what's up everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene I'm a southern accent that yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene and today on the foundations of yoga we are learning Perrigo sauna or gate pose and actually we're going to do a little two-for-one we're going to learn gate pose we're also going to learn a counter pose or a variation of gate pose which we do a lot in reboot 29 day yoga experience if you're in the reboot family then this will be a great foundations for you if you're curious about reboot click something somewhere and join us it's a wonderful experience gate pose is great for stretching the side body it's great after travel it's wonderful for stimulating the abdominal organs really great for the feet the legs the hammies and just overall yummy spine health so let's check it out shall we hop on the mat and let's learn how are you gonna all righty so today we're going to start on all fours and just take a second to check in with your Center so we press away from the earth wrists are underneath the shoulders knees directly underneath the hips and then I'm just going to send a little friendly challenge out to you for you to press into the tops of your feet again press into all ten knuckles and let the knees hover for five seconds here you might be like what but we're just checking checking in with the core here the center integrating the muscles of the abdominal wall and also remembering that the neck is an extension of the spine here one more second one and then we release okay cool so remember that sensation and remember again that we're going to integrate the neck extend to the crown of the head here as we build gate pose okay so I'm going to swing my left toes towards the left side of the mat here right toes can follow naturally as I extend out I'm going to come on to the outer edge of that foot here so I'm really finding an energetic connect here of the right foot I'm going to scoot up a little bit it gets the wall and then pressing through the outer edge of that back leg great come on to the left fingertips if you need if you need more if you need more room here you can come up onto a block or a book here we'll come up onto the fingertips and then we're going to take our right palm and we're to give our right inner thigh a little slap but we do this to can just kind of wake up this area of the body to engage this muscle so you can see here have a nice bright energy in the slit my whole leg is alive as I draw energy up release the toes back down and then I'm going to take this right hand so I'm going to go from slapping my inner thigh foundations of the yoga to smearing my ribcage it's quite the descriptive video already slap smear okay take a deep breath in as you bring the right palm to the left ribcage and I'm going to slowly just open up here like I'm smearing you decide are you going to smear on your ribcage today okay notice again here this mindfulness through the crown of the head we are extending through the crown I can release the palm down here keeping the shoulder over the wrist or I can stay up on my block or fingertips great now I'm going to trace a line the side body here behind the ears as I take a deep breath in and find that nice long stretch so I'm really reaching from the right fingertips all the way out through the outer edge of that foot pelvis is going to want to come out here and that's alright we're going to breathe and lengthen the tailbone down tucking the pelvis gently again remembering that openness of the rib cage in the chest take a couple nice long smooth deep breaths here if you're feeling too much tension in the neck here if you're rather new to the practice you can experiment with letting it go and then coming back to mindfulness you can also keep the gaze down for now nice strong focus on the thumbnail and anywhere in between if you're rocking your gate pose already and you're just here to deepen the practice open your heart draw the shoulder blades in and together and send your gaze up towards the right fingertips feel that stretch in the psoas again pressing into the outer edge tucking the pelvis one more breath here and then exhale we'll reach the right fingertips towards the back edge of your mat come back up onto the fingertips here or your block and we're going to use remember that hovering cat here we're going to use our Center here press into the top of that left foot and slowly rise up we kind of warrior two arms here as we pull the pinkies back take a deep breath in and a long exhale out awesome party Gus onna we're going to rotate the right toes up towards the sky and really dig into that right heel so again I'm not just kind of looky-looky in this right leg but I'm finding a full body experience kind of toning the quad here great take a deep breath in extension through the crown and on an exhale we're going to slowly tip bar two putts over and draw a line with the left fingertips up and over so we're not collapsing here on the right side body but keeping that length touch my mic ohhohh keeping that length careful not to mindfulness right careful not to use the right palm to press down on that knee that's that's just silly so again notice here I'm not like going for the perfect shape I'm really letting my body kind of talk talk to me talk to me like lovers do breathe I'm letting it unfold I'm pressing through that right heel and the same smearing quality we had here in fact you can repeat this on the other side we now open up drawing that right ribcage under as we open up through the left and we breathe drawing the shoulder blades down the back let's take two more breaths here my friends breathing into the side body lengthening through the back of the neck awesome then we connect navel to spine sweep the left fingertips up and over come back to your warrior two arms take a deep breath in and exhale palms to the heart awesome we're going to turn the right toes in use a nice connection to your Center as you slowly come back to all fours yeah that's what's up okay and then you can immediately go on to the other side here but I'm going to turn because we're shooting this okay I should mention if you're like what girlfriend you could pad the knee you can use a blanket or a towel or you can double up on the mat take care of that knee okay here we go are you guessing a variation and power you got sauna on the other side coming into a tabletop position let's just do this hover and cattigan this is the case we didn't quite get it the first time or just to connect and build strength in the abdominal wall we press into the tops of the feet and we hover this isn't a big lift you guys we keep the gaze straight down so you can look at the video here and then when you feel like you got it take your gaze straight down between your index fingers draw the shoulders again away from the ears shoulder blades down towards the tail and we draw the navel up towards the spine take one more deep breath in and exhale that is enough of that awesome curl the left toes under slide away we got to do this first right we're going to take right toes towards the right side of mat and then we'll curl the left toes under and slide coming onto the outer edge of that foot and again drawing energy up through the arch just finding that back leg here take your left palm give that left inner thigh a slap common to the fingertips if you need to and so for me foundations of yoga is about finding that method to the madness especially if you're brand new to yoga so here we get to take our time if you kind of feel like you're doing this wonderful you're in the right place this is why we have this playlist because often in public classes we just don't have the time to do this which is interesting but okay so we slapping that inner thigh we're smearing our honey or jelly this time too the right ribcage up opening up through the heart remembering the neck here drawing the shoulders down and away from the earlobes and then if we're ready we'll slowly trace the line with the left fingertips behind the ear and maybe release that right palm down as I find my stretch again pelvis might have a tendency to tuck out here tuck your tail in and down press into your foundation mat which is touching the earth so we're not just collapsing into our bones here but we're pressing out of the top of that back foot pressing into all of the knuckles with the right hand keeping that inner thigh charged as we breathe here nice long beautiful line from the outer edge of that left foot all the way up through the right fingertips and give them a little wiggle take care of your experience here if you feel like you're holding or waiting what do you have to do to cancel that sensation and listen to your body great take one more breath in wherever you are long exhale out then slowly we'll bring our awareness to the space between the navel in the spine as we trace left fingertips up press in your foundation nice and slow connect to your Center connect to your Center and we'll rise up like a phoenix great warrior two arms here pull the pinkies back loop the shoulders open heart strong here so if you're feeling a little like it up but thought oh I thought thought again press into the top of that back foot right foot and then we'll slowly turn the left toes up towards the sky left heel now pressing into the earth I'll reach it forward on an inhale on an exhale keep that extension through the left side body as you slide the left palm down and trace a nice beautiful rainbow with the right fingertips up and over eight pose so a couple of tendencies again is that the booty is going to want to come out so we're going to draw it in lower belly is going to be kind of loose here we're going to stay connected to our Center by drawing the navel in it's kind of stimulating the abdominal organs here too lots of length in the side body heart might collapse here and if we're trying to tuck the pelvis and the hardest collapse you might have a couple of pinches going on in that lower back so again smear you'll butter all over your ribcage here and find your Gables don't take it too seriously anyway smile breathe nice long smooth deep breaths if you have practiced this posture before and you're just here to deepen your practice again you can play with your gaze taking your Drishti up or you might play with the little balance and stability by softening the eyelids closing the eyes let's take one more deep breath in and a long exhale out great draw your navel to your spine nice and slowly press into our foundation as we right reach the right fingertips all the way back come to warrior two arms again take a deep breath in open your chest your heart and exhale palms together at the heart and namaste great same thing connection to the center you can never be too mindful in these transitions it's just like any great piece of writing like the transitions are everything alright come from theater background like transitions are everything so don't just call a blackout here draw the navel towards the spine enjoy the move all the way back to all fours where we shall open the knees as why does the mat bring the two big toes together take a deep breath in as you rock the tailbone up towards the sky look forward oh I was a failed purr which I can grow there we go and send it back extended Child's Pose take a rest here breathe melts your heart to the earth nice work my friends okeydoke so that was party guy sauna or gate pose if you're new to the practice this is a wonderful posture to return to to build strength in the core to increase stability balance this could be your gateway drug gateway pose to a more prominent yoga practice let us know how it goes after this video is over you might walk around and just notice how your body feels come back and comment below subscribe to the channel if you haven't already join the yoga with Adriene family we'd love to have you and head on over to yoga with adriene calm now you hear and check out our blog and other goodies like reboot and just fun challenges community-based stuff love you guys have a wonderful rest of your day Nalla see you