1 00:00:00,167 --> 00:00:03,403 - Hi everyone, and welcome to Yoga With Adriene. 2 00:00:03,403 --> 00:00:06,506 I'm Adriene, and today we are going to learn 3 00:00:06,506 --> 00:00:09,243 another foundational yoga pose 4 00:00:09,243 --> 00:00:11,872 called Extended Child's Pose. 5 00:00:13,347 --> 00:00:14,915 Sounds yummy, and it is, 6 00:00:14,915 --> 00:00:17,818 so let's hop on the mat and learn Extended Child's Pose. 7 00:00:17,818 --> 00:00:20,387 (upbeat music) 8 00:00:30,697 --> 00:00:33,124 Okay, for Extended Child's Pose, 9 00:00:33,124 --> 00:00:37,424 we're going to begin on all fours, 10 00:00:37,424 --> 00:00:39,544 Tabletop position. 11 00:00:39,544 --> 00:00:41,275 Pressing up and out of the foundation, 12 00:00:41,275 --> 00:00:43,243 extending through the crown of the head. 13 00:00:43,243 --> 00:00:45,345 Then I'm gonna walk my palms a little bit forward 14 00:00:45,345 --> 00:00:47,214 on this one, so I'm walking my palms 15 00:00:47,214 --> 00:00:49,616 a little bit out from underneath my shoulders. 16 00:00:49,616 --> 00:00:52,819 So in Tabletop, we're directly underneath, stacked. 17 00:00:52,819 --> 00:00:55,756 Now, permission to move them forward. 18 00:00:55,756 --> 00:00:56,823 Okay, so palms going forward. 19 00:00:56,823 --> 00:00:58,926 Now I'm gonna take my two big toes 20 00:00:58,926 --> 00:01:01,528 and I'm gonna bring those two big toesies together, 21 00:01:01,528 --> 00:01:03,764 letting them kiss together. 22 00:01:03,764 --> 00:01:05,966 I'm gonna press into my palms 23 00:01:05,966 --> 00:01:08,735 and widen my knees, so right knee comes 24 00:01:08,735 --> 00:01:09,736 to the outer edge of the mat, 25 00:01:09,736 --> 00:01:12,072 left knee comes to the outer edge of the mat. 26 00:01:12,072 --> 00:01:14,504 Then I'm in this awkward position, 27 00:01:14,508 --> 00:01:16,977 but I'm about to send it back into Extended Child's Pose, 28 00:01:16,977 --> 00:01:21,548 so I inhale, look forward, and exhale, send it back. 29 00:01:21,548 --> 00:01:24,818 I'm gonna send my sit bones back to kiss my heels. 30 00:01:24,818 --> 00:01:27,221 I may adjust my palms here, 31 00:01:27,221 --> 00:01:29,001 creating space in the side body here, 32 00:01:29,001 --> 00:01:30,724 nice and long in the side body, 33 00:01:30,724 --> 00:01:33,126 and then because this is Extended Child's Pose, 34 00:01:33,126 --> 00:01:35,996 I'm gonna keep my arms extended out in front of me. 35 00:01:35,996 --> 00:01:40,033 So I inhale, reach, exhale, send the sit bones back 36 00:01:40,033 --> 00:01:42,769 to kiss the feet, or the heels, 37 00:01:42,769 --> 00:01:44,771 and then finally, I'll inhale and again 38 00:01:44,771 --> 00:01:46,406 extend through the crown of the head 39 00:01:46,406 --> 00:01:48,976 and exhale, begin to melt it all the way down, 40 00:01:48,976 --> 00:01:51,845 letting my elbows relax, letting my forehead 41 00:01:51,845 --> 00:01:55,115 come to kiss the mat and letting my heart 42 00:01:55,115 --> 00:01:57,751 really release towards the earth. 43 00:02:01,355 --> 00:02:03,890 I can take a second here to rock the hips 44 00:02:03,890 --> 00:02:05,959 a little side to side. 45 00:02:05,959 --> 00:02:08,729 I can take a second to actively reach my fingertips 46 00:02:08,729 --> 00:02:11,198 towards the front edge of the mat and then exhale, 47 00:02:11,198 --> 00:02:12,832 melt the heart down. 48 00:02:14,508 --> 00:02:16,303 A couple of action points here. 49 00:02:16,303 --> 00:02:18,839 I still can keep the tops of the shoulders 50 00:02:18,839 --> 00:02:20,674 externally rotating away from the ears 51 00:02:20,674 --> 00:02:23,076 so, for instance, then I don't get caught 52 00:02:23,076 --> 00:02:25,979 in my Relaxation Pose or my Resting Pose like this. 53 00:02:27,080 --> 00:02:29,349 I keep this action of lots of space 54 00:02:29,349 --> 00:02:31,284 between the ears and shoulders, 55 00:02:31,284 --> 00:02:33,420 drawing away from the ears here, 56 00:02:33,420 --> 00:02:35,756 going so that when I'm resting here, 57 00:02:36,723 --> 00:02:39,559 I'm maintaining a nice space between 58 00:02:39,559 --> 00:02:41,937 the ears and the shoulders. 59 00:02:41,937 --> 00:02:44,564 Now, if you practice this posture and you're like, 60 00:02:44,564 --> 00:02:47,834 my sit bones are nowhere near my heels, 61 00:02:47,834 --> 00:02:49,569 it's okay, it takes time, right. 62 00:02:49,569 --> 00:02:51,189 Every posture is taking time, 63 00:02:51,189 --> 00:02:52,539 so just feel it out. 64 00:02:52,539 --> 00:02:54,374 You may only get to here. 65 00:02:54,374 --> 00:02:56,610 The forehead may not come to the mat. 66 00:02:56,610 --> 00:02:58,879 The sit bones may not come all the way to the heels, 67 00:02:58,879 --> 00:02:59,946 but give it time, right. 68 00:02:59,946 --> 00:03:02,382 You can rock a little back and forth, 69 00:03:03,784 --> 00:03:05,886 and once you come into your posture 70 00:03:06,683 --> 00:03:08,655 your in Extended Child's Pose, 71 00:03:08,655 --> 00:03:12,225 imagine filling the skin of the back with air 72 00:03:12,225 --> 00:03:16,129 as you breathe in, and then imagine drawing 73 00:03:16,129 --> 00:03:19,032 your sit bones down to kiss the soles of your feet 74 00:03:19,032 --> 00:03:19,933 as you breathe out, 75 00:03:19,933 --> 00:03:23,003 so we're really getting our money's worth here 76 00:03:23,003 --> 00:03:25,672 in this Extended Child's Pose. 77 00:03:25,672 --> 00:03:28,675 We're inhaling, filling, stretching 78 00:03:28,675 --> 00:03:30,177 the skin of the back with air, 79 00:03:30,177 --> 00:03:32,446 and on the exhale we're seeing if we can create 80 00:03:32,446 --> 00:03:36,116 a longer line in the spine, sending those sit bones back 81 00:03:36,116 --> 00:03:38,617 to kiss the soles of the feet. 82 00:03:38,618 --> 00:03:40,954 So in your mind's eye you can see the crown of the head 83 00:03:40,954 --> 00:03:43,824 from the tip of the tailbone nice and long 84 00:03:44,858 --> 00:03:49,296 as we take five to ten breaths here in Extended Child's Pose, 85 00:03:49,296 --> 00:03:51,031 heart melting to the earth, 86 00:03:51,031 --> 00:03:54,047 shoulders relaxing, releasing. 87 00:03:59,039 --> 00:04:01,741 This is a great posture to practice 88 00:04:04,044 --> 00:04:05,412 when you first wake up in the morning 89 00:04:05,412 --> 00:04:08,181 or before you go to bed. 90 00:04:08,181 --> 00:04:10,784 This is also an excellent posture 91 00:04:10,784 --> 00:04:13,587 to take with you into public classes, 92 00:04:13,587 --> 00:04:16,890 so if you ever are feeling like you're compromising 93 00:04:16,890 --> 00:04:18,757 the breath or if you just need a rest, 94 00:04:18,757 --> 00:04:21,894 if you're in a more active class than you bargained for, 95 00:04:21,894 --> 00:04:26,099 or you're feeling a little more fatigued than energized 96 00:04:26,099 --> 00:04:27,367 and you're in a public class, 97 00:04:27,367 --> 00:04:30,737 this is a great pose to just take a breath, 98 00:04:30,737 --> 00:04:33,856 to check in, cool off the body, 99 00:04:33,856 --> 00:04:36,977 definitely more of a Resting Posture. 100 00:04:39,679 --> 00:04:43,389 Some teachers call this pose Best Friend Pose. 101 00:04:43,389 --> 00:04:46,748 BFF, best, BFP, 102 00:04:46,748 --> 00:04:48,688 Best Friend Pose, 103 00:04:48,688 --> 00:04:50,123 super cheesy but it is sweet, 104 00:04:50,123 --> 00:04:51,358 and if you go to public class, 105 00:04:51,358 --> 00:04:52,959 sometimes it does become your best friend. 106 00:04:52,959 --> 00:04:55,362 You're like, okay, just need one second 107 00:04:55,362 --> 00:04:56,948 before we go to Downward Dog, 108 00:04:56,948 --> 00:04:58,498 for the tenth time, 109 00:04:58,498 --> 00:05:01,967 to take a rest, to be with the breath here, 110 00:05:01,967 --> 00:05:02,969 heart to earth. 111 00:05:04,604 --> 00:05:07,240 I think it's a really beautiful posture too, Pranam, 112 00:05:07,240 --> 00:05:11,478 kind of just bowing to the earth, bowing to the beloved, 113 00:05:11,478 --> 00:05:15,515 bowing to that which is greater than ourselves. 114 00:05:15,515 --> 00:05:17,217 I think that's really beautiful. 115 00:05:17,217 --> 00:05:19,019 So, Extended Child's Pose. 116 00:05:22,556 --> 00:05:25,358 Okey doke, so that was Extended Child's Pose, 117 00:05:25,358 --> 00:05:27,060 and I just want to say that if this pose 118 00:05:27,060 --> 00:05:28,862 does not feel like your best friend right away 119 00:05:28,862 --> 00:05:30,831 to stick with it. 120 00:05:30,831 --> 00:05:33,500 I support you, give it a little time and space, 121 00:05:33,500 --> 00:05:37,537 and before long, I hope that it feels yummy for you. 122 00:05:37,537 --> 00:05:40,140 The breath, man, so powerful in creating 123 00:05:40,140 --> 00:05:44,411 a nice, resting posture out of Extended Child's Pose. 124 00:05:44,411 --> 00:05:46,646 So, give it a try, let me know what you think. 125 00:05:46,646 --> 00:05:49,816 Leave questions, comments in the comment box below. 126 00:05:49,816 --> 00:05:51,618 Subscribe to the channel if you haven't already, 127 00:05:51,618 --> 00:05:53,520 make sure you like us on Facebook, 128 00:05:53,520 --> 00:05:55,422 and I will see you next time. 129 00:05:55,422 --> 00:05:56,256 Namaste. 130 00:05:56,256 --> 00:05:58,858 (upbeat music)