hey everyone welcome to 30 days of yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene and it's a chilly day here in Austin Texas so I'm ready to hop on my mat and get warmed up day 19 let's go alright today we're going to begin in a comfortable seated position of your choice I'm coming to a citizen here you can come to sukhasan cross-legged position you can also begin on a block a blanket or even a chair here so today we're going to start with a strong focus on the breath hopefully thus far you've been playing with your breath but today we're just going to do a you know special focus on the breath and synchronizing movement to the breath breath to the movement so you can close your eyes here take your eyes off the video just for a couple moments at least and sit up nice and tall wherever you are lifting lengthening up through the spine up through the crown of the head finding that energetic lift that we've been talking about opening the heart softening the eyelids so as we lift and lengthen drawing our energy upwards we're also going to bring our awareness to the opposite force of energy this grounding energy so maybe tagging a little weight in the elbows I suggest bringing your awareness your attention to your sit bones as they press into the earth or whatever it is you're sitting on shoulder blades can come together and melt down towards the base of the spine and it's here with this awareness of upward and downward the Sun the moon the masculine and the feminine call it what you like it's with this awareness of the two opposing forces that we find our breath we find a little presence so just take a couple moments on your own and I realize for most of us this is really challenging kind of harder than a chaturanga or a plank to just be still and notice the breath you can begin to play with your breath deepening it exploring it and really just giving yourself permission to be here in the moment be here with your yoga practice we have a short practice today yay so just drop in find your breath enjoy playing with that inhale and see if you can elongate and extend that exhale it takes practice often deep breathing can be challenging but with practice we find more ease keep breathing keep exploring your breath will draw the palms together at the heart inhale fresh breath in fresh oxygen exhale relaxing through the shoulders dropping into the moment here let's take one more deep full breath wherever you are and on an exhale send your fingertips left to right fingertips kiss the earth and we'll begin to open the eyes here checking with the video of finding a lift through the armpit chest so we all have a tendency to kind of round through the spine very natural normal fit situation been going on here so find that lift up through the armpit chest open your heart open your mind to maybe a new experience here today day 19 and on your next breath in we're going to send the fingertips left to right just lifting them halfway so palms are parallel to the earth here we're keeping this openness this lift through the chest and in fact you can take your palms and turn them up just so you can find that rotation in the shoulder so if you feel like you're here open your palms and see if you can connect to those two opposing forces that we began with lifting and lengthening up but also grounding down tops of the thighs shoulder blades then pull the thumbs back here as you open and stretch just a bit I'm just going to pulse a little back and forth see if you can stay connected to your breath if you feel a little shake even here that's wonderful it's just the body is responding keep breathing support movement with your breath and we'll bring the palms back face down and continue this movement upward as we inhale reach the fingertips all the way up stretching through all four sides of the torso deep breath in here and then on an exhale we're going to reach behind palms together behind the base of the head take a second here to keep the heart lifted just notice if you're collapsing lift up then we'll inhale drawl the fingertips all the way up towards the sky and exhale down we go again so if your yoga with adriene Kula member then you know this little vinyasa if you're new to the practice and I welcome you and don't get frustrated we'll learn it together we're going to build on this tomorrow - so here we go again we inhale send the fingertips left to right palms facing down just halfway here lifting up through the heart on an exhale this time draw your palms together namaste Anjali mudra great now we're going to reach behind chin to chest this time really stretching the back of the neck and inhale fingertips all the way up towards the sky as we lift and lengthen again stretching all four sides of the torso so not just the side body but remembering to lift it through the front and the back body has energy great inhale in here and exhale rain down here we go again trying that vinyasa moving with the breath inhale fingertips left to right open your heart exhale palms come together Anjali mudra then chin to chest we reach behind stretch stretch stretch press into your sit bones and then on your next breath in inhale reach the fingertips all the way up beautiful stretch here through the torso and on an exhale we float the fingertips down to begin to open up the chest and shoulders even more you can begin to draw the pinkies back and towards each other on this release here we go again inhale sending the fingertips left to right full breath exhale palms together at your heart take your time chin to chest reach behind beautiful next stretch here and then on your next breath in inhale roll up through the spine exhale floating it down maybe drawing the fingertips behind the hip points for an extra opening in the chest and shoulders one more time just like this inhale sending it left or right move with your breath exhale palms together chin to chest reach behind and then inhale all the way up exhale float it down awesome walk the right fingertips behind left palm comes to the top of the right knee we find a gentle twist here breathing deep heart stays lifted lift the corners of your mouth just slightly and then release and take it to the other side find your breath oh yeah avoid the cranking right keep it nice and easy using into your practice nice and slow then we'll gently release back to Center and dive forward onto all fours when you arrive find your tabletop position and then again fueling the movement with the breath we'll take a little cat-cow here you can close your eyes you know this move your body knows how to move today so let it talk to you listen to your body you might start to shake the hips find what feels good maybe even curling the toes under so a little freestyle here out of cat-cow to do your thing check in with any tight places and then when you feel satisfied take your time we'll walk the palms out a bit curl the toes under and send it up to downward facing dog take a couple nice long smooth deep breaths here don't shortchange yourself here nice long deep breaths notice if you're kind of holding and waiting for the next thing I encourage you to soften it up explore your feet press into all ten knuckles spread the palms wide and wherever you are take one more deep breath in through the nose and long exhale out through the mouth awesome then we'll soften through the knees and go for a slow walk up towards the front edge of the mat take your time let's take three nice long deep breaths in forward fold finding any organic movement that feels right stretching it out maybe giving some love to parts of the body that are sore from the previous days or from working maybe some emotional stuff you just want to let go here after your three breaths inhale lift to your flat back position find this beautiful integrity in the neck and shoulders and on an exhale slide it down great job my friends let's roll it up nice and slow take your time I'm going to take my time so you take your time nice and slow close your eyes visualize the spine will meet Mountain Pose and taking a moment here coming into your best and most beautiful mountain if you were to do one yoga pose today and it was this one how would you embody it fill it with that beautiful energy of lifting up and grounding down and you can close your eyes for a breath or two here and really just drop into those long smooth inhalations and long smooth exhale Asian's so playing with the breath finding that lift in the heart and then we'll begin with this arm vinyasa again so synchronizing the movement with the breath of breath with movement you might even feel a little silly at first but rather than just going into yoga robot mode really try to embody your space take up space so we practice yoga well what are we practicing for you can think about that what is your practice serving so have a little fun take up space inhale send the fingertips out left to right full breath open your heart and chest take a couple seconds here to kind of wipe the counter top with your bombs pulling the pinkies back thumbs forward like Birdman here and then press in all four corners of the feet as we come back to Center palms in line with the shoulders deep breath in and then on an exhale palms together at the heart namaste chin bhau's forward chin to chest and we reach behind palms kiss together behind the head and once again we inhale moving with the breath fingertips all the way up towards the sky lift all four sides of the torso and on an exhale float it down awesome keep it going again see if you can let your breath fuel your movement inhale fingertips left to right spread the fingertips wide on your exhale palms come together at the heart chin to chest reach behind inhale press into your feet create a full body experience as you lift and lengthen up deep breath in and keep the heart lifted as you exhale float the fingertips down we do this vinyasa in the empower program inhale send the fingertips left to right I love it and exhale palms together at the heart bow your head to your hands connecting to the bigger picture as you reach behind and then we'll inhale full body stretch fingertips up exhale release take up space here we're going to do one more inhale full breath exhale palms together Anjali mudra chin to chest reach behind you might even retain the breath here for a moment here connecting with your Bundys if you're familiar then we'll inhale reach it up and exhale fingertips down and this time we'll interlace behind the tail press in all four corners of the feet again connect to that opposing energy find balance in the middle you know we could become empowered here as we play with these two opposing forces we inhale open the chest open the heart lengthen through the crown of the head slight backbend here maybe if it feels good and then exhale bend the knees generously and we take it into a slow forward fold knuckles draw up and overhead and even here we connect to those opposing forces so rather than just collapsing in this is a little advanced but actually I don't even think so connecting to the subtle body the energy my favorite take one more breath in here nice and loose in the neck and then on an exhale with control my friends with grace release the fingertips bring them to the tops of your feet and inhale lift up flat back lots of integrity in the neck and shoulders here find lots of space in the spine and then exhale forward fold alright so I'm going to do one plank in this practice today yay so you can step or hop it back here we're going to come here and stay here for three breaths so this is our little plank challenge of the day if you're feeling tired or you're new to the practice and your arms are jelly welly then you can you know support with knees on the earth and eventually work up to here you can take your eyes off the video now bring your gaze straight down so you can find length in your beautiful long neck and find that opposing energy here too as you draw the shoulders away you press up and out of the earth find that sit bone to heel connection hips aren't dipping low or coming up high but they're really straight we're working with our breath here deep breath in Long breath out and then we'll slowly lower the knees and lower down to the belly awesome inhale press into the palms and we come up to Cobra from cobra will release curl the toes under and send it up and back to our downward-facing dog deep breath in Long breath out awesome slowly lowered to your knees come back to tabletop position deep breath in and this time on your long breath out we're coming going to hover we're going to come into that hovering cat lifting the knees just checking in with our core tops of the shoulders drawing away you got it stick with it don't give up one more breath see if you can create space and your upper back body so really lift your upper back up towards the sky let's don't collapse and then release hah swing the legs around we're going to come just seated bringing the soles of the feet together here cobblers pose or baddha konasana so opening the hips here you can lift up on a towel or blanket if that suits you better we'll grab the ankles here and we will again find that energy tops of the shoulders draw down heart lifts up close your eyes again no need to look at the video here you really got it go inward to connect to that subtle body that energy we want to take with us into the last you know phase of our 30-day practice and beyond so essentially today's theme is kind of just getting out of the holding and the waiting and the collapsing and really embodying the energy that's so uniquely you and balancing those energies with the breath stay here or take a forward fold rounding through the spine drawing the chin to the chest also my friends then pressing into the sit bones will slowly roll up bring the knees together and come to flat back so it's a quick practice today yeah if you're like oh perfect has met everything's great then go ahead and head into your shavasana now otherwise we'll hug the knees into the chest and we're going to go into a little playtime here just before we move into corpse pose so taking a couple moments to ask yourself what you need in your body today that might be some twisting left to right it might be flipping your burger over and practicing a crow pose Bach asana it might mean coming into that plank for another thirty second plane or it might be straight to shavasana for you fine what feels good and no matter what you're doing or how you're feeling I invite you encourage you to take at least a couple moments of stillness into Vossen letting the nutrients of your practice settle in the breath to relax and return to its natural rhythm you might invite a wave of joy to wash over you like it yourself and love here again find what feels good what suits you today on day 19 thanks for sharing your time and your practice with me you guys are doing awesome tomorrow's day 20 I'll see you then