:24:13,085 --> 00:24:15,187 Anyway, it can be with me or it can be with anyone. 499 00:24:15,187 --> 00:24:16,422 Alright, thank you so much. 500 00:24:16,422 --> 00:24:20,020 We'll bring the thumbs right up to the third eye. 501 00:24:20,020 --> 00:24:22,813 Take a deep breath in. 502 00:24:22,813 --> 00:24:27,633 And we bow to our highest self. 503 00:24:27,633 --> 00:24:30,435 And also recognize that in each other. 504 00:24:30,435 --> 00:24:31,660 You guys rock. 505 00:24:31,660 --> 00:24:34,869 Namaste. 506 00:24:34,869 --> 00:24:38,517 (upbeat music)