- Hi everyone, and welcome to Dedicate, your 30 day yoga journey, Adriene and Benji here, and it's Day 15, you guys. Can you believe it? We are halfway through our remarkable journey together, and today's practice is called Reveal. So hop into something comfy and let's hop to it. (bright music) Okay pals, welcome. Let's begin in a nice, comfortable seat. Take your time coming down to the ground, and right away, start to just sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle some love and gratitude around your mat. First for you for showing up here consistently. You're halfway through this journey, and I could not be more thrilled and honored to be on the ride with you. So today's practice is all about moving with whatever is revealing itself to you, okay? This kind of takes the pressure off as we progress and things get a bit more difficult or maybe you find it hard to negotiate your time throughout the day, you know, carving out time for your practice. So today, we just reconnect, check in with the breath, maybe connect with your intention again, and then when we start moving, see if you can really just allow yourself to move with whatever is revealing itself today, and we'll take this practice with us into this second half of our journey together. I'm really honored, as I said, I'm really honored to be on this ride with you, so thank you so much. Let's begin by bringing the fingertips to the earth, sitting up nice and tall, nice cleansing breath here to begin. Inhale, squeeze the shoulders up to the earlobes. And then exhale to drop the shoulders down. Sit up nice and tall. Good, again, inhale in through the nose, squeeze the shoulders up to the ears. And exhale, dropping the shoulders and dropping any tension, any stress, any worry that you might have come onto the mat with. And then one more time. Inhale, squeeze the shoulders up to the ears, and exhale to land here. Great, close your eyes or soften your gaze. Just take a second to notice how you feel. Remember why you dedicated yourself to this time and this journey. And then when you're ready, together we'll begin to move with the breath, sending the fingertips out left to right. Big breath in, exhale, hands to heart, Anjali Mudra, in prayer. Chin to chest, reach behind the neck, inhale, send the fingertips all the way up towards the sky, and on an exhale, big twist to your left, nice and easy, right hand to the top of the left thigh. Left fingertips come behind. Just a reminder. There will be a little bit of a normal, natural tendency to collapse on the spine here and lean back, so just check in. This is really just a beautiful day to check in and sit up nice and tall. Use your breath to find length. Sweet, then slowly release, come back to center. Head over heart, heart over pelvis, fingertips come to the side, and again, we move with the breath. Inhale, send the fingertips out left to right. Spread the fingers this time. Exhale, hands to heart, palms kiss, holy palmers' kiss. Chin to chest, reach behind. Inhale, grow really tall. Lift the corners of the mouth just slightly. Smell your armpit, just check in. Okay, good, and then exhale, big open twist to your right. Left hand lands gently on the right knee, and once again, we just check in. Hmm. So there's just like incredible magic to daily yoga, to all yoga, but particularly with regular yoga practice that if you keep showing up, you know, the magic or whatever it is, the change, the transformation, whatever it is you're looking for, reveals itself. You don't really have to force it or maneuver it. You just have to show up consistently, so keep that in mind as the days go on. Mmm. Inhale and lift your beautiful heart. Exhale slowly, come back to center. You're just gonna take soft, easy circles with the wrists one way and then the other. You can keep it sophisticated, or you can get funky. Just noticing the mood you're in today. Reverse it. Okay, just again, moving in a way that feels good. Moving with whatever reveals itself. This is right. Okay. Tabletop Position. Take your time in this little transition. Set yourself up for greatness. And then when you're ready, a couple breaths to move with the spine here, just warming up. Inhale, drop the belly, open the chest. Exhale rounding through. Again, inhale, drop the belly. Make your breath nice and long. You know what to do here. Exhale, chin to chest. Take a couple more with the sound of your breath guiding the way. Maybe close your eyes if you're having trouble focusing today. Cool, and then come to a neutral spine, that nice Tabletop Position. And when you're ready, we're gonna kick just the right toes all the way out, dial the right toes down. Lift from the right in our thigh and then inhale, send the left fingertips forward as if you're shaking someone's hand. Inhale in here, exhale, knee to nose, round everything in. Inhale to extend. Energy spreading through the fingers and the toes. Exhale, rounding through. Once more, inhale, spread the fingers, spread the toes, find extension. Exhale, contract, navel to spine. Awesome. Back to Tabletop, neutral spine, second side. Send the left toes out, dial the left toes down, square the hips, connect to lower belly by hugging the low ribs in and lifting up from your right inner thigh. Then press away from your yoga mat. Inhale to send the right fingertips forward, the right thumb up, and here we go on an exhale. Contract, navel to spine, round everything in. Inhale nice and slow and with control. Exhale, chin to chest. Once more, nice and slow, inhale. Radiating. And exhale to contract. Beautiful. Release that, walk the palms out just a bit, upper arm bones, find that external rotation, and yep, you guessed it, Downward Facing Dog, Benji's favorite. Pedal it up. So see if you can find something new as we embark on the second half of our journey. We're not trying to force anything or meet any expectation or goal but rather allow. Allow whatever it is that's supposed to reveal itself on the mat today. Allow for that to be so. So when we work on allowing, creating space, we're opening up to grace, versus pushing and forcing, and doing, doing, doing, constantly doing, inevitably, whatever it is that's supposed to show up, shows up. Allowing. Take one more breath here, then on an exhale, slowly lower the knees. Bring them as wide as your yoga mat. Toes come in towards the center and send the hips back. Melt your heart down. Surrender, an Extended Child's Pose. Three really, really active breaths here. Don't let yourself down. Take three active breaths. See what you've got. Come on now, one more active breath. Gorgeous, carve a line with the nose, look forward. Slowly shift your weight, come back up, walk the knees underneath the hip points, curl the toes under, take it up and back Downward Facing Dog. Beautiful. From here, inhale, lift the right leg up high. Exhale, shift it forward. Knee all the way up to the chin. Inhale, kick in back, exhale, core activation, knee comes to the center of the chest. One more inhale, kick it back. Exhale, knee and chin come together. Beautiful, then inhale, kick it up. Then check it out, slowly lower down, turn the two big toes in, claw through the fingertips, pick up your left hand, bring it to your heart. What? We got this for three, two, one. Hold onto the midline, keep pressing into the palms. Left leg lifts up high, Three-Legged Dog. Exhale, shift it forward, knee to chest. Inhale, kick it back. Exhale, shift it forward. Building strength. Inhale, kick it back. Exhale, shift it forward. Beautiful, inhale, kick it back. Slowly lower the left leg, turn the toes in, find your footing. We got this. Inhale in, exhale, right hand to the heart. Holding onto the midline, holding onto your center. Three, two, one. Awesome, release the hands, lower to the knees. Keep the knees together, arch to arch here with the foot. Send the hips back, Balasana, paint your yoga mat by dragging your hands all the way back and through, reaching towards your toes or the back edge of your mat. Relax the weight of your shoulders down and three active breaths here. Let your breath move you. Give your thinking mind a break. Working to simply stay present with your breath, and I know it's not always simple, but you're doing great. (moans) (chuckles) Sorry, feeling it. Okay, slowly, when you're ready. I'm embarrassed. Rise back up. We're gonna... Let's start by coming to all fours first. We're gonna bring the knees wide once again, then we're gonna turn the left fingers towards the left side of the mat and then around, and then we're gonna turn the right fingers towards the right side of the mat and then around. Then if you're super tight here, you'll just send your hips back and walk the fingertips in. If you are enjoying the stretch, you'll keep walking the fingertips out just a bit. So but do bring your sits bones back just a bit. So basically if this is new, you're just gonna keep a nice, narrow base. For Lion's Breath. Woo, woo, woo! Okay, here we go. Inhale, claw through the fingertips. Even here, guys, this is a little grace note, but I'm not just dumping all my weight into the earth. I'm connected. You can imagine like a little piece of paper between your heel and your bum, so I'm still connected to my core, my center. I'm gonna inhale in. Exhale, Lion's breath. You stick your tongue out, and you gaze up towards your third eye. Let's do this. Deep breath in. Exhale. Inhale in again. Give it a try, Lion's Breath, tongue out. The best darn Lion's Breath you've done in all your life. Just keep an open mind. Again, whatever needs to reveal itself here will reveal itself. Let's do this, a beautiful, cleansing, inspiring Lion's Breath. Here we go, in through the nose, exhale, tongue out. Awesome work. You rock. Come all the way back to all fours. Forearm Plank. Don't panic, we're gonna interlace the fingertips, bring the elbows as wide as the shoulders, not wider, not narrow, but here, right underneath, stacking the bones. I'm gonna draw my navel in as I get into the posture, so I'm already connected to my center as I head into the shape. And then when you're ready, curl the toes under, send the legs back. This is our last little beat today. You've got this, guys. Here we go, breath in, press away from your yoga mat. Find that hollow body in the front and then that grounding in the back. So party in the front. Or is it business in the front, party in the back? Okay, shut up, Adriene, here we go. Hip dips, you know it, halfway hip dips, we got this. You're gonna come onto the outer edge of your right foot, dip your hip down to the earth. I know. Come all the way back. You've got this. Outer edge of the left foot comes to the earth, and we dip the left hip down. Not a lot, so nice and mindful back to center. Take it to the right, hip dip. Neck is nice and long, strengthening through the shoulder joint. You've got this. Back to center, over to the left. All right, two more on each side. You've got it. Hip dips for our halfway mark. We're awesome. Quietly whisper it to yourself. "I'm awesome." Even if you're struggling, you're so awesome. Here we go. The struggle is real. It's a part of life. t's how we handle it, yes. Alright, after you've evened it out, come back to center. You're gonna just kiss the knees to the ground first. Kiss (mimics kiss) then lift the heels back up, and then here we are for three. Feel that shake. Two, gaze forward slightly. On the one, release everything, Balasana, again your version, the one that feels awesome. Send your forehead to the earth and let everything go. Three active breaths. Make them awesome. Great, press into the tops of the feet from a place of connect, so from your center, whatever that means for you, begin to roll it up. Stack it up. Notice how you feel. You smashed that practice. You're my hero for showing up. Imagine if everyone just carved out the time that we are carving out, the dedication to spending some time with yourself and with your body versus constantly working on ourselves and working on our bodies. It's pretty amazing. I love you so much. Let's bring the hands together at the heart. What's that, Benji? Oh, he just said, "You're awesome. I love you. "See you tomorrow for Day 16, sweet 16." Love you guys. Let us know how you're feeling at the halfway mark down below in the comment section, and I'll see you tomorrow. Namaste. (bright music)