hey everyone welcome to 30 days of yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene and its day 27 let's hop on the mat and get started so get situated on your mat find your alignment press into your foundation and a little spinal flex with the breath to check in to drop in and define what feels you you're only as young and as happy as your spine so take these moments relish them and then when you feel satisfied we actually walk the knees in curl the toes under and come up to a little squat here go ahead and keep the legs excuse-me the knees nice and wide and the heels up the legs kind of turned out here so we're in a froggy position and you can just find a little Yoga for the feet moment even taking a gaze down at your feet sometimes our feet can feel like too stiff Rick's right and so we're working on a little bit of malleability in the muscles and tissues of the feet and the ankles here so good also breathing into the legs of course breathing into the hips and then slowly we can maybe bring the gaze up opening up through the front body and if this is like a major balancing act for you then hold on to a focal point hold on to something to help you just kind of stay hugging in towards Center cool now I'm gonna press my fingertips into the mat tuck my chin into the chest and slowly turn my toes forward as I come into a nice wide legged forward fold or not wide like it but at least hip width apart so no need to zip up tight here and the knees one and then the other find a stretch eventually relax the weight of the head over you might even figure eight with the hips a little here ya get Sassie day 27 and getting sassy no but seriously having a little fun today is kind of what it's all about remembering to not take it so seriously and to just enjoy the moment here we go inhale whenever you're ready slide up to that flat back position pull the elbows back create length in the spine and then we're gonna continue this journey up so soften through the knees pressing your feet and slowly we'll come up to a nice tall beautiful Tadasana you might walk the feet underneath the hips oh that feels better you can even bring the feet flush together if you're ready and we'll begin to loop the shoulders forward up and back fine lift through the front body ground down through the back body so there's shoulder blades together and down the sit bones it's tucking in kind of lengthening that tailbone down hmm find your breath nice long smooth maybe audible breaths here in Mountain to just kind of get the juices flowing reverse the movement of your shoulders find that little movement in the neck great then we'll draw all the palms together lift the sternum up to the thumbs take a deep breath in again finding lift in the front body grounding in the back body lots of space between the ears and shoulders as you exhale out then interlace the fingertips press the palms forward up and back soft knees here's we're not locking again lifting up through the front grounding through the back and we're just gonna teeter totter so sending the wrists to the right which while your right shoulder underneath you open your heart up towards the sky breathe into that beautiful side body press into both feet evenly try inhale in exhale to Center deep breath in Long breath out and to the left drawing that left shoulder underneath pressing into both feet you can maybe find that four part equal standing here in the soles of the feet if your feet are together just play inhale in and exhale back to Center inhale in this time carve a line with the nose look up and exhale break on free fingertips rain down we come into a forward fold take a breath or two here let the way to the head go and then if you're at the front of your mat you can step the feet back come into a plank or I'm in the center of my mats I'm going to walk my palms out walk my toes out come into a plank inhale in exhale slowly lower down inhale to Cobra deep breath in smile exhale to downward facing dog inhale walk it in up towards your front of your mat - forward fold or the center just again little proof that we can break out of the box we can do whatever we want you can dance anywhere on your mat you can turn it around inhale halfway lift exhale bow then inhale reach it all the way back up all the way back up to your Mountain deep breath in and exhale all the way back down awesome follow your breath inhale halfway lift and exhale bow step or hop it walk it out to plank wherever you are coming to that top of a push-up beautiful then we're gonna walk the palms out towards the edges again index finger and thumbs we did this once before I'm gonna stay on the mat the rest of the three fingers are gonna fan out we're gonna walk the toes out a little bit wide or we can lower the knees and lift the toes up towards each other inhale in exhale lower all the way down inhale press up exhale elbows left to right gaze is forward inhale exhale lower down and one more exhale lower all the way down great this time walk the palms underneath the shoulders zip the legs tight together like a zipper and then we inhale lift up Cobra maybe a little bit higher this time and exhale release great curl the toes under send it up downward facing dog deep breath in and long breath out great bend the right knee in towards the centerline ground down through your left heel turn to look underneath your left armpit chest breathe in exhale breathe out switch left knee comes to Center right heel down there's a little yoga for the brain to so no worries if you don't get it quite yet first a little confusing and then turn underneath your right armpit chest breathe into the lower back body the sacrum breathe breathe breathe and then exhale back to Center slowly walking it to forward fold we take a deep breath in grab the elbows long breath out awesome inhale halfway lift now flat back position and exhale release inhale reach it all the way up to your Mountain Pose reaching as we breathe in and exhaling hands back to the heart great repeat interlacing the fingertips we press the palms forward up and back this time press into your heels slight back bend as we draw a beautiful line or smear a line with our thumbs from front to back so think up is you smear maybe the ceiling with your thumbs pressing your thumb prints in to the ceiling slight backbend here remember that lengthen the side body press into your heels lengthen tailbone down and then exhale release head over heart heart over pelvis we release the fingertips and bone forward inhale halfway lift exhale bow step hop or walk it out to plank you got it repeat the wide arm push-ups here if you want more strength otherwise we'll just hold plank hold other options here just for fun you can drop onto the elbows do your plank hold here you can practice yeah with a little movement maybe lifting the right toes drawing circles with the toes one way and then the other and then switching you can lower the knee so you have lots of options here in this little plank cold you know there's lots of plank challenges and stuff but I just like to insert a little plank into my home practice whenever I'm feeling it and usually right before I want to give I give myself one more sweet breath in and smile or I change it up to a new variation so wherever you are let's do ten more seconds a couple more full breaths wherever you are in your plank enjoy it think of it as plank playtime rather than the off point challenge unless that's your thing and rocks a plank challenge I love how I'm talking I'm not even in it I'm like you're doing it when you feel satisfied or when you have totally met your edge go ahead and take a little vinyasa either coming to Cobra all the way on your belly or to that upward facing dog and then together we'll meet extended Child's Pose awesome work my friends reconnect forehead to earth forehead to the earth heart mounts to the earth and maybe a couple of wrist circles find your breath hmm great slowly release the fingertips specta walk the knees underneath the hips send it to downward facing dog inhaling deeply and exhale completely walk the toes up find your forward fold keep it easy and then we'll inhale lift to that flat back and exhale soften and release send the fingertips left to right as you inhale reach it all the way up full body stretch high high high up towards the heavens stretch stretch and then exhale reeling it back in Burks asana tree pose we zip the legs together we draw energy up if you have a tree practice you can go into this right away otherwise I'll walk us through it peeling the right heel up finding that sternum to thumbs so really energetic lift up so we're keeping this energy hugging into the midline rather than just dumping it all onto the left side so interlace the fingertips catch the right knee find that upward current as we press into the sole left foot firmly you might just stay here working on or we'll slide the right fingertips down left thumb comes back to the heart and we'll lift this guy up towards the center line press back with your left thigh so we have this meeting in the middle going on here we can also keep this foot down by the calf or even toes on the earth we can walk to a wall at this point or use a chair for balance so find what tree poses for you here today whatever variation feels best top of that right thigh rolling out as we press away from the earth to find that lift up through the center channel take a variation that feels rocking to you hands out in any which way and then we're gonna take a couple solid breaths here so if you fall don't worry we'll catch you right through every fingertip right through every toe little balance practice going through your checklist take one more breath wherever you are and use your exhale to kind of cascade melt it back down feet come together palms open wider we're just gonna close the eyes here and stand nice and tall observe the breath notice how you feel notice what's going on in the limbs what your energy feels like then we'll draw the palms together and repeat on the other side so tree pose here we go peeling up through the left heel interlace the fingertips catch your left knee and before you go into the shape what you think tree poses find that action of pressing into that right foot that hugging into the midline we grow up nice and tall so yoga is about energy yes Union kind of clearing out those blocked passages those energy energy meridians the natis and so these balancing postures are great moments cuz you can't really hide you can really notice when things are blocked and things feel unbalanced and almost impossible so you just stick with it practice modify as needed take whatever a tree pose shape feels best for you today and rock it out wherever you are find your breath find that resistance and go through your checklist cultivate good juju here in tree pose so no hanging on for dear life that's too stressful it's the opposite if you are frustrated today go to that foundations of tree pose and remember it's all it's all about enjoying the ride take one more breath wherever you are and use your exhale to melt it down follow this energy and release into a forward fold uttanasana last time we inhale lift halfway and exhale soften and release back down walk the palms out walk the toes out come into your last plank then we'll lower the knees swing the legs to one side and come to seated awesome my friends come all the way onto flat back take a full body stretch here inhale in through the nose and go ahead and let it out through the mouth then the elbows cactus arms here we're gonna let the armpit chest really breathe here as we move into the final stage of our yoga ritual today either with soft restorative movement or taking this time to fulfill meeting up hose that we've been working on whether it's an inversion a backbend and arm balance or again a restorative posture find what feels good listen to your body this is what that eat this is the yoga this is what it's all about asking yourself what do I need and how am I going to do it in a nice mindful active conscious way maybe you just dissolve right into shavasana here bringing the arms gently down at your sides softening your breath letting it return to its natural rhythm troll Evan flow connect your intentions connect to your current mantra or create a new one here nice work my friends much love namaste [Music]