- What's up everyone, welcome to Yoga with Adriene, I'm Adriene and today we have an awesome practice for confidence. So the tools of yoga are super powerful and the awareness that we have in our body language and in our breath, can really make a difference in the way that we carry our self and meet and greet different experiences in our life. So whether you have something that you're looking forward to, an interview or a date. (tongue clicks) Or something, or you just want to become more alive and confident and in love with your mind and your body and your soul, this practice is gonna be awesome for you. Let's get started. (soft guitar music) Alright let's begin cross legged sitting up nice and tall. Just taking a second to check in with where you're at today. (deep breath) So we're gonna move swiftly throughout this practice so I invite you to really take this moment right here right now, to simply drop the past, drop the day thus far. Kindly put your to do list and what's ahead, maybe you have a big interview or something, a hot date no. Put it aside and drop your pin down right here right now and we'll use the breath to guide us, to just tune in. (soft inhale) Big inhale in through the nose, big exhale out through the nose or the mouth whatever feels good here. (deep outward breath) Just get that breath going, inhale (strong inward breath) and exhale. (strong exhale) Even deeper. (strong inhale and exhale) And last one go ahead and close your eyes. Big breath in. (deep inward breath) Big breath out. (strong outward breath) Awesome, draw the hands to heart namaste, big breath in. (strong inward breath) And then exhale, press the palms forward, spread the fingertips super wide. Create a bunch of energy in the hands here as you press into the base of the palms and then take a second to plug the shoulders in and lift your chest, lift your heart. Inhale in, keep that deep breath going, let it unfold. (inward breath) Give the thinking mind a break and use your breath to just tune in to the sensations of the body. (strong inward breath) And then slowly we're gonna take the hands, dial them all the way over to the left and come into a twist. Try to keep that lift in the heart and the shoulders plugged in just as they were. Open up through the chest, no need to crank here. Work on opening the front body here, finding a little softness in the neck. Great then we release, bring the hands all the way back this time opposite direction, fingertips rotate down. You get a great stretch in the forearm here. We're gonna plug the shoulders in, I call this Thriller Arms. So after this you can listen to the song Thriller to extra boost your confidence, why not? And then dial it over to the right, connect to your center and come into your twist on the other side. Lift the chest, breath deep please, nice long slow deep breaths in and out. (inward and outward strong breaths) Great, then reach the arms all the way back up and forward. We'll flip the palms, ooh airplane and then come all the way forward onto all fours, Tabletop position, Cat-Cow awakening the spine, so good to just stimulate the energy of the body. So drop the belly, open through the chest, mindful of the shoulders here, press into your foundation. (inhales) And on an exhale, rounding through chin to chest (outward breath) stretching the back body. Keep it going here. So a lot of time we can get a little anxious. A little anxiety, feel a little stuck because there is stagnation in the body. And the best way to begin to move that around to break it up and find a little freedom and ease, is to do some spinal work, spinal flexion. Opening of the chest and the heart. (breaths) So I'll just remind you of this, that you can really bring the breath. (exhales) (inhales) And really benefit from your yoga practice. Great come back to that table top position, bring the two big toes together, the knees as wide as your yoga mat. Walk the fingertips all the way out and then inhale, look forward as you send the hips back coming to an active, extended child's pose here. So really active in the arms, you might even lift up the palms come onto the fingertips. This matches my pants this kind of like. (growls) Fierce. Claw. Fierce claw, yoga with fierce claw. Draw the tops of the shoulders away from the ear and then remember when we plugged them in so see if you can pull back a little bit here and then finally melt the head down. If it feels good, forehead to the mat. You can release the palms to the mat and we're gonna take five nice long loving breaths in here. Breathing into the back body, a total surrender. (breaths deeply) Again bring the breath. (deep inward and outward breath) Nurturing the systems of energy, your nervous system. (deep breathing) Stretching through the hips. (deep breath) The back, the shoulders. (outward breath) Forehead presses into the mat for one more breath, if you wanna rock it gently side to side you can, it wouldn't be a bad idea as this is the third eye point or the point of intuition, your inner teacher, your inner wisdom. (breaths) Cool, then press into the palms, inhale look forward, exhale, come all the way back up to all fours. Walk the knees underneath the hip points and when you're ready, curl the toes under and we're gonna make our way to downward facing dog. Go ahead and take your dog for a walk, stretch it out. Find places to lengthen, keep it going with the breath. (heavy breath) Find that support from within, by drawing the naval in and up, hugging the lower ribs in. (strong breath) And then when you're ready. (inward and outward breath) After you've taken a moment to stretch it out and refine, come to a place of stillness. (slow breathing) Breathing deep. (relaxed inward and outward breaths) Awesome, now we're gonna step the right foot up behind the right hand, left foot up behind the left hand. Feet hip width apart here to start, take a nice big forward fold. Stretching out through the hamstrings, crown of the head towards the earth, bend your knees as generously as you like, find what feels good here. (smooth breathing) Swing a little side to side. (inward and outward breath) Great then release the arms and inhale, lift up halfway. Palms to the tops of the thighs, find length through the crown the head, pull the elbows back here. Careful not to lock out through the knees, but keep a little softness, a little support. Connect the feet to the earth, big breath in here. (inward breath) Find length, and then on the exhale let it all go. Awesome work. Tuck the chin into the chest and roll all the way up to your best and most beautiful mountain pose. Now as you stack up through the spine, really press into your foundation, your feet. See if you can cultivate a little energy up from the earth here to support you. So draw up from the arches of the feet. Maybe lift the kneecaps sometime is a helpful action. Tone the quads and open the chest. (deep breathing) Again come into you best and most beautiful Tadasana. Deep in the breath. (outward breath) Create space. (breaths) Lengthen through all four sides of the torso. (strong breath) And then when you're ready we're gonna bring the hands back, interlace the fingertips, draw the knuckles down and away, open up through the chest. (deep breath) Big breaths, in and out. Strong footing, open the chest. (inward breath) Lift your heart and option there to gently lift the chin slight back bent check it out, what feels good in your body. (deep breath) Great then we'll release that, bring the palms together and then just walk the feet in arch to arch. Great so I'm gonna bring the sternum up to the thumbs just warming up the legs, awakening the body, sending awareness throughout the whole body here to feel good. (strong inward breath) And confident, open in the chest. So we're gonna play with a little balancing here but to start we're gonna work out a little stretch in the legs. So just slowly coming up to a little Flamingo pose here. If this is already challenging your balance, bring the hands to the waistline or use fingertips on a wall or on a chair. (breath) So I need you to bring the breath again. (strong breath) Flamingo pose here. Soft and buoyant, not standing knee here so not locked out. Great then send the right fingertips forward, and then slowly we're gonna trace a line all along the right shin and grab the right ankle. Keep the right knee hugging into center, big quad stretch here. (breaths) So if you want more, you can release the left fingertips behind, you know what to do here. (strong breath) Breath deep, keep that lift up through the front body. And keep trying to lengthen through all four sides of the torso. Supporting the spine and the energy of the Chakras in the spine. (strong breath) Beautiful. Now stay here working on balance, so first bus stop is Flamingo, then you have this kind of quad stretch here working on balance, squeezing the inner thighs to the mid line. We're taking it a step further Standing Bow as we bring the right hand to the inner arch of the right foot, the arch of the right foot. Keeping the left thumb here to remind you to lift the sternum here as we inhale, exhale. Slowly, kicking right toes up towards the sky, soft bend in that standing leg, keep the heart open. Breathing deep, woah. (deep breath) So if you fall. (laughs) Beautiful. Come back, catch your balance. Support yourself with your breath. (breathing) So I'm working to kick my right toes all the way up towards the sky, whilst still finding extension towards the back edge of my mat. If you want, taking the left fingertips forward but remember that plugging in of the left shoulder here. (breaths) Breathing deep you got it, one more big breath in and out. (deep breath) Soft gaze. (strong breaths) Focused on the breath. Great to come of the pose we're gonna release wherever you are even if you've fallen out, let's all come here give the right knee a big squeeze in towards the chest, open the heart, plug the shoulders in, life the chest and then exhale, we release. We reconnect we ground down, open the palms, Mountain pose. (deep breaths in and out) Great, palms come together other side. Strong awareness in that standing leg as we peel the left knee up for a little Flamingo. (strong outward breath) So for you dancers it's a little posse. Or if you've always wanted to be a dancer, now you can be one. Yeah. So whether you just need a little lift or you're preparing for something, an audition an interview, like I said a date, a conversation, this is your time to really find support from within. So balancing poses can be a little brutal because they kind of show us when we're not connected right? Uh, and it can be frustrating and we can be hard on ourselves. So the lesson here is to just tend to it. Be kind and gentle with yourself. (breathing) Find support where you need it, with your breath or with the wall. (laughs) And stick with the practice, right we're almost done here. Here we go. (strong breathing) Right hand stay where it is, left fingertips are gonna reach out, find this extension and then slowly lengthen. Grab the left ankle, draw the left knee in. So sorry, keep that length through the left side body is what I meant by lengthen. And then don't rush this, just breath in. Nice quad stretch here opening and awakening. Maybe you want more bringing the right hand back. (strong breath) For stability for balance, don't give up, if you keep falling out of the pose, find something a little point on the ground or a little point on the wall to focus on. Notice if you're clenching in the shoulders or in the face. See if you can keep a softness. Bring a little grace to it or practice. Lift the sternum, maybe taking it a step further we bring the left hand to the arch of the foot, soft buoyant knee. And we grow the posture, just play. Hug the ribs in, keep the chest open. (breaths softly) Kick the left toes up towards the sky, take your time. Focus on the journey. Integrity in the process of refining, balancing literally on one leg. Doing your best, giving it your all. Maybe you take the right fingertips forward, keep that right shoulder plugged in. (deep breath) Take one more breath wherever you are. (deep breath) In and out. (breaths) And then slowly release. Come all the way back through the center. Wherever you are join me now here squeeze that left knee up towards the heart, interlace the fingertips plug the shoulders in, lift the chest and then maybe we lift the chin here. (breaths) Lengthening through the crown. Great, uh. We actually fall out and release with control back to our Mountain pose. Awesome, send the fingertips around opposite finger on top that you had before, interlace the fingertips, draw the knuckles down and away open through the chest. (heavy breaths) Hmm. Let it go. Give yourself a big hug, right on the top. Lift the chest, lift your heart. Strong legs, so bring the feet together here so you have one nice long trunk. (inhale) And then open and then opposite arm on top. Big lift. (slow steady breaths) Beautiful, release. We're gonna turn on out mat so we can take our legs nice and wide here. Standing wide legged forward fold. So take the legs super wide, a great way to gauge this is by sending the fingertips out and join the ankles just about where the wrists are in your mind, it'll be different for everyone. Then turn the big toes in, hands come to the waist line. And we find a lift. If this is not a power pose, I don't know what is. Close your eyes, sit up nice and tall, stand up nice and tall. I was thinking about in hero, this is like how we sit up nice and tall in hero pose. Superhero pose. Now draw energy up from the arches of the feet, press into the outer edges of the feet and try to find a nice even weight in the foot so If you're kind of not paying attention to that big toe see if you can connect big toe to the ground without clenching. Inhale in, draw the shoulder blades together, draw the elbows back. (smooth breathing) Close your eyes. (breathing) And breath. I am bold. I got this. Maybe a mantra of your choice. I am balanced, I am strong, I am poised. Big breath in. (inhales) Big breath out to send the heart forward and down. Crown of the head reaches, keep the length here, nice flat back here as long as possible. And eventually, crown of the head to the earth. So hands are gonna come to the earth here so we'll all be at different levels. You might need to stay here, soft bend in the knees. You might need to come up a bit and work on a block or a chair. If you're growing your practice, try bringing the hands in line with the arches of the feet whilst still keeping this shoulder awareness that we've had throughout this practice, plugging the shoulders in, keeping that awareness through the chest, eventually you'll bring the crown of the head down and we breath here. (inhales) In time, we're building up to a headstand here so you might if you're there in your practice you might come to a little tripod headstand, you might take it all the way up. (exhales) But be where you are today, move slow and mindful. (exhales) And with the breath. So a great place to start is to just be here, don't rush it. Elbows and arms are at two nice right angles, even, pressing into all 10 knuckles firmly. (breaths) If you're working in an inversion, go ahead and slowly, mindfully come out and everyone begin to press into the outer edges of the feet, press into the palms and come all the way back up. Here we go, we're gonna heel toe, heel toe the feet in. Coming into a yoga squat, toes pointing out knees nice and wide. Tops of the thighs have external rotation here so they're rolling out. We're trying to press out through the knees and if you can bring the palms here together. (breaths softly) Alright, option to practice a crow pose here, if you feel like that is necessary for today. Otherwise, stay where you are. Nice low squat, connecting to your roots. (exhales) Opening up through the hips, getting your power shakti on, getting that energy moving up through the spine so you can rock and roll. If you're working in a crow practice keep the mindfulness of the shoulders that we've had all throughout the practice, bring the toes together. It's super important that you work to get the knees up towards the armpit chest, we don't want them resting pressing into the elbows. (exhales) So in time we get them up here, find a nice strong base, gaze forward, look ahead at your beautiful bright future whilst still staying present in your body and in your breath. Here we go. Maybe rock front to back. Finding that lift up through the upper back body. Maybe lift up one toe and then the other breathing deep. Can also just be in a nice little squat. (smooth breathing) Gazes forward, neck is long. Take one more breath wherever you are, strong and steady. Leaning into the challenge. And we'll meet back in this nice yoga squat. Close the eyes. (exhales) And breath. Great, when you're ready, drop the chin to the chest, awesome work my friends. Slowly take the fingertips around to support you in this transition as you come bum to the earth and send the legs out long. Should feel really awesome on the legs after all the work you've done. Go ahead and scooch yourself to the center of the mat. And then Dandasana. Pressing into the heels, palms are gonna come to the sides or fingertips depending on the length of your arms sit up nice and tall. Stick pose or Staff pose, drawing up from the pelvic floor, really connecting to this stick or this staff, not that one, don't get too confident on me, just kidding. Up through the torso, the plumb line. My very serious advanced beautiful point is that, (laughs) Dandasan we also kind of just always come to this shape but we forget that Danda, the Danda is the line from the base of the spine right to the crown. The line of our energy centers. (exhales) The line of energy that we move with and that supports us. And when we take a second to really connect to this or your whole practice, so you're doing awesome, it really does serve us and it really does alter the way we carry ourselves and the way we walk into a room and the way that we meet and greet experiences. Whether we plan for them or not. So take one more breath here in your big, beautiful Dandasana. (laughs) And then if the fingertips are on the earth, go ahead and bring the palms down and everyone press into the palms and dig into the heels and lift your knees. Send the hips back and slowly hands come to the backs of the thighs and with love we roll it back. Hug the knees into the chest, give yourself a big hug, awesome work today. (inhales) Feel supported by your spine here. (exhales) Snuggle the shoulder blades underneath your heart space. Great work, we're gonna bring the left foot down, right foot comes across, ankle over the right. Right ankle over the left thigh sorry and then you know what to do here, interlace. Imagine though, that you're pressing your left foot into a wall here so usually this kind of like dead leg here, see if you can really keep an active foot there and then squeeze the legs all the way up. (exhales) Close you eyes again and feel supported in your spine. (heavy breath) Supported in general. (exhales) Great, release, left foot down. Right foot's gonna keep crossing over and then we're gonna touch right toes to the earth and then you're gonna just lift your hips, send them over to the right side of your mat and then continue this journey down this twist here. If this is too much, you can uncross the legs, open your wings and breath deep. (soft exhale) Cooling off. (inhales) Restoring. (exhales) Lying in your trance of our practice and just simple breath work to settle in. (exhales) From your center, connect to your center to bring it all the way back and we'll switch. Right foot down, cross the left ankle over the right thigh, press off the right toes, and we squeeze the legs up towards the chest, keeping active in both feet. (exhales and inhales deeply) Great, release. Right foot to the earth, continue with the journey of crossing the left leg down, left toes touch the earth, go ahead and lift the hips, bring them over towards the left side of your yoga mat just a hair and then coming into the twist on the other side. Opening through the arms. Should feel yummy here. (exhales) Breathing deep. Let's keep this PJ here. (smooth deep breathing) Great and then connecting again to your core, your center, to come all the way back up. (strong inhale) Happy Baby pose, you know it. Grabbing the outer edges of the feet, lifting the soles of the feet to the sky and finding any movement here that feels good. So you might find extension through the legs, one end and then the other, you might rock around. I encourage you to lengthen the tail bone towards the front edge of your mat. Take one more big breath in here. (inhales smoothly) And then exhale, release, feet to the earth. Ahh, awesome work. So you can rock and roll up into a meditation pose here. If you know you gotta boogy, awesome work. If you have time for a little Savasana here, a little Savasana does go a long way, just even five nice long deep breaths. That's what I'm gonna do here so, opening my arms out gently to the side, extending the legs out long and coming to a place of surrender, of stillness. The last moment of our yoga ritual. I commend you, you should definitely take a breath here of gratitude of appreciation for taking the time to do this. To connect to your breath, your body, but also your soul because you know what? You're freakin' awesome. And our yoga practice can totally support us in being our best and most awesome selves. It just sounds so cheesy but I really believe it, I know it to be true, I've experienced it, so awesome work. (laughs) Thanks so much for sharing your time and your energy with me. I wish you the best in whatever you're headed off and into today and tomorrow or in your future. Let me know how it goes in the comments below, how about that? I'll keep the conversation going. Alright, take good care everyone. Namaste. (soft guitar music)