what's up everyone welcome to the 30-day yoga with adriene challenge I'm Adriene and today is day two let's get started [Music] alright today we're going to begin in extended Child's Pose bringing the knees why does your yoga mat bringing your two big toes together I'm using a little blankie to pad my legs so that's always nice comfy option all right here we go walking the fingertips all the way out nice and slow using into our practice today we take a deep breath in and on an exhale release let's keep some active reach through the arms we're starting to open up through the side body we melt the heart down let the belly be soft here so your pose might look like this and that's okay in time we'll be getting the space to send the sit bones all the way back so it'll be in the moment and we'll begin by turning into the breath here so you don't need to look at the video here you can relax your forehead on the earth or on a pillow or a block we're just going to take a second here to notice the breath and you can bring the palms to a little bit wider like a Flying V if the shoulders are feeling tight and we take a deep breath of gratitude in gratitude for ourselves for showing up on the mat today taking this time to practice take a second here to connect to your intention or set a new one might just be one word or current mantra great goal then we use some breath to send some energy to that it's kind of confirming it the power of word the power of thought so deepen your breath here you might even begin to connect to an hie breath then with the iced closed or the gays nice and soft I'll begin to lift my head up drawing a line with the nose forward moving into a little drunk cat cow I'm gonna spread my palms and inhale moving in a circle UHN he'll come for my walk the knees in just a hair and then exhale come around and back through that extended Child's Pose again we inhale smooth the heart forward and get a little freaky hair start to work out the kinks and exhale around and back and now in your own time you can take your gaze off the video might even close your eyes now we begin to notice any tight spots stretching it out reversing your circle inhaling as you come forward and exhaling as you come around and back begin to check in with the hips the shoulders even the neck sometimes my friends and yoga will come all the way to the front so you get to explore see if you can synchronize the breath with the movement and the movement with the breath linger in the places but it feels good to linger in and also you might find that the place that feels good to linger in for you in this little warm-up is here in extended Child's Pose so a couple more rounds couple more breaths awesome and then we'll come up to a tabletop position here walking the wrists underneath the shoulders the knees underneath the hip points press into the tops of the feet and here we go inhale extend the right toes out so we're extending through the right leg now turn your right toes over towards the left side of your mat so you can level those hips so I go from here I'm exaggerating to here and I draw my lower belly in navel draws up beautiful now imagine pressing your right foot into an imaginary wall and don't forget about your foundation so we're pressing into all ten knuckles and really using the top of that left foot now inhale slide the left fingertips forward plug the left shoulder in and breathe navel to spine ribcage draws in and we create a full body experience breathe into the back body inhale in here and exhale release on the breath out also let's take it to the other side so checking in sending the left toes out and dialing that left hip down by turning the left toes towards the right side of your mat find your foundation notice if you're collapsing into your bones here see if you can bring a little integrity waking up the body and often that means you're working harder but the more we practice the easier it'll get the more ease we'll find in the softer and sweeter it feels navel draws up and we can stay here or we can extend the right fingertips out plug that right shoulder in we're reaching as if we're trying to shake someone's hand here and then we're pulling back through that right shoulder navel draws up we hug everything into the midline take one more deep full breath here and then exhale release awesome cat cow dropping the belly inhale heart forward find a long neck here and then exhale rounding the spine you know what to do find your breath just a couple rounds here warming up the spine back and forth and then we'll come back to tabletop position same thing as before this time we're going to pick up the pace move with a little flow or little vinyasa so I'm going to extend the right toes out and as I do that I'm gonna send the left fingertips forward again I grab that imaginary handshake there and I check in with my joints pulling the shoulder in dropping the right hip down inhale in you might gaze forward or keep the gaze straight down so we have lots of options here depending on how your necks feeling on an exhale real everything in nose to knee press up out of your foundation and squeeze squeeze squeeze everything up inhale extend move nice and slow exhale nose to knee press away from the earth inhale extend find your breath and exhale nose to knee one more inhale extend spread your fingertips and toes wide and exhale hug it in towards your heart hold here for one breath cycle in and out working strong I know navel up and then exhale release awesome switching to the other side we're gonna jump right in inhale left toes out right fingertips forward find your alignment check in with that action and then when you're ready we begin to flow inhaling extend and exhaling really in it inhale extend find your foundation if you feel a little wobbly press into your foundation exhale hug everything in inhale spread your fingertips spread your toes and exhale to the heart and one more inhale smile lighten up a little bit and exhale to the heart hold here squeeze press into your foundation hug it in hug it in hug it in and then exhale we release awesome good job curl the toes under walk the fingertips all the way up helps if you have a little padding for the knee here if you don't you can grab something now a towel works great or you can even double up on the mat so a little Yoga for the feet moment here so when I first came here in yoga I couldn't believe how much it hurt my feet were not alive and not awake and I was just cramming him into shoes and a lot of my standing postures would bring foot cramps and genuine foot pain so now I like to integrate a little Yoga for the feet here you just gently rock a little side to side seeing if you can press into your pinky toe if this is too much you can always use blocks to stabilize you or even a little fingertips I have this nice bench here so one more breath you got it and then we'll release back to all fours come on to the tops of the feet here on an inhale we press away on an exhale we find that hovering cat so this is a full body strengthener but I also think this is great just spinal check-in connecting from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone welcome a little heat if you are wanting a little more heat in your practice you can work on this sawing motion back and forth if you're new to yoga or the challenge might just stay here holding on for dear life but infusing your breath into each moment let's do one more breath in and out you got this and then we release awesome everyone so we'll stay on the tops of the feet this time as we walk the fingertips all the way up and come to the knees so just notice if the toes have started to come in or go out let's see if we can keep an awareness on the feet nice mmm parallel lines here and you might start to go into toxic thought world if your feet are all moving and but that's why we're here to practice and just kind of take stock and then see how it evolves so no worries if the toes are curling in or going out let's just see what's up okay from here mmm a little love for the wrists we're gonna come into this kind of zombie thriller mode here and if you can do all that lower belly in a bit tuck your tailbone down so just a little integrity in the torso and to check that you can lean back a little bit you'll notice if you're like all in a bunch of pieces or if you can kind of come into one sweet peace that's what she said or he's it doesn't even make any sense okay bring your right thumb to your left palm so it's coming to the center of the palm here and I'm going to wrap my fingertips around to press my thumb into the hand and just find this beautiful stretch throughout the arm okay nice and easy here shoulders are gonna want to come up here because that's what we're used to so relax them down one more breath whoo and then we switch left thumb now to the right palm and I just give it a little bit of a push yeah this is great for carpal tunnel this is awesome again if you're at the computer a lot use your hands this is great shoulders are relaxing down take one more breath and then I release awesome hands are gonna come behind now fingertips up towards the sky I bring them to the lower back the sacrum area here and if we're really tight in the shoulders we might just come about this far in time we'll be able to press the palms to the sacrum and then this is where I really press into my feet here remember my feet and open the chest in the heart so to each his own here maybe I'm beginning to grow my backbend practice already hugging the shoulder blades in elbows hugging in I press down through my palms and I keep the heart lift it's not not collapsing here yet but pressing up and away from my foundation so we might be at different levels here we might keep it nice and stacked let's take one more breath wherever you are fill it with air and exhale gently release awesome you might just take a loop of the shoulders here or rotation of the wrists and then we're gonna dive forward and send the sit bones up to downward facing dog so curl the toes under and keep it nice and slow as you come up into our first downward dog or the practice today pedaling it out melting the heart back finding your breath I'm gonna move my blankie to the side now and the tops of the shoulders rotate out the tops of the thighs rotate in we find space with each micro movement paying attention to the detail here as we listen to our body and deepen the breath awesome then we're gonna bend the knees generously carve a line with the nose look forward repeat the walk up from yesterday or bend your knees generously you take a deep breath in and on an exhale hop the feet up towards the front of your mat together we'll land in our forward fold work out the kinks here okay taking a couple of freestyle moments to find what feels good so I a little side to side I keep it soft and easy breathing then on your next breath in let's lift up to that flat back position full breath in and on an exhale slide go tuck the chin into the chest and we roll up to Tadasana Mountain Pose draw energy up from the arches of the feet you might lift your kneecaps slightly here and we come into present Notley pose so for me if I can just connect to Tadasana every day for 30 days I'd feel like a total awesome badass take a second here to find your breath and stand up nice and tall open your heart open your chest lift up from the earth then find a softness in the knees this buoyancy and we'll spread the fingertips wide and on your next big breath in reach all the way up and overhead and exhale down through the midline here we go forward fold inhale halfway lift long beautiful neck and exhale slide it down plant the palms step or hop it back to plank don't panic nice and soft as we ease into it here peddle the feet my bend the knees back and forth stretch the feet again press into those pinkies after you've wiggled it out a little bit come into a place of stillness pressing up from the earth drawing your navel to your spine and really trying to avoid this collapse in the upper back body so breathe into the upper back body and see if you can create like a balloon shape they're kind of hollow it out holding for one more breath we got this and then sending the navel up and back downward facing dog hip points high up towards the sky sit bones spread left to right we find a little movement and then a little stillness and the knees generously inhale look forward exhale hop or float the feet up towards the front you can also repeat that walk that we did before and here we go inhale halfway lift exhale getting the juices flowing we forward fold inhale spread the fingertips slowly reach it all the way up and exhale back down through the midline forward fold nice job everyone inhale halfway lift here keep it soft in the knees careful not to lock and exhale bow step or hop it back to plank and we hold here for three breaths notice if the hips are dipping or picking up see if we can create one nice long piece from the crown of the head all the way to the heels then we'll slowly lower the knees hug the elbows into the side body keep your lower belly drawing in as you lower down elbows back like two little grasshopper legs here we slide onto the belly release the feet down and inhale baby Cobra exhale again inhale baby Cobra pull the elbows back gentle backbend here open your heart exhale release and one more press into your foundation strong this time see if you can turn the palms up for a moment just make sure you're not messing into your Cobra here but really bringing integrity and awareness into the spine and we gently release curl the toes under remember you have an option here to press all the way up to plank then send it back to downward dog or move through the sweet transition of all fours and then peeling it up so we always have options keep mixing and matching deep breath in and long exhale out bend the knees generously carve a line with your nose look up have a little fun here inhale in exhale hop it up forward fold inhale halfway lift long beautiful neck exhale soften and bow this time bring the feet together if you haven't already and keep a little bit of space about a thumb Prince worth of space between your heels bend your knees generously bring your belly to the tops of your thighs now we're going to swim the fingertips back press the palms into an imaginary floor here as you fly our heart open and it could toss in a variation here so there's gonna be this curve in the spine I'm going to try to die on my lower ribcage and draw my navel up legs are working hard here but we're breathing strong we're relaxing the shoulders and imagine someone imagine me gently pulling your fingertips slightly away towards the back edge of your mat so we go from here to finding this openness take the ease from yesterday's practice and put it into this pesky pose here sit down a little bit lower send your weight back to your heels one more breath you got this in fact let's reach the fingertips forward for this last breath deep breath in and then exhale hallelujah forward fold inhale halfway lift exhale bow step or hop now the feet back to plank Yogi's choice hold here for just one breath in and out then lower the knees for chaturanga practice or if you're ready might shift your weight forward on your toes hug the elbows into the side body and lower down halfway inhale to upward facing dog or repeat the Cobra deep breath in and on an exhale back to downward facing dog we go nice everyone deep breath in and long exhale out bend the knees generously belly comes to the tops of the thighs we look forward inhale exhale hop it up inhale halfway lift exhale bow bend the knees generously send your weight back to your heels sit bones reach towards the back edge of your mat as we find our flying arms again and open our hearts oopah toss in a variation press into an imaginary earth here so there's a little resistance we're not just kind of floppy to flop here but create that full body experience squeeze the inner thighs together navel in one more breath imagine me pulling your pinkies or your fingers back towards the back of your mat one more breath and exhale release awesome inhale halfway lift and exhale bow step or hop it back to plank you got this hold one breath chaturanga practice or chaturanga soar moving through a vinyasa here that will be a little different for everyone and you can mix and match so if you are new to the practice you might lower the knees hug the elbows into the side body and inhale lift up to Cobra or you know your chaturanga to updog option together we'll meet in downward facing dog or this time we'll drop the left heel and inhale slide the right leg up high take a deep breath in press into both palms evenly drop your right toes down inhale in exhale squeeze the right knee all the way up in towards your heart inhale three-legged dog exhale stepping it all the way up and into your low lunge stretch it out here you might lower that back knee just like we did yesterday looping the shoulders working out the kinks and then when you're ready hmm we're gonna lift that back knee up we're gonna lift the fingertips and then draw the biceps up eye steps excuse me got excited up by the ears high lunge super strong pose here I'm hugging into the midline I might soften through that back nieces so I can draw my tailbone down and underneath me working hard here take one more deep breath in and then exhale send your right fingertips behind you left fingertips forward I'm going to turn to the right pull your right hip crease back and breathe here as you sink a little deeper perhaps you got it take a deep breath in exhale out inhale back to high lunge stick with it and exhale release hallelujah so you have an option here take a vinyasa or take a rest in Child's Pose so I have two options I like lots of options keeps you alive and in the moment also keeps you happy more likely to stick with hip here and control together we'll meet in downward facing dog where we'll drop the right heel and inhale slide the left leg up high dial those toes down level the hips press into both palms evenly careful not to crash into your right shoulder but press into both palms here we go inhale and exhale bend that left knee squeeze it up towards your heart breathe in breathe it out inhale three-legged dog and exhale all the way up into your little lunge awesome work my friends stick with it take a little Explorer time here to stretch it out you might lower that back knee find your breath pay attention to your alignment and then when you're ready we'll lift that back knee up bringing integrity into the center into our core hugging the inner thighs towards the midline let the fingertips hover deep breath in I continue the journey up biceps by the ears check it out and then I kind of go through my checklist here I can soften that right knee a little bit I can maybe pull the left hip crease back find what feels good to stay curious then we'll inhale in and on an exhale make this a slow journey no need to rush I'm going to open out to the left left fingertips back right fingertips forward a little style here if you want sometimes in these high lunges I get really serious so I encourage you to soften it up smile keep it easy one more breath and we inhale back to high lunge deep breath in and exhale release awesome one more vinyasa here feel free to skip it totally skip it if you want but I encourage you to give it a go in some variation knees lowered or lifted we inhale to upward facing dog or Cobra and then exhale everyone to Child's Pose swim the fingertips back rest your forehead on the earth and notice how you feel observe your breath shoulders relaxed press into the tops of the feet tuck your chin into your chest and we slowly begin to roll that up right palm comes to the outer edge of the left thigh left fingertips behind and we just find a gentle twist here lifting the heart inhale exhale moving into your twist inhale lift and lengthen and exhale twist inhale back to Center and same thing on the other side so general rule of thumb very joyful rule of thumb and twists is inhale we find that energy energetic lift that current upwards and then on the exhale we ease into the twist we inhale create more space up through the spine and exhale we ring it out like we're wringing out a dirty rack it's kind of getting rid of all the stuff that no longer serves us all that dirty water a wonderful image one more breath inhale lift up exhale wringing it out shhh and then slowly we'll come back to Center nice easy transition of the buttocks we come to all fours cross the left ankle over the right use your hands to guide you as you come on through pashya Moton asana we're gonna send both legs out in front so you can bring your towel or your blankie back if you need to lift the hips a little bit sometimes it's nice especially for a seated forward fold tops of the thighs drawl down in fact they have this energetic spiral kind of in and down as we pull through the heels or press through the heels rather and sit up nice and tall then inhale reach the arms up and overhead big breath in exhale forward full now belly it doesn't have to come to the thighs and we don't have to do this kind of like Bikram style peanut-butter-and-jelly thing here unless you want to which is totally cool but rather think about it just like a nice sweet release in your back so imagine a big ball here as you go up and over basically no problem if there's a lot of space here you can be here here here here here in time will begin to work and work and work and work and work and get it maybe where our nose is closer to our knees but just be where you're at today and then when you arrive let the weight of the head relax completely over breathe into the backs of the legs breathe into the back body awesome tuck the chin to the chest release your arms and slowly roll it up catch the backs of your thighs with your hands as you slide the soles of the feet back up knees up towards the sky can stay on your blankie here if you want it's no problem I'm gonna get off mine and I'm going to return to this boat variation shins lifted parallel to the ceiling heart open elbows draw down shoulders away from the ears you might reach the fingertips forward again or you might stay here right here nice and comfy or you might inhale in exhale send the fingertips out toes out wide inhale back to Center exhale spread inhale back to Center exhale spread the fingertips and toes lift your heart and one more time inhale and exhale burst reach you might hold here for a breath or two and you might be like uh no together we'll come back to mmm hands behind the thighs and walk it on back enjoy this little rock and roll move you might take a moment here in plow pose or you might save that for another day massaging the spine sweetly back and forth we go and then when you feel satisfied go ahead and come onto your back hug my knees into the chest give yourself a nice big hug you rock a little gently side to side if it feels good then slowly we release the soles of the feet to the ground we're gonna do this embarrassed embarrassing inchworm so listen - right Matt and I'm gonna send the right leg up high reclined one-legged in here crossing right ankle over the left thigh interlace the fingertips behind your left thigh and squeeze those legs up towards your heart breathe inhale in exhale unravel and switch left leg goes up high crossing the left ankle over the right thigh same thing on this side pay attention to how you feel stay present in the sensations mmm man a little really goes a long way so good Yoga is so awesome seriously I'm feeling it my body like oh yeah I needed this one more breath on an exhale we unravel once again hugging the knees up ending with the little Texas tea here we send the fingertips left to right inhale scoop the tailbone up exhale melt the knees to one side doesn't matter which side inhale the center and exhale on to my Mike back to the opposite side and then it's all you baby back and forth here try to keep your shoulders on the ground and we just stabilize and work it out twisting back and forth back and then when you feel satisfied take your time but when you feel satisfied come back to Center soles of the feet hit the mat with a bit of a thud just a little reflexology here oh that felt good you can do it a couple more times and then slowly sliding the leg oh one at a time inhale reaching the arms up and overhead full body stretch inhale lots of love in and exhale lots of love out good job my friends if there's anything else you'd like to fulfill in your body do that now practice is all yours just otherwise we're going to guide the body towards shavasana taking a moment of gratitude for this time on our mat get settled in close your eyes return your breath back to its natural rhythm and enjoy this moment of breath [Music] you