1 00:00:00,792 --> 00:00:02,625 - What's up party people? Welcome to Dedicate, 2 00:00:02,625 --> 00:00:04,333 your 30 day yoga journey. 3 00:00:04,333 --> 00:00:07,667 It's Day 19 and what's that? 4 00:00:07,667 --> 00:00:09,083 Benji, did you hear that? 5 00:00:12,000 --> 00:00:14,500 It's time to listen. 6 00:00:16,041 --> 00:00:17,041 Let's get started. 7 00:00:18,959 --> 00:00:23,125 (bright music) 8 00:00:41,917 --> 00:00:45,166 Okay, my darling friends, let's begin lying down 9 00:00:45,166 --> 00:00:47,208 on the ground. Yes! 10 00:00:48,041 --> 00:00:50,166 Take your time getting down to the earth. 11 00:00:50,166 --> 00:00:51,708 And when you get there, 12 00:00:53,917 --> 00:00:55,959 bring your feet as wide 13 00:00:55,959 --> 00:00:59,875 as your yoga mat and allow your knees to fall together 14 00:00:59,875 --> 00:01:02,708 so that you can relax the lower half of your body. 15 00:01:05,625 --> 00:01:08,750 Then bring your hands to your ribcage or your belly, 16 00:01:08,750 --> 00:01:12,917 whatever feels good and relax your shoulders. 17 00:01:15,333 --> 00:01:17,792 Alright, starting position. 18 00:01:19,834 --> 00:01:24,917 Close your eyes and imagine Benji and I just 19 00:01:26,208 --> 00:01:27,959 rolling up to you 20 00:01:29,375 --> 00:01:32,208 with a beautiful bright smile 21 00:01:33,041 --> 00:01:35,208 and imagine us rolling out 22 00:01:35,208 --> 00:01:40,125 a very luscious red carpet for you, 23 00:01:41,750 --> 00:01:46,750 as an invitation to listen to the sound or your breath. 24 00:01:50,667 --> 00:01:51,500 And 25 00:01:53,542 --> 00:01:56,500 not just because that's what we do in yoga, 26 00:01:59,166 --> 00:02:03,375 but because what if the sound of your breath 27 00:02:06,542 --> 00:02:09,291 was, not represented, but was 28 00:02:12,542 --> 00:02:16,208 your spirit, your soul, the wisdom of your heart, 29 00:02:16,208 --> 00:02:17,750 your heart's song. 30 00:02:18,750 --> 00:02:21,333 What if we were to look at it through that lens 31 00:02:21,333 --> 00:02:24,875 rather than all this kind of arduous task 32 00:02:24,875 --> 00:02:27,834 of conscious Pranayama technique. 33 00:02:31,875 --> 00:02:33,959 We're not throwing the technique out the door. 34 00:02:33,959 --> 00:02:37,333 In fact, we're getting closer to a place where we 35 00:02:37,333 --> 00:02:40,458 can really dig into learning more 36 00:02:40,458 --> 00:02:43,583 Pranayama technique by simply 37 00:02:43,583 --> 00:02:45,458 reframing the way we look at it. 38 00:02:47,750 --> 00:02:50,667 So hopefully by now you're settled in. (giggles) 39 00:02:50,667 --> 00:02:52,875 And, essentially, to summarize, 40 00:02:52,875 --> 00:02:56,417 there's a beautiful red carpet that's been rolled out 41 00:02:58,041 --> 00:02:59,458 for you to 42 00:03:00,875 --> 00:03:03,792 listen to your heart's song. 43 00:03:06,500 --> 00:03:09,333 And deep down I know you know what I'm talking about. 44 00:03:09,333 --> 00:03:09,917 You know? 45 00:03:09,917 --> 00:03:13,041 Have you ever just like had a feeling about something, 46 00:03:13,041 --> 00:03:14,417 but you didn't really listen to it, 47 00:03:14,417 --> 00:03:15,917 or you didn't really speak up? 48 00:03:21,834 --> 00:03:24,417 So you already know to listen to your body on the mat, 49 00:03:24,417 --> 00:03:26,166 I'm not gonna share that today. You know that. 50 00:03:26,166 --> 00:03:29,708 Your body intelligence is already kickin', 51 00:03:30,333 --> 00:03:31,917 Day 19. 52 00:03:34,166 --> 00:03:38,333 Now I'll invite you to bring the tip of your tongue 53 00:03:38,333 --> 00:03:39,667 to the roof of your mouth. 54 00:03:41,959 --> 00:03:44,166 And take a deep breath in through your nose. 55 00:03:46,125 --> 00:03:49,041 Try to create a soft restriction in the back of the throat 56 00:03:50,417 --> 00:03:51,625 so you can hear it. 57 00:03:52,792 --> 00:03:55,417 And I don't wanna make light of this awesome Pranayama, 58 00:03:55,417 --> 00:03:58,000 but a great is image is like that Darth Vader sound, 59 00:03:58,000 --> 00:03:59,834 that (breathing out heavily). 60 00:04:02,792 --> 00:04:04,375 So give it a couple tries. 61 00:04:06,500 --> 00:04:10,834 And then once you feel like you're finding 62 00:04:10,834 --> 00:04:14,250 a little audible breath on that inhale soft restriction, 63 00:04:15,166 --> 00:04:19,417 just exhale a-huh sound out through the mouth, like this. 64 00:04:19,417 --> 00:04:20,834 (breathing out noisily) 65 00:04:20,834 --> 00:04:23,291 As if you were fogging up a little window. 66 00:04:24,208 --> 00:04:27,917 And you're gonna fog it up and you're gonna write your name. 67 00:04:30,583 --> 00:04:32,917 Alright, now let's combine the two. 68 00:04:32,917 --> 00:04:36,750 So, tip of the tongue on the roof of the mouth 69 00:04:36,750 --> 00:04:37,792 as you breathe in. 70 00:04:40,542 --> 00:04:42,125 Ha sound as you breathe out. 71 00:04:46,291 --> 00:04:47,458 Inhale. 72 00:04:51,041 --> 00:04:52,041 Exhale. 73 00:04:54,542 --> 00:04:55,959 Once more like this. 74 00:05:03,834 --> 00:05:06,417 And then we're gonna keep this going, 75 00:05:06,417 --> 00:05:08,417 but the only difference is we're gonna seal the lips 76 00:05:08,417 --> 00:05:10,667 on the exhale. See what happens. 77 00:05:10,667 --> 00:05:13,708 Remember, we're just here to learn, to explore. 78 00:05:13,708 --> 00:05:15,542 Give it your best shot. 79 00:05:26,041 --> 00:05:29,375 Inhaling, soft restriction in the back of the throat. 80 00:05:32,917 --> 00:05:34,834 Exhaling. 81 00:05:37,208 --> 00:05:39,291 Soft restriction in the back of the throat. 82 00:05:39,291 --> 00:05:43,375 And ultimately you're creating this soft hissing sound 83 00:05:43,375 --> 00:05:45,625 that, once you get in a little groove, 84 00:05:45,625 --> 00:05:47,000 sounds like the ocean. 85 00:05:49,166 --> 00:05:53,375 We call this Ujjayi breath, or the victorious breath. 86 00:05:57,917 --> 00:06:00,542 Use it to anchor your mind here as we move 87 00:06:00,542 --> 00:06:02,708 throughout our practice. 88 00:06:02,708 --> 00:06:05,375 And we'll take this Pranayama with us into the rest 89 00:06:05,375 --> 00:06:07,417 of our days here together as well. 90 00:06:07,417 --> 00:06:10,417 So baby steps, nice and easy. 91 00:06:14,291 --> 00:06:15,417 Okay. 92 00:06:16,542 --> 00:06:18,291 Press into the toes, lift the heels, 93 00:06:18,291 --> 00:06:19,542 hug the knees up to the chest. 94 00:06:19,542 --> 00:06:21,834 You can turn to one side or right away 95 00:06:21,834 --> 00:06:25,333 begin to rock and roll up and down the length of your spine. 96 00:06:29,959 --> 00:06:30,792 Beautiful. 97 00:06:30,792 --> 00:06:35,375 When you rock up, draw one heel in, any heel. 98 00:06:35,375 --> 00:06:37,625 Sit one foot in front of the other. 99 00:06:37,625 --> 00:06:39,708 Take the arms all the way up and overhead, 100 00:06:39,708 --> 00:06:41,917 and then exhale, send it forward, 101 00:06:41,917 --> 00:06:44,458 starting to open up through the hips. 102 00:06:44,458 --> 00:06:46,333 See if you can keep this connection 103 00:06:46,333 --> 00:06:48,625 to your Ujjayi Pranayama. 104 00:06:53,667 --> 00:06:57,333 Work to keep the sit bones reaching towards the mat, 105 00:06:57,333 --> 00:06:59,125 rather than rolling up. 106 00:06:59,125 --> 00:07:01,333 Starting to wake up the hips, you can find soft, 107 00:07:01,333 --> 00:07:05,708 easy movement, maybe swaying gently side to side. 108 00:07:05,708 --> 00:07:08,959 If you wanna go a little deeper, you can tent the palms, 109 00:07:08,959 --> 00:07:11,583 just meaning to put a little pole in the center 110 00:07:11,583 --> 00:07:13,834 of your palm, press into the fingertips 111 00:07:13,834 --> 00:07:14,708 and bow the head. 112 00:07:16,500 --> 00:07:19,959 But definitely using this to stay connected 113 00:07:19,959 --> 00:07:23,792 and evolve that Ujjayi breath, that ocean sound. 114 00:07:23,792 --> 00:07:25,125 Listen. 115 00:07:37,041 --> 00:07:40,375 All right, now slowly follow that ocean breath 116 00:07:40,375 --> 00:07:41,750 all the way back up. 117 00:07:41,750 --> 00:07:43,625 Keep the legs where they are. 118 00:07:43,625 --> 00:07:45,875 You're gonna swim your fingertips around. 119 00:07:45,875 --> 00:07:47,333 Place the hands behind you, 120 00:07:47,333 --> 00:07:49,917 fingertips facing toward the body. 121 00:07:49,917 --> 00:07:52,375 Option to stay on the fingertips here 122 00:07:52,375 --> 00:07:54,875 or, if it's available, maybe palms to the earth. 123 00:07:56,000 --> 00:07:57,291 Now in this next move, 124 00:07:57,291 --> 00:07:58,917 you're gonna follow that ocean breath, 125 00:07:58,917 --> 00:08:01,125 so really listen to the sound of your breath 126 00:08:01,125 --> 00:08:03,542 as you think about sending your hip points forward, 127 00:08:03,542 --> 00:08:06,625 not up, but forward towards the frontage of your mat. 128 00:08:06,625 --> 00:08:07,458 So here we go. 129 00:08:07,458 --> 00:08:09,542 We're gonna draw the shoulder blades together to start. 130 00:08:09,542 --> 00:08:11,000 Lift the chest. 131 00:08:11,000 --> 00:08:13,583 Imagine pinching that pencil between your shoulder blades 132 00:08:13,583 --> 00:08:17,333 so there really is like active, upper back body here. 133 00:08:17,333 --> 00:08:20,208 Then with fingertips on the earth or palms on the mat, 134 00:08:20,208 --> 00:08:22,667 we'll inhale with that ocean breath. 135 00:08:24,417 --> 00:08:27,125 Exhale, protect the lower back by drawing your navel in, 136 00:08:27,125 --> 00:08:30,250 lift the hips forward towards the front edge of your mat. 137 00:08:31,166 --> 00:08:33,208 Beautiful. If this is too much, you'll keep the hips on 138 00:08:33,208 --> 00:08:34,959 the ground and just lift the chest. 139 00:08:34,959 --> 00:08:38,500 Thinking maybe Upward Facing Dog or Cobra. 140 00:08:38,500 --> 00:08:41,250 Breathe here, opening through the front body. 141 00:08:43,041 --> 00:08:45,750 Lengthening through the neck, lots of integrity. 142 00:08:45,750 --> 00:08:50,000 Take one more breath here, and exhale to release. 143 00:08:50,000 --> 00:08:52,333 Head over heart, heart over pelvis, 144 00:08:52,333 --> 00:08:55,250 let's counter this in the wrist by finding Thriller Arms. 145 00:08:55,250 --> 00:08:57,500 Inhale in, nice audible breath. 146 00:08:59,834 --> 00:09:02,625 Exhale to pull the shoulders back into socket. 147 00:09:05,208 --> 00:09:06,041 Sweet. 148 00:09:06,041 --> 00:09:08,500 Reverse, let's take the opposite foot in, 149 00:09:09,583 --> 00:09:11,667 opposite foot out. 150 00:09:12,375 --> 00:09:16,000 Inhale, reach for the sky, find that ocean breath. 151 00:09:16,000 --> 00:09:21,166 Exhale, Forward Fold, breathing, listening to the sound 152 00:09:21,166 --> 00:09:24,166 of your breath here as you open up through the hips, 153 00:09:24,166 --> 00:09:26,959 finding soft, easy movement if it feels good. 154 00:09:33,708 --> 00:09:36,000 And if you're new to this audible breath, 155 00:09:36,000 --> 00:09:37,792 simply do your best. 156 00:09:37,792 --> 00:09:40,667 Keep an open mind and there is a foundations 157 00:09:40,667 --> 00:09:43,708 of Ujjayi Pranayama breath 158 00:09:43,708 --> 00:09:45,625 on the Yoga with Adriene channel 159 00:09:45,625 --> 00:09:48,708 so you take some time, carve a little extra time 160 00:09:48,708 --> 00:09:50,667 to practice that foundations video and 161 00:09:50,667 --> 00:09:53,375 go a little deeper if you want the full tutorial. 162 00:09:58,250 --> 00:10:01,250 Sits bones, so your bones actively reaching 163 00:10:01,250 --> 00:10:02,834 towards the ground here. 164 00:10:02,834 --> 00:10:05,083 Little bit of energy in the feet and the toes 165 00:10:05,083 --> 00:10:06,667 to protect the knees. 166 00:10:06,667 --> 00:10:09,834 Take one more cycle of breath here wherever you are. 167 00:10:14,333 --> 00:10:16,250 Oh, yeah, so good for the body. 168 00:10:16,250 --> 00:10:19,166 Slowly roll it up, follow the sound of your breath. 169 00:10:19,166 --> 00:10:22,458 Swim the fingertips behind 170 00:10:22,458 --> 00:10:24,375 and we'll do the same little ditty. 171 00:10:25,542 --> 00:10:28,708 Checking in with the upper back body, lifting the chest, 172 00:10:28,708 --> 00:10:31,667 creating a full body experience, right, 173 00:10:31,667 --> 00:10:34,667 integrating the whole package. 174 00:10:35,750 --> 00:10:37,250 Total wellness. 175 00:10:37,834 --> 00:10:39,000 Okay. 176 00:10:39,000 --> 00:10:41,625 Fingertips on the earth or palms on the mat. 177 00:10:41,625 --> 00:10:43,834 We'll inhale, lift the chest, the heart. 178 00:10:43,834 --> 00:10:46,583 You might stay here, or lift the hips all the way up. 179 00:10:46,583 --> 00:10:49,333 Hip points reaching towards the front edge of your mat. 180 00:10:50,500 --> 00:10:52,500 Think Cow Pose, think 181 00:10:54,041 --> 00:10:57,917 Upward Facing Dog, think Cobra. 182 00:10:57,917 --> 00:11:01,041 Take one more breath, lots of awareness in the neck. 183 00:11:02,708 --> 00:11:05,500 Yes, and then slowly release. 184 00:11:05,500 --> 00:11:08,750 Awesome. Quick counter, Thriller Arms, inhale in. 185 00:11:09,917 --> 00:11:12,875 Exhale, drawing the shoulders back underneath the ears. 186 00:11:14,708 --> 00:11:18,083 Maybe nod the head, a little yes, a little no, 187 00:11:18,083 --> 00:11:19,458 check in with the neck. 188 00:11:21,125 --> 00:11:24,125 Sweet, then continue this motion all the way forward. 189 00:11:25,625 --> 00:11:26,834 Tabletop Position. 190 00:11:29,458 --> 00:11:32,000 Great. Quick little circle with the hips, 191 00:11:32,000 --> 00:11:34,750 so you're gonna kick the right foot up towards the sky 192 00:11:34,750 --> 00:11:39,125 and just draw a big circle with your right knee one way 193 00:11:39,125 --> 00:11:40,458 couple times. 194 00:11:42,083 --> 00:11:44,834 And then the other way, reverse it. 195 00:11:46,375 --> 00:11:49,417 Press into both palms evenly as you do this. 196 00:11:49,417 --> 00:11:51,041 Find that ocean breath. 197 00:11:53,959 --> 00:11:54,917 Good, then switch. 198 00:11:54,917 --> 00:11:57,291 Kick the left foot up towards the sky. 199 00:11:58,500 --> 00:11:59,667 Soft bend in the elbows, 200 00:11:59,667 --> 00:12:02,000 particularly if you hyperextend here. 201 00:12:02,000 --> 00:12:04,375 Remember, soft bend, be loving. 202 00:12:04,375 --> 00:12:07,500 And carving a line, connecting to the core, 203 00:12:07,500 --> 00:12:10,875 pressing into both palms evenly, keeping a softness, 204 00:12:10,875 --> 00:12:15,583 a grace in your face, keeping the jaw nice and soft. 205 00:12:15,583 --> 00:12:16,917 Reversing 206 00:12:18,834 --> 00:12:20,625 your direction. 207 00:12:26,291 --> 00:12:28,625 Alright, then slowly release. 208 00:12:28,625 --> 00:12:30,959 Walk the palms forward, curl the toes under, 209 00:12:30,959 --> 00:12:33,500 send the hips up and back, Downward Facing Dog. 210 00:12:33,500 --> 00:12:35,625 Take a deep breath in here. 211 00:12:36,625 --> 00:12:38,125 And a long breath out. 212 00:12:38,917 --> 00:12:40,625 And a deep breath in. 213 00:12:41,834 --> 00:12:44,583 And close your eyes and find stillness here, listen. 214 00:12:44,583 --> 00:12:46,291 Long breath out. 215 00:12:54,041 --> 00:12:54,959 You're doing great. 216 00:12:54,959 --> 00:12:56,959 One more cycle of breath. 217 00:13:03,625 --> 00:13:04,625 Fabulous. 218 00:13:04,625 --> 00:13:07,250 Slow descend of the knees down to the earth. 219 00:13:08,125 --> 00:13:09,750 Quick hair toss for me. 220 00:13:09,750 --> 00:13:12,917 Okay. Walk the right hand over to meet the left. 221 00:13:13,959 --> 00:13:17,041 Press into the top of your back foot for stability 222 00:13:17,041 --> 00:13:20,542 as you slowly draw a big circle, peek at me if you need to, 223 00:13:20,542 --> 00:13:23,458 with the right knee all the way up and around 224 00:13:23,458 --> 00:13:25,542 and then we'll plant the right foot up towards 225 00:13:25,542 --> 00:13:26,625 the front edge of your mat. 226 00:13:26,625 --> 00:13:29,166 If the right foot doesn't make it, take your right hand 227 00:13:29,166 --> 00:13:32,125 to your ankle and help guide your way there. 228 00:13:32,125 --> 00:13:34,583 So now we're here in a little Lizard variation. 229 00:13:34,583 --> 00:13:35,959 We're gonna curl the back toes under. 230 00:13:35,959 --> 00:13:38,417 Now, walk the back knee back towards the earth, 231 00:13:38,417 --> 00:13:41,250 option to lift it if it feels good in your body. 232 00:13:42,250 --> 00:13:45,125 Breath deep, pull the right hip crease back. 233 00:13:45,125 --> 00:13:48,458 Find that Ujjayi breath, that ocean sound. 234 00:13:58,458 --> 00:13:59,959 Now listen carefully. 235 00:13:59,959 --> 00:14:02,875 From here, we're gonna walk the hands off the yoga mat, 236 00:14:02,875 --> 00:14:06,125 over towards the front left corner of the mat. 237 00:14:06,125 --> 00:14:09,750 Think about your hands being in Downward Facing Dog. 238 00:14:09,750 --> 00:14:11,250 Inhale to look forward. 239 00:14:11,250 --> 00:14:14,708 Exhale, bow the head, chin to chest. 240 00:14:18,667 --> 00:14:22,417 Back knee lowered or lifted, front knee over front ankle. 241 00:14:22,417 --> 00:14:27,083 Big stretch requiring you to listen to your heart's song. 242 00:14:27,083 --> 00:14:29,500 Ujjayi breath, nice audible breath. 243 00:14:32,375 --> 00:14:34,291 Good. Inhale, lift the back knee. 244 00:14:34,291 --> 00:14:35,875 If it's lifted, lift it even more. 245 00:14:37,792 --> 00:14:41,000 And then slowly release, come back to center. 246 00:14:41,834 --> 00:14:43,333 You're just gonna rewind. 247 00:14:43,333 --> 00:14:44,542 So you're gonna press into the top 248 00:14:44,542 --> 00:14:45,959 of the back foot for stability. 249 00:14:45,959 --> 00:14:47,250 You should feel your low belly, 250 00:14:47,250 --> 00:14:49,667 your lower abdominals engage here. 251 00:14:49,667 --> 00:14:52,667 And then we're just gonna rewind, engage, engage, engage. 252 00:14:52,667 --> 00:14:55,708 Turn on the obliques, come back all the way 253 00:14:55,708 --> 00:14:57,834 to Tabletop Position. 254 00:14:57,834 --> 00:14:59,041 Wag your tail. 255 00:14:59,917 --> 00:15:01,542 Shake it out. 256 00:15:01,542 --> 00:15:02,708 Alright. 257 00:15:02,708 --> 00:15:06,291 Now, walking the hands towards the top right corner 258 00:15:06,291 --> 00:15:08,792 of the mat, pressing into the top of your right foot 259 00:15:08,792 --> 00:15:10,875 for stability, cannot emphasize this enough. 260 00:15:10,875 --> 00:15:14,333 Really press into the top of your right foot. 261 00:15:14,333 --> 00:15:15,625 Then engage your core. 262 00:15:15,625 --> 00:15:17,500 Careful not to collapse in your shoulders here. 263 00:15:17,500 --> 00:15:19,708 So use the training, use all your tools. 264 00:15:19,708 --> 00:15:21,000 And here we go. 265 00:15:21,000 --> 00:15:23,792 Big circle with the left knee, all the way up, up, up, up 266 00:15:23,792 --> 00:15:25,333 up, up, up, up. 267 00:15:25,333 --> 00:15:28,291 Keep going, lift, lift, lift all the way 268 00:15:28,291 --> 00:15:30,083 'til you can get your left foot on the ground. 269 00:15:30,083 --> 00:15:33,542 Doesn't make it, no prob, use your hand to guide it 270 00:15:33,542 --> 00:15:35,041 towards the frontage of your mat. 271 00:15:36,542 --> 00:15:38,625 Okay, so listen, listen to the left 272 00:15:38,625 --> 00:15:40,417 and the right side of the body. 273 00:15:40,417 --> 00:15:42,792 Ultimately we're using our yoga asana to balance 274 00:15:42,792 --> 00:15:44,333 the left and the right side of the brain, 275 00:15:44,333 --> 00:15:46,083 the left and the right side of the body. 276 00:15:46,083 --> 00:15:47,750 And they are different. 277 00:15:47,750 --> 00:15:50,250 Wildly different! 278 00:15:50,250 --> 00:15:51,375 So let's pay attention. 279 00:15:52,333 --> 00:15:53,667 Notice how this side feels different. 280 00:15:53,667 --> 00:15:54,542 What's up, buddy? 281 00:15:56,166 --> 00:15:57,708 Breathe deep. 282 00:15:57,708 --> 00:16:00,792 Option to walk the knee back a bit 283 00:16:01,875 --> 00:16:03,333 or lift the knee all the way. 284 00:16:04,959 --> 00:16:07,583 Now, once you've found your Ujjayi breath, 285 00:16:07,583 --> 00:16:11,083 that ocean breath, you'll walk the hands off the mat. 286 00:16:11,083 --> 00:16:14,959 Think Downward Dog, so strong connection through the hands. 287 00:16:14,959 --> 00:16:17,708 Inhale in and then exhale, bow the head. 288 00:16:21,667 --> 00:16:24,458 Lot of awareness in the shoulders. 289 00:16:25,375 --> 00:16:28,750 Once again, working to create a full-body experience, 290 00:16:28,750 --> 00:16:29,917 breathing deep. 291 00:16:39,625 --> 00:16:40,834 Inhale in. 292 00:16:42,417 --> 00:16:43,542 Exhale out. 293 00:16:44,417 --> 00:16:47,750 Inhale slowly, make your way back. 294 00:16:47,750 --> 00:16:49,458 Take your time, take your time. 295 00:16:49,458 --> 00:16:51,291 Walk the hands back first. 296 00:16:52,125 --> 00:16:54,667 Then lower the right knee if it is not already. 297 00:16:54,667 --> 00:16:56,708 And you're gonna just do a rewind, but you're gonna need 298 00:16:56,708 --> 00:16:59,875 to connect to the full abdominal wall here, so inhale in. 299 00:16:59,875 --> 00:17:01,000 You got this. 300 00:17:01,000 --> 00:17:04,542 Exhale, press into the top of your back foot for stability. 301 00:17:04,542 --> 00:17:08,166 Lift the left knee, light a fire in those obliques, 302 00:17:08,166 --> 00:17:10,375 bring it all the way back, back, back. 303 00:17:11,166 --> 00:17:12,291 Awesome. 304 00:17:12,291 --> 00:17:16,583 Walk the knees together, really together, arch to arch. 305 00:17:16,583 --> 00:17:18,125 Send the hips back. 306 00:17:18,125 --> 00:17:20,583 Inhale to look forward. 307 00:17:20,583 --> 00:17:24,333 Exhale, Balasana, you can tent the palms here 308 00:17:24,333 --> 00:17:27,542 or drag the hands back, whatever feels good. 309 00:17:29,291 --> 00:17:30,834 Ujjayi breath. 310 00:17:34,291 --> 00:17:38,083 So ride the wave of the ocean here. 311 00:17:38,083 --> 00:17:42,125 Feel that crest and fall as you breathe into your back body. 312 00:17:42,959 --> 00:17:46,250 And remember, we are constantly changing. 313 00:17:47,125 --> 00:17:49,000 The only constant is change. 314 00:17:49,000 --> 00:17:50,291 You've heard it before. 315 00:17:51,375 --> 00:17:54,083 So showing up on our mat 316 00:17:54,083 --> 00:17:56,375 with a willingness to really listen 317 00:17:56,375 --> 00:17:58,875 to the sound of the breath, listen to the body. 318 00:18:00,375 --> 00:18:03,667 Listen to the practice and whatever is revealing itself. 319 00:18:05,166 --> 00:18:09,500 This helps equip us with the tools we need to move 320 00:18:12,333 --> 00:18:16,875 in a meaningful way off the mat, but also in a way 321 00:18:18,333 --> 00:18:20,417 that goes with the flow, man. 322 00:18:25,333 --> 00:18:26,708 Riding the wave. 323 00:18:28,291 --> 00:18:30,875 Take one more moment here to just surrender again 324 00:18:30,875 --> 00:18:32,959 to that which you cannot control. 325 00:18:40,125 --> 00:18:42,875 And then take a moment to give thanks for this little ditty, 326 00:18:42,875 --> 00:18:45,959 this practice, this opportunity to check in with your breath 327 00:18:46,792 --> 00:18:48,291 and listen to your heart. 328 00:18:50,625 --> 00:18:51,708 So awesome. 329 00:18:56,166 --> 00:18:58,208 If you're in the zone, you can stay here 330 00:18:58,208 --> 00:19:02,083 and just bring the palms together up behind your head. 331 00:19:03,166 --> 00:19:05,583 If you're ready to rock and roll and get a move on, 332 00:19:05,583 --> 00:19:07,959 then let's roll up together nice and slow. 333 00:19:12,542 --> 00:19:14,125 Lots of hair tosses today. 334 00:19:15,667 --> 00:19:16,792 for Lizzo. 335 00:19:19,500 --> 00:19:20,917 Come to a nice comfortable seat. 336 00:19:20,917 --> 00:19:22,166 Bring your palms together. 337 00:19:22,166 --> 00:19:25,542 Let's seal this with a kiss of the palms. 338 00:19:29,291 --> 00:19:30,166 Incredible. 339 00:19:30,166 --> 00:19:32,583 You're amazing. Do you know that? 340 00:19:32,583 --> 00:19:34,667 Awesome work, thanks for showing up today. 341 00:19:35,792 --> 00:19:37,458 Way to listen, way to lean in. 342 00:19:37,458 --> 00:19:40,208 I'll see you tomorrow, but 'til then 343 00:19:40,208 --> 00:19:41,834 let's take a deep breath in. 344 00:19:43,333 --> 00:19:46,125 Connecting our best and most beautiful self 345 00:19:48,834 --> 00:19:51,792 to everyone practicing around the world, 346 00:19:51,792 --> 00:19:53,542 acknowledging the same in them. 347 00:19:54,375 --> 00:19:57,708 The highest in me bows to the highest in you. 348 00:19:59,083 --> 00:20:00,708 Thanks everyone. 349 00:20:00,708 --> 00:20:01,542 Namaste. 350 00:20:03,500 --> 00:20:06,875 (bright music)