hey everyone welcome to 30 days of yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene and congratulations it's day 15 you guys we've made it halfway which is so awesome and even if you've had some hiccups along the way it's day 15 this would be a great chance to recommit settle in drop in and we're gonna have some fun today with Half Moon because we're halfway through the 30 days see what I did there so hop on the mat let's get started all right everyone so we're gonna start in a cross-legged position or a kneeling position so you can decide which one works best for you nice comfy seat I'm sitting up on a block to start here just so I can check in with my breath here as we ease into our practice today close your eyes relax your shoulders sit up nice and tall let the hands rest wherever they naturally go and take a deep breath in through the nose on an exhale let go of the day thus far inhale coming into the present moment and exhale letting go of any to do this or just anything that's going to keep you from being fully present here in the practice today inhaling again permission to be here now and exhale we begin to settle in couple more breaths keep this conversation with the breath going as we draw the palms together at the heart and we'll inhale lift the sternum to the thumbs and keep the heart lifted as you release the left fingertips or the left palm to the earth and I'm going to inhale sweep the right hand up and overhead so we're gonna keep this openness in the chest in the heart as you find your side body stretch here you can do this in cross-legged position to find your breath maintain an awareness in the neck that extension through the crown and then we'll swiftly come back up through Center and take it to the other side same thing and then we inhale back to Center exhale loop the shoulders all right spread the palms wide we're gonna dive forward onto all fours if you have a block or a book handy we're gonna go ahead and put that towards the front edge of your back and we'll just take a couple cat paws here to warm up the body and check in with the spine move with your breath close your eyes here enjoy your practice and then we can begin to check in at the hips here side to side the neck and shoulders moving into kept cow variations that feel awesome I feel good then we'll walk the palms out curl the toes under and whenever you're ready make your way up to downward facing dog same thing here we may explore the shape the alignment get our action drawing up through the limbs and connecting the ribcage and checking with the head and neck and finding a little movement that again it feels awesome that feels good then going for a nice slow walk up towards the front edge together we'll meet and forward fold and same thing here finding a little organic movement lingering in any place that might need a little extra love today then we'll find a soft bend in the knees and roll it up take your time enjoy each move as we press into the feet and worked it out here neck and shoulders relaxed and open keep tapping into your breath get a little do a little bit of this you know just keep it fresh basically keep it alive keep it alive here we go palms come together at the heart deep breath in I lift my sternum up to my thumbs maintain this lift in the heart this extension through the crown of the head as we flow here we go soft knees inhale reach it up full body stretch exhale release keep the heart open as you find 10 awesome inhale flat back we lift up deep breath in and on an exhale release it down awesome slide the right toes back into your low lunge and inhale stretch your heart forward extend through the crown exhale plant the palms slide the left toes back let's walk the two big toes together here and we breathe we might find a little rock notice if you're collapsing in the upper back body see if you can billow up through the upper back body broaden great then we can lower the knees here and hug the elbows and as we lower down or keep the knees lifted as we hug the elbows in and lower down everyone to the belly inhale lift up to Cobra press into your foundation full breath in and on exhale we release curl the toes under draw your navel up and we press back up to that plank position and then to our downward facing dog awesome work my friends take a deep breath in and find a long long long long exhale out great step the right foot up into your little lunge inhale loop the shoulders heart radiates forward exhale back foot comes up to meet the front forward fold and on an inhale we lift a flat back exhale soften and bow inhale spread the fingertips bend your knees and reach it all the way back up full body stretch and exhale back down to your heart deep breath in Long breath out soft knees inhale reach it up spread your fingertips on exhale diving forward enjoy this move inhale flat back halfway lift pull the elbows back and exhale forward fold again step the right toes back this time keep them lifted high lunge as we inhale reach your fingertips up towards the sky sand your right heel towards the back of the mat deep breath in and exhale release plant the palms slide the left toes back two big toes kiss we lower the knees here or keep them lifted as we hug the elbows in pull them back lower down this time you can hover or always go to the belly inhale lift up to Cobra or your upward facing dog deep breath in and exhale to plank and then to your downward facing dog always exploring deep breath in and deep breath out step the right foot up inhale exhale keep breathing inhale high lunge and find that connection of the left heel back as you find a nice long exhale here so basically see if you can start to extend those inhalations and really extend those X lesions nice full breath in here at the top and we use exhale to release rock the back foot up to meet the front forward fold and inhale halfway lift exhale soften and bow inhale reach all the way up full body stretch and then exhale hands to the heart inhale reach it up definitely feel my energy shifting here and exhale release the Parana moving through the body inhale halfway lift if you don't feel it yet keep practicing exhale soften and bow great this time plant the palms step or hop both feet back to your plank three chaturanga push-ups we got this shift your weight forward and hugging the elbows we lower down halfway can always lower the knees here pressing up two more keeping the gaze forward that extension in the crown and one more pull the elbows back not left to right back back back back back and then we press up and then we lower all the way down to the belly inhale lift up bhujangasana beautiful Cobra and exhale release pressing up to plank and then sending it to your downward facing dog deep breath in deep breath out drop the left heel slide the right leg up high and your right knee and open up through the right side body stacking the hips breathe here then bend your right knee or keep your right knee bent excuse me and hug it all the way up in towards your heart nose to knee then step it up into your lunge awesome work my friends pivot on the back foot we've been that front knee and we inhale open up into warrior two so go ahead and take a second to get settled in here make sure maybe your front heel is in line with that back arch right toes are pointing forward left toes are turned in just slightly we inhale extend through the fingertips and we consider our energetic body so not just the shape but really finding places to ground and sink and places to lift and rise above places to engage places to soften so just go through your checklist here then I must soften through my right elbow and bring it to the top of the right thigh extended side angle prep I'm not going to collapse here but really keep that awareness if you have a block or a book you can bring it in now here I'm going to reach my left fingertips behind the ear to reach up overhead and I could stay here I can release my palm to the earth or to the block and there's a free range of motion here so you can find a little movement you might even explore some circles here keeping that left inner thigh engaged strong outer edge of that back foot really strong and we're here or here we're moving in between now make sure that you have a lot of space between your right ear and your right shoulder or not collapsing here awesome and then we're gonna slowly dial the heart and the gaze back down pivot on the back foot and rise back up and do your high lunge deep breath in whoa everything into the midline strong legs strong core and on an exhale release great we're gonna lower that left knee and I'm going to bring my left palm in line with the right foot so I can keep the block here if you want actually it's kind of nice or I can release it and I'm gonna plant the left palm and inhale squeeze my right knee and reach right fingertips high up towards the sky you can keep that back knee lowered here or you can lift take a full breath in and again consider the neck and shoulders here as you open your heart up towards the sky press into the ball joint of that right big toe one more breath and exhale release awesome plant the palms and take your vinyasa together we'll meet in downward-facing dog where we'll drop the right heel and inhale slide the left leg high awesome press into both palms evenly as you bend your left knee and open up through the left side buddy stacking the hips press into the palms then carve a line with your left knee all the way up in towards the heart nose to knee when you squeeze squeeze squeeze and then step the left foot up into your lunge pivot on the back foot and warrior two on the opposite side we spiral the heart spiral the fingertips scuse me up and out lift your heart and go through your checklist here nice wide stance tailbone lengthening down pull the pinkies back and relax your shoulders inhale in and exhale softening into our extended side angle so again we can use the book or the block here or we can just use the top of the thigh but the trick is to not collapse but maintain this integrity from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone so we lean back a little bit and again I welcome I encourage a little movement here so not worried about shy be here she'll be here she'll be here just finding a little movement opening up paying attention to the sensations in the body and the pose maybe I release down to the earth and we take one more breath here and then exhale dial the gaze in the heart back down I pivot on the back foot and I inhale strong leg strong core as I come up into my high lunge deep breath in and exhale release choose-your-own-adventure your vinyasa here moving with the breath and we meeting downward-facing dog when you get there take a deep breath in through the nose and exhale out through the mouth bend your knees belly comes to the tops of the thighs we inhale carve a line look forward exhale step hop or float towards the front edge of your mat forward fold on a deep breath in inhale halfway lift long beautiful neck and exhale soften and bow send the fingertips left to right we inhale reach it all the way up press into the earth full body experience and exhale hands to the heart take a second to just close your eyes and observe your breath that will bend the knees softly and inhale to reach it up once again exhale down you go whoo inhale halfway lift exhale soften and bow hop the feet back to plank inhale shift your weight forward hug the elbows in slowly lower down chaturanga to updog or to Cobra we take a deep breath in and exhale straight to down dog drop the left heel inhale slide the right leg high press into your right foot this time and see if you can really Square those hips right toes pointing straight down towards the Earth and I'm pressing my right foot into an imaginary wall here so lots of energy deep breath in then we'll squeeze that right knee up towards a heart for one breath and step it up into our lunge Pavin on the back foot and I open up into my warrior two deep breath in sink deep into that front knee and long breath out awesome now I'm gonna straighten through that front leg this time send the hips back and I tilt into my triangle opening up through the heart drawing the right shoulder under in fact let's take that left palm to the right ribcage and just smear that imaginary honey you can use the block here of course really nice to maintain that space in the shoulder girdle and in the neck take a deep breath in here in your triangle chicken asana and then slowly I'm gonna die on my gaze back down and soften that front knee so I'm gonna step that back foot up to meet the front here just halfway and I'm gonna prepare for my half moon pose so you might be able to kind of get into this quite fluidly if you've practiced this pose already otherwise I'm gonna walk you through it just a hair just a bit no yogi left behind so I walk my back foot in and I'm kind of in this like fencing position just a little bit a little bit awkward and a little bit sexy just kidding and I'm going to use this Tadasana energy I'm really going to draw energy up through my standing leg as I come to maybe balance on my left big toe now if I have a block or a book or something to lift the earth up to me I'm going to use it about a foot foots worth out from my pinky toe if not I can totally still practice this with the earth or what the chair is also really nice to and with that support or without I'm going to really remember that space and the neck and the shoulder girdle this connection to my core as I start to lift my back leg up high so this is what your Half Moon pose might look like right now that's okay it's beautiful I don't remember the smearing of the honey open and the stacking of the hips that we did in downward-facing dog the length of the side body that I've stretched out thus far and this beautiful breath I have to support as I begin to lift up press that left foot into an imaginary wall and open up through the inner thigh standing leg is kind of soft in the knee here so I don't want to lock it because it's gonna be tough I'm going to keep it buoyant and alive strong and in control so I continue to go through my checklist here now eventually you can take your eyes off the video and just have a little Halfmoon play time eventually we can take the hand from the waistline and reach the left fingertips up towards the sky and in no time you'll be able to find a Halfmoon pose where you play with your focus either out or up towards the sky charge your left inner thigh here open your heart breathe deep spread the fingertips and toes create space as you build strength here day 15 doing half moon halfway through your practice recal if you fall don't worry we'll catch you a little more play time here breathe deep awesome then we'll slowly dial the gaze in the heart back down come into a half split here so we'll walk the fingertips closer in keep the hips square here as we lift that back leg up once again we might be here we might be here to go a little deeper we're gonna keep the left toes down I'm going to wrap my right arm around my right calf and maybe in time the left one take one more breath draw your nose up towards your navel and then we really saw some come back to your lunchroom lower that left knee and we pull the right hips back once again deep breath in and exhale shifting through plant the palms take a vinyasa or take a rest seriously vinyasa or take a rest in Child's Pose then slowly we'll all meet in downward facing dog really nice work my friends take a deep breath in here and a long breath out this time drop the right heel slide the left leg up high press into your left heel strong keep those hips square as you press into the palms then we'll squeeze the left knee all the way up towards the heart and then up into our lunge pivot on the back foot and we open out now warrior two Oh deep breath in Long breath out sink deep now we're gonna straighten that leg send the hips back and reach forward and down coming into our triangle sorry those in the zone there right hand comes to the lower ribcage and ice near the heart open open open so I stay connected to my core here I'm not collapsing into my hand which is also going to help me right into my Halfmoon practice or my Halfmoon play time you can always use the block here or a book to lift the earth up to deepen your practice bring it more into the core I'm gonna let the fingertips hover here and open up all the way from trikanasana I'm gonna die all my focus down hands come to the waistline soften through that front knee and I'm gonna bring my right foot in and get into this fancy fencing prep posture you might take your walk to the side and we're gonna just practice Halfmoon on the other side so look at the video for as long as you want and then really kind of take responsibility for your unhappiness here and have a little fun if you fall we'll catch you let's see where we're at today half moon on the other side softening through that front knee drawing that energy out inhale in on an exhale I come to my big toe I find a nice position for my block on my book or again a chair or fingertips on the earth on an exhale press into your right foot like it's pressing into an imaginary wall here and I begin to open up through my heart my ribcage opening up all the way if you're feeling brave leaning back finding that integrity from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone drawing the shoulders away from the ears charger right inner thigh stay bright through the hands and feet careful not to lock your standing leg couple more moments here to breathe and play tuck your chin into your chest slightly to lengthen through the back of the neck here perhaps one more breath and then exhale we dial the head and the heart back to Center and I walk my fingertips closer in towards my toes and I check in with the half splits here so I dial the right toes down and maybe I wrapped my left arm around my left calves and time I'm gonna wrap both and I just see where I'm at today and then I slowly released come back down to my lunge lower your right knee to the ground think up and over with your hips as you pull the left hip crease back one breath and then exhale we release great last chance for vinyasa totally feel free to skip it but I'm thinking that you can do it here we go plant the palms I think I can do it too I think shift your weight forward hug the elbows into the side body and we check we check in with chaturanga to Cobra or up exhale to extended Child's Pose every time I say to Cobra I think of this restaurant here it also called Tacoma okay here we are in extended Child's Pose rest your forehead notice your breath remember why you rolled out your mat today and gently transitioning to all fours will walk the knees underneath us and swing the legs to the side come flat on your back here we'll hug the knees into the chest and then we'll take the palms to the kneecaps and just draw clockwise circles and then counterclockwise circles so one way and then the other here should feel really yummy on the lower back awesome then we'll send the left leg out long right knee squeezes up and I'm going to slowly draw my left heel towards the right excuse my right right here whoa right heel towards the left 30 days of yoga and just kind of cradle it so maybe I'm able to bring my right foot into my left elbow crease here sole the left foot can come up of course so that's one way we can kind of rock our right leg here breathing into the outer edge that have another place it's awesome it's just to catch it in your hand and again we can keep the leg extended or lifted so every body is literally so different it's just nice to give a couple options and we're rocking it like a baby back and forth and then we're switching releasing the right leg down left leg comes up and the same thing here I catch with my palm or maybe I practice hooking the elbow then we'll release the left leg inhale reach the fingertips up overhead and exhale hug the knees into the chest and send the fingertips out left to right and just a little reclined twist on your own back and forth moving with your breath just finding a little yumminess in the spine and the sacrum as you rock back and forth then we'll come back to Center and slowly release the legs back down to the earth and prepare for our final and most precious pose mr. or mrs. shavasana here arms come gently at your side you can use a blanket to pillow the head or cover the body up even if you don't have a lot of time left for your practice today give yourself a good you know minute or two to just find some exquisite stillness - let the nutrients of your practice settle in and to let go great work today my friends take good care namaste [Music] you