what's up everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene I am Adriene and welcome to the foundations of yoga today we're going to learn chair pose or utkatasana or cat asana or just go actually or they also call it the fierce pose the fiery pose we're going to check in with the lower body stay nice open and graceful in the upper body and learn the foundations of chair pose so let's hop to it oh you know so we're going to begin today standing and Mountain Pose go ahead and bring your feet flush together and stand up nice and tall take a deep breath in then exhale drop your gaze drop your chin to your chest and take your eyeballs down towards your feet so we're going to start the feet here lifting the toes perhaps pressing into the ball joint of the big toe the ball jointed the pinky toe and the back two corners of the heels then release your toes down and then we're going to create this a little bit of space between the heels so keep the front part of your foot where it is soft knees here as we slide the heels open maybe just about a thumb prints worth so the tops of the thighs spiral in we take a deep breath in bring the hands to the waistline and on an exhale bend your knees generously so this is foundations of yoga so we're breaking it down so what tends to happen here is the the butt pelvis sticks out the lower back sways and the ribcage just kind of pushes out this looks awkward because it is and it's uncomfortable so we're going to take care of this tops of the thighs are going to spiral in very important go ahead and bring one palm to your belly one palm to your lower back lower back is going to lengthen and the way we're going to do that is we're going to draw the tailbone down now keep your knees bent my friends and again a little bit of space between your two heels if this is hurting your knees and you still want to practice the foundations of utkatasana go ahead and practice the us with the feet hip-width apart big toes turned in just slightly so we have an option to be here or here but I want to teach this with the feet flush together to start because I feel like that will help you those of you who've been practicing asking me about this posture hope you in your practice okay so tailbone is lengthening down use your hands here to draw the lower belly in lengthen the tailbone down great that hands can come back to the waistline here and we draw the chin into the chest just slightly find that length through the back of the neck so another thing that tends to happen is we end up being here so again we're breaking it down finding length in the neck the quads are starting to talk to you I ran yesterday so my legs are definitely starting to talk to me all right begin to shift your weight a little front and back now again just feeling out the feet and then I'm going to rock back and imagine my sit bones hovering over my heels so for me this is like the the tip of all tips in okay tossing for me and my body is imagining my sit bones melting down over my heels so that's a nice little alignment tip for me again notice how as we hang out here longer the tail bones going want to come out to compensate for the kind of engaging of the quads so be strong hang on tuck your pelvis lengthen tailbone down find that open lift in the heart draw your shoulder blades in together and down the back and then on a swift breath in we'll send the fingertips up towards the sky now keep the shoulders plugged in here so here's an example of being here and then opening and plugging in bend the elbows in fact soft elbows as much as you need here as you spread the fingertips then we're going to see the little deeper bending the knees and again you can imagine sit bones hovering over the heels here now remember that lengthen the back of the neck so many things that's why we have foundations of yoga I love it and I'm lifting my toes here to really spread awareness throughout all four corners of the feet so again I started us down at the feet so you can keep your gaze soft here of course peek at the video when you need - and start at the feet and travel up drawing energy up from the arches of the feet can relax the toes down whenever you want tops of the thighs are spiraling inward bending at the knee sit bones hover over the heels tailbone lengthens down as the lower belly draws in now we've been talking on the channel a lot about this knitting of the lower ribcage and so once again I'll show you just this visual it's the lower ribs drawing in so rather than just sticking out hey mom hey honey I'm drawing it in tailbone lengthens down and the lower ribcage begins to come in like we're focusing a pair of binoculars or of course that kind of drawing in so I'm engaging these intercostal so a lot going on here so often we just kind of isolate the lower body but the upper body is working hard to hear a new guitar soon a fiery pose for sure so rest when you need to and come back we're going to loop the shoulders again open the heart open through the chest now turn your pinkies in towards the front edge of your mat and allow the tops of the shoulders to drop down into socket so these are all little checkpoints of chair pose and maybe we sit a little bit deeper after a break or two and then eventually if we go ahead and take a break everyone stand up nice and tall eventually we're going to work to where we're getting the backs of the thighs more parallel with the earth but just take your time working with integrity working with alignment if you want to focus on the lower body you can interlace the fingertips behind the tail open up through the chest and then just focus your awareness on lower body so the arms aren't getting tired up there hands on the waistline is also a good place to just kind of practice with weight distribution and also that lengthening of the tailbone all right so I'm going to inhale reach my fingertips up one more time sink really deep knit the lower cajon go through my checklist nice long beautiful neck as the gaze goes straight down in front of my nose I take one more nice fiery breath here and then exhale everyone's going to enjoy this move as we press through all four corners of the feet stand up nice and tall lift your kneecaps and a jerkwads full body stretch and exhale palms back down at the heart great work everyone okey doke so that was the foundations of chair pose or utkatasana this is a pose that has definitely unfolded for me it sounds cheesy but it's so true I used to hate it a lot of teachers always joke about it being everyone's favorite pose but I actually do like this pose now so I know you know I wouldn't lie to you so stick with it return to this video keep going through your checklist within this posture it's nice to slow it down at home with your home practice because sometimes in public class you just move too swiftly or not too swiftly but you move swiftly you can't quite get into all the little nooks and crannies of the pose so I wish you the best and as you discover how Katonah unfolds keep digging through the foundations of yoga playlist and of course leave any questions or comments below I love hearing from you guys there's more at yoga with Adriene comm subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and I'll see you next time namaste you