- Hi everyone and welcome to Yoga with Adriene. I'm Adriene and today we have an awesome chair yoga sequence for you. So you're gonna need a chair and preferably one with no arms. Hop into something comfy and let's get started. (upbeat music) Alright, my friends, thank you for choosing this practice. Let's begin. Sit up nice and tall. You wanna get to where your feet are firmly planted on the floor so your whole foot's on the ground. And if that's not happening for you, then you can bring some pillows or some blankets, or just find something, get creative, to bring the earth up to your feet. So you can pause the video and do that. And then if you're leaning back in your chair, go ahead and sit up tall. We'll start to just slowly activate the muscles that help us find length up through the spine. So inhale, lengthen through the crown. Imagine a little marionette string just pulling you up from the crown. And let your hands just rest gently wherever is natural, on the knees, on the thighs. Then inhale deeply as you lift your heart, and then exhale, relax your shoulders down your back body. So you're just bringing more awareness and more integrity into the body but specifically to this line of the spine, right, this plumb line, this center channel. There is all of these meridians of energy, or in yoga we call them the nadis. Not naughty but nadi. And they run through the spine, right. Sometimes we refer to the major points as chakras. But whatever you wanna rock in your mind and in your body, we're just gonna take some time to breathe, to slow it down and find mobility in a way that's soft and gentle but also really supportive and beneficial. So, when you are ready, we'll start with the soles of the feet. Lift the toes, press all four corners of the feet down, then lower the toes. Lift the toes and lower the toes. Lift the toes and lower the toes. And one more time lift the toes. Spread the toes and release, great. Lift the heels one at a time, then feel that tone, that engagement of the quad. Lift the heels, keep lifting, lifting, lifting. Lift your heart. Open your mind to a new experience. And then lower the heels. Here we go. Inhale, lift the heels. Exhale, lower. Good, inhale, lift the heels. Sit up nice and tall, and exhale, lower. Inhale, lift the heels. And exhale, lower. One more time. Inhale, lift the heels. And exhale, lower. Awesome! Inhale, extend right leg out just as much as you can, so you don't take on the full extension unless it goes there, then great. But just bring it up as much as you can. We're engaging our muscles here so draw the navel in and up a bit. And then you're just gonna spread the toes here, flex the foot and then point the foot. Flex and point. It's all connected, one moving part. Flex and point. Flex and point. Two more times. Flex and point. Flex, sit up nice and tall, and point. And now here we go, rotating big circles here as you bring it down one way, and then the other. Cool! Other side. Extend the left leg out. So find your extension today. Engage muscles of the core to support the back, sit up nice and tall. Here we go. Flex and point. Flex and point. Flex and point. Flex and point. One more time. Flex and point. And then rotating circles as you bring it down. Rotate the ankle one way and then the other. And then your foot comes down to the ground. Awesome! Okay, here we go. Interlace the fingertips. You're gonna grab the right knee and slowly squeeze and lift. So imagine that femur bone. We're kind of squeezing everything in, you can use the chair to ground down and then lift up here, so we're not here but we're doing our best to lift up through the armpit chest and squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. Okay, so everyone will be a little bit different here. If you can't quite squeeze, you can bring a little towel, like a dish towel even to be extensions of your arms here and hold it here. Squeeze. Then one more breath here squeezing and lifting. (inhales and exhales) And then take that right shin and you're gonna cross it over the top of the left thigh. Then flex your right foot here, bring your left hand to the outer edge of your right foot if you can, and then bring your right hand to the top of your right thigh. And we create this figure four here then sit up nice and tall. Now if you wanna deepen this and you're practicing with me and you want a little more, you can bring it to the elbow crease and lift the leg up, okay? But there's really no need to push it. Great. One more breath. Fabulous! We're coming back to the squeeze. So interlace the fingertips around your right knee, squeeze. Then we're gonna slowly extend the right leg out. You're gonna slide your hands now to the hamstring, to the back of the leg, and extend it out super long, long, long, long, long, long, and then bring it all the way down. Fabulous. Other side, interlace. Here we go. Left knee squeezes in and up. Couple yummy breath cycles here. So you really gotta bring a breath, squeeze and lift. (inhales and exhales) (inhales and exhales) Just working where you are today. Appreciating your body and all its glory, all its beauty, all its limitations. Be thankful for this body that you have, it's the only one you got. So it's never too late to instill this relationship of kindness and love with your body. When you're ready, we're gonna squeeze and lift, one more breath, and then we'll flex the foot and cross it over, creating that figure four shape on the other side. Grab your foot. And then left hand is gonna come down to just gently guide the top of the thigh bone there around and down. So, I've been practicing yoga for a long time and the benefits are really wonderful so I'm able to sit up tall here. I just wanna honor it and recognize and let you know, if you are finding that you're sweating a little bit here just sitting up tall, you can one, rest in a chair, or use your breath, inhale, breathe in your belly, and exhale, relax your shoulders to slowly start to build more stability right around this spinal column. So you can sit up tall and have a posture that isn't causing pain. A conscious posture. Take one more breath wherever you are here. Something that's sustainable, sustainable posture. Cool, then interlace the fingertips, come back to the squeeze. The big squeeze. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. Then slide, interlace fingertips behind, slide them behind and when you are ready extend your extension, extend the left leg as long as you can, inhale, and exhale slowly, lower down. Beautiful. Hands are gonna come back to the tops of the thighs, re-situate, reset with a deep breath in. Exhale out through the mouth. Beautiful. Right hand comes to the other left thigh. And you're gonna bring your left fingertips either to the back of the chair, or maybe you swing it all the way around. You're just gonna find a little gentle twist here. You can come up onto the toes if you like for a little more leverage, breathing deep. Imagine your inhale really traveling down to your belly, so we're not breathing up but we're breathing down. We're gonna come back to center and take it to the other side nice and slow. Twist, release, flushing the body. If you really want the benefits of a twist, use that directional breath, right, don't breathe up but breathe, send that breath all the way down. Cool beans. Bring it back to center, inhale, squeeze the shoulders up to the ears. Exhale, release. Inhale, squeeze and lift. And release. One more time. And release. Awesome work. Drop the chin to the chest. Stay here breathing deep. Wrap the shoulder blades around the back body so really firm the shoulder blades behind your heart space. And then inhale, lift the chin parallel to the earth again, and exhale, left ear over left shoulder. Stay here, breathe deep. Great. Inhale, back up to center, exhale, right ear over right shoulder. Tag a little weight in the elbows here, my friends, breathe deep. Awesome. Inhale, come back up to center, here we go. We're gonna slowly bring the feet over towards the right of the chair. And then you're gonna bring your right foot. We're going into Warrior Two, a supported Warrior Two. Bring your right foot firmly to the ground, front knee over front ankle. And you're gonna use your core strength. So think up, draw the energy up, navel draws in and up to slowly walk, and you can also use your hand on the chair to slowly walk your foot out, turn the left toes in, and then slide back so your hamstring is supported here. Virabhadrasana Two with the chair. And then just stay here, feel it out. Really drop your center, turn left toes in. And then you can stay here with hands on the chair, breathing deep. Pull that right hip crease back so that squeeze move we did here, imagine that. And then hands can stay on the chair or maybe we're sending the fingertips out, really working from the ground up here, lifting the chest. Now, if this is not available to you, then, so if you are here, then breathe deep directional breath, then you're just going to bring one foot forward kind of creating a right angle, and then the right foot to the side. So one foot forward, one to the side, and work here. So wherever you are, directional breath, breathing deep, inhaling deeply, exhaling completely. Inhaling deeply and exhaling completely. Think about lifting all four sides of the torso here so the front, the back, and both side bodies nice and long. Take one more breath, you got this. I know the arms are tired, you got this. And then exhale, bring the hands to your heart and make your way back to center. Use your feet on the earth to come all the way back so we'll stay connected to the ground. Great, let's try the other side. Really nice work. So release the hands. We'll walk the feet towards the left, just check it out. Plant the left foot firmly and then start to walk the right foot back. You can use the chair to guide you. Turn the right toes in, really press into the outer edge of that back foot, and then use the chair to really support the belly of the hamstring here. And then open up through the hips, lift and lengthen all four sides of the torso. Maybe you keep the hands down or maybe you send the fingertips out. If you feel good there stay there, or maybe you bring the foot back and this is better for you, creating this 90 degree angle with the tops of the thigh bones and breathing deep. Okay, inhale lots of love in, love your body, love this life, explore space so reach way beyond the fingertips here. Take energy way out beyond the physical posture. Notice where you might be gripping or holding, soften. And we'll take one more breath. Breathing really down, down, down into the belly. And then exhaling, hands to heart. Awesome work. Here we go. Use the toes, feet on the ground to come back to center. Take your time, take your time. Wonderful. Then walk your bum just a little bit closer to the edge than we had before. And we'll inhale, sit up nice and tall, release the hands, and then keep this upward kern of energy, think up and over. So actually imagine you were holding a beach ball here at your belly. So you have a big, big ball here and you're gonna go up an over until Forward Fold. Nice and slow, when you are ready, the spine starts to round. You can release the fingertips wherever it feels comfortable and you're gonna bring your head towards your knees. Now you might just get this far, you might stay up pretty tall. You might need to make adjustments with where you're sitting on the chair. But you wanna get to a place where you can take some solid, delicious feel-good, let-go breaths. (inhales and exhales) Then as you inhale in here, my friends, feel the skin of the back body stretch. Can you experiment with that? Can you feel the rise or the fall? Let the breath move you. (inhales and exhales) (inhales and exhales) Take one more cycle of breath, let it be full. (inhales and exhales) And then at first bring the hands up to the thighs, then plant the feet firmly, really feel the feet, pressing into the earth as you tuck the chin and slowly roll it up. And then as you roll it up feel that flush of energy. The blood flow opposite direction. And if you need to, if that was a big move for you, you can bring the hands to the chair for a little more stability, a little grounding. In case you got a little dizzy here, a little head rush. Great. Take a deep breath in. Exhale out through the mouth. (exhales loudly) Again inhale in through the nose, come on. (inhales) Exhale, let something go. (exhales loudly) And one more time, let's sigh it out. Inhale. With sound. (exhales loudly) Wonderful. Open your eyes. Take a little moment to just notice how you feel. Tap into a little inner smile, maybe even lift the corners of your mouth slightly, and we'll bring the hands together at the heart to seal our practice. Thank you so much for sharing your time and your energy with me and the rest of the community, everyone practicing with you through this video. Let us know how it went down below. Questions, comments always welcome. Subscribe to the Yoga with Adriene channel if you haven't already. Share it with your friends and your family. And take good care. I'll see you next time. Namaste. (upbeat music)