- Hi everyone! Welcome to Dedicate, your 30 day yoga journey. It's Day 26 and today's practice invites you to drop the struggle, drop anything that's no longer serving you and drop it like it's hot. (bright music) Okay pals, let's begin standing at the top of the mat. Feet hip width apart, hands on the waistline. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, drop your shoulders down away from your ears. (chuckles) And as you drop your shoulders down away from the ears you might start to find soft, easy movement in the head, with the head. For the neck maybe draw small circles with the nose one way and then the other. Just kind of letting go. Dropping any tension that you might have cultivated in the neck or the shoulders. And trying to stay aware of this part of the body throughout the rest of today's practice. And beyond. Now drop your breath down into your belly. Think of that directional breath. As you inhale you fill the belly with air. And as you exhale an opportunity to just land here in your practice. Way to show up! We're gonna have some fun today. So you're gonna inhale in, shift your weight to your right foot. And nice and easy just send your left toes back just a bit. Then you're going to come on to the top of your left foot and if you're not getting a pretty good stretch in the front of your left foot, left ankle just step it back a little more. We'll find this lift up through the front, this grounding through the back. And today's practice is a myriad of loving invitations to drop the struggle. I'm like, "What does that metaphor mean and "what could it mean for you right now?" Maybe drop any expectations. Drop any preconceptions, any ideas of how you think the practice should go. How you think your day should go. How you think a certain conversation should go. How you think your life should go. Right, so it's open mind. Inhale. Exhale, release. Shift your weight to your left foot. We'll do the same thing on the other side. So nice and easy slide your right toes back. Then we'll come on to the top of the right foot and find that loop of energy just stretching through the front of the right foot, the front of the right ankle. And again just considering that theme as you breathe deep. In the end, what could you drop? What could you just leave on the mat today that maybe you've been carrying around that you just don't need anymore? Okay, take a deep breath in. Long breath out. Then we'll release it. Hey buddy! (laughs) And nice and easy, take a deep breath in, lift your heart up towards the sky and then exhale send your fingertips down. Quiet Mountain. Close your eyes. Observe the breath. Excellent. Then inhale, reach for the sky. Big breath, big stretch. Grab your right wrist with your left hand and you're going to give it a gentle pull. Just to kind of taking a day off the wrists, off the hands. You're gonna massage the forearm as you pull all the way up. And then from here we're gonna bend the knees. Slide the right toes, take it around behind the left ankle and we stretch. Look at Benji's Downward Dog everyone. Alright, take one more breath here. You're doing great. And then slowly come back to center, check it out. You're going to come back to center by hugging the right knee all the way up and in, hands come down to the heart. No worries if it's not super smooth. This is your first time doing this, just in the moment. Inhale in, exhale, cross your right ankle over the top of your left thigh. And we're going to sink down into that hip by bending your standing leg. If this is not available to you can do this with your right toes on the ground and still get that same opening. Breathing, breathing. Everyone keep your right toes active. Breathing deep here. If you need to go a little deeper, send the fingertips all the way down but be mindful. Breathing deep. Cool, then slowly roll it up. We'll unravel. Come back to our Quiet Mountain. Take a deep breath in. On the exhale send the fingertips down. Stand up nice and tall. On your next inhale, sweep the fingertips all the way up towards the sky. Then we'll take the right hand to the left wrist, give it a good pull. So you want to lift and lengthen, lengthen, lengthen. So good for the wrist here and then think up and over as you send it to the right. South bend in the knees and slowly send your left toes behind your right ankle. Then play here breathing. Soften the skin to the forehead here. Inhale in. And then exhale, melt it back to center. Fingertips reach up, palms come together. We lift the left knee as you slide the hands back down to the heart. Good, then cross the left ankle over the right. Inhale in and exhale, slow and with control, you're going to sink back nice and slow bending the knees. Just give it your best shot. Breathing deep. And again, we can keep the toes on the earth. Moving here, breathing into the back body. If you need a little more fingertips come to the ground. We're breathing deep. Alright then slowly, best you can with control, make your way back up. We'll come to meet in a Quiet Mountain. Right away, inhale, reach the fingertips up. And exhale, hands release gently down at your sides. Take a deep breath in. Exhale, drop the shoulders away from the ears. Just take a moment to observe. You've come a long way in your practice. Come back to the present moment. You can open your eyes if you've closed them and we're going to step the feet a little bit wide. Toes turn out just a little bit, not too much. Then when you're ready, here we go. Time to drop it like it's hot. You knew it was coming, right? Here we go, send the sits bones, back fingertips forward. So you can do this at any level you feel comfortable. You can drop it real low or if you're new to this shape, take your time, just drop your center down a little bit in space. What we're wanting to do here is just like in Chair Pose counterbalance, sending our hips back, our sits bones back by reaching the fingertips forward. Now all of this glorious work we've done in the front body, the abdominal wall drawing the navel in, lifting the pelvic floor, drawing the shoulder blades together just this beautiful awareness of Dunda, of spine is gonna help you here. So just take a second. The legs are starting to light up. Beautiful, inhale in. Exhale, straighten the legs, drop the fingertips, lift your chest to the sky. Beautiful, exhale, relax the shoulders and here we go. We're gonna inhale to lower. Drop the hips back, fingertips forward. Exhale to lift, squeeze the buns. Inhale, send it back. Exhale, squeeze and lift. Inhale, send it back. Working to keep the knees over the ankles. Just let that be your guide even if it doesn't happen and then keep it going with the breath. Inhale to lower. Exhale to lift. Inhale to lower. Exhale to lift. Inhale to lower. Exhale to lift. Inhale to the lower. Exhale to lift. Keep it going. Dig into your heels. Even lift the toes to test this out. Keep going. Beautiful and the next time you send your hips back, stay there, hold. Palms up or palms together at your heart. Breathe deep here, send the hips back. You got this. We're breathing here. We're staying soft in the face. Inhale in, exhale, drop it half an inch more. Beautiful, beautiful. Inhale in, exhale drop at half an inch more. Once more, inhale in, drop it half an inch more and then rise up, inhale, reach for the sky. Straighten your legs and exhale, fingertips drop down, Mountain Pose. Pause here, observe your breath. You did that. Whatever just happened. You did that. Amazing work. Okay, without looking down bring the feet together, really together, hold on to your magic. Squeeze the legs. Inhale, reach for the sky. Exhale, drop it down with control, Forward Fold. Inhale, halfway lift. Find the joy, find that ease, the softness. And exhale, bow. Plant the palms, inhale to step or hop it back, strong Plank. Exhale to lower to the belly. Inhale to find your Cobra or Upward Facing Dog. Hi, buddy! Or your real dog doing Downward Dog. We'll meet in Downward Facing Dog. Take your time. Here we go. Inhale, lift the right leg up high. Exhale, shift it forward, knee to nose. Strong and steady. Inhale, kick the right foot up. Exhale, right knee to right elbow. This time gaze forward. Beautiful, claw through the fingertips. Inhale, kick the right foot up. Exhale, cross it over, strong and steady, right knee to left elbow, gaze forward. Shoulders are over the wrists. Beautiful, then kick it up, right leg to the sky. And exhale, step it all the way through. Lower the back knee. Bring your right hand around toward the left side of the mat. Breathe here three breaths. In and out, in and out, in and out. From here, reach the left heel back, lift the back knee. Inhale, reach the right fingertips forward. You're gonna turn your right toes out and then continue to draw a big horizon line all the way up and around and back towards the back edge of your mat as you come on to the outer edge of your left foot. Drop the hips down to the earth. Inhale, reach the right fingertips up, rewind, come all the way back to your lunge. Horizon lunge, we got this. Inhale, reach it forward. Take it up, drop the hips down and then around and back. And if this is your first time doing this just take your time. Inhale, reach it all the way up and back. We're gonna do one more with your breath. Again, right toes turn out. We reach right fingertips forward, up and back. We breathe deep. We keep the feet bright here. We drop the hips, feel that beautiful IT band stretch and then take it all the way up and around and back. Beautiful. From here, walk the right foot in, plant the palms. Step the right toes back. You can go right into a Child's Pose here or Belly to Cobra or Chaturanga to Up Dog. We'll meet in Downward Facing Dog. Take a deep breath in when you get there. And a long breath out. We're gonna do the same little ditty on the other side and then we're gonna drop it way down low and cool it off. Anchor the right heel, inhale, lift the left leg up high. Exhale, knee to nose. Inhale, kick it up. Claw through the fingertips. Exhale, left knee to left elbow, look forward. Inhale, kick it up, last one, you got this. Cross it over, gaze forward, shoulders over the wrists. Left knee kisses right elbow. Good, then inhale, kick it up, last time. Exhale, step it all the way up. Lower the right knee. Bring your left hand around, breathe deep. So soften your gaze down or close your eyes here for three breaths. Just notice what's going on. Alrighty. Last bit. Creating a full body experience. Send your left fingertips forward as you turn the left toes out. Then nice and easy, we got this You gotta connect to your core. So we did that core warmup, the legs are strong. Draw your navel in, send the left fingertips forward, up and back. You're gonna rotate on to the outer edge of your back foot. Benji! Drop your hips down. Oh, and then inhale bring it all the way back up. Beautiful, reset. When you're ready follow your breath. Inhale, reach it up. Draw a big horizon line forward, up and back as you drop the hips. Bring it up, beautiful, follow your breath. One more round, you got it. Inhale, reaching forward, up and back. Nice, inhale, take it all the way up. Frame your left foot with your hands. Plant the palms, step it back, straight to Downward Facing Dog. Inhale lots of love in. And exhale lots of love out as you slowly lower the knees to the earth. From here draw your right knee all the way up in towards your chest and then you're gonna cross your right leg over your left here. Peek at me if you need to for a little demo. We're coming into Cow Legs or Gomukhasan Legs. So I find that coming in to this from Tabletop is a little bit easier than already seated so you'll wanna give it your best shot. Breathe deep. Inhale in and as you exhale send your hips back, bright in the feet so spread your toes. And we'll slowly roll up stacking head over heart, heart over pelvis. If you feel any pressure or pain in the knees then we're just gonna come to a cross-legged seat. Breathe deep here. Today's practice a little more pretzel-y than most. Most. So just notice, can you use this practice to drop the struggle, do your best, adapt. Nothing more empowering than modifying. So take a deep breath in. Hands can come to the soles of the feet or hands to the heart. If you're looking for something a little bit deeper, take a deep breath in, lift your chest. And exhale, send your heart forward, bow forward. Find what feels good. Alrighty, listen carefully my darling friend. You're gonna slowly roll up. Nice and easy, we're just gonna have a little fun here. We're gonna keep the feet bright. When I say keep the feet bright I just mean energy. Like light, there's some light in the toes. That's just to protect your joints and we're gonna use our center to guide the way. So inhale in, center's gonna turn to the left. Hands are gonna come to the mat. Feet stay bright. I'm gonna keep my feet where they are. Keep your feet where they are on your mat. And you're gonna slowly lift your center, butt's up, come all the way through. Keep your feet where they are, keep your feet where they are and drop it like it's hot. If you like you can come forward here. Recreate that Tabletop just so you can get the knees somewhat close together. And just honor your body wherever your are. And if you're in cross-legged, breathe deep. Maybe some gentle twists, one side and then the other or Reclined Pigeon. Okay, here we are on the other side. A wonderful way to drop (laughs) your expectations is to do a hip opener on one side and then do it on the other 'cause it's always different. So let this one be different. Breathe deep. Maybe you explore by taking the heart and the head forward. And then slowly following your breath to come back up nice and slow. Keep a brightness in the toes and the feet as you slowly unravel. Come into the center of your mat, bring your feet wide. Knees are gonna fall together. Internal rotation of the hips and you'll just come on to your elbows first. Elbows and then on to your back. Soften through the bowl of the pelvis. Let your arms come gently to rest at your sides. And take a moment here to close your eyes. And relax everything, drop everything. Drop the mask, drop the struggle, drop the desire to try to figure it out. If you're mad at me 'cause some of the postures today just think we didn't do hip dips on drop day. So a silver lining, the optimism. All jokes aside, take a big inhale and if there's anything you've been carrying around that you perhaps don't need anymore let's consciously choose right now to let it go. When you're ready walk the feet in, send the legs out long, Shavasana. A total surrender. A practice of dropping, surrendering to that which we cannot control. Let your breath return to a natural flow, a natural rhythm. Day 26, the home stretch. When you're ready, slowly bring the hands together. Thumbs up to the third eye. And we take a second here to reconnect, recommit to this practice. Drop any ideas that it might not happen or we don't have time. Simply choose to do your best. Show up fully whenever you can. You're doing great. I hope to see you tomorrow. Love you so much. Take good care. Namaste. (bright music)