hey guys welcome to 30 days of yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene and it is day 16 tomorrow will be day 17 hop into something comfy and let's get started hi so today we're going to start at the front edge of the mat feet hip-width apart nice and comfy chose pointing forward inhale reach the arms up and overhead exhale draw your shoulder blades in together and down your back tuck your pelvis dial your pinkies forward so that your shoulders can really drop in a socket here and we can create a little bit of space now breathe nice long smooth deep breaths here you can close your eyes and maybe Rock a little front to back on your feet just kind of testing your balance and noticing where you're carrying your weight today see if you can spread awareness through all four corners of the feet now and take one more deep breath as you spread the fingertips wide and exhale release the fingertips come to Mountain Pose notice your breath and then interlace the fingertips behind the tail bone keep soft knees here as we draw the knuckles down and away opening up through the chest you might find a little movement in the head and the neck here then inhale lift your heart full breath in and exhale release back to your Mountain Pose take a second to draw a couple circles with the nose and perhaps we begin to deepen the breath here and then we'll bring the head back to Center stillness and here we go inhale reach the arms up and overhead full body stretch here as you exhale melting all the way down forward full take a couple breaths here find a little movement maybe grabbing the elbows rocking a little side to side you know what to do then inhale lift up halfway find that beautiful flat back position and exhale lower down walk the feet in towards each other so now arches are kissing together and we're going to slide the right toes back into our lunge lower the right knee and take a couple breaths here to just breathe keeping it really soft and easy today lifting the back knee when you're ready again keeping it soft and easy breezy then plant the palms slide the left toes back take a deep breath in lower the knees as you exhale lower all the way to the belly inhale lift up to Cobra and exhale release curl the toes under we're going to send it up and back to downward facing dog but I'm going to keep it soft and easy today so playing with different flavors of our practice so I might press up to plank and send it up to down dog or I might play with this beautiful peeling up of the tail bone coming from my knees so part of what I try to bring to my mat is just this idea of like really listening to the body rather than trying to master the shapes which I know we hear all the time is just a good reminder especially as we get into the routine and the grind of everyday practice take one more deep breath in here and exhale out then we'll step the right leg right foot all the way up lower that left knee and same thing here find a soft and easy moment of stretch in breath here in our low lunge then we might lift that back knee up here take a deep breath in and exhale rock that back foot up to meet the front forward fold inhale halfway lift deep breath exhale bow inhale reach it all the way up fingertips kiss up and overhead and exhale back down to the heart diving in for more soft knees inhale reach it up open your heart exhale enjoy this move as we float it down inhale find length halfway lift and exhale soften and release plant the palms this time we're going to step it back to plank long plank and we're going to take three breaths here after your third breath send it up and back downward facing dog drop the left heel inhale slide the right leg high on an exhale step your right foot up we're going to pivot on the back foot and rise up into virabhadrasana 1 warrior 1 take a deep breath in here smile and exhale float it all down come back to your low lunge also plant the left palm zin line with the arch of the right foot and left palm nut palms and inhale reach the right fingertips up high we can always lower this back knee here again finding different flavors keeping it soft and easy and then we exhale back down plant the palms and we go through a vinyasa so this can be a new flavor today perhaps staying open staying present and listening to the body curl the toes under or come from all fours together we'll meet downward facing dog this time dropping the right heel we inhale lift the left leg high exhale stepping that left leg all the way up and into your lunge pivot on the back foot and inhale rise up veer Vajrasana one smile reach deep breath in and exhale we release right palm comes in line with the arch of the left foot and we inhale keep a upward current of energy so you have a lot to dump all your weight to the earth but stay in control as you open up and do your twist left fingertips reach up towards the sky draw the shoulders away from the ears we can always lower that back knee find a full breath in here you got it and then exhale we release awesome rock that back foot up to meet the front forward fold this time we're going to grab the big toes with the index finger middle finger and thumb and the elbows left to right as you draw your knees and your nose together you can bend the knees as generously as you like deep breath in here and long breath out and from here keep your fingers where they are an inhale draw your shoulders away from your ears and inhale find that flat back position so rather extend through the crown of the head and exhale bending the elbows left to right nose to knee again inhale press into your heels straighten the arms shoulders draw back extension through the crown and exhale fold we find this little pulsing kind of moving with the breath here pulsing sensation as we continue and we'll do one more and on an exhale releasing the hands pull anting the palms and stepping it back to plank top of a push up here just for three breaths you got it press away from the earth if you're tired today you can lower the knees and after three reps we'll send it back to downward-facing dog drop the left heel and inhale lift the right leg high and the right knee bring it up and over to kiss the right elbow deep breath in then send it up three-legged dog then all the way through to kiss the left elbow look forward and then send it up three-legged dog and then last time through the center carving a sweet line all the way up as we squeeze it right knee up towards the heart and then step it up into our lunge pivot on the back foot again we rise up or you're one full breath here at the top reaching up through the fingertips and then exhale floating everything down coming into our twist left palm in line with the arch of the right foot we inhale open up through the right arm breathing deep then exhale palms to the mat slide the right toes back and maybe you take a vinyasa or maybe you just send it straight to downward facing dog dropping the right heel well inhale lift the left leg up high bend the left knee bring it up and over to kiss the left elbow strong core here as you look forward inhale three-legged dog and exhale left knee to right elbow and three-legged dog and finally through Center carving that line all the way up and through we squeeze the left knee up towards the heart and then step it up into your lunge pivot on the back foot rise up strong ear but also know one inhale radiates energy through the fingertips and exhale we release right hand comes in line at the arch of the left foot and we inhale open up into our twist squeeze that left knee in towards the midline full breath in here and out then we release back to Center awesome rock that back foot up to meet the front forward full so this time I'm going to walk my palms underneath my feet my toes are going to line up with the wrist crease here and I'm going to allow myself to just kind of relax the weight is head over so I'm not creating any unnecessary tension in the neck and shoulders and then I'm actually going to wiggle my toes here and find my breath mmm Asajj in the wrist creases here one more breath so calming so cooling staying control of your breath and then we'll gently release awesome inhale halfway lift long beautiful neck exhale soften and bow take it all the way up deep breath in inhale nice and slow and exhale back down to your heart just notice how you feel close your eyes for a second notice any frustrations any resistance or any openness any joy any breakthroughs just notice at all let's take a second here to observe then I'll find soft knees again and inhale on a full breath reach the arms up and overhead exhale diving forward inhale halfway lift flat back position and exhale forward fold plant the palms step it back to plank walk the two big toes together bring your right palm to the center line we're going to turn on to the right foot edge of the right foot lift the hips up as we come into a side plank reaching left fingertips up and overhead connect to your core keep it soft and easy in the face shoulders relaxing down away from the ears full body's engaged to your deep breath in and then exhale back to Center and take it to the other side lifting up through the hips pressing into the feet right fingertips reach up towards the sky make sure you know what's going on in your neck and shoulders take a deep breath in awesome my friends and then exhale with control with grace release down bring the knees together and send the sit bones back we take a rest here in child's pose reach your fingertips all the way towards the back edge of your mat relax your shoulders and let go reconnect with your breath find that you je breath that soft restriction in the back of the throat perhaps that ocean breath awesome work today everyone you can stay here and balasana for a little bit longer working on pranayama that ocean sound or you can begin to unravel and make your way to shal asana great work today my friend lots of love namaste