hello my friends welcome to 30 days of yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene and its day 22 let's get started okay so today we're going to begin on all fours and I'm going to drop my elbows where my hands are underneath the shoulders I'm going to keep them in line with my shoulders so they're gonna want to come out or sometimes I go in and same thing with the wrists I have to railroad tracks here you with me and then I'm gonna walk my knees back in a straight line melting my heart back bringing my forehead to the earth or I can even grab a blanket or a block and just bring the earth up to me here so I'm gonna stay here for a couple breaths tuning in settling into my practice for today with a nice heart opener with the support of my mat of the earth shoulders stretching [Music] pelvis tilting up towards the sky it's notice what's going on with your toes if they've come in or go out see if you can keep a nice awareness through the fingertips and toes then once you feel like you got the the posture close your eyes and bring your awareness to the breath heart to earth pose on a hot that awesome really beautiful posture and I'll take one more deep breath in here and use my exhale to transition up and out so drawing the navel in so really connecting to my abdominals as I make this transition all the way back up I'm gonna walk the knees in walk the palms underneath the shoulders and take a little cat-cow so tilting the pelvis finding what feels good here you know what to do so you can close your eyes draw your attention inward and keep focusing on the rest might send the hips a little left to right then we'll curl the toes under walk the palms out just a hair and send it up downward facing dog pedal it out here keep the knees soft stretch it up maybe move in a way that will create space and link in the side body while still focusing on melting the heart back just like we did in our heart to earth pose check in with the feet find nice long breaths in and out then soft knees as we go for a nice slow walk up towards the front take your time together we'll land and forward fold grab the elbows Rock a little side to side then release the arms and inhale halfway lift palms come to the tops of the thighs here as we pull the elbows back and we connect to that beautiful line that done the Sanskrit for stick or staff crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone and then on your exhale slide it down nice and slow it will roll it up nice and easy loop the shoulders find that beautiful lift in the sternum or the heart and we come into Mountain Pose find your breath now if we can be hip-width apart here we're going to stand for just a little bit we're gonna work on synchronizing the movement to the breath and the breath to the movement also just bringing a little energy to our day in a nice and easy way so here we go I inhale send the fingertips out left to right take up space where not doesn't like really embodying a nice presence here with the brows as we inhale reach it up exhale float it down keep the heart lifted inhale reach it up like you're making a big snow angel and exhale float it down now really see you can go off my rhythm here and take to your own rhythm see if you can really match the breath to the movement and movement to the breath let the breath be the fuel for the movement inhaling as you rise up exhaling floating it down when you get bored of that ask yourself what you're doing with your neck you might track your fingertips with your nose all the way up and all the way down keep it going now when you get bored of that you can add a toe lift or a heel lift coming on to the toe excuse me as you inhale keep it going explore and wherever you are we're gonna do one more full breath awesome interlace the fingertips now behind you might walk the feet together or you can keep them hip-width apart whenever it feels most yummy and we'll draw the knuckles down in a way opening up through the chest lengthen the tailbone down breathe deep as you draw the knuckles out and away inhale in Bend the knees on your exhale float it down fingertips knuckles gonna go up and overhead don't press or force it just let gravity do the work here softening the neck breathe inhale in on an exhale with control release the arms fingertips release to the mat inhale halfway lift your version so palms on the thighs shins you keep those fingertips on the mat and then exhale we fold awesome my friends step or hop it back to plank don't panic top of a push-up we're gonna bend the elbows lower down halfway then inhale lift up two more just like that you can lower the knees then the elbows pull back chaturanga push-ups and then press up only one more you got this keep the gaze forward here pull the elbows back and then press up awesome send it to downward facing dog crew deep breath in warming up the body as you take a long cleansing breath out drop the left leg excuse me drop the left heel mm-hmm I went into my satanic voice there sorry chop the left heel inhale lift the right leg high and step it up into your runners lunge nice low lunge breathe deep here loop the shoulders inhale make sure that front knee is stacked over the front ankle as you let your heart shine forward and we'll plant the palms slide the right toes back and again we repeat pulling the elbows back three chaturanga push-ups one looking for I'm lowering my knees here you can too you can cross the ankles too here we do - oh yeah strengthening the arms preparing for tomorrow's practice and pulling back awesome you can take a rest here and extended Child's Pose or go straight to downward facing dog deep breath in and deep breath out let's send the sit bones up meet our friends and downward facing dog and again deep breath in and deep breath out this time drop the right heel inhale lift the left leg high and on your exhale send it up into your runners lunge breathe stretch the legs find your alignment and open your heart towards the front of the room the front of your mat breathe deep awesome this time rock the back foot up to meet the front forward fold maybe grabbing the legs here maybe bending the knees as generously as you need to and then on your next breath inhale halfway lift find that extension and then on your exhale slide it down send the fingertips left to right maybe back a bit as we open the chest and shoulders we rise all the way up full body stretch and exhale hands to the heart great inhale reach the fingertips up overhead exhale diving forward enjoy this move notice how my knees are always soft buoyant inhale even here not walking halfway lift and exhale really plant the palms step or hop it back to plank you can skip these chaturanga push-ups here or you can lower the knees or keep them lifted to tend the gaze forward and three more this is the last three so you can do it one two pressing into all ten knuckles and three great this time after three we're going to lower all the way down to the belly walk the fingertips off the mat pull the elbows up you miss me and then we'll press into our foundation to inhale lift up baby Cobra no need to come here right away what will work we'll work on this so it took me a long time to find that space so you might just be here pressing into the favorite wherever you are take one more breath in inflate and then exhale to melt it down awesome palms come underneath the shoulders we curl the toes under two options you can come to all fours then slide it up down dog for more strength building press up to that top of a push-up and then send it to downward facing dog deep breath in and long exhale out great and both knees find a little buoyancy and let's just for fun play with this hop or this float up towards the front connect to that mula bandha and that booty on Abunda that upward current of energy through the pelvic floor and that navel to spine connect as you inhale look forward exhale float to the top inhale halfway lift and exhale bow inhale reach all the way up palms kists overhead and exhale down to the heart maybe take a second to work out any kinks in the neck and the shoulders and reconnect to your breath the we'll come back to Center find those soft knees and inhale reach it up fingertips kiss up overhead follow your breath all the way down inhale halfway lift and exhale soften and release back down awesome plant the palms get the dog hair off of your mat excuse me and then we'll step the toes back come into our plane and shift our weight forward slowly lower all the way down on the belly or inhale chaturanga to updog so we're either here we're here an up dog and then together we'll send the sit bones up and back downward facing mat drop the left heel inhale slide the right leg up high take a second here to square the hips press into both palms evenly then we'll send the right leg all the way up by squeezing the right knee up in through the course so just a little Court check-in as we make this transition oh great then I'm going to pivot on the back foot keep that front knee bent and spiral all the way up into veer Vajrasana to pull the pinkies back find your footing we'll just explore the legs here nice and strong top of the left thigh spirals out top with the right things spirals out pulls back excuse me top of the right thigh spirals out top of the left thigh spirals in excuse me and we sink in deep find your breath then today we're gonna strain that front leg as we send the right fingertips forward up and back so often we practice this with the the front knee bent today we're gonna straighten both legs find lengthen the right side body and then tilt all the way forward into your triangle and careful not to place any pressure on that right knee draw the shoulders away we may be here maybe here here here breathing into the left side body open your heart draw your right shoulder under and then we'll soften through that right knee come back to warrior two great slowly drop the left fingertips down to come up we come into high lunge for one full strong buoyant breath and then on an exhale cascade it all down plant the palms slide the right toes back if you ever want to sneak in those three chaturanga push-ups here you can just to add more otherwise we'll slowly lower all the way onto the belly and again take the fingertips off the mat lift the elbows up press into your foundation strong and inhale we lift up open your heart maybe you press up a little bit higher this time finding what feels good using the exhale to release and we make our transition back up to down dog you can come to all fours or come to that top of a push-up and send it back nice work my friends let's do the same thing on the other side dropping the right heel sliding the left leg up square those hips press into both palms evenly then connect to your core as you make this transition squeezing your left knee all the way in and up through into your lunge tape it on the back foot keep that front knee bent as we open all the way up into our warrior two on the other side so I have a really strong connection to the outer edge of that back foot I'm tucking the pelvis finding that sit bone to heel connection here and then there is a bit of confusion about this back leg so I want to open I want to spiral the inner thigh towards the back edge of the mat but I also want to stay rooted in the outer edge of my back foot that's what's really gonna engage this puppy pulling the left hip crease back here make sure you can see your front big toe breathe here warrior two lifting up and out of your torso creating space between each vertebra nice and strong and then we'll straighten through that front leg and tilt it forward up and back so careful not to crunch here nice and easy focus on breathing into the left side body want to keep this nice and open as we head into our triangle inhale in here and exhale keep this length open as you send the sit bones the hip points back and we tilt over trikonasana breathe strong back leg strong legs draw your left shoulder underneath your right open your heart up towards the sky take a deep breath in and then we'll soften through that front knee come back to your warrior two deep breath in and then dropping the right fingertips down to come up we pivot on that back foot super strong legs here as we hug everything into the midline we take one full buoyant breath here in high lunge breathe deep and then exhale cascading it down awesome rock the back foot up to meet the front forward fold and we're going to take three to five breaths here so you can widen the feet a little bit just letting gravity do the work really great for the nervous system here just letting it all hang letting go of any stress any tension choosing to just release that which is not serving you detach from that crap you don't even have to ideate just say I choose to let go it's funny I said I choose to let go then I took a breath in and I just felt something in my upper back body go really gentle release hmmm so nice and slow so we avoid a little head rush here we're gonna slide up to that flat back position nice and slow and then exhale release and then same thing connect all four corners of your feet and nice and slow we'll send the fingertips left to right to come up oh yeah inhale in and exhale beautiful a dress fact isn't hmm all right last time through we got this ready soft knees inhale reach it up the full breath exhale down you go stretch it out love your body enjoy this moment inhale halfway lift exhale connecting as we release down great walk the feet in together plant the palms step or hop it back to plank again you can insert those three push-ups here if you want more fire otherwise we'll just slowly lower all the way onto the bellies fingertips come off the mat we press another foundation elbows lift up and we inhale roll up through the spine maybe a little bit higher this time and use that exhale to fall back moving with the breath plant the palms come to all fours or push up to plank and we'll send it back downward facing dog drop the left heel inhale slide the right leg up high bend that right knee hug it into Center and step it up into your lunge welcome that heat that tapas if you're struggling to keep up just moving your own pace you're all good my friend give it on the back foot and ennio open up warrior two so moving with the breath here finding that synchronicity we have nice strong legs here I'm going to inhale straighten the front leg this time both palms are going to come up palms either kiss together or if you're feeling a little too tight in the shoulders you can just bring them up here or fingertips together inhale pull the thumbs back breathe in exhale send your gaze past your right fingertips sink deep or your - here we go inhale lengthen tailbone down straighten the front leg reach it up arms are going to get tired here especially if you're new to the practice stick with it great for circulation you got it you totally have this on an exhale warrior two maybe sinking a little deeper inhale pressing your feet exhale connecting your focus with the breath and the movement inhale rise up and exhale warrior two inhale rise up this time exhale warrior two and we're gonna switch through Center and take it to the other side so hands can come to the waistline for a rest and then I'm going to straighten that leg turn the right toes in and the same thing as yesterday just move to the other side from here so turning left toes out finding my footing first so really find that foundation make sure you can see your front big toe mm-hmm and then whenever you're ready you can move with me or you can move on your own time coming into your warrior two really strong pose from the ground up here strong legs and then we'll move into a little flow with the breath inhaling straightening the front leg sending the fingertips up the focus the nose can follow to kind of integrate the neck take a deep breath in and on an exhale move back into warrior two try not to rush this inhale reaching up and exhale Fira two inhale stay connected from the base of the pelvis the coccyx all the way up through the crown of the head take up space I will do one more inhaling reaching up and exhale to that warrior two awesome bring the hands for the waistline for arrests and we'll straighten that front leg turn the toes in and just once again draw them in there's a little bit wider than shoulder width apart turn the two big toes in inhale lift your heart kind of a superhero pose here keep the heart open as you melt forward just halfway flat back release the right fingertips down and inhale open up through the left wing here adjust your stances needed maybe the palm comes to the earth maybe you stay fingertips here or you bring that block up so here we are inhale open up through the left arm and exhale release to Center take it to the right same thing don't collapse into the shoulders nice and open breathe deep strong legs draw energy up from the arches of the feet here and we come back through Center and one more time on each side this time you might take a little bind bringing the fingertips to the top of that right thigh and releasing back to Center and one more time to the right stay connected to your feet here and then we'll exhale come back okay from here we're gonna heel-toe heel-toe the feet all the way together come into your forward fold breathe inhale halfway lift then exhale soften and bow then the knees come up onto your feet we're just gonna come to a nice little squat position here with the knees together so if you can see my heels are lifted I'm gonna draw energy up from the pelvic floor I'm going to keep my fingertips on the mat or I'm gonna practice bringing one thumb to this tournament holding on to a focal point at nice Drishti something I can gaze upon to help me with my balance and stability and then maybe just maybe I bring my palms together here lifting sternum up to the thumbs finding a fun little balancing posture here drawing energy up through the center channel and then also grounding down through the elbows the shoulder blades so you might be fingertips on the mat you might just have one or maybe you're ready to play this pressing into all toes that big toe mound lifting the sternum up towards the sky just a little playtime if you fall here we'll catch you don't worry and then we'll release fingertips come to the mat arches of the feet stay together kind of coming into another garland pose variation here I'm gonna press the palms into the earth as the knees come wide inhale look forward you might do a little Lions breath here if you're feeling really frisky if you don't know what Lions breath is and you just think I'm a crazy person go check out the pranayama video for Lions breath and then nice and easy I'm just gonna slowly come out of this in my own style so really mindful though maybe it's straight on to the sit bones if the body allows if not I'm gonna come fingertips to one side so we'll come to seated extend the legs out nice and long stretching the legs out here I'm going to inhale reach the fingertips up exhale forward fold paschimottanasana pressing into the heels breathing breathing breathing then all slowly roll up take my arms too kind of like thriller arms here are some zombie arms I'm going to connect to my core as I slowly roll down yes then inhale reach the fingertips all the way up and overhead soften through the ankles find your breath huh well I'll hug the right knee into the chest here squeeze it up towards the heart you might glide it from the shoulder to the heart here just kind of massaging the front of that right hip crease and if you're feeling any bloating or gas today you might peel the nose up towards the knee for a little wind-relieving pose and then eventually we'll take that right knee release the head down and take that right knee over towards the left find a twist close your eyes and breathe maybe you turn onto your right ear here take one more deep breath in and then use your exhale to come back to Center squeeze the right knee up towards your heart and then we'll switch right leg out left knee and squeeze it and deep breath maybe moving from shoulder to heart a little bit here and maybe drawing nose to me top of the right thigh bones firming down here release the head take it into your twist and your own time work it out nice long sweeping breaths up and down the spine maybe turning onto the left ear here inhale in on your exhale come back to Center squeeze the left knee up into your heart and now we'll release it back down awesome center yourself on the mat if there's any last little bits a movement that your body's craving take a second to do that now a happy baby a backbend shoulder stand maybe working on an arm balance that you've been craving and then we'll journey into our final and most precious posture which I'm really craving for some reason today mr. shavasana or mrs. taking a deep breath in here whenever you land in your shavasana taking one full gracious loving breath in and using the exhale to relax the weight of the body completely and fully into the mat soften through the fingertips and toes remember your yoga practice has your back life is good even the challenges are there for a reason from my heart to yours namaste taking care of you tomorrow [Music]