Alright and 2013 is the year of the snake. So as a little bonus track, we are going to learn Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana. Alright, so hop on the mat and let's learn Cobra. Here we go. (gentle guitar music) Okay, so for Cobra, I'm going to come onto my front, my belly. Like so. Of course, often we will lower down, Chaturanga, or you know, all sorts of yummy transitions into this posture, but we're gonna stick with the basics. Just learn a little bonus Bhujangasana today. So, I'm gonna come onto my belly. Foundations of yoga. Even my uterus alignment that I learn in Mountain Pose, I can use here on my belly. So, tucking my pelvis in, drawing my navel towards my spine. For this beginning posture, keep my heels hip width apart. I'm going to press the tops of my feet firmly into the earth. You know, and God is in the details or the devil's in the details. Choose your side. But I'm gonna press not just the tops of my feet into mat, but all the way extend through my pinky toes. So, I have this bright, bright beautiful awareness of my feet. Pressing into my pelvic bone, drawing my navel towards my spine. What else do I do in my universal alignment, in Tadasana? I roll my shoulders forward, up and back, I hug my elbows in, squeeze my shoulder blades in together and down. Then I'm gonna inhale in, extend through the crown of the head, exhale with my palms underneath my shoulders. I'm going to slowly kiss my forehead to the mat. So, now I'm prepped for my posture. On an inhale, I'm gonna press into all 10 fingerprints. And then press into my foundation, that which is touching the earth. Squeeze my shoulder blades together and nice and slow here, especially for beginners, nice and slow. For everyone really, it's nice to take a nice slow breath in. Baby Cobra as I lift up. Heart is extending forward. I am not crunching in my shoulders. I'm not pinching in my neck and there's not need to overdue this posture. Okay, so, as just a little beginners tool, I'm wanting to see if I can extend that awareness through my entire spine. So, I'm wanting to get a nice, long line from the crown of the head all the way to the tip of the tailbone. So, if I'm crunching here, that's kind of cutting this area off. Eh, it hurts. So, here we go again. Let's come forehead to the mat. Press into my foundation. Hug my elbows in. Spreading awareness through the palms and the tops of the feet. Pressing my pubic bone into the ground. From my foundation, even here, I begin to lift up. So, I'm not really putting a lot of weight in my hands or my feet, but using them to press up and out of, but not collapse into. A lot of times people muscle into this posture. (whining in Spanish) And we end up with this thing. And we're like eh, in the arms. So, even if you don't make it up as high at first, we're building the strength in the back so that eventually we can grow tall here and be effortless and beautiful and have lots of space in the spine, lots of space between the ears and shoulders. But this takes time, man. This takes so much time and lots of full breaths. So, take your time. Inhale, baby Cobra. Here we go. Pressing into the foundation, one last time here. I look forward, squeezing my shoulder blades together, pressing into my foundation. You can even turn your palms up to just check in with the reality, like, are you using your arms to muscle into this posture? Or are we slowly, mindfully building strength in the back? On an exhale I'll float it down and then I like to move in a little flow here to warm up my back. Maybe I grow to a mama Cobra. And then maybe, eventually in time, I squeeze my elbows to the side and move into my big daddy Cobra. But all in time. So... Check in, see where you're at today. Happy New Year 2013, the year of the snake. In kids yoga we get in this posture and we come up and go (hiss). It's kind of fun so, if you want to tap in to your inner child, you can try that (hissing) hissing sound. (gentle guitar music)