hey guys welcome to 30 days of yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene and I'm super excited it's day 17 I can't believe it we're doing so good alright let's get on the mat and get started today we're going to be in on our backs so keep the soles of the feet on the earth knees up towards the sky come into a nice comfy position and we're going to move into a little bridge pose flow to warm up our bodies and drop into our breath so whenever you're ready begin to notice your breath you might windshield wiper the legs little side to side just to start to connect and draw your attention inward maybe a deep breath of gratitude for taking this time for you and we'll walk the knees up towards the hip points or the sit bones rather and bring the fingertips down just just kind of gauge this length here heels kissing the fingers then spread your palms wide on the mat make sure your toes are pointing forward and on a deep breath and we're going to peel up the tail and slowly lift the hip points up into a bridge pose massaging the spine I'm going to let my palms open up as I spill on to the upper back body and find a deep breath in here on an exhale I slowly lower down through the spine and I'm going to turn my palms face down once again and I find a gentle rock of the pelvis in between and then inhale press into the feet start by lifting up through the tailbone and one vertebra at a time I open up and as I hit my shoulder blades of the scapula I'm going to open up through the palms yes feels awesome and keep pressing up and now I'm going to just flow in my own time massaging the spine if any of the muscles of the back body are sore this is going to be awesome moving with the breath and on an exhale release and this time I'm going to inhale reach my arms up and overhead same thing I pull up through the tailbone maybe pull drawls down and then I press into my feet to lift up tall I'm going to slowly lower my fingertips to the ground as I lift up through my full potential and then exhale reaching the arms up lower the buttocks down and we flow with the breath inhale floating the flight fingertips down sorry lifting the hips up and exhale one more time reaching fingertips floating the buttocks down deep breath in deep breath out palms back down to your sides and now we're going to really get into massaging the spine and kind of using the arms so this can be a little hard to describe I think especially via video but I'll give them give it my best shot we inhale press in all four corners of the feet begin to scoop the tailbone up so from there I begin to lift up really rocking on the pelvis and I'm also going to reach up through my hands this time so I'm synchronizing the lift off inhale reaching up reaching up reaching up and then on the exhale fingertips are going to come together towards the midline and I'm going to slowly lower down I'm going to use the reaching of my arms forward to really massage the spine slowly lowering down and so this will look a little different for everyone sometimes you can even get into some tight places with your fingertips and then I release and I kind of hit the refresh button in between and try again inhaling reaching arms up and overhead scooping the tailbone up I reach lift up through the hip points and then exhale same thing here bring the fingertips together right here is a nice spot for me to work into the spy massage the back body awesome and then I release take a breath in between and one more time and your own time just playing here and then I will meet you in this point of release awesome shake it off by huh given ease into the chest and rocking a little side to side scroll the shoulder blades down the back body and then take a second here to just rotate the ankles one way and then the other great hug the right knee in towards the chest send the left leg out super long press press press into the top of that left thigh bone and then we'll take a deep breath in here as you squeeze up and in and then exhale guide the right knee over towards the left opening up into a twist here this time inhale reach the arms up and overhead exhale float the right fingertips down again just like that inhale reach the arm up overhead and exhale down and one more time full breath and we exhale fingertips draw down we release back to Center and we switch hugging the left knee in send the right leg out long so really pressing some energy through that right heel deep breath in on an exhale guide the left knee over towards the right and the same thing I'm going to inhale reach my left fingertips up and overhead and exhale float them down inhale reach up over and exhale down last one inhale deep breath reach up and exhale lower and release back to Center awesome cross the ankles grab the outer edges of the feet we're going to go for a little rock and roll back and forth back and forth massaging the spine and when you feel satisfied go ahead and rock all the way up and we're going to come to all fours so I have a little blanket here you can have the knees with a towel or blanket as we come to all fours take a couple moments here in cat cow looping the shoulders stretching the belly inhale radiates forward and exhale curling the tailbone under chin to chest press into the earth moving with your breath we'll bring it back to Center walk the palms out just slightly curl the toes under and send it up and back downward facing dog take a couple breaths here warming up the body noticing how this pose evolves with regular practice and how our awareness expands each day each breath take one more deep breath in here maybe find stillness I'll bend the knees and slowly lower back down to our tabletop position awesome take a second here to make sure you're not crashing into the wrists my friend so really press up and out of the earth wrists underneath the shoulders knees directly underneath the hip points inhale extend the right toes out allow the left fingertips to reach out and we plug in here lowering that right hip and plugging in the left shoulder deep breath in on an exhale nose to knee round everything in inhale expand and exhale soften and squeeze it in so inhale expand soften through the skin of the face careful not to clench in any unnecessary places while you squeeze the navel up and in yes inhale one more time and exhale nose to knee great release bring the two big toes together send the knees nice and wide inhale reach the right fingertips out bring them in and underneath the bridge of the left arm as we come on to the right ear draw the navel up and we might bring the left hand to the sacrum here as we breathe and close the eyes here stay connected through your fingertips and toes then we'll slowly unravel and come back to our tabletop walking the knees underneath the hip points this time I'm going to send the left toes out strong and right fingertips reach forward to join take a second to plug that shoulder and level that hip engage all your muscles deep breath in and then exhale nose to knee rounding inward inhale expand spread the fingertips and toes grow tall and exhale nose to knee inhale expand engage and exhale checking in with your core squeeze it up and let's do one more inhale expand radiates energy through the fingertips and toes and exhale to Center great we'll gently release bring the two big toes together send the left fingertips forward and then we'll bring it in and underneath the bridge or the right arm this time coming into our twist and maybe bringing the right palm to the sacrum here and we breathe close your eyes find what feels good use your breath nice then we'll gently unravel back to centre walk the knees underneath the hip points walk the palms out curl the toes under and send it up down dog breathe deep awesome slowly bending the knees lowering back down to our tabletop position and this time I'm going to keep the right knee bends as I lift the right toes up so again careful not to crash into your wrists fists are also options here also a good option here and I'm going to lift the right knee up so right toes are going up towards the sky I press away from the earth so I'm not collapsing in my shoulders here breathing deep here breathing deep now inhale extend the left fingertips forward exhale I'm going to swim around to maybe catch my big toe here maybe or the arch of my foot or excuse me the arch of my foot or the outer edge so to reaches on here I'm going to go for the arch here so I can open up through my left shoulder and find a gentle kickback through the right foot now if you're on a block here this is great too because you can lift the earth up to you or even fingertips as an option so find what feels good here and stay really mindful of your foundation so pressing up and out of that back foot finding that openness in the heart and if this is not available for you today then just work on both palms on the earth and keeping this leg up if you find this open heart in this slight backbend here so we have this option or we have this option or here or here take one more breath wherever you are remember your lower belly press into the top of that back foot and then gently unravel and release we'll curl the toes under drop to the elbows and send the sit bones back for a rest walk the fingertips out create a little space in the side body breathe into the soles of your feet as you melt your heart down and then slowly will rise back up we come back to all fours so you'll find that pressing up and out of the yoga mat or the earth here and then we will lift the left knee up so it's very easy to just kind of want to crash into this right hip so keep that awareness on the midline here as you lift the left knee up high then again you might just stay here finding that heart opener here's you drop the shoulders down and open the chest or you might reach your right fingertips forward swim them around to either grab that big toe or the arch of the foot or the outer edge now press away from the earth kick back with that left foot press into the top of the right foot and open your chest and heart we can come onto the fingertips here no prob find your breath welcome that heat that tapas moving energy prana throughout the body one more breath here find an extension through the crown and then exhale hug it all in back towards Center knees come together we curl the toes under and we send it back take your rest awesome my friends slowly will rise back up to all fours walk the knees out hip-width apart and then send the sit bones up and back down dog deep breath in here and long breath out if you have a toddler blankie you can move it to the side now we're going to go for a slow walk up towards the front edge of the mat so take your time and when you arrive you know what to do find your bliss in uttanasana forward fold stretch it out after a couple breaths release the arms and inhale lift up the flat back position take your time pull the elbows back breathe in and on your breath out fold it back down then we'll tuck the chin into the chest and roll it all the way up to Mountain Pose inhale reaching the arms up and overhead and exhale diving forward and then we'll slowly roll up into Tadasana drawing energy up from the earth stacking the spine and finding what feels good here stand up nice and tall and then we'll inhale reach the arms up and overhead full body stretch and exhale follow your breath down to forward fold inhale lift halfway careful not to clench in the toes and then exhale back down forward fold plant the palms step the toes back to your plank and we'll slowly lower the knees or not as we lower all the way to the belly inhale open your chest and shoulders lift your heart and Cobra and exhale to downward facing dog deep breath in through the nose let's go ahead and exhale today out through the mouth here drop the left heel inhale lift the right leg high squeeze that right knee all the way up in towards your heart and then step it into your lunge pivot on the back foot and inhale rise up warrior one deep breath in here on an exhale release the fingertips interlace them behind the tail draw the knuckles down and away as you open the chest and shoulders particularly lifting up through the armpit chest here so lift lift lift up through the armpit chest power through that back leg deep breath in then we release the fingertips and come back to warrior one here for a couple breaths pull the right hip crease back find your bliss then on an exhale release we come up off that back heel and return to our low lunge great plant the palms and slowly we lower down all the way to the belly lifting up Cobra exhale release curl the toes under send it to downward facing dog inhale in through the nose and exhale out through the mouth drop the right heel inhale lift the left leg high then the left knee squeeze it up in towards your heart and then step it up into your lunge we pivot on the back foot and we rise up zero-one strong warrior one here lift the heart lift the armpit chest open up now keep everything lifted as you rain the fingertips down we interlace maybe opposite thumb comes on top and we open the chest knuckles draw down strong legs here release the fingertips return fingertips up towards the sky warrior one couple breaths here coming to your full potential or create a little bit of movement right working out the kinks and we'll slowly release pivot on the back heel so bring that back heel up and we plant the palms and we come to a plank this time walk the toes as wide as the mat and fan your index finger middle for your ring finger and pé fingers off the mat so the thumbs are going to be the only fingers on the mat we're really pressing into the base of the palm here for some wide arm push-ups what crazy let's do it bending the elbows left to right we lower all the way down and we press all the way back up I lied you might want to bring your index finger on your mat to so it's a little different for everyone so you just decide index finger and thumb or thumb but I want you to press into the base of the Palmas the main point as we lower down you might do five of these here you might sneak in ten you might do one but we're doing some wide armed push up break here we go lowering all the way down staying mindful of the neck we're not going to count here we're just going to see how many we can do have a little fun smile wake up the backs of the legs as you press up lower belly engaged wherever you are do one more you got this and then we'll send it up and back to downward-facing dog by walking the palms back in line with the shoulders and downward dog never felt so good and the knees generously belly comes to the tops of the thighs we inhale look forward and exhale hop towards the front of the mat take your forward fold here and then inhale lift to flat back exhale soften and release back down inhale reaching all the way up overhead and exhale hands to the heart close your eyes observe your breath notice how you feel and we go a little deeper connect and the knees inhale we reach it up exhale forward fold inhale halfway lift long beautiful neck and exhale release it down plant the palms step or hop it back to plank slowly lower all the way down this time Cobra or upward facing dog on an exhale we'll take it to down dog take a deep breath in through the nose and long exhale out through the mouth great this time walk your toes in just a bit we're going to press on the left palm anchor navel to spine I'm going to reach my right fingertips to grab either the outer edge of my left thigh or the outer edge of my left shin or the ankle so I'm here here here in a nice downward dog twist look underneath your left armpit chest high and breathe deep anchor down through the heels if the heels are up here that's okay and that right elbow in towards the center line and breathe press away from your left palm inhale release back to Center and take it to the other side Bandung left knee in towards the centerline pressing away from the earth look underneath your right armpit chest breathe deep nice two stalks of Iong breath here and then I release back to Center great bend the knees generously slowly look up towards the front edge of your mat and on an exhale bring your navel with you floating up towards the front of the mat let's give it a try hopping up towards the front edge inhale halfway lift and exhale soften and release back down inhale bend the knees reach it all the way up towards the heavens and exhale release to Mountain great so we're going to bring the feet together here now and really draw energy up from the earth palms come together at the heart and we lengthen the tailbone down so we find the stacking of head over heart heart over pelvis inhale lift your heart and begin to peel up through the right foot then I'm going to interlace the fingertips and similar to how we went into tree pose together I'm going to catch my right knee here and just make sure that I'm not collapsed here hmm but really pressing into that standing leg and finding this lift up so it's an energetic thing and it is challenging then I can just stay here working on my balance particularly if I'm brand new to the practice and this is a great place to work on balance you can also bring fingertips to a wall and we can work here maybe you and hand on the waistline to go a step further I'm going to bring my left thumb to my sternum just to remind me to keep lifting up here then I'm going to slide my right fingertips down to my right ankle keep the right knee hugging into the center line so it's going to want to come out here but I'm going to keep it carving through the center as I begin to kick back through my right foot now keep lifting the sternum up to the thumbs here we'll open up through your right armpit chest I can stay here now working on balance making sure I have an awareness through all parts and you know just really being in the moment trying not to rush it or to take it a step further I can swim my fingertips to either grab the inner arch or the inner ankle here and I begin to grow the pose so lifting up through the right knee and maybe sending the left fingertips forward finding this counterbalance of my left palm in my right foot kicking back as I stand up nice and tall lift and lengthen through the crown of that you can find a little mudra here for fun we breathe deep and we lift the right toes up as we kick that foot out breathe breathe breathe inhale in and exhale bring it back all the way through and release the fingertips and squeeze that right knee up towards your heart stand up nice and tall here and on an exhale let it go Mountain Pose close your eyes just observe your body in your breath pressing into all four corners of the feet find that upward current of energy in the front body this nice grounding through the back body then we'll drop the chin to the chest open the eyes and bring the feet together once again all right same thing on the other side let's see what happens drawing the palms together at the heart lift your sternum up to your thumb and shift your weight to your right foot peel the left foot up try not to dump all your weight into that hip which looks like this but really keep that lift so if you can imagine that ball and socket joint it's not kicking out to the right but it's staying pretty stacked as I collect energy and strength up through the midline then interlace the fingertips we'll catch that left knee not for dear life because I've already cultivated this energetic lift I can really just place the hands there and find my shape and I might just stay here again either at a wall if I'm new to the balance practice which does take time to cultivate right from practice or maybe I'm here breathing breathing or maybe I draw the right thumb to the sternum again this is going to help me remind to keep this this is going to help me to remember to keep this lifted and remind me to stay nice and tall as I build the posture sliding the left fingertips down to catch that left ankle squeeze everything into the midline and then carve a line with your left knee back open up through the chest and heart stay here this is going to want to collapse as balance begins to get weary so keep that thumb there as a nice little reminder to lift and lift and lift now we can stay here we can flip the hand to the inner arch and we can stay here opening up through the left armpit chest extending through the crown or we can begin to send the heart forward maybe fingertips come out and I begin to play making sure that standing leg is not locked but kind of growing this posture here find your breath kick the left leg up and out hug everything to the midline take one more breath wherever you are and then exhale see if you can release with control with grace hug everything in if you if you fall don't worry we'll catch you that's all good but in time we're going to be able to release with control with grace interlace the fingertips squeeze that left knee all the way up and then exhale to Mountain awesome close your eyes observe your breath nice work my friend then on your next breath in inhale reach the arms up and overhead and exhale dive forward heel-toe heel-toe the feet as wide as your mat and let your toes spill off this time as you lower the sit bones down into our yogic squat notice where you're at today draw the palms together at the heart press the arms into the legs and squeeze the legs into the arms as you find this mul asana variation lifting the heart again sternum lifting to the thumbs we find a couple of quiet breaths here you can close your eyes and reconnect gently releasing the fingertips to the earth bring them behind you come to seated we'll send both legs out long and inhale reach the arms up and overhead exhale forward fold two breaths here paschimottanasana releasing the weight of the head over knees can be bent as generously as you like here awesome then slowly roll it up catch your left knee bring it up with you outer edge of the right arm is going to come to the outer edge of the left knee as I reach up and overhead find that extension and then come into a twist left fingertips come behind just to support not to prop but really to just connect so I'm lifting up tall through the spine not cranking into a twist but letting it evolve with the breath then release it back to center draw the right foot in soles of the feet come together for baddha konasana we inhale in tops of the thigh bones drawl down heart lifts up and exhale maybe melting the heart forward elbows pressing back inhale lifting head over heart heart over pelvis send both legs out inhale reach it up exhale forward full knees bent as generously as you like here breathing into the back of the neck and then we'll peel the right leg up this time right knee comes up as we prepare for our twists either hugging that right knee or finding this bind here nice and easy breezy keep the heart lifted here almost done then gently will release back to Center great draw that left knee up to meet the right we're going to come into a little boat variation here just checking in with this posture it's been a while looping the shoulders lifting the chins the chin lifting the chin lifting the shins up towards the sky so we might stay here again just really holding the way to the legs we might notice that we can start to release a little bit of that grasp on the legs and come here or you might reach the fingertips forward but in time you know we just really have to build the strength slowly but surely so if you rush it you might get too frustrated and want to quit so give yourself time to like be in whatever chill zone it is that you're in today it might be here supported wherever you are make sure you're maintaining that lift in the heart that we've built so wonderfully and if you're feeling adventurous you might inhale in and on an exhale lift your heart up as you extend your arms left to right and your toes up and out inhale in exhale check it out think about lifting your heart here inhale back to Center exhale keep the heart lifting up only think about the heart lifting up to support that lower back as you extend through the limbs and then one more time back to centre and exhale maybe you reach the arms up and overhead boat pose and then we release everything come to lie flat on your back hug your knees into your chest yeh creaky old floor awesome then we'll bring the soles of the feet to the mat and just interlace the fingertips bring them behind the head for a little windshield wiper so I'm going to melt the knees to the left breathing into the front of the right hip crease breathing into the belly and then through Center and to the left you also get a nice little booty massage here oh yeah then we'll come back up to Center we'll release the hands left to right and slide the feet down prepare for shavasana here if you're craving a little bit more in your practice today then you might practice a little inversion before you settle into corpse pose or of course anything else that your body is wanting fulfill that and then we'll come into a nice asana to let go to surrender and be still awesome work today my friend the light in me honors the light in you mouse to the light in you thank you you