- Hi everyone, welcome to Dedicate, your 30 day yoga journey. It's Day 27 and we're going to heaven within where our own personal power lies. So hop into something comfy and let's get started. (bright music) Okie doke, my darling friends, let's begin in a nice, comfortable seat. Sukhasana, your version. Benji reveal. Ah! Love a good reveal, right? Am I right? Okay. Come on down to the ground, welcome back. Today's practice is awesome. We're gonna ease in, ramp up to a little bit of power or empower yoga but don't panic because I have some tricks up my sleeve. (laughs) So I wanna start by just honoring you for showing up here today. And continuing to show up with your whole self. So today's practice, the trick is really not a trick, it's a truth. Today's practice isn't about power yoga, it's about tapping into your inner power and that could be physical today, it could be in the body or it could be finding the power to use your voice. It could be finding your power to empower others. It could be girl power, it could be Blue Heeler power. So connecting to your personal power is the invitation. Let's sit up nice and tall, bring the hands to the heart. Close your eyes just to meditate on that for a hot second while you deepen your breath. Perhaps you whisper quietly to yourself. Today I choose to connect to my personal power. Gently deepen your breath. You have so many beautiful, wonderful tools in your toolbox now. After 26 days. Today the journey simply continues. As we practice yoga, the true yoga, one that integrates all parts. One that is considerate and one that doesn't push you or guide you to transform into something you're not but rather allows you to uncover and reveal everything that you are. Gently bow the head to the heart, feel that great stretch in the back of the neck. Then let's get a little closer to that personal power. Your truth, reveal that union. Alright, inhale in. Exhale to release, open your eyes. Sit up and we're gonna come to lie on our backs. Yes! Take your time, breathe as you come down to the ground. Bring your feet to the earth, knees point up towards the sky. Snuggle your shoulder blades underneath your heart space and start to open your heart even here. Just feel that tension at the very least but you might even feel your pecs kind of stretch as you draw your shoulder blades underneath you and then when you're ready, we're gonna kick the right foot all the way up. If the leg doesn't straighten, no worries. You can bend the knee as much as you need and through regular practice I think you'll be surprised how we can work to lengthen even, yes, the hamstring through lots of tender, love, and care. Wherever you are, we're gonna interlace the fingertips behind the back of the thigh or maybe slide the fingertips to the calf. This is just gonna depend on your flexibility today. You can also take the peace fingers and grab the big toe, but we're just getting started here. So take it easy. Mucho, take it easy, take a deep breath in. Long breath out, feel your spine supported here. We're just allowing the blood to flow opposite direction. Good for circulation. Take any tension out of the neck and shoulders here best you can. Breathe, breathe, breathe. Awesome, then we're gonna take the right ankle, bend the right knee, cross it over the top of the left thigh, interlace the fingertips behind your left hamstring and kick your left foot into an imaginary wall. So we're not just hanging here. Mhmmm, then slowly pull your legs, your lower body towards your front body, your upper body, keep the feet nice and bright. And breathe like you love yourself. It might seem a little corny to some, but I love breathe like you love yourself because you can use it even in the moments where you don't feel like you love yourself or maybe you don't love yourself yet, but you want to get back to that. This is yoga to me. Inhale, send the left leg up high. Again, left knee doesn't have to straighten, so send the left foot up high as you straighten through the left leg. Take a deep breath in. Exhale, left foot comes to the ground. You're gonna grab your right arch with your right hand. So grab the arch of your right foot with your right hand and then we've been here before, nice and slow, you're gonna kick the sole of the right foot up for a little Half Stirrup Posture. Send breath down into your belly, inhale in. Nice cleansing breath as you breathe out. Sweet, release right foot to the earth. On your next breath in, inhale, lift the left leg up high. (humming) Just checking in. Notice if your low back has come up here. Scoop the tailbone up, draw your navel down, connect to your strong core, getting stronger by the day. (snapping) Breathing deep. Cool, inhale in, exhale out. On your next breath, bend your left knee, cross your left ankle over the top of the right thigh, thread the needle here, and the only unique thing is instead of grabbing on your shin, go ahead and grab behind your right thigh. And then kick your right foot mindfully up into an imaginary wall and then pull your legs toward you. You can use your left elbow to get a deeper stretch here. Yes. Breathe. Low back flush with the mat. And then on your next inhale, send your right leg up. Again, knee doesn't have to straighten here. Just check in. And then bend the right knee, bring the right foot to the earth and when you're ready, we'll grab the arch of the left foot with the left hand. So take your time, use your right foot to ground you here this time as we cook the left foot towards the sky. So there's a little opposition here and in almost all of our hatha yoga. Ha-tha, sun, moon. So always balancing these two forces. Not always, but balancing these two forces so you can find that even here as we kick the left foot up and then pull the left shoulder down and there's this meeting in the middle. Alright, from here, scoop the tailbone up. We're gonna connect the abdominal wall by drawing the lower belly in and up, navel draws down towards the spine. Lower ribs hug in as if you have like a corset on. So we're strong here in our center and from here either one leg at a time or both at the same time, we'll kick the legs up high and interlace, bring the elbows nice and wide, hands behind the back. Scoop the tailbone up, inhale in. Exhale out. On your next inhale, slide your left foot down against an imaginary wall, scissoring the legs. Exhale, lift it up. Inhale to slowly lower the right leg down, right heel hovers above the earth. Exhale to lift it up. Keep moving with the breath. Inhale, long breath to slide it down with control. Exhale, contract navel to spine, bring it up. You can move now at a pace that feels good for you. Slowly inhaling to lower and exhaling to tighten the core and lift the leg back up. We wanna go for a slow and controlled movement here. Stimulating that third chakra. Keep the low ribs heavy, no pain in the low back. You got this. Let's even it out on each side, and then keep your legs up, reach the fingertips all the way up towards the outer edges of the feet. Lift your head, your neck, your shoulders. Breathe deep and we're gonna pulse here for ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, stick with it, three, two, on the one bend your knees, grab both arches, full Stirrup Posture here or a little Happy Baby variation. You can also grab the outer edges of the feet. So now we're gonna reach the tailbone towards the front edge of the mat, and then find the little joyful Happy Baby here. So that pure you, right? The honest you, the one that has so much power because it's authentic and real and true. Alright, awesome work. Cross one ankle over the other, we'll grab the outer edges of the feet and in your own time, begin to rock and roll up and down the length of your spine. You can rock as many times as you like. We'll come to a nice comfortable seat. Inhale, reach the fingertips up high. Exhale, just gentle twist to the left. Lift your heart, inhale, to lift and lengthen. Exhale to twist, should feel really good after your core work and then inhale, come all the way back to center, reach up. And then exhale over to your right, same thing. Use your inhale to lift your heart and use your exhale to twist. Cool. And then come all the way up or come all the way back to center. I got distracted by looking at Benji's slobber reflection on the ground. (blows kiss) Professional, so good, so nice. So come all the way back to center. (laughs) Inhale in, exhale to relax the shoulders down and then on your next inhale come forward and all the way onto all fours. You might need to back the truck up a little bit here, no worries. Right away inhale, drop the belly, open your chest. Exhale, curl the toes under, send the hips and up back Downward Facing Dog. Inhale, lots of love in here. Exhale, lots of love out, check in. Fabulous, bend the knees. Inhale to look forward, exhale to make your way to the top. Take your time. When you get there, inhale, halfway lift. And then exhale to let everything go. Bend your knees generously. Send some love to the lower back body. Let any stress, any tension that you came onto your mat with, choose to let it go here so that as we tuck the chin and slowly roll up through the spine we feel a lightness. Let's go. Grounding through the feet as you slowly enjoy the ride all the way up to standing. Alright, talk about a power pose, Mountain. Your version of Mountain, one that you can find off the mat, almost anywhere. Let's make it happen, let's reconnect or connect by finding the breath. Give your thinking mind a break, particularly at this point in the journey it's either your brain is kind of all in or you're struggling and both are normal. So wherever your brain is at today, let's connect to the sensation of the body as we begin to flow and just remember your breath always comes first. Let's rock and roll. Inhale, reach for the first. Exhale, soften and bow all the way down. Inhale, halfway lift, your version. Find length in the spine, welcome to take airplane arms here. Start to free it up and then exhale, Forward Fold. Plant the palm. Bend your knees, plant the palms, step one foot back, then the other, Plank Pose. Inhale to look forward. Exhale, stay connected to your core as you lower all the down. Inhale, press in your foundation, lift up. Cobra, nice and easy. Exhale, soften and release. Curl the toes under, lift your kneecaps, tone your quads, press up to Plank or all fours. Take a deep breath in, then follow your breath as you send the hips up and back, Downward Facing Dog. Beautiful, on your next inhale, lift the right leg up high. Exhale, knee to nose. Inhale, lift the right leg up high. Repetition, exhale, knee to nose. One more time, inhale, lift the right leg up high. Last one, exhale, knee to nose, let it hover. Try to touch your right heel to your right glute. And then step it all the way up. Lower the back knee, walk it a little bit back and when you're ready, inhale, sweep the fingertips forward, up and back. Deep breath in here, exhale, send it all the way down. Pull the right hip crease back. Inhale, find extension, heart comes forward, and then exhale, forehead toward the knee. Whew awesome, dig into your right heel, find articulation through your right foot nice and slow. Back knee can stay lowered or lift as you reach the right fingertips to the sky. Big breath here as you twist to your right. Open up and then exhale, come all the way back. Plant the palms, step your right toes back. Stay connected to your core the whole way. So as you lower your belly down, your navel is lifting all the way up, up, up. Great, then inhale smooth right here. Cobra, Bhujangasana. Exhale, smooth release as you come down. Curl the toes under, press up to Plank or all fours. Strong and steady, Downward Facing Dog. Keep breathing. Claw through the fingertips, root through that index finger and thumb. Remember, upper arm bones rotate out away from the ears. On your next breath in, lift the left leg up high. Exhale, shift it forward so you're on your right toes, shoulders are over your wrists, knee to nose. Inhale, kick it up. Exhale, knee to nose. Last time, inhale, kick it up, find length. Exhale, knee to nose. Pause here, find that hollow front body. Draw your left heel towards your left glute. Whew awesome, then slowly step it up. Lower your back knee, collect yourself, find your breath. Squeeze the inner thighs through the midline and when you're ready, sweep the fingertips forward, up and back. Big breath, big expression here, and then exhale to send it down. Pull the left hip crease back, active in the left toes. Inhale to look forward. Exhale, forehead toward the knee. Doesn't even have to come close, just forward toward the knee. Awesome, then dig into your left heel, roll through that left foot. Back knee can stay lowered or lift as you bring the right hand to the earth and inhale, pull the left hip crease back. Open up, big twist to your left. Breathe into your belly here, spiral your heart up towards the sky. Wiggle your left fingertips and then bring it back down to your lunge. Okie doke, here we go. Plant the palms, step it back, belly to Cobra or now Chaturanga to Up Dog, move with your breath. Synchronize breath to movement, movement to breath. From there, pressing into Plank or all fours, and then Downward Facing Dog. Power up, breathe deep. Why are we conditioning the body in yoga? Why is yoga asana important? Great, bend your knees, inhale to look forward. Exhale to make your way to the top. Take your time, start to have some fun. You can do baby steps, hop, float, rag doll. Then ground through the feet and when you're ready, inhale, halfway lift, find length. Again, okay to free it up here. Start to play with expression. Your expression and then Forward Fold. Move to rise here, move with your breath as you inhale, sweep the fingertips forward, up and back. Find that big beach ball up and overhead. And then exhale, capture something and bring it right down to your heart center. One cycle of breath in here, inhale. Exhale. Inhale, fingertips go down to come up. Synchronize with your breath. Exhale, rain it down. Good, inhale, find length in the neck as you lift up halfway. And exhale to soften and fold. Plant the palms, step it back, Plank Pose or Half Plank, inhale to shift forward. Look forward, strong core as you lower all the way to the ground or Chaturanga. Use an inhale to open your heart and an exhale to soften and release. Here we go, press into your power. Plank or all fours, take a deep breath. Exhale, Downward Dog, right away. We got this, inhale, lift the right leg up high. Holy moly, knee to nose. You can do this on your left knee too. Inhale, extend the right leg up high. Exhale, knee to nose. Last one, you got this. Inhale, extend. Feel that belly get long. Expansion and then exhale, contract. Navel draws in, in, in. Then step it up, you're doing great. Lower the back knee, inhale, sweep the fingertips forward, up and back, big stretch. Exhale, rain it down. Inhale, look forward, pull your right hip crease back. Exhale, forward toward the knee, active in your right foot. Then dig into your right heel. Keep breathing as you roll all the way through. Come to your nice low lunge twist, back knee lowered or lifted. Inhale, pull the right hip crease up as you reach for the sky. Then exhale, bring it all the way back down. Listen carefully from here, bending your back knee, bringing it halfway in for our Pyramid variation. Keep pulling the right hip crease back. Breathing deep, you got this. Grounding through all four corners of the feet, fingertips are gonna walk forward, inhale in. Exhale, from your center, lift the left leg up. Lifting, lifting, lifting from your left inner thigh. So we're squaring through the hips, standing splits. Can you believe it? Now you can tell your friends you did standing splits today. You got this and if the leg is not able to come all the way up, we'll keep a generous bend in your right knee and we'll just work to do baby pulses. In time, strengthening even if you only do two or three strengthening the legs. If the leg is up and you like a little more, you can work to wrap the hands around the right calf or ankle, dial your left toes down, inhaling and exhaling, drawing the shoulders away from the ears. Sweet, then fingertips come back to the earth if they are not already. Listen everyone, inhale in, exhale, send your gaze forward just as we've been doing. Bend your left knee, bring it behind your right knee, Shiva squat as we bend both knees now, look forward, get down low, drop it like it's hot, you got it. And then take it all the way back up. Standing splits, nice and easy. Beautiful, and then here we go. Trust, look forward. Trust yourself, no need to look back, stay in the present. Stepping that left foot back, knowing the ground is there to catch you. Holy moly, plant the palm, step it back and move through a flow so it can be belly to Cobra. Chaturanga to Up Dog, it could be a little break. Could be straight to Down Dog or maybe you add in some push ups. Find what feels good. We will meet in Adho Mukha, Downward Facing Dog. Take your time. Right, we're all in this together and even though we're doing this a digital platform which is still mind blowing to me. Isn't it cool that we can take care of ourselves and find our own personal power and condition that and nurture that while still knowing I'm gonna wait for my fellow human in Downward Facing Dog? It just kind of helps change and condition our perception of how we exist and how we work together and live together. Okie doke, anchor the right heel. Inhale, lift the left leg up high. Exhale, shift it forward, knee to nose. Inhale, kick it up. Exhale, shift it forward, knee to nose. Last one, inhale, kick it up. Exhale, shift it forward, knee to nose. Hover and then step it up. Lower the right knee, move with your breath. Sweep the fingertips forward, up and back. Exhale, release. Pull the left hip crease back, inhale to look forward. Catch a wave here in the spine and then exhale to soften and bow. And then dig into your left heel. Keep breathing as you shift your center forward. Pull the left hip crease back, here comes the twist. Back knee lowered or lifted. Inhale, left fingertips to the sky. Spiral your heart up, wiggle the left fingertips, take a deep breath in and then exhale, bring it back down. Alright, bend your back knee, find a connection here in your center and then from there we'll step the back foot up halfway, a Pyramid variation. Breathing deep here. And then firmly rooting through all four corners of your left foot. So we're not even thinking about lifting that back leg until we've given the left foot some major, major love. And it's all about awareness, right? Not the mastery of the pose. We're just building strength and awareness. So have some fun here. As you inhale, shift forward, pressing lovingly through all four corners of your left foot and when you're ready, let's play, lifting the right inner thigh, keeping the right toes dialed down here. Standing splits. Breathing deep. There might a tendency to wanna open up here and kind of create this grand shape. It's a little bit maybe more useful to focus on dialing the right toes down. Creating strength and stability in the joints so then you can start to grow the pose in a safe, mindful way. Sustainable way. So if this is much too much, we're working with the right big toe on the ground. We're doing baby pulses here, just kind of checking in like whoa, dipping our toes in the water. If you need a little more, go ahead and wrap the hands around the calf or the ankle, breathing deep. Find that Sukha, that ease. And then everyone, bring your fingertips back to the mat. Bend your back knee, start to draw your center underneath you as you bring your right knee in behind your left knee. Bend your left knee, send your gaze forward. Shiva squat. Strong, strong, strong, look forward, look forward, get down low, get down low, and then take it all the way back up, awesome work. Standing splits. From here, inhale to look forward. Find the length, length, length. Trust, you don't need to look back, look forward. The ground will be there to catch you. Send your right toes back, hands come to the earth. We'll step the left toes back, nice and easy. Inhale, shift forward. Exhale, lower down. Inhale, last one, open your heart, and exhale, Child's Pose. Knees nice and wide, let's do Extended Child's Pose as you send your hips back. If it's not comfortable for you to bring your forward to the ground, you can stack your forehead on your fists here or take another variation. And Benji can sense that we're winding things down as he came to join me here. So you can start to feel the warmth as you breathe in through your nose and the coolness as you breathe out and just start to relax a little. I believe connecting to your personal power is not just going as hard as you can. But also remembering to take time and cultivate a regular practice in which you can listen. So important. On your next breath in, start to rise up nice and slow. Walk the knees underneath the hips and you can shift the legs to one side or today you can cross the ankles and mindfully come through to a nice, comfortable seat. Once again we'll inhale, reach fingertips all the way up towards the sky, exhale, gentle twist to your left. And then inhale, reach all the way up. Exhale, gentle twist to your right. And slowly come back down to the earth nice and slow. When you get there, give yourself a big hug. And then one last time, bring the palms to the earth, send the legs up high. Inhale in, exhale, just lower them an inch. Inhale in, exhale, lower them an inch more. Inhale in, exhale, lower them an inch more. Feel free to grab the edges of your mat here. Stick with me, lowering an inch more. And again lowering and lowering and lowering and lowering, lowering, lowering all the way to the ground. And when you get here walk your heels as wide as your yoga mat. Let your palms open up, take the deepest breath you've taken all day, my darling friend. And as you close your eyes and breathe out, good job, Benji, relax the weight of your body completely and fully into the earth. So we have three days left after today. These three practices are like a holy trinity. They're gonna be a nice little ending. So don't miss them. And thank you, thank you for showing up. When you're ready, bring the hands together, palms together, thumbs come up to the third eye. Inhale in. And exhale to whisper. Namaste. (bright music)