hi everyone welcome to 30 days of yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene and its day four feeling frisky let's get started so let's take a deep breath in wherever you are and a long exhale out and we're gonna start today's practice day for practice duh on all fours so make sure you take a deep breath in and out here just to arrive on the mat so we're moving kind of quickly into the practice today but doesn't mean we're going to like speed up our rhythm necessarily but just start right away with a little gentle cat cow so check in with your breath take responsibility for your own happiness here and for me that means connecting to my breath inhale drop the belly press away from the earth and exhale curl the tailbone under begin to round up through the spine and then we draw the navel up as we release the crown of the head down and I speak into my microphone inhale scooping the belly down heart opens up crown of the head lifts we press away from the earth and exhale curl the tailbone under see if you can stay connected through the abdominals here so we're not just kind of linkie linkie I've never said that before thank you thank you for not just I usually say looky looky anyway we're not just kind of mindlessly moving through this spinal flex but really seeing if we can slow it down and so maybe for the next couple passes go ahead and take your eyes your gaze off the video and close your eyelids just so you can kind of get into the sensation here as we continue to breathe and stretch it out let's do one more wherever you are visualizing space between this each vertebra those disks really creating a little bit of softness and awareness and the ease throughout the body alright welcome back to tabletop position we're gonna take the hips to the right the head to the left notice how the arms and legs and feet kind of want to come out stay connected keep a nice awareness through your foundation even here so we create kind of this crescent moon shape with the right side body take a deep breath in exhale back to Center and now hips to the left head to the right stay connected through the tops of the feet all ten fingerprints pressing into the mat deep breath in and on an exhale we melt it back to Center cool heart to earth pose we drop the elbows where the hands are we try to keep the knees in line with the elbows so this this kind of railroad track image here as we walk the knees back and we melt the heart now this is where I'm guiding you too but listen to your shoulders if they are tighter you might widen the elbows if the hips are pinching you might widen the knees so always working to create space you might find a gentle rock here oh yeah it feels awesome and we continue to deepen the breath find what feels good then we'll press into the tops of the feet take one more breath here inhale in exhale melt the heart down inhale to come up press into the earth slowly come back to all fours hmm day for all fours alright this time we're going to curl the toes under and we're going to send the sit bones to the heels here nice and easy walk the palms all the way up to the thighs we just take a rest here I just want to check in with the feet here and you might use it this time to check in with the shoulders the neck or you might just continue to deepen the breath find that pranayama breathing into the soles of the feet and they'll dive back forward onto all fours all right this time my Deniz is why does the mat bring the two big toes together walk the palms out just ahead of the shoulder points and we're gonna inhale reach the right fingertips forward stretch through the right side body and on an exhale weave those right fingertips in and underneath the verge of the left arm we come to rest on the right ear here and I press into the left palm it's one of my favorites here sit bones Rock up towards the sky so you can find this kind of cool rock in the pelvis that feels really great on the back body and we breathe here for a deeper stretch you can press up and out of those left fingerprints or you can reach the left palm all the way up towards the front edge of your mat breathe deeply here and then if you're feeling a little frisky and you want to meet your edge here have a little fun you'll curl the left toes under and maybe slowly keep your left toes on the ground and slide the left leg out find that sit bone to heel connection and if you feel like oh I'm gonna fall over connect to your core danava to spine booty on Abunda nice under lock here to engage the full body experience one more breath here press into that left heel and on an exhale we release and unravel and take it to the other side all right same thing here we inhale reach the fingertips forward keep this lengthen the side body as you weave left fingertips in and underneath the bridge of the right arm pelvis rocks up towards the sky and I use my right fingertips to find the best stretch to breathe into the back body so maybe it's here it's here we're here they're feeling a little adventurous press me your foundation anchor navel to spine curl the right toes under and slide that right foot back find that sit bone to heel connection so I'm really pressing out through that right heel finding my breast awesome and then unraveling it back to Center cool walk the palms out curl the toes under send it up and back downward facing dog pedal it out find a little movement here breathe deep alright then we'll mmm wiggle it out and then find a place of stillness here for three breaths so we might turn the two big toes in slightly melt the heart back keep it soft bend in the knees here and breathe in and out for three breaths going through your checklist one more breath awesome my friends and we'll walk the palms nice and slow back up towards the toes so we're coming to the back edge of the mat here folding forward Lewton asana keep a generous bend in the knees if you need to or a nice soft buoyancy so we just don't want to lock here okay stretching the lower back body is stretching the backs of the legs letting the weight of the head go we find our breath and we maybe find a gentle sway here just working out the kinks maybe walking to the left and walking onto the right maybe grabbing the elbows of course so we explore then well inhale halfway lift come to that flat back position I'm going to hold here for a couple breaths just working out the kinks and going to our checklist so pulling the elbows back making sure we're not locking the legs but things soft excuse me navel draws up and we see if we can create one nice long piece from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone so you kinda have to check in with that inner mirror here and I love that one more breath and on an exhale slide it down keep the knees softly bent and walk your palms all the way out to plank so we're gonna bend the right knee into the center stretch through the left calf take a deep breath in and exhale switch inhale in and switch keep it going connect to your core press away from the earth with your palms keep it going dipping the knees down nice and slow finding that excuse me a sit bone to heel connection and creating a little bit of heat in the body awesome now we'll lower both knees hug the elbows into the side body and lower down gently inhale find your Cobra today nice and soft and slow you might move around a little bit here and then slowly we'll release come back to all fours send the sit bones all the way back for a child's pose so here we're gonna actively breathe into the lower back send breaths and energy to your lower back so in these resting poses for me it's it's really not about checking out was ending out it's really about thinning and checking in so use the power of the breath here to breathe into the back body see if you can feel the skin of the back stretch with your inhale imagine the soles of your feet melting down a little bit closer towards the heels on that exhale stay focused on your breath didn't gently we'll come back to all fours curl the toes under send it on up downward-facing dog deep breath in here and deep breath out as you anchor through the heels don't even worry about whether the heels are coming close to the mat or not who cares it's about the experience so really breathe breathe breathe and then one day when you're not paying attention to the pose and you're just enveloped in your experience you're gonna be like wow my heels touch the mat that's that's what happened to me I was like holy moly and still steel well Texas girl still sometimes I noticed that you know it's okay sometimes I'm here I'm here one more breath and then we'll walk the palms back to the toes once again and we fine-tune asana this time Yogi's choice you can keep the feet hip-width apart or you might heel toe heel to the feet together little softness in the knees as we relax the weight of the head down and breathe into the back body if you're wanting to go more into the lower back if you're like oh yeah mama well then bend the knees a little more feeling a little frisky today day 4 frisky Wow one more breath and then we'll inhale halfway lift long beautiful neck find it inflate with an inhale in and use your exhale to slide it down so we follow the breath breath with the movement movement with the breath walk your palms back out to playing here we go this time hmm we're gonna press away from the earth and instead of dipping the knees down we're gonna lift the heels up what so we inhale in exhale toes touch inhale in exhale toes touch deep breath in exhale release inhale exhale keep maintain that sit bone to heel connection that we found earlier inhale keep an awareness through the backs of the legs and one more on each side you got it whoo and then we can either stay here and lower down or lower the knees hug the elbows into the side body and lower ourself down inhale Cobra or updog gentle backbend here keep it nice and soft again you can find a little movement it feels right and then we'll send it back to Child's Pose again using the power of the breath to stretch the back body this time you might reach the fingertips behind you even turn the palms face up letting the shoulders relaxed so you can choose a variation that suits you today and to find your breath one more breath here take the deepest breath you've taken all day I still send the fingertips back up we'll find our way back to all fours day for all fours oh TV and then I'll send it up to downward facing dog deep breath in Long breath out soften through the knees use the palms walk them back to the toes Lewton us enough forward fold this time we're going to interlace the fingertips behind the cats and bend the elbows left to right we might through you know breath and practice we might be able to find a little more space in the legs but you can keep a nice generous bend in fact that's really nice for the lower back so just be in the moment listen to your body breathe in and on an exhale we'll slowly extend the forehead the crown of the head towards the front of your mat gently release inhale extend it straighten the leg and release bending the elbows left to right and last time and we really awesome spread the fingertips wide walk the palms last time out to plank so this time we're gonna do some toe tapping but we're going to take it to the side so we'll inhale in and exhale send the right toes out off your mat inhale to Center exhale to the left Shh maintain that sit bone to heel connection so we're not just but we're creating full body strength full body experience as we move back and forth back and forth hips are gonna want to come up or sink down see if you can maintain one solid piece it's hard but we tap into that inner mirror and we use our breaths if the going gets tough you use your breath to let go of some energy stir it up let's do two more breaths you got this and then we release awesome everyone send it back Child's Pose take a rest really nice work relax your jaw soften the forehead life is good you can bring your arms up here and if we're still working on building strength and the wrists you might find a little wrist relief by doing some wrist circles or a little mr. massage maybe bringing the palms together up overhead take one more deep breath in here remember why you got on the mat today smile and then we'll release the fingertips last time back to all fours today for all fours and we're just gonna swing our legs to one side and come to a nice flat back position good work my friends when you arrive hug the knees into the chest oh yeah give yourself a nice big hug you might Rock a little gently side to side all right sending the fingertips out left to right well inhale scoop the tailbone up exhale melt the knees to the left turn onto your right ear maybe use your left palm to guide the outer edge of your right thigh a little deeper into your twist so if you're hanging here don't worry in time we'll begin to find that space I used to have back pain and I have no none no back pain now and I feel like it's from slowly finding the length and space to come into postures like this reclined twist here so relax soften into the sensations and listen to your breath listen to what your body is telling you today then we'll slowly release it back to center nice massage as we come on through and then take it to the other side oh yeah outer edge to the right excuse me right palm comes to the outer edge to the left leg and we turn onto the left here here close your eyes again listen to what your body's telling you today listen to your breath gently will release back to Center I've been ease into the chest one last time and then slowly release the soles of the feet to the mat extending the right leg out long followed by the left take a deep breath and reach the arms up and overhead full body stretch good morning good morning even if you're practicing this at night good morning I can't finish it here we go deep breath in and on an exhale we release the arms I'm sorry for that musical intro gently Rock the head a little side to side smile life is good life is good might connect to and gratitude here as we settle in for shavasana awesome work my friends take her easy [Music]