what's up everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene I am Adriene and today we're going to learn a short little sequence a quick little practice to help prepare your body and your mind for chaturanga chaturanga can be this sort of like panic thing for a lot of people and so here are three things that we're going to practice today to just help build strength and integrity in the body so that we can perform chaturanga one day with ease and with a happy mind and body and heart let's hop on the mat and learn it [Music] all right to begin we're going to come to all 4 today the first thing we're going to learn is called hovering catch so you come to a tabletop position and just check in first with your foundation pressing up and out of the palms pressing into the tops of the feet and we travel up to check in with our alignment making sure the wrists are directly underneath the shoulders knees directly underneath the hip points so we combine those two here in tabletop position now what's our action drawing the navel up making sure that the neck is nice and long so the gaze is straight down perhaps we draw the shoulders away from the ears so rather than clenching here we create space now we take a deep breath in and on an exhale I engage the core I wake up my Center by lifting the kneecaps now it doesn't have to be a big lift here it can just be a small hover and that's all you really need to check in with the body now things are want to break down really fast see if you can instead of letting things break down you can go through your checklist finding integrity by perhaps drawing the navel up towards the lower back by maybe letting the tailbone lengthened down almost as if you're tucking the pelvis here again we already talked about drawing the shoulders away from the ears instead of collapsing into the wrists here I'm pressing up and out of the palms I take one more breath here and then exhale release great curl the toes under walk it back for a rest yaeh take a second to maybe loop the wrist if that feels good you can kind of breathe into the feet here get your money's worth a little Yoga for the feet moment let's take a deep breath in and on an exhale we let it go and then we dive back onto all fours four more all right let's try again again going through our checklist alignment action drawing that navel up towards the spine a couple of things since I can't be there in real life with you at this moment tendency is for us to kind of forget about the neck we're either here or we're here and and I want us to be considering again the neck a nice long extension of this line of the spine so check in with that before you even let the knees hover the other thing is the belly usually there's a tendency here especially in the gals to drop so see if you can tuck the pelvis and draw the navel up towards a lower bag then another tendency is to kind of let the shoulder blades just kind of collapse and back body is not awake this is more common in men but this is a great tip for everyone to press up and out of the palms draw the shoulders away from the ears to open the chest and then see if you can broaden through your upper back so that we're not collapsing into the shoulder joints here but rather lifting up finding that energetic lift up so after all that and that was a lot I do realize we'll take a deep breath in and exhale try again let the knees hover going through our checklist again everyone's different you might notice a shake here or a little like tremble in the body that's prana the energy moving throughout the body waking up those muscles use this as an opportunity to deepen the breath even if it sounds like this all right and gently release curl the toes under walk it back for a rest all right let's do one more three of them we got this here we go diving back to all fours finding our tabletop position inhale in on an exhale a small hover a barely lift again so we're not lifting SuperDuper high but just enough and that's all it takes imagine you're in a plank pose here visualize imagine what this feels like as you hover imagine what it might do to your plank I guess I'm trying to say visualize what's happening internally inhale in and on an exhale release great awesome guys take a second to roll the race and then shake it out all right the second thing we're going to do is a little vinyasa so we're going to start on all fours tabletop position find your integrity and then this time we're going to walk the knees towards the midline so walk your knees into Center and find yourself in a half plank here so the wrists are directly underneath the shoulders but I'm able to tuck my pelvis I might even lift my toes my ankles here for fun it's also sometimes just kind of helps me when I lift my toes helps me remember to tuck my pelvis so take a deep breath in here and exhale out just kind of finding the half plank here this nice long line from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone my shirts kind of bagging here today but I'm drawing my navel in towards my spine and then I'm going to draw my shoulders away from the ears and look forward take a deep breath in on an exhale bend the elbows keep them hugging in towards the side body bend them halfway then inhale press back up then we're going to send it back curling the toes under into kind of a pranaam here or a child's pose variation then we come back to half plank inhale in look forward gazes forward chin is lifting exhale hugging the elbows into the side body we slowly lower down halfway inhale press back up all ten fingerprints pressing down strong and exhale we send it back pronoun forehead might release to the mat here and now we continue on moving with the breath inhale to half plank exhale looking forward to slightly lifted we bend the elbows hug them into the side body halfway inhale press into the palms to lift it back up and exhale send or back inhale up through exhale hug the elbows in lower halfway inhale press back up keeping an extension as long as you can in the crown of the head and then exhale we release he inhaled a half plank draw the navel up towards the spine tuck your pelvis notice that the elbows are wanting to go out like a military push keep them hugging in lots of integrity inhale in exhale halfway pressing back up and sending it back pranaam inhale half plank looking forward exhale halfway inhale press back up and exhale turn on let's do one more we got this inhale knee will draws up towards a spine we shift forward gaze is forward this is going to help us in chaturanga later we hug the elbows in and lower halfway inhale back to half plank and exhale relax this time can take the palms together and draw them up and over the back of the neck walking the elbows forward we just take a moment here to breathe and rest all right the final thing we're going to learn today is a pose called knees chest and chin and we actually recently did a foundations video for this pose so if you'd like you can check that out too all right we just go a little bit deeper into it so again I'm going to start on all fours and then I'm going to curl the toes under draw the navel to the spine and send it up to downward dog for this one okay so find your downward dog here this might be your first downward dog of the day so make sure you don't rush yourself again don't let anyone rush you peddle your feet now knees chest Chen is the order we're going to move in I'm going to draw my navel up towards my spine come up onto my tippy tip toes draw the navel in as you shift forward I slowly lower to the knees first I take my gaze forward just as I did in the vinyasa before keeping the chin lifted moving nice and slow here just for demonstration I hug the elbows in I keep the pelvis rocking the hips high as I slowly lower the chest in the chin pause here breathe slightly awkward to talk to you from here sorry and then I'm going to slowly release sliding the toes out coming on to the pelvic bone and then you might loop the shoulders and lift up to a baby call right here on an exhale we release curl the toes under come back to all fours nice let's try that again here we go sending the sit bones up to down dog deep breath in and long exhale out great inhale draw the navel up towards the spine shifting forward we come up onto the toes slowly we lower the knees keep the hips lifted then comes the chest and the chin hip points stay high inhale in and then exhale sliding through inhale lift up and exhale back to all fours okay so we're going to do it one more time but quick note when you start to sink down knees chest especially chin there is this tendency that once the chest hits you're like bah I made it spill all your guts everywhere so on this next one see if you can keep the integrity that you have here in that lowering down so rather than just spilling everything into the earth rather than letting all your weight go see if you can keep an aliveness particularly in the back body and as we squeeze those elbows in so let's try it one more time here we go coming to downward facing dog deep breath in and long exhale out great inhale coming up on the tippy tip toes navel draws up let me begin to shift forward knees chest and chin keep breath in then exhale slide through deep breath in as you come up to your Cobra or maybe your up dog and then exhale release awesome bring your hands in front of you and maybe use your forms as a pillow okey-dokey smokey so that was a short sequence that you can either practice on its own or you can maybe implement with other practices in your day I do believe that it's important to work from the inside out so hopefully these things are helping you kind of connect to your insides that sounds weird but I think you know what I'm talking about or what we just did but hopefully this will just help you you know grow awareness from the inside out so it's not just about these guys all the time right it's about core strength and working from the inside out if that makes sense if it doesn't hop on over to my blog and I'll try to make it make sense for you leave questions and comments below sign up for the newsletter if you're not already on board we'd love to have you if you want to be and yeah we'll see you next time have a beautiful day let's see [Music] [Music]