hey everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene and we have another foundations of yoga video for you today we have extended side angle pose one of my favorite postures I like to play in all different variations of this pose really great for the legs great for just grounding and connecting you to the earth also really nice for the cooler and the shoulders the list goes on and on let's hop on the mat and explore all right to begin in a line so to get into that lunge and I'm going to guide you there because tried and true by coming into a forward fold and then I'm going to step my left toes back keep my right foot where it is slip the step the left toes back and come into a nice low lunge or I like to call this runner's lunge as I peel the right hip crease back and maybe even take a breath or two lowering that back knee just to stretch it out then if the back knee is lowered lift her up and then we're going to slowly pivot on the back foot coming onto the outer edge of that left foot take your left palm and give that left inner thigh a little slap it's going to be super important as we grow our posture today so give it a little slap no toxic thoughts here if you're just like Oh jiggly-wiggly stop that you got it and we're doing this to actually do the opposite to just engage bring a little love a little positivity into that leg a little awareness cool then keep the front knee bent we're going to swing the fingertips all the way up and out come into a warrior two we definitely have the foundations of yoga for this sweet warrior pose your Rajasa know - so check that out if you want to deepen that pose or go through another foundations with me send the fingertips out left to right that front knee is going to want to straighten because perhaps we haven't worked these muscles in a while but we're going to stay committed to the practice by drawing energy back through the top of that right thigh bone lengthening the tailbone down and again keeping this back leg nice and strong and we'll come back to warrior two here inhale in exhale keep this length in the side body and this lift in the heart as you begin to soften through the right elbow and come on to the top of the right thigh then I'm going to bring my left hand underneath to the right ribcage and just use it here to kind of smear like honey smear the ribcage open the heart so the reason I say this is there's two tendencies here one tendency is to collapse in the shoulder and so I invite you to remember the neck is a beautiful extension of the spine here and then the other thing is that the torso is kind of rotating towards the back and I'm not supporting in my legs here so I'm going to find that support in my legs draw that energy up and smear my honey open okay so check it out legs are strong super strong outer edge of the back foot really really strong inner thighs still engaged now I can stay here hand on the waistline or opening up here or I'm going to inhale open the left fingertips all the way up take a breath here and on an exhale send them up and overhead towards the front edge of the mat so I'm plugging the shoulder in there's a tendency again to just kind of crunch keep this beautiful spaciousness open and then when you feel like you have the hang of it take your gaze from the video and bring it on to your mat and just see if you can find a couple of self adjustments here maybe it's adjusting your stance maybe it's engaging the lower belly maybe it's finding a softness in the elbow rather than pinching just to create the perfect shape maybe it's stacking the shoulders you might stay here or you might release the right fingertips down reaching the left fingertips up and overhead or stacking the shoulders here in this variation so I have lots of places to go and to play in take a deep breath in wherever you are and on an exhale power through both legs come back to your warrior two and we'll slowly transition to the other side so right toes in now left toes out pivot on the back foot and come down into that little lunge just take a couple seconds again on your own to find your breath and to stretch the legs so I like to just kind of come in and out of the postures because it's just not realistic to start your video maybe you're not warm and just like come right into the posture I want you to feel you know how to actively engage these poses to support you so that you can rock out in public class and just kind of slamming into the pose is just not the best way so take a cup second stretch it out and if you already warm then this hang with me when you're ready lift that back knee coming to your low lunge find that sit bone to heel connection nice and strong and then we'll pivot on the back foot whenever you're ready bring the right palm to the right inner thigh and we engage seems kind of silly but it's like otherwise we come into the poles kind of loosey-goosey and right foundations of you are all about building from the ground up so charged that inner thigh press into the outer edge of that back foot and when you're ready inhale sweep the fingertips all the way up and out into warrior two on the opposite side so make those little self adjustments and connect to the earth strong outer edge of the back foot lots of energy gathering up from the arch of the front foot and I pull back gently through that left thigh bone as I lengthen the tailbone down so practice and all is coming is one of my favorite quotes and I feel like the foundations of yoga are just like the perfect example just like being in the moment and not just getting through the workout or trying to master the perfect pose but really just committing to a practice seeing where you're at inhale reach the arms up just find that length crawling up through the side body and then take that length out and into your posture here nice and strong in the legs as I lean down I keep a connection through that back heel and again click careful not to collapse here in that left elbow this is lady you're much more worth you have much more worth than this find space and grace here even if you're struggling use your breath right hand comes to the underbelly here the ribcage and we open up yes when I first did this pose for the first time I was all sorts of crumpled so give yourself time and space return to this video to see how you've grown and evolved and then take a variation it works great for you today they're reaching the arms up and overhead opening up through the chest you might even draw a couple circles keeping the shoulders stacked here or sending it towards the now back edge or front edge of your mat shoulders draw back heart opens here notice for your heart and your gaze is coming down towards the ground in time see if you can spiral the heart the chest up towards the sky again it's not always important right away to have straight limbs but a connection a nice engage quality so you might soften through the elbow relax the shoulder maybe you come here maybe save that for another day wherever you are take one more deep breath in and on an exhale we'll power through that front leg back to that warrior two turn the left toes in hands come to the waistline and we do a little dance heel toe all the way back to Center nice work everyone all right my friends awesome work I commend you for coming through these foundations of the yoga poses let me know if you have any questions or comments below I encourage you invite you to explore this pose and all of the foundations of yoga poses in your own time improvise create your own variations and always be super mindful I love you guys if you are interested this post comes up a lot in our reboot and empower program so you might check that out I'll have links to that down below really awesome and yeah look forward to hearing from you take good care namaste