Hi, everyone, welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I'm Adriene and this is Benji and today we have a sweet, gentle, relaxing, cozy yoga for you. So grab a blanket, grab a pillow, hop into something extra comfy and let's get started. (upbeat music) Hi, pals, welcome to your cozy time lemonade. Let's start seated. We're gonna get our blanket and or our pillow and we're gonna bring it just behind the hips here, just underneath the hips so that you can sit up a little bit taller and just feel a little supported as we begin today's practice on the floor. So come on down to the ground. As you're ready, sit up nice and tall. Let the hands rest gently on the knees or the thighs, we're going to tuck the chin slightly, lengthen through the back of the neck. Soften your gaze or close your eyes. And as you relax your shoulders, just see if you can lift your sternum just a bit. Lift your heart. So starting in a little seated meditation posture, just bring your awareness to your breath. There is no right or wrong here. Today's all about easy, breezy, feel good, gentle, relaxing practice. So just allow yourself to come as you are with whatever you're coming to your practice with. It's all good. Bring your awareness to the base of the spine and start to draw, draw. I get Zen'ed out already. I will lead the class, start to draw a little energy, a little line from the base of the spine all the way up to the crown. And notice if this invitation changes the way you're sitting or changes the way you're breathing. Again, just starting right there at the base of the spine. And drawing a line upwards through that center plumb line all the way to the crown of the head. If you're practicing this in the morning, maybe you set a little intention for your day. If you're practicing this midday or in the evening, maybe you allow yourself to kind of let go of the day thus far and just give thanks for yourself for carving out this time to simply be present. Gently draw your hands together at your heart, take a deep breath in here. And exhale to let everything go. And one more time. Big inhale in. And exhale to relax the shoulders. Let everything go. Awesome, hands come to the knees or the thighs. This time, palms face up just changing the energy receiving here with palms face up. We're gonna draw the chin to the chest and then nice and slow you're gonna draw big circles with nose one way. And then eventually you can reverse it and take it the other way. And then reverse it again a couple of times back and forth. Gently begin to deepen your breath here. Find that inner smile working out the kinks. And then allow these big circles, whichever way you're going here, to get smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller 'til you find yourself stacked up again, up through the spine. Head of her heart, heart over pelvis. That line from the base of the spine all the way up to the crown is there. But now let's see if we can take it beyond. So lifting up beyond your physical body, beyond the roof for the ceiling or the sky. To infinity. Alright, take a deep breath in here. Long breath out. Take your right hand over to your left kneecap. Take your left hand over to your right kneecap. Inhale to lift the chest, rock the pelvis a bit here back. And then exhale, tuck the pelvis, round the chin. Excuse me, around the spine. Tuck the chin, bow the head down. Inhale to lift and lengthen. Exhale to round. Now move a couple of times here with the sound of your breath. The next time you're up. Go ahead and lift the finger tips. Keep the elbows hooked. You're going to continue to wrap around here. Find Eagle Arms. Inhale, lift the elbows. Excuse me, exhale. Repeat, chin to chest, round through. Inhale, lift, long belly. Exhale, navel draws back chin to chest. Inhale, lift. Think Upward Facing Dog or Cobra here. Exhale, chin to chest. Good, inhale to unravel. Come back to center, Sukhasana. Take a deep breath in. Long breath out. Alright, now take your left hand to your right kneecap. Right arm crosses over to touch the left kneecap. Inhale, look up. Exhale, chin to chest round through. Really stretch it out. Back body here. Use your breath. Inhale, look up. Exhale, chin to chest. Inhale, look up. Exhale, navel draws back. Inhale, lift the fingertips, keep the elbows where they are. Wrap the arms, elbows lift up. Long puppy belly here as you breathe in. Stretch. Exhale, round it through as you breathe out. Inhale to lift, we're rocking in the pelvis here and then exhale chin to chest. These can be small gestures too. Inhale, lift the elbows and exhale. Good, inhale, unravel. Beautiful, palms come to the knees. Take a deep breath in. And a long extended breath out. Gorgeous. Hug your left heel into your center, send your right leg out long. Flex your right hose towards your face. Take your left hand to the ground and inhale. Reach your right arm all the way upside body stretch here. Inhale in. Exhale, pull your right thumb back, lift your chest up towards the sky. And then slowly come back to center. From here, you're gonna bring your hands right out in front. Keep the right toes flexed. Inhale in, exhale maybe coming onto the forearms here. Inhale in maybe you come a little lower, lower bringing your head to the ground, maybe not. Close your eyes and breathe deep. Action point here is to pull the right hip crease back. Keep the right toes pointed up towards the sky. So we're engaged through the full right leg, right femur, hugging into socket here actively. Relax the skin in the face. Relax your forehead. Awesome, then took the chin, slowly roll it up. Switch, bring your right heel in, send your left leg out long. So this thigh bone's kind of hugging in the socket here. I'm flexing my left toes up towards the sky, or I like to give the cue of flexing your toes towards your face to really activate. Then bring your right hand to the ground. Inhale, reach the left fingertips up high and then find that side body stretch as you take it up and over. Inhale in, reach. Exhale, spiral your heart up towards the sky. And then slowly come back through center. Reset and we'll bring the hands or the fingertips out in front and start to walk them forward. Maybe you come onto the forearms here. You might notice this side is very different. Keep a nice active left foot there as you breathe deep. Maybe coming down a little lower. Maybe not today. Maybe that's for another day. Try to bring your attention to the sound of your breath here, use it to anchor your mind, your thoughts. Then tuck the chin, slowly begin to roll it up, keep the left leg extended. Use your fingertips to support you as you kick the right foot out, sorry, buddy. And now we're in it, seated wide legged shape. Hi, buddy. Did I wake you up from your nap? Apologies. So here you're going to bend the knees just slightly to start, bring the fingertips forward and then you can walk the palms or the fingertips forward. Maybe come onto the forearms here. And then from here you can work to straighten the legs. Inhale in, exhale, allow the way to the head to soften down. And again, use the sound of your breath here to anchor you to stay present in the moment. Big stretch here so big breath. Press through your heels, flex your toes up one more breath, inhale. And exhale. Great, inhale in again. Use your exhale to tuck the chin and roll it back up. Awesome. Nice and easy we're going to bring the soles of the feet together. Take your hands to the ankles or thumbs to the arches. A little Cobbler's Pose here before we come onto the ground. So sit up nice and tall. Let the tops of the thighs get really heavy here. Option to keep it lifted or to send the heart forward into a fold. Try to bring your nose towards your toes. You can also use the thumbs here to create a little self massage. Massage the arches of the feet. No need to push or force here. Keep it nice and easy. Then when you're ready, slowly come up, you're going to bring your feet to the mat, knees all the way up, bring your hands behind you. I'm gonna shift just so you can see me and then you're gonna windshield wiper your legs to one side, any side. So the key is to start with the feet wide though so you can really get a nice rotation. Pause here. Breathe. Close your eyes. Good. Then take him through center and to the opposite side. Pause there, breathe. Close your eyes. Pay attention to the sensation in your body. Work to keep elongating your inhale and extending your exhale. Good. The moment we've all been waiting for. We're now going to extend the legs and come to lie flat on our backs, so pull your blanket to the side, grab your pillow for your head. Imagine that and let's come to lie down together. Hey-o! Okay. Go ahead and extend the legs out long when you get there and take a nice full body stretch. Reach the arms all the way up and overhead. Big stretch. Inhale in here. Exhale, walk your heels towards the bottom left corner of your mat. Then shimmy your head and shoulders towards the top left corner of your mat. Grab your right wrist with your left elbow. Peek at me if you need to. Feel this stretch in the right side body. To take it one step further, you'll cross the right ankle over the left and breathe like you love yourself. Breathe, breathe, breathe. Awesome, from here, slowly uncross the ankles, release the bind. Walk back to center. Inhale, reach the arms up and overhead again if they are not already, and then walk the heels towards the bottom right corner of your mat. Shimmy the head and shoulders towards the top right corner of your mat. Grab your left wrist with your right hand. Inhale lots of love in. Exhale, close your eyes, relax your jaw. Maybe cross the left ankle over the right here. And with your eyes closed here, imagine you're on a sunny hill, maybe by a body of water or a field of flowers. Awesome, then unravel, released the bind, come back to center. Bring the hands down gently at your sides. Walk one knee up, then the other walk the heels up towards the sits bones. Inhale, begin to lift the hips as you press evenly through the feet. Interlace the fingertips, if you like behind the tail, find a Bridge Pose here. Lift the chest to the chin, the chin to the sky. Press into all four corners of the feet, shins forward and then slowly release. Awesome, soles of the feet come together once again. Knees wide, Reclined Cobbler's Pose. Close your eyes here. Inhale in. And exhale out. Good. Press in to the soles of the feet. Bring the knees together. You're gonna grab your blanket and we're gonna use it now to cover up here so you can do whatever you like. You can take the blanket. You can roll up like taquito or burrito. You can cover yourself however feels good. If you are in a warm environment, you can roll the blanket up and put it behind your knees. Definitely get comfortable now. Place the hands mindfully, gently at your sides or maybe on the low ribs or the belly. After you get settled in find a little inner smile. And let's breathe together. Breathing in for five counts. Breathing out for seven. Ready? Here we go. Breathe in for five, four, three, two, one. Pause. Breathe out for seven, six, five, four, three, two, empty on the one. Good. Big inhale for five, four, three, two, hold the breath. Exhale for seven, six, five, four, three, two, empty on the one. Inhale for five, four, three, two, one. Pause, hold. Retain the breath. You're doing great. Slow exhale for seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Now close your eyes. Here we go, big inhale for five, four, three, two one. Pause, retain the breath. Relax. Exhale for seven, six, five, four, three, two, empty on the one. Good, inhale for five, four, three, two, pause, retain the breath. Empty for seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Two more rounds, here we go. Five, four, three, two, one. Exhale, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Last round, big inhale for five, four, three, two, one. Hold your breath. Retain. And exhale for seven, six, five, four, three, two. Empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty on the one. (sighs) Let it go. Allow your breath to return to a nice, easy rhythm, a natural flow. Take a second here to just notice how you feel. Reside in the role of the observer, you don't have to do anything. No to-do lists to master. No ambitions to conquer. No deadlines, no goal. Allow the weight of your body to relax fully into the earth. Just be. Move slowly here, gently bring your palms together and bring your thumbs right up to the third eye and give yourself a little massage here on the forehead. If you're super chilled out and you want to be here longer, just pause the video and stay. Stay awhile. Thank you so much for sharing your valuable time and energy with me. I know we all live and lead very busy lives. So I think it's important that we carve out this time for ourselves and cheer each other on to do the same. It's important and I appreciate you. Hope you have a great rest of the day or evening. I'll see you next time. Take one more deep breath in and exhale to whisper Namaste. (upbeat music)