- Howdy everyone, and welcome to Dedicate your 30 day yoga journey. It's Day 20. Can you believe it? Today's practice is awesome. You're gonna work up a little heat. Don't worry, don't panic, I got your back. But I love this practice at this point in the journey because this is really a wonderful day to spiral in and go, "Why am I doing this again?" And remember why you're here and why this is important. So hop into something comfy and tap into your true and authentic self. Let's get started. (bright music) Hi everyone. Okay, let's begin on all fours. Day 20, can you believe it? Holy moly we have 10 days left. Ah! You're amazing. We are amazing. Let's begin. Alright, so we're right into it. Make sure today you have a nice, wide base in your hands, not too narrow. So widen it up just a bit. Press into the tops of the feet and let's rock and roll. Inhale, allow your breath to lead the way. So inhale, drop the belly, open your chest. Exhale, round through, chin to chest. Warming up, put with a little spinal flexion, but today's practice is a vinyasa inspired session. Not to torture you or push you but rather to help you lean away from mental chatter and trust your instincts. If you want to move through your life in a way that feels authentic and true you have to know what that feels like. You have to identify with that. Also if you're a leader, an owner, a project manager, a caring human being, you have to have that connection to your instincts and your authenticity as well so that you can be a good leader. And I absolutely believe that the practice of yoga can help us with all of these things. So check, you're already here, you're already showin' up, doin' the work so you're killin' it. Let's have some fun. Come back to Tabletop Position. Walk you hands forward, curl the toes under. Think of today as a approach to Downward Dog, this transition like a peel, like a momma bear is like, well I don't know about a bear, but like a momma's peeling, picking up her baby from its tail. (laughs) Downward Facing Dog. The image was in my head, but maybe it did land. Point is no hoisting or jerking yourself around. We do that plenty off the yoga mat. So on the yoga mat it is of course, our opportunity to check in and ask, "How am I moving? How am I breathing?" "Am I going through the motions "or am I kind of being true to myself?" Like, "I am kinda in a funky mood today? "Am I peddling my feet out, "am I movin' my tongue around in my mouth "or am I kind of numb?" And if numb is the answer, darling friends I know, I know that that's real too. So we're just checking in with what is. Mhmmm, mhmmm. Let's light up the core. Inhale, lift the heels. Lift the hip points up high. Navel draws up and in and we're gonna slowly roll through the spine, come forward to plank. Yes, inhale in, exhale. Take it up and back, reverse it, Downward Facing Dog. With your breath inhale, start with the navel drawing up, hug the lower ribs in and last thing is that we gaze forward Plank and then reverse it. Hollow through the upper back body, pressing up and back, Downward Facing Dog. You got this, do one more with your breath. Getting stronger everyday, not just in the body but in the mind and the relationship between the two, Downward Facing Dog. Bend the knees, inhale, look forward. We're gonna do Ragdoll today. Exhale, step one foot and then the other. And it doesn't have to be two steps. It can be as many steps as you need, just one foot and then the other, so really mindful with the feet. Inhale halfway lift, find length. Exhale to soften and fold. For this one bend your knees generously so we roll up our, quite often. For this one today, see if you can bend your knees generously and we're gonna pause here, just waking up the muscles of the legs. So bend your knees, bend your knees, bend you knees, get your center down low, legs might be shaking here. We're pressing into all four corners of the feet and when you meet your appropriate edge, when you're legs are like, "Okay, I'm awake," that's when we'll roll it up to Mountain. Stand up nice and tall. Right away on your next inhale send the fingertips out left to right, Texas T, open your heart. Exhale, hands come together, Anjali Mudra. Good, chin to chest, reach behind, on a big breath in, reach the fingertips up towards the ceiling or the sky, and exhale, Forward Fold all the way down. Inhale, lift up halfway. Exhale to soften and fold. Root to rise here, spread the fingertips, bend your knees generously if you can. Strong legs today as you power up. Inhale, reach for the sky. Exhale, hands to heart. Mmm, find that loop of energy, that connection as you lift up through the front body, ground through the back body. I could give you 24 alignment cues here but instead if you just think about your energetic body, you're lifting in places where you can find lift and you're grounding in places where you can ground, maybe in the fingers, the elbows rather. You're gonna come into alignment for your body. Because what's in alignment for somebody else's body may not be what is perfect alignment for your body. So we start to train ourselves to kind of pay attention to these things on our own and our home practicing blossoms. Okay, ready? Here we go. Big breath in. Long breath out, relax your shoulders. Take a second, set a little intention. What do you want to lead with here in your vinyasa? Love? Trust? A clear mind? Clarity? Maybe a bit of bravery? Breath? Take a second to decide, to choose. Alright, let's giddy up. Soft bend in the knees. Inhale, reach for the sky. Exhale, Forward Fold. Inhale halfway lift. Exhale release and step the right foot back. Inhale, lower the back knee, reach the fingertips all the way up, a big stretch. From here exhale, anchor you navel to your spine as you straighten the front leg and slowly bring the fingertips to the earth. Breathe in here. Breathe out, then rolling through the left foot. Inhale, lift the back knee, reach the right, excuse me, both fingertips forward, up and back. Reaching the right heel towards the back of your mat. Inhale in and exhale, release it all the way down. From here straighten the front leg, pull the left hip crease back. Lift your right heel, Pyramid Variation. Both legs are straight, take a deep breath in. And a long breath out. Beautiful, bend the front knee, bend the back knee, step the back foot up to meet the front. Inhale halfway lift. Exhale soften and fold, bend your knees. Start to wake up the legs even more. Inhale, root to rise, reach for the sky. Big breath, big stretch. Exhale, take it right back down, Forward Fold. Inhale halfway lift, find length. Tug the shoulders away from the ears. Exhale, release and step the left toes back all the way. Lower the back knee. Inhale, sweep the fingertips forward, up and back. Big breath, big stretch. From here your navel draws in and back and it's from here that we pull the elbows, the wrists down, straighten the front leg, fingertips come to the mat. One cycle of breath here, in and out. Awesome, rolling through the right foot dig into the right heel, come all the way through, lift the back knee on a breath in, sweep the fingertips forward, up and back. Strong legs, guys hold on to your center, high lunge. Inhale, lift your chest. Exhale, rain it down, soft and easy. Straighten the front leg by pulling the right hip crease back. Left heel come up, up, up. So really exaggerate that in the back foot. Pyramid Variation. Bow the head, one cycle of breath here, in and out. Great, bend the front knee, bend the back knee. From you center, from you midline, rock that back foot up to meet the front, Forward Fold. Inhale halfway, lift, draw the shoulders away from the ears. Create length. Exhale to soften and fold. Bend the knees generously. Get your bum, your hips down low, wake up the legs, press through all four corners of the feet. Root to rise here, inhale. Power through, press into the earth, reach for the sky. Exhale, rain it down, Forward Fold. Inhale halfway lift, lengthen. Exhale, soften and fold, bow. Great, bend the knees. Plant the palms, step the right toes back. Step the left toes back. Inhale to look forward, shift forward. Exhale to lower to the belly. Draw the shoulders away from the ears. Hug the elbows into the side body, press into the tops of your feet and the pubic bone and inhale, rise up, Bhujangasana. Exhale, slowly release. Curl the toes under, lift the kneecaps, tone the quadriceps, inhale in. Exhale, press up to Plank or Half Plank. When you get there, keep you gaze down. Quietly whisper to yourself, "I am strong." I am strong. Downward Facing Dog. Send the hips up high and back, claw through the fingertips. One cycle of breath here, in and out. Anchor the left heel. Inhale, lift the right leg up high. Exhale, shift forward, knee to nose, only one of these. Inhale, kick it up, right foot to the sky. Exhale, step it all the way up. Squeeze the inner thighs together, high lunge. Inhale, sweep the fingertips forward, up and back. Big breath here, big stretch. You got it. Inhale, carve a line with your nose. Look all the way up. Exhale, take up space as you rotate, open up, Warrior II. Beautiful, inhale in here. Exhale, head over heart, heart over pelvis, relax your shoulders down. Now inhale in, exhale, bend your right elbow. Bring it to the top of the right thigh. Then we're gonna take the left fingertips forward, just in front of your face. Plug that shoulder in, take a deep breath. Engage your left inner thigh. Then as if you were smoothing your left palm on a surface, slowly send your left fingertips toward the front of your mat. Feel that connection from the outer edge of the back foot through your left hip, your left shoulder, your left wrist and beyond. Take a deep breath in here, inhale. Exhale, check it out, big move here, straighten through the front leg. Reach it back, Reverse Triangle, right fingertips all the way up and then back. Big breath here, inhale. Exhale, cartwheel all the way back to your nice, low lunge. Plant the palms, step the right toes back. Inhale to shift forward, keep the elbow hugging into the side body as you slow and with control lower to the belly. Find your foundation, follow your breath. Inhale, Bhujangasana, Cobra. Exhale to release. Lift the kneecaps, tone your quads, inhale in. Exhale, press up, power up, Plank Pose or Half Plank. Gaze down, take all the wrinkles out of the back of your neck, hollow through the upper back body and quietly whisper to yourself, "I am brave." I am brave. Hips up high and back, Downward Facing Dog. Don't think, stay present. You're doing great. Anchor the right heel, inhale, lift the left leg up high. Exhale, shift it forward, knee to nose. Inhale, kick it up. Exhale, step it all the way up. Squeeze the inner thighs, find your center first then when you're ready, sweep the fingertips forward, up and back, high lunge. Head over heart, heart over pelvis here. Carve a line with your nose. Look forward, find that energetic lift through the front and that grounding through the back. It'll help you find stability. Yes, then inhale, reach a little higher. Exhale, take up space as you open up to the right, Warrior II, back toes turned in. Find your footing here, drop your center down. Welcome that warmth, that heat as you breathe in. Relax the shoulders as you breathe out. Long neck, inhale in, Exhale, bend your left elbow, bring it to the top of the left thigh, left femur or thigh bone kind of hugging in here to support you, front knee over front ankle. Then take your right fingertips now in front of your face, plug that shoulder into socket and as if you were smoothing your right hand on a counter, you're gonna smooth it and take the right fingertips all the way up towards the front of the mat. Careful not to collapse on the left shoulder. Now feel that connection. Outer edge of the right foot to the right hip, to the right shoulders as you spiral your heart up towards the sky, take one more deep breath in here. You're doing awesome. Then find the grace, move from your center as you send your right fingertips up and back, straighten through that left leg and we take it to Reverse Triangle, left fingertips up towards the sky and then maybe all the way back. Take a deep breath in. Follow your breath all the way back down to your lunge. Big move. Beautiful. Plant the palms, step the left toes back. Inhale the shift forward, look forward. Exhale, lower to your belly. Inhale, Cobra, try to find something new here Bhujangasana. And then exhale to soften and release. From here press to all fours, bring the big toes together. Open the knees as wide as your yoga mat. Inhale to look forward and exhale to send the hips back, Extended Child's Pose. Close your eyes, inhale in. And exhale to relax your shoulders. Soften through your jaw. Give your thinking mind a break here the best you can and listen to the sound of that ocean breath. And we'll tuck the chin in and use the hands, or your paws on the earth to slowly roll up and you'll walk the knees in line with the hip points and lead with your heart, lift your heart all the way up as you come on to the shins and the knees and right away if your knees start to have a little chit chat, no problem, you can just take your mat and double up on the mat creating a little padding. Alright and then when you're set bring the palms together and interlace the fingertips. Keep your index finger pointing up and out. I call this Steeple Grip. So you'll take your Steeple Grip and send it forward kind of like Charlie's Angels, elbow creases up towards the sky, upper arm bones are rotating down and out, that same spiral we've been playing with. And then, because I find this so much more beneficial, and loving, and transformational than a bunch of relentless crunches, keep working on this contraction that we've been playing with of bringing the low belly, lower abdominals in and up and the upper abdominals down and in. So a coming together of that third chakra which is all about like I am, I am strong, I am what I am. Alright, inhale, lift the chest. Here we go, exhale, navel draws in and we find that contraction here. Do not move that back without finding this contraction. Just lean back, way back. Great, inhale to come up. Exhale, slowly lean back. Inhale to come up, targeting the abdominal wall. You are going to feel this in your legs, strengthening the quads. Inhale, rise. Exhale, lean back. Inhale, to rise. Exhale, lean back. Inhale, rise. Exhale, lean back. One more time, inhale, rise. Exhale, lean back and hold. This is going to help your Forearm Plank. If you want to get upside down eventually this is gonna be great. Send your sits bones towards the backs of you knees, just like we do in Bridge Pose. You're here for three, two, and on the one, with control rise up, release the hands, inhale, reach for the sky just nice and easy and exhale, hands to heart. Great, we'll come to a nice, comfortable seat. Take your time, come down. If you need to shake the legs out don't forget this is your time, your practice. Your life to lead. Your precious life in this one precious body. So how we move matters. Perhaps, and we might think that our voice or our body doesn't matter, but sometimes the world reflects back to us that it might. And so thank you so much for taking the time to be with yourself, and learn about yourself, and work with your body, and with your breath so that you can be the best version of you and find your meaningful contribution to society and serve others of the world. You rock! Let's bring the palms together, thumbs up to third eye. Take a deep breath in, and we'll close it by bowing the chin to the chest and whispering, Namaste. (bright music)