- What's up everyone? Welcome back to Dedicate, your 30 day yoga journey. It's Day 24 and today I invite you back to your balanced state. Let's get started. (bright music) Hi darling people and pets. Let's begin standing today. Unless you're a pet, you can stay down nice and low. Do whatever you want. Humans, let's start in Mountain Pose. Feet hip width apart or feet together. I always say I love Yoga With Adriene community because it's like no person or pet left behind. Everyone's welcome. (chuckles) And not just dogs or cats. We have all the pets. All the babies are welcome. Okay, when you get grounded through the feet lift up through the chest and let's right away bring the hands to the heart. So this is our first posture, Quiet Mountain. We're gonna use this shape today, this asana to just do a little body scan. Day 24. Feel your feet on the floor. All four corners rooted. And trust me, trust yourself, trust this practice, this time that you've dedicated for yourself with yourself, trust it and go ahead and close your eyes. And if you're really sleepy today or for whatever reason just balance feels a little off to begin with, just take a nice wide stance. You don't need to torture yourself by bringing the feet really together so find nice footing. And allow the sound of my voice to gently guide you. So you don't need to look at the video for this moment. Without moving too much, let's reconnect with this loop of energy. This lift, this rising up through the front body. Take a deep breath in and then as you exhale, relax your shoulders and gently feel, imagine, see, awaken this grounding through the back body. So again we have this lift in the front and this sense of a grounding in the back. And then nice and easy just bring your awareness to the soles of your feet and just notice where you're kind of carrying your weight today or I just noticed that I was shifting back and forth between my heels unconsciously. So bring your awareness to your feet. And if you're wanting a more vigorous practice today, I'm going to get to some movement here in a bit. We are gonna get some movement here in a bit but let's not waste this moment. I think it's valuable to start nice and easy. And acknowledge where we are so that we can embody balance. Then after taking a moment to just notice where you're carrying your weight in your feet and where your center might be, maybe it's just like completely disappeared. Maybe your abdominals are sore from all the great work you've been doing. Whatever is going on today, maybe you're full. Maybe you're hungry literally or metaphorically, whatever is going on. Use the sound of my voice to guide you as we slowly ground through the feet. And take our awareness up through the ankles and if you want you can just trace a little line or if you're feeling creative you can put a soft warm light down on the feet and the ankles. Gently begin to deepen the breath and we'll continue to draw awareness all the way up the body. Up through your legs, lovingly tracing a line, bringing that awareness up through your legs. Past the kneecaps, into the thighs. And then all the way up through the pelvis, the bowl of the pelvis and the right hip and the left hip. And then draw your awareness all the way up through the base of the spine and continue to travel all the way up through the torso. The low belly, take a full balloon breath here. And then you continue to bring your awareness all the way up through mid back, mid torso. And now all the way up through thy heart center, the figurative heart center but also the upper back body, the shoulders. Notice how this could, not saying it will, affect your breath and just the way you're carrying your shoulders and the awareness you have in your neck as we travel up through the neck. Sweetly part the lips as you bring awareness to the jaw, the mouth, the jawbone, jaw line. And then up through your nose, the eyes, the ears, the back of the head and then finally the front of the forehead, the third eye, the brow point. And then all the way up to the crown as you stand up as tall as can be or if you're modifying and practicing this in a seated posture, sitting up as tall as you can be here. Just honoring who you are and where you are today because I think that's the first step toward embodying balance is kind of honoring where you're at. And it's a practice. Take a deep breath in. Exhale, let go of everything. Fingertips come down. You can open the eyes. We'll let go that little visualization but do not let go of this idea that balance is so much more than standing on one leg or one arm or juggling multiple scenarios throughout the day. It's a state of being, right? It's our natural state perhaps and naturally we get a little bit far off to one side and then the other. And so the practice of yoga just helps us come back into our natural state of balance. Not necessarily trying to transform into somebody else's idea or become the superhero version of ourselves, but you already are that version. You get the picture, right? You just kind of spiraling back in towards what feels good, what is already naturally balanced. So nothing like balancing postures though to really hold up the mirror and reflect, you know, kind of where we are. So just honor where you are today. Whatever happens happens. We'll fill it with nice conscious breath. We're gonna start by coming into Warrior II with the right toes forward and the left toes turned in. I'd like to take a moment to thank my assistant for just showing up every day with a positive attitude. Thank you, Benji. You helped keep me balanced. I appreciate you. Send the fingertips out when you're ready. Let's settle in. Front knee bends. We drop our center down in space and then notice if you're tending to lean forward a little bit here you might not even know. So part of working with balance on the yoga mat is kind of turning on, (clicks tongue) wink wink, that inner mirror. Okay? And you can always practice this with a chair underneath your right thigh for a little extra support. You can pull the pinkies back. You can lift the heart. And by golly, you can reconnect with the deepest most loving breath. Inhale in, just waking up the legs, pressing into the knife edge of your back foot, engaging through the left inner thigh. Inhale to reach of the sky straighten both legs. Exhale, turn the right toes in, turn the left toes out and we'll take it to Warrior II, Virabhadrasana II, on the other side. Just waking up the legs. Feeling this lift up through the spine, this length through the crown of the head. Bringing the mind's eye, the focus inward on the breath, on the sensation of the body in this asana. Take a big inhale, get nice and long in the neck. And exhale, relax your shoulders down. Next inhale reach the fingertips up towards the sky, turn your left toes in, look up and then exhale hands to heart. If you want to be a little adventurous and have some fun you can bend your knees and hop the feet together. Otherwise let's bring back this ancient yogic move called heel-toe, heel-toe, heel-toe. Thank you and good night. Okay, here we go. From here you're going to inhale if the sternum to the thumbs. Exhale, send the hips back in space for Utkatasan, Chair Pose. So again continuing to gently wake up through the legs, the lower body so pull the hip creases back, send your heart forward and let's open up to the shoulders and the heart by sending the fingertips forward, thumbs reaching up but you don't have to go too far up here. That'll come in time. You can use the fingertips and the arms reaching forward to really allow yourself to drop your center down in space even more. Kind of counter balancing this weight here. Great, now find your breath. If you're holding your breath here, release. Break free of the change, start to break free the chains is what I mean. Start to breathe a little deeper and more fully. Inhale in, exhale, send awareness down through the feet as you reach towards the sky. Straighten the legs and once again exhale hands to heart. Great, set the feet wide again. This time in a little bit, challenge your stance is all I'm saying. Maybe a little bit throw yourself off balance a bit. And we'll find this loop of energy, again lifting through the front, grounding through the back. And then, here we go. Take up space, send the fingertips out, Star Pose. Think of a big X shape. If you're doing this in a seat, you can just send your fingertips out left to right find length in the spine. Again, really, really tall and long. Deep breath in. Big, big breath. Exhale, relax the shoulders down, spread the fingertips in celebration of you, of this practice, of this experience. Then we're gonna inhale in, check it out. Exhale, left hand comes behind your back, right fingertips reach toward your left toes. So just go as far as you can here breathing into the right lower back. If you can touch your toes, great. Give it a sweet kiss. Maybe you touch the shin. And then here we go, from your center, from your core, Star Pose. Take up space, inhale in. Exhale, right hand comes behind you, left fingertips reach towards the right toes. Wherever they land is great. Remember honor where you are today. Part of finding that natural state of balance is learning how to honor who you really are and where you are each day, each time we wake up. Alright, let's pick up the pace a little. Inhale, Star Pose. Exhale, right fingers to left toes. Inhale, Star Pose. Exhale, navel draws in and we crossover. Inhale, take up space. Exhale, navel draws in. Touch the toes. Inhale, rise up, lift the corners of the mouth just slightly. Exhale, integrating the spine. Inhale, rise up. Take up space. Strong lower body. Exhale, soft fingers, send it down. Awesome, inhale, reach it up. Exhale, left fingertips down. One more to each side with your breath. And the next time you're in Star Pose take a deep breath in and then exhale palms kiss together up and overhead and slide down to your heart. Bend the knees, step or heel-toe heel-toe or hop it together. Trust yourself. I'm gonna do the weird one because I'm from Austin, Texas. I like to keep it weird. Okay, then here we go, back to the Quiet Mountain. Take a deep breath in. And a long breath out. Interlace the fingertips. Shift your weight gently over to your left foot. Nice and slow, again with the marionette string. Imagine the string is just pulling you up from heaven. (chuckles) From the sky. Your right knee lifts up, up, up. So we're here, we're building strength in the right hip flexor, the abdominal wall has our back here, literally. And then from here we'll catch the right shin, squeeze and lift. Beautiful, inhale in. Exhale, relax the shoulders and find your focal point. Maybe a little something out in front of you, a Drishti, something you can set your gaze upon. Okay? Then you can stay here if this is much too much, you can come back here bringing right big toe to the earth working at your own pace. Next stop, we'll slowly take the left thumb to the sternum. This is set there to remind you to lift your heart. Keep this lifted, not collapsed. Okay, breathe deep. Hang with me. Right fingertips slide down to the right ankle. Right knee stays in. It's gonna want to come out. Keep it in, in, in as you come to kick the right toes back and we find this beautiful quad stretch. Then from here, you can stay here just enjoying this quad stretch or we're gonna take the right hand to the right inner arch of the foot. Inhale in and exhale take your right knee all the way towards the back, kick your right toes all the way up towards the sky. And again, just like in that Chair Pose, we'll send the left fingertips forward to counter balance this shift of weight. Standing Bow or a Dancer variation. Breathe deep. Take one breath at a time. Holding onto your center. Soft gaze forward. Moving at your own pace. Using your vocabulary, all of your tools. And then best you can with control bringing it back in nice and slow. If you're right toes are on the ground you can meet up with us here. We're all gonna hug the right knee up and into the chest and then let it go with soft, easy control. Sweet. If you need to shake out the left foot here, please do. We're going to begin again on the other side nice and slow. Interlacing the fingertips and again, rather than catching, we want to kind of get all of these intrinsic muscles connected and moving before we hold ourselves. So keep your hands here in this little prayer position and nice and slow lift your left knee up without your hands. Yep, beautiful. And here we also like feel the right glute turn on. You feel everything turn on, right? And then we can actually grow our balancing postures and our asana practice in this way too. So if it's difficult, just keep at it. And then if we want to take it to the next stop, we'll then bring the hands to the shins, squeeze and lift, press away from your yoga mat with your right foot. Inhale in. Exhale to relax the shoulders down. Stay here or we're here or we'll take the right thumb to the sternum. Just a little reminder to keep the chest lifted. And when you're ready slide your left fingers to your left ankle keep your left knee hugging in as you slowly slide your left knee in and back for this awesome quad stretch. Opening through the left shoulder. Heart stays lifted. Alright, stay here or moving with your breath, you'll flip your left hand to the left inner arch of your foot. Inhale, squeeze and lift. Find your connection to midline, you've got this. And then nice and slow go exploring. Soft and easy. No rush particularly if you've done this a million times see if you can slow it down, find something new. A new connection. In time right fingertips come forward to help balance the kicking of your left leg back. Left toes towards the sky. Breathing deep. Upward Facing Dog in the front body. Using that loop of energy, soft bend in your standing leg. Find your breath here. Find a grace. Find the joy with this steadiness. You totally have everything you need. Inhale in. And exhale, with control, best you can slowly release. Everyone, we'll hug the left knee in. And then release it down with control. Awesome, back to the Quiet Mountain. And just take a second to notice how you feel. Take a deep breath in. Use your exhale to relax your shoulders. Interlace the fingertips one last time. On your next breath, press your palms forward. Then send your pinkies up and back. Inhale in here. Exhale, slow tilt to your right. Bump the hips to your left. And dig into the heels. Come all the way back up. Slow tilt to your left. Bump your hips to your right. Then inhale all of your full potential, your amazing potential that already exists. And exhale, we land grounded. Left and right side of the brain and body working to unite as one. Bring the palms together at your heart. Inhale and exhale, drop your chin to your chest. Closing our practice, honoring the process, honoring it all in an effort to stay balanced. Doing great. Tomorrow's Day 25. I'll see you there. Let us know how you're feeling in the comments section down below and I'll see you then. Namaste. (bright music)