hey everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene and today on the foundations of the Fit loga we're learning half moon or ardha chandrasana this is an awesome and challenging pose that's full body strengthener this is such a great thing to do in the foundations because we can really break it down and build from the ground up from our foundation I love this series it's like yoga school you get to go in and experiment a little more in the poses then maybe you can in a public class or if you're just trying to get your workout done so take off your shoes and let's learn or deepen Halfmoon pose all right my friends so to begin today we're going to actually come on to all fours just a quick check-in to assist you when we get up on our feet in half moon so essentially we're checking in with this line from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone it's a what Shiva ray calls the done that which I love which in Sanskrit means staff or stick which is quite literally right this line that carries us that holds us up so you can take a moment to just kind of visualize that line from the crown of the head all the way to the tip of the coccyx there as you come to all fours and stack yourself in tabletop position so we also have a yoga tips for tabletop position tabletop position video would actually be a really great video to also do if you're trying to grow ardha chandrasana so here we are tabletop position wrists underneath the shoulders knees directly underneath the hips press to the tops of your feet press into all ten fingerprints and slowly begin to lift your knees let them hover it doesn't have to be a big lift here in fact keep it quite small this isn't about impressing your dog or cat with your shape this is about checking in with those abdominal muscles and checking in with this full-body experience a a kind of sense of integrity so rather than collapsing here we're pressing away from the earth we're remembering that the neck isn't a long beautiful extension of the spine whoo I can tell I'm tired and so are my body's like Oh anyway that's good press into the tops of the feet one more breath here draw your navel up towards your spine and on an exhale slowly release curl the toes under and then well we can rotate the wrists here a couple times if we need to and then we'll come up on to standing so here we go actually going to come into Halfmoon today from triangle pose so go ahead and take the feet nice and wide there's a foundation with yoga for triangle pose too if you want to check it out turn the toes and take a second to stand up nice and tall and then we'll take the right toes out here start so we'll inhale send the fingertips out lift your heart lengthen the tailbone down you can already begin to think about head heart and pelvis being in one nice line here as we lengthen the tailbone down relax the shoulders find length in the neck take a deep breath in then on an exhale send your hips back as you reach forward reach reach reach keep a length in both side bodies in fact in all four sides of the waist here as we come into our triangle so we can make a little adjustments as needed and then whenever you're ready inhale open your heart up towards the sky relax your shoulders down and away from the ears so imagine your two shoulder blades coming together and melting down towards the base of the spine we take a deep breath here then exhale send your gaze down begin just soften in your right knee so if you have a block available you can take your block here but if not no worries we're going to bring the left hand to the waistline and we're going to step the back foot up about halfway so from here I keep the length that I had in triangle and I'm actually going to do without the block at first it's in case you don't have a black we'll send the fingertips in front front knees bent I take a deep breath in i soften through the back knee and on an exhale press into all four corners of that standing leg your right foot here so right away I begin to brighten through my left foot now I can go into this pose superfast but chances are if you're watching this you're a beginner or you're wanting to deepen your practice so we're going to slow or down fingertips are about two palms length away from your pinky toe here and we just begin to lift that leg so we're not even coming into the full pose here left hands on the waistline right fingertips on the earth now what I can begin to experiment with here is my head and neck even if you're looking at the video here is okay in this in this posture actually to be looking at the video and then coming back down to focus or keeping head out is fine if you're looking so what i'm doing here is again drawing energy up from the center channel imagining this line from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone so if the spine is kind of wilted here see if you can grow a little tall through the crown the lengthen your neck alright then we might set that back foot down and lift up take a little break here dance break um that seems like something my friend Hilah would you dance break okay it's good dance one time I try to do that at one time recently I try to do that in class to a particular song and it took a while but never there's a lot of resistance like girl we do a lot of your things Adriene but we don't feel like dance breaking right now in the middle of our vinyasa but later on they did some sub dancing okay so if you do have a block you can bring it now again it's about one blocks worth or two palms worth away from that pinky toe but we can also begin to grow this pose from the ground up without the block so so if you have it great we can use it if not no worries okay here we go coming into our triangle we take a deep breath in and exhale tilt to remember this length this space then soften through that front knee and we'll bring that back foot up half way kind of like a alright okay so fingertips are going to come to the earth or palm to the block I bend both knees inhale in exhale lift off this time as I spiral my heart out to the side I'm going to begin to lift that back leg so sorry it's a little hard to do I'm chatting so again visualize this beautiful line from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone draw energy up from the arch of your right foot keep a soft bend in this right knee as you spread awareness through all four corners of that right foot now I'm pressing into my left heel I'm really engaging through that left foot creating a full body experience as I extend from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone and also tailbone sit bone really to heel left hand can be on the waistline here as we relax the shoulders away and remember what you had to do in your abdominal wall when you were in that hovering cat cow my friends so as we grow the practice we can open out here also of course we can do this from the earth and think about just to get gathering energy up from the earth take your time slowly growing this practice taking every muscle fiber along for the ride long extension through the neck every one charge through your left inner thigh so even if we're here we can begin to engage that foot draw the navel in to meet the spine and start to charge that left inner thigh so again this might be check out this sexy pose this might be your half moon today and then here and then here and then here and relaxing the shoulders down and slowly we grow so play a little bit here on the right side take breaks if you need to forward fold we'll just take a couple more breaths here playing with half moon on the right side how can I create a full body experience drawing the shoulders away from the ears soft bend through the right knee so don't lock that standing leg press into the left heel charge that left inner thigh deep breath in extend through the crown and wherever you are using exhale to slowly unravel it back with control with grace cool we will all come into a nice forward fold here grab the elbows Rock little side to side and then we'll tuck the chin into the chest and slowly roll it up take your time classy just notice a little hole in my pantaloons here it's like somebody sent them like that it's like distressed jeans now we're starting to sell distressed yoga pants with holes in them someone's going to steal that idea and I'm ok with that ok here we go on the other side so let's take the feet out wide go ahead and walk you through this triangle if you're new to triangle check out the foundations of triangle yummy yummy posture will turn both toes in stand up nice and tall find that length so the beauty of this series foundations of yoga is we just get to like slow it down break it down and then keep this length as you turn your left toes out and we really press into the outer edge of that back foot for triangle inhale send the fingertips out left to right exhale moving into triangle sending the hips back as we reach reach forward long torso and then we check it out here on the other side so the reason I like to come to triangle first is kind of tilting and a Halfmoon from Tadasana for a beginner is a little much but is it eventually will become fun for you I think but also we keep this length and we don't forget about the underbody here so chances are sometimes triangles kind of look like this and so see if you can create a lot of space between your left earlobe and your left shoulders you draw the shoulder blades in together and down cool to see where you're at on this side notice of course it's different than the other and we're going to go right into it so we're going to release right hand to the waistline soften through this knee just see where you're headed here in front of that pinky toe then we're going to soften through the back knee and hike it up halfway great fingertips come out off the mat or on I'm gonna actually Center myself just so my frame looks good and you know as you practice with the block you can always go different levels yes we know and here I go engaging energy drawing energy up from the center channel here a little mula bandha if you're familiar also playing with that navel to spine uddiyana bandha so drawing navel into the spine and we lift the big toe up flex that foot find light so if you're kind of here with the neck remember neck nice and long as I fall out of it yes so here again we can just go to here but chances are you're going to be holding on for dear life there instead of experiencing all this yummy yogic joy so take your time just lift one big toe off even if you have experience you might just take a moment here you might notice if you crashing down onto that left hand and you might get just bring more consciousness into the body cool then we're going to go right into it from here so wherever you are and I'm going to take my block away just to show you that we don't have that block it's okay I'm going to keep a soft bend in this left knee and again maybe you just stay here my friends playing or maybe begin to open up use your breath draw energy up from that left foot but keep a soft bend in that left knee as you open out not everything has to happen at once my friends so you can work on charging that back leg and then tend to the shoulders so slowly going through your checklist as you extend to the crown of the head charge that right inner thigh and eventually we're opening up through the rib cage right drawing that left ribcage up and under and then I just took my gaze up and fell out that's what it's all about so there's a little playtime for you and me website is definitely different than the right for me and talking so a couple more breaths here keep playing on this side again we're anywhere we're here we're here right here sometimes it is nice to put practices against wall you can press that right heel right up against the wall and wherever you are take one more deep breath in smile and exhale with control see if you can slowly with control unravel back to that forward fold awesome everyone hang here bend your knees generously take a deep breath in through the nose exhale out through the mouth and we press into all four corners of the feet and once again slowly roll it up Mountain Pose Tadasana