hi everyone welcome to 30 days of yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene and its day 23 and I want to feel free so let's hop on the mat and get started already today we're going to begin standing in some ass teepee a four-part equal standing position where we draw the feet together and challenge our her balance and really spread awareness through all four corners of this like beautiful bottom of the total totem pole so we have a video just on some of Stevie it's one of my favorites because it's one of our silent videos so you can check that out if you want to go a little more in-depth but for now it's about bringing the feet together really drawing a little attention and awareness to the soles of the feet and then kind of drawing energy up all the way as we've been doing throughout our practice and bringing the palms together at the heart you might shift your weight a little front and a little back maybe even a little side to side just to gather your bearings and if you are you know if you challenge with a little bit of vertigo or you're feeling it really off-balance here you might just keep your eyes open otherwise go ahead and close your eyes and wherever you are be here fully so wherever you are today whether you're tired or ready to practice let's just be with that be with how you feel as we ease into our practice today with a acceptance and even in not forgiving quality we're here day 23 it's crazy just take a couple moments here to find our footing notice how we feel and to play with the breath notice the quality of air in the room that you're practicing again notice your energy you might notice the sounds around you just kind of heightening the awareness here in four parts equal standing you might take this moment to set an intention or reconnect to your overall goal why you did this 30-day practice then we'll keep this conversation with the breath going this awareness spreading spiraling out throughout the body as we soften the knees and open the hands and just we're going to just kind of come into a soft body warm up here so starting with the wrists and the fingers and then moving to the elbows it's nice and easy breathing and then to the shoulders still have my strong foundation of the feet and the neck and then I'm gonna bring my hands to my lower back fingertips pointing up and I'm gonna inhale just slowly open my heart up towards the sky and then exhale bend the knees look down inhale so we're bringing into the torso we'll open up to the sky exhale soft knees look forward and one more time opening up and then releasing down awesome shift your hands to your side just for stability I'm gonna lift the right heel up and begin to rotate the right ankle one way and then the other just warming up nice and slow changing it up a little bit and then keep the left hand where it is take your right hand hand slide it down maybe grab your right ankle and we're just gonna do a little quad stretch here you can always do any of these balancing standing balancing postures at the wall or hold on to a chair the back end of your couch it's not cheating it's being present accepting cool then we'll switch and same thing easy breezy just rolling through that left foot and then taking it for a little ride checking it with a left ankle I'm not collapsing into this right hip but I'm staying present and aware as I warm up the body today and then I'll slide my left fingertips down keep that right hand on the waistline and we just stretch that quad stretch the front of that left hip crease maybe use both hands so to each his own here stretching it out and then we'll release shake it out and if you're not at the front edge of your mat which I'm not we're gonna walk towards the front and inhale reach the fingertips nice and high take a deep breath in here palms clap together today Jai the celebratory namaste and then we send it down through the midline hmmm forward fold then the knees generously find what feels good here we'll take a couple breaths just work out the kinks hmmm and after a couple breaths of just working out the kinks and stretching out the back and the legs relaxing the way to the head over we'll find that flat back position by inhaling in and exhaling releasing back down great walk the feet together plant the palms we're gonna come to all fours here so we'll just step the toes back and then release the knees to the ground bringing the two big toes together widen the knees as wide as the mat bring the right hand to the center press away and inhale open your left hand up towards the sky take a deep breath in here options to bind here or bring the left hand to the lower back we're pressing into the feet pressing into all fingers here reaching reaching reaching and then not bringing it back to Center and taking it to the other side just opening up the heart and chest here today in finding a little twist nice sweeping breaths up and down the spine long beautiful neck and I take a deep breath in and exhale back to Center oh sorry mm-hmm walk the palms out walk the knees in underneath the hip points curl the toes under and let's explore a little downward-facing dog tops with his shoulder spiraling out away from the ears biceps towards the front edge of the mat tops of the thighs have the opposite inner spiral excuse me opposite spiral there spiraling in and out towards the back edge of your mat take a deep breath in then exhale lower the knees back down come to all fours awesome take a second here to roll up the wrist if you need to we're going to do a lot of little wrist strengthening and in therapy today so we're all out there is here if you need to then we're going to connect to our core by coming into that hovering cat pressing into the tops of the feet again find that beautiful external rotation in the shoulders biceps towards the front edge of your mat gaze is straight down as we lift the knees up you can always skip this but really connecting lower belly lengthening tailbone towards the back edge of your mat one more breath here welcome that heat that shake and then exhale release that's that prana that prana moving throughout the body okay walk the knees back walk the palms forward and check out this fancy move today no trying to run go here just sliding onto the belly take your rest here if you need to finding your breath in and out then with the palms underneath the shoulders I'll pull the elbows back in inhale lift up to a nice strong beautiful baby Cobra smile breathe after a couple breaths find your release on and exhale well curl the toes under and press up to plank so you can come to half plank here or we'll come to plank we're gonna find that sit bone to heel connection really strong here so that same integrity that you had in the hovering cat find here in plank beautiful one more breath here then we'll slowly lower to the knees or join our friends on the knees send the right leg out strong then send my right foot all the way up and into a lunge but this time hang with me I'm gonna take my left toes and I'm going to bring them towards the right side of my match then with front knee stack that I'm gonna open up into my half warrior so I pulled the pinkies back I make sure my front knee is stacked over the front ankle deep breath in here long breath out then I'm gonna inch my toes forward and then nice and easy I'm going to tilt left fingertips come to the mat here and I'm going to drop my right fingertips down to come up maybe I spiral coming on to that right foot into a little gate variation here or I can keep the right heel lifted so basically I'm just going for a nice fun long stretch here and I'm also challenging myself to not collapse my shoulders but keep this extension through the crown of my head breathe deep tuck your pelvis everyone breathe deep so we're giving options today keeping it nice and stacked alignment is right action is right but you can come up onto that right heel you can press on the outer edge of that back foot breathe great then to come out of the posture I'm gonna actually bring my right fingertips to the earth and I'm gonna slowly crawl as I turn my right toes back around and I'm just gonna slowly unravel back into my low lunge take a breath or two here let your heart radiate forward relax your shoulders down and then nice and easy I'm gonna come onto the palms come to my knees and shift through my belly inhale lift up to baby Cobra maybe it grows a little bit taller and then exhale release cool curl the toes under press up to plank you got it nice long smooth deep breaths here we can always lower the knees really working to spread the shoulder blades left to right and draw that navel up so we're not sinking in the hips we find this bone to heel connection head ism is involved in the picture here and then we'll lower the knees down and join our friends here and we're gonna switch to the other side so this time I'm gonna send my left toes out long and then I'm gonna hug my left knee and step it up all the way now swing the right toes towards the left side of the mat so I'm working in right angles here I have my alignment of my front knee and then I'm gonna open up to my half warrior so giving the legs a little bit of a break today my friends and I'm working more on the upper body I'm gonna find my warrior two here half warrior then I'm really going to connect to my abdominal wall here keep that integrity through the crown of the heads of this extension here as I begin to inch my left toes out and find a place to focus on as I send my right fingertips down now I can come onto that right heel here or I can pivot I'm gonna go ahead and bring the left fingertips down to come up so I'm plugging into that shoulder blade here as I open up and out beautiful breathe deep here careful not to collapse create space equidistant space between the left earlobe and the left shoulder and the right earlobe and the right shoulder breathing deep here connecting to your foundation inhale in and on an exhale soften and release left fingertips to come to the ground and we just walk it back all the way to our low lunge take your time move nice and slow as you transition then we loop the shoulders forward up and back let the heart open forward and then we'll plant the palms and slide the left knee back this time take a rest balasana sit bones Milt back fingertips swim behind we relax the shoulders and take a load off now find your breath here breathe into your back body soften through the fingertips relax your jaw hmm press into your feet tuck your chin into your chest slowly roll up if this is not a yummy position for you and your knees you can shift to side saddle here just coming right onto your bottom for the next thing sorry can you tell I work with kids or I have a lot of experience with kids I might come on to your bottom no disrespect inhale zombie arms up really pressing through the center of your palm here we to draw the fingertips down inhale lift your heart exhale talk to the hand really pressing through the base of the palm here if you can keep your shoulders relaxed in your heart lifted and then fingertips down zombie arms really stretching through the arms to all the tops of the shoulders down pinkies down and then we flip once again pressing through the base of the palm spreading the fingertips wide find your breath stick with it awesome then we'll release shake it off shake it off and we're going to come into plank position okay so take your time getting there lots of integrity we're gonna hold here for three breaths you totally have this you can lower the knees but I know you have this lifting lifting up through the hips finding that sit bone to heel connection pressing away from the earth don't let the shoulder blades collapse here in the upper back body see if you can broaden them left to right a kind of poof air between them really hollowing up through the upper back body so avoiding this yikes one more breath here you got it then send it up and back downward facing dog hallelujah bend the knees paddle it out then we'll slowly walk up towards the front edge of the mat forward fold inhale halfway lift and exhale bow jumping right back in we're gonna plant the palms and step or hop the feet back to plank slowly lower down all the way to the belly inhale lift up Cobra or you can come to up dog exhale take a rest hands come together we bring the two big toes together rest your forehead on your palms and shake your hips a little left to right as your heels open out so again here we don't just send out we actually check in with the breath breathing into the back body feeling your pulse against the earth great press into the tops of the feet palms come underneath the shoulders inhale Cobra smile exhale release curl the toes under send it up to play all right this time I'm going to draw my right hand underneath my right shoulder really bringing it to the center line here now turning onto the right outer edge of the right foot I'm gonna stack my hips and begin to open up and decide arm balance opening up through the left wing now there's plenty of options here I can bend that left knee and bring the sole the left foot to the earth everyone lift your hips up breathe open everything we've been working up towards in the last couple episodes of videos really we can integrate into this posture here lifting the hips drawing the shoulders away spiraling the heart open we might also keep it stacked here today or if you want to deepen your practice you can play with grabbing this big toe straightening the leg coming into tree legs finding your own variation you can even do some crunches here if you're feeling crazy so we're working at all different levels and we're challenging ourselves meaning our edge here today no matter what with a smile and a full breath in and then exhale release back to Center great take a second to send the sit bones back draw the palms together and open overhead relax nice work my friends keep breathing deep we'll slowly release the arms and we're going to take it to the other side flip second face you for this one all right coming into plank left palm now comes to the centerline we stack it right underneath that shoulder as we turn coming on to the outer edge of that left foot now I'm gonna slowly tuck my pelvis lengthen my tailbone towards my heels find that sit bone to heel connection and open up here nice and strong side arm balance side plank breathing deep here spiraling the tops of the thighs inward pressing into my heels finding that sit bone to heel connection and then bending that right knee if I need to for more support making sure that I'm working on drawing the hip points up excuse me that left hip up spiraling the left ribcage up towards the sky again you can take any variation you want here grabbing the right big toes and straightening that leg long maybe just lifting doing a little leg lifts or even tree or if you're feeling crazy you can do some side crunches so that's all something to look forward to we're breathing deep breathing breathing breathing meet your edge wherever it is maybe you've already met and you're in Child's Pose but keep breathing and then exhale we'll release same thing send it back Child's Pose palms are gonna come out just give a little wrist relief here as we walk the elbows forward and relax huh nice work my friends super strong really nice neat breathing just slowly release the fingertips down and we're gonna come to our bellies once again palms come underneath the shoulders when you arrive and once again we inhale lift up baby Cobra exhale forehead to the mat this time we're gonna reach the fingertips down inhale in exhale locust lifting the legs lifting the fingertips we float we fly we don't crunch the back of the neck here but keep it nice and long so once you get the hang of this pose you can draw your chin into your chest and send the gaze down feel free to move the limbs bring it more into your core here by inhaling reaching the fingertips forward or back or maybe just bending the knees so you don't have to stay static here in locust position you can find a little movement and we'll take one more breath here again meeting our edge you can also do a little risk therapy here rotating the wrist and then release hallelujah once again compress into the palms and send it all the way back extended Child's Pose or bellossom huh tuck your chin to your chest slowly roll it up again if this is not comfortable for your knees you can just come right on to your sit bones and we're going to take a little gentle twist just to wring it out right hand comes to the outer edge of the left thigh left fingertips come behind we sit up nice and tall inhaling exhale journey gently into your twist and take it through center and we move to the right inhale lift and lengthen and exhale journey into the twist beautiful slowly coming back to center I'm going to transition towards shavasana if you you feel like you're further along in your practice this would be a great place to open the heels come into vajrasana and maybe play with just go ahead and show you this really fast maybe play with walking the palms back keeping that lift in the heart if you are in a place in your practice where it makes sense to practice coming on to the heels you might do this I mean on to the elbows and then so on and so forth all the way to the flat back if you're new to the practice let this be something that you work towards so you might just take a couple moments and suped over us and I recline the hero or you might join me as we eat gently transition to our backs so I'm just gonna send the legs out long stretch stretch stretch wrists forward as I roll it down connecting to my core and then inhale all the way up exhale bending the elbows to cactus arms we release into the earth deep breath in Long breath out eventually making your way to shavasana taking any little movement twists happy baby anything at all along the way to get settled in and then when you finally arrive choosing to give yourself permission to just do absolutely nothing for at least three to five breaths finding stillness letting the breath return to its natural rhythm we relax let me let go namaste [Music] you [Music]