good evening everyone and welcome to yoga with Adriene I am Adriene and you requested it we are going to learn a bedtime yoga sequence today this is great for all levels if you're not getting ready for bed this is a great sequence for relaxation just kind of distressing the body rejuvenating the body but if you are ready for bed you're in the right place maybe you've had a long day at work or you've been on your feet all day and you're still in your work clothes or maybe you're in your sexy yoga pants what I'm going to invite us all to do myself included is to go into another room or the matter what room you're in go change into something comfortable okay put on the most comfy thing that you own okay right now okay so now that we're in our comfy clothes hopefully you paused it and put on your favorite old shirt your comfy pants you can go in the nude for all I care and just make sure you're comfortable for this sequence okay let's hop on the mat for a little bedtime yoga [Music] okay so hopefully you've changed into something comfortable you're in your pajamas even already maybe you've even taken a second to wash your face or brush your teeth if you want to go straight to bed if you're really having trouble sleeping and hoping to find some relief here just pause and make sure you're ready to go so that we can really find the relaxation and really find what it is that we're looking for here in the sequence as we signal the mind in the body to get ready for bed okay so once we've arrived on the mat we feel good we're going to come into a nice cross-legged position here you can sit up on a blanket lift the hips or maybe you have a block or we've talked about sitting on books even anything anything to help support this length in the spine this straight spine so if you feel like you're already here kind of crumpled to begin with let's see if we can lift this the sitting bones up lift the hips up to give ourselves a little bit more of a fighting chance we'll come in to sukhasana nice cross-legged position the hands can rest gently on the knees here or maybe we take one palm into the other here resting the hands in the lab you choose take a second to roll up through the spine find that length lift and lengthen through the crown of the head and draw the tops of the thighs down relax the skin of the face soften your eyelids or close your eyes and I'm going to do my best today in this sequence name try to be really mindful to guide you with my voice so that whenever possible you can keep a soft gaze or maybe your eyes closed and not have to necessarily look at the video the whole time or even better if you're returning to the video if you favor to the video I want to keep coming back to it then as time goes on we won't be looking at the video at all just using my voice and kind of closing the eyes getting a little bit drowsy prepared for bed okay I did it myself got a little drowsy there okay sitting up nice and tall soft gaze eyes closed you choose find this natural lift in the heart and then on an inhale draw your shoulders up towards your ears no tension I don't want to say squeeze but just draw your shoulders all the way up to your earlobes take a deep breath in maybe hug the lower belly in just slightly and then on and exhale relax it back down shoulders elbows down neck nice and long so a little bit of our vocabulary here today is slow and unhurried we're rushing all day we're working all day and just continue to deepen the breath here as I talk a little bit so in this practice we are going to give ourselves permission to slow down we can just signal the brain signal the body that it's time for a rest a couple more times here inhale drawing the shoulders up to the ear nice slow and steady movement as I move with the breath and then exhale looping the shoulders elbows draw down long beautiful neck inhale shoulders drawl up deep breath in looping them down heart stays lifted open chest open collarbone one more inhale shoulders or eyes and then exhale shoulder blades in and together and down and taking a second here to check in with the neck drawing a line with the nose up and down nice and slow and then left to right nice and easy nothing fancy here ask yourself are you kind of already just going through our yoga sequence motions are we opening ourselves up to the sensations like really paying attention to the sensations of the body here again inviting the mind to rest or become closer to that point of rest now taking in a couple circles drawing circles with the nose maybe your back is tired from sitting at a desk all day in that case keep the heart lifted tops of the thighs sound support your body just about my mic with my chin there's sorry go one way and then the other and then when you feel satisfied come back to Center align your head over your heart your heart over your pelvis now close your eyes and we're gonna take ten solid nice smooth deep breaths just very gently again unhurried inviting the body and the mind to connect via the breath here so if you've had a busy day or even particularly stressed out the breath can be an awesome tool for quieting the mind signaling the brain to slow down signaling the body to soften again no rush take a couple moments here to just be with the breath in and out in and out relax the area between your two eyebrow relax your jaw if you feel inspired to let an exhale out through the mouth please find what feels good let it go maybe you begin to drop into your ujjayi breath the victorious breath an audible breath that the mind can anchor on take one more deep breath in through the nose and this one go ahead and let it out through the lips like you're blowing out birthday cake candles can make a wish if you wanted to - alright palms come in to the knees here as I inhale nice easy spinal flex elbows draw down heart lifts up open the throat chakra and then exhale close your eyes chin to chest rounding forward massage your booty releasing the lower back here couple more times move at your own pace notice the thoughts that come up I think yoga's is often misinterpreted that we're supposed to clear our minds and people freak out because they're like I can't clear my my ex I had a great comment the other day from viewer from a friend saying I just simply cannot get my mind to stop in fact it seems to race even more when I hop on the mat so cut yourself a break acknowledge the thoughts don't ignore them it's about the practice not the doing right it's the the process not the goal so as you do your spinal flex here notice the thoughts that come up or maybe the stresses the things that are worrying you and acknowledge them and embrace them by acknowledging them by becoming aware of them we give the mind the body even the heart if you will permission to let them go just for the moment maybe we can let them go for the whole night improving the quality of our sleep by rest knowing that we can always pick them out tomorrow morning if we want just ask yourself if they're helpful to you right now and if the answer is no let it go come back to the breath inhale rising up to Center smile will bring the fingertips to our side now let the armpit chest lift up here so most of our shoulders round forward we're human we do a lot of this so let the armpit chest kind of lift here the heart opens fingertips come to grace the earth I'm at a nice and easy gentle open the right palm and draw a line with the right fingertips all the way up and over I can stay on my left fingertips here lots of space or if it feels good I'll press into the full palm and come into a nice organic side body stretch this will look a little bit different for everyone but I do encourage you to avoid the rounding forward and see if we can open up through the heart here gonna do plenty of forward folds later and for this bedtime yoga this is why I encourage you to get in your PJs or something comfy rather than working on the perfect asana shape close your eyes soften into the sensations find a little movement some swaying motion and again this can be a great tool this movement for quieting the mind or at least letting go of the busy day letting go of the thoughts the stresses that things that are on our plate one more deep breath here extend through the crown of the head right hip point pulling down from here take a second maybe slowly look up open and close the hand a couple times if you've been working in a computer this might be great for the wrist and then coming through rounding the spine through Center so instead of sweeping through centering around the spine and take it to the other side from here again inspiring or encouraging this kind of organic movement this empowerment to find what feels good and address your body right everyone's different we all did different things today we all are carrying different things and our hearts and our minds our bodies and our glutes so again rather than here huh I'm moving I'm encouraging you to address what's going on in the body this is going to get us prepared for a nice sweet sleep nice lumber this evening mmm extend through the crown of the head maybe make sure you're breathing and then we'll round forward to come back through oh we didn't open and close the handouts open and close his hand in fact let's go ahead and open and close both hands here maybe draw a couple circles with the wrists and then from here roll it up nice deep inhale in through the nose and exhale out through the mouth citizen taking one heel in doesn't matter which one we're not even gonna we don't we're trying to relax our brains not not stimulate them per se so one foot in one foot out so rather than crossing the ankles we have them lying next to each other your knees might be here that's okay you can put pillows here you can sit up on a blanket or block taking a second here to reach the fingertips behind the ears sit up nice and tall draw your navel in towards your spine sigh body is nice and long from before take a second here to just pull the thumbs slightly back just slightly so we're not tugging her but just light inhale in exhale go up and over as we lean forward palms are gonna come to the earth and what I mean by up and over is I'm not collapsing in the spine like this is one thing and this is the other I'm enjoying the journey keeping the length as I come forward now there are a couple of different variations here I can just sit here in my hips maybe relax the weight of the head over relax the jaw Chinese medicine we connect the jaw to the hips a lot of people connect cha to the hips and so relax the jaw here as we breathe into the hips to go a little further I can come on to the forearms if I still feel like there's space there I might soften all the way down bringing my forehead to my wrist if you have a pillow nearby or a blankie or a block it's very calming very relaxing even if you don't need it you're four it can go all the way to your wrist it's very nice to have this pressure and the third I hear this calming point here as I rest forward breathing into the hips breathing into the lower back take a nice deep breath massaging the internal organs rinsing the body clean rinsing the day away then lift up from your heart we'll press into the palms consider lifting from your heart so open open chest here as I come up moving nice and slow and then switching to the other leg so opposite foot comes in opposite foot goes out once again I inhale reach the fingertips behind the ears all the way up creating space take a deep breath in keep this length and melt it for coming into the other hip now this will most likely right be different than the other side I can sway my way down this time I can stay here I can relax the forearms down I might come to a pillow blanket or a block we're resting on the forearms if the mind is still a monkey mind or buzzing like a bee which it is I'm sure remember the practice is just coming back to the breath each time using that breath as a tool to quiet the mind and signal the body that we're slowing down for the day take a deep breath in and lift up from your heart pressing into the palms pressing into the fingertips we lift open hard as we come up and then taking bodycon us and cobblers pose soles of the feet come together here now instead of drawing the heels all the way up towards the center we're gonna give ourselves a little bit of space here for bedtime yoga take your thumbs massage the arches of your feet a little bit here and begin to just tap into that breath a little more calming the nervous system won't take the time to talk about how important it is to rub your feet especially at nighttime and if you have someone in your house that might be willing to trade you I would say that's good for your soul and good for bedtime and if you don't don't go into toxic thought world just stick with your feet you got it you got to pay me rub your own feet it's actually a practice in itself gets better with practice inhale grab the ankles lift up nice and tall remember that lift in the heart and keeping a flat back here we're gonna go nose to toes even if the nose don't touch the toes that's where we're headed and it reaches on you can keep your hands on the ankles here you can interlace the fingertips around the toes those thing I'm keeping a flat back here breathe into the belly inhale in and exhale rising up inhaling again this time rounding the spine bending the elbows left to right we go flat back as long as we can and then eventually we let it round over breathing into the lower back the kidneys breathing into the hips relaxing the weight of the head over [Music] [Music] see if you can begin to extend your inhalation extend the exhale make it longer smoother sweeter when you're satisfied press into the soles of the feet press into the outer edges the feet and roll it up stacking the spine we'll take our fingertips to the outer edge of the knees and closing them here coming into just a little pod here and even know what we call this heels come to the sit bones closed if if yeah if you need a little more space that's okay right to each his own I had a bigger can't talk about racks and bedtime yoga let's keep it chill okay drain draw the knees together interlace the fingertips inhale in exhale bowing forward humming the nervous system here maybe the forehead comes to the knees take a second here to remember your vocabulary no rush slow unhurried maybe you add a couple more words to that gratitude relief stillness then slowly rolling up we're gonna come on to our tones here what nice and slow though so the feet if they're tired if you've crammed them into your work boots or your high heels or your platforms or your flippy floppies depending on what you get to wear to work this is great open the knees wide I can use my palms here I can use my fingertips as much as I need if I don't need them then I might come up a little bit higher take a deep breath inhale in smile and then on and exhale everyone keep the heels together knees wide we're gonna walk the palms forward send the sit bones shining back just a bit here as I melt the heart to the earth arms are extending nice and long on the way to the head goes down breathe maybe begin to dome the upper back a little bit here rounding the spine again finding that micro movement letting the muscle fibers the connective tissues slowly unravel soften and relax and let go preparing the body for rest from here inhale look forward you're gonna come onto all fours if you want to sneak in a little cat-cow action here you totally can always just seems appropriate here I'm all for us to making a little cat-cow but I'm gonna cross the ankles and I'm gonna come to lie down so I'm actually gonna turn this way but gently crossing through the ankles or you can sidesaddle I just come to lie flat on your back adjust your clothing do whatever you have to do and then inhale reach the fingertips up for a nice full body stretch inhale breathe in the day and then exhale let it go inhale spread the fingertips and toes exhale let it go one more like that inhale exhale let it go great floating the fingertips down palms are gonna come just set our sides here I'm gonna hug one knee in let's go let's let's let's go ahead and say right knee so I want to keep it loose but else I don't want to keep you wondering so let's do right knee I'm going to interlace the fingertips around the shin here and draw my right knee in towards my heart breathing into the belly here I'm going to press into my left heel [Music] rotate the right ankle one way and then the other notice if your shoulders have begun to kind of crawl up to your ears here this is normal this is natural make sure we take a second here to walk the shoulders down away from the ears find again that and chest that open-heart from here Neves trawling all the way up towards the heart towards the chin top of the left thigh is drawing down eyes are soft or my eyes are closed and then from here I'm gonna just open up just micro movement again open up the right knee to be more towards the right shoulder so before I was drawing it towards the chin now I'm gonna open it up to draw it towards the right shoulder I can stay here maybe i hook my right elbow to my right knee and then maybe I bring my left palm just to kind of guide this left hip point down now we were active in the feet permission now to inhale in and exhale relax the feet notice if there's any shift in the right hip crease here soften through your fingertips relax or jog and keep returning back to the sound of the breath my friends inhale in on an exhale we're gonna take both hands to that right knee and gently guide it across the body into a little twist so a couple of options options here I can hook my right toes around the back of that left thigh if that feels good or I can just let it freefall so you decide noticing I'm opening up through the right wing here and then again no static motion here but I'm getting ready for bed I want to empower you or encourage you to find small micro movements cater to your body get ready for your night sleep and address whatever is going on so maybe you rock a little back and forth maybe you enjoy the hook here maybe you turn on to the right ear for a little bit deeper twist breathe [Music] take a nice solid inhale in and on the exhale let's melt it back I'm gonna send my right leg all the way up towards the sky now now maybe the leg doesn't straighten who cares keep it nice and bent keep it really generously Ben if that feels best for you anything in between I'm gonna take my fingertips interlace behind the thigh if you are a flexible person you're very bending you're wanting to go a little bit higher we can bring the palms to the calf and if you're super bendy you want to grab that toe you can but I say we kind of keep the nervous system calm and quiet letting the blood flow in the opposite direction so you have a couple different options here and you can mix and match I'm from Austin Texas I always encourage mix and match right nothing has to match anymore I can keep it weird to go one step further well inhale in and exhale draw the nose up rounding the spine just a couple breaths here notice I'm keeping my shoulders down and away from my ears lots of space heart still lifted and open even here wiggling the toes on an exhale I shall release it back down send that right leg down and switch trying to left knee up towards the heart interlacing the fingertips take a deep breath in squeeze that left knee towards the chin towards the heart press into that right heel top of the right thigh draws down as I breathe into the belly and then allow everything else to relax the arms relaxed down the ribcage softens I can rotate this left ankle one way and then the other guys keep noticing those thoughts as they come to acknowledge them smile at them ask yourself if do you need them right now and if the answer is no come back to the breath now opening up left knee comes now more towards the left shoulder so we massage that hip crease stay here or we can hook the left elbow into that left knee notice my right foot is still bright here I'm going to take a deep breath in and then on an exhale relax the feet bring that right palm to the top of that right thigh bone this might be coming up here no worries guys that's why we have this hand here to just in time open it up soften that so as here mmm [Music] take a deep breath in I'm moving into your twist whenever you're ready using the hands kind of integrating the whole body here as we move into our twist oh yeah oh yeah if you feel like moaning and groaning I say do it it's only gonna be an extra form of release breathing into the chest I can hook the foot here or we can let it OOP you can let it roam free I can't open up through the left bean we can even turn onto that left ear and I can if you're interested you can we have a whole video on a recline twist it's nice to give yourself a little pet job here oh gosh the power of touch is so powerful in yoga just give yourself a little bit of movement here as when I meant breathe into your belly hopefully you're smiling and that cursing me right now take a deep breath in exhale melt it back to Center happy baby your happy Buddha the day we do this in foundations of yoga is gonna be interesting but we cannot leave it out so we take the feet all the way up towards the sky it's actually spending a couple breaths here just letting the blood flow in the opposite direction hands on the belly your hands on the ribcage point in flex the feet soon we'll do legs at the wall as foundations and that's gonna be [Music] and then we'll bend the knees and grab the outer edges of the feet to start soles of the feet stay pointing up towards the sky parallel to the ceiling and the knees drop down as we kind of open up here just be sure for appropriateness okay find what feels good my friends so you can pop your toes here hopefully it's not offensive to anyone in your home you can massage the feet after a couple breaths here you can grab the inner arches of the feet kind of stirring the legs pulling down gently breathing into your booty breathing into your hips we can also take the middle finger index finger and thumb to the the big toes here that sometimes feels yummy as we breathe into the lower back draw your tailbone down towards the Earth my friends lengthen through the back of the neck by tucking your chin slightly take a deep breath in if it feels good straighten one leg just see what happens be mindful and then the other if you're bendy you can maybe straighten both and then maybe begin to rock a little side to side kind of childlike energy as we again tell the body tell the mind signal but it's time to slow down to let go of our stresses our to-do lists and get ready to rest one more breath here and happy baby or happy Buddha your version and then to release will bring the soles of the feet down to the earth you can do it with a thud sometimes that feels nice and you can do it a couple times that felt really good just kind of letting the body shake here I'll open the palms out wide take a deep breath in windshield wiper the legs a little side to side we're gonna prepare for set to bend asana bridge pose and then we'll take it to shavasan so winding down doing our best to stay in the present moment you deserve to feel good you deserve a good night's rest again just by acknowledging this moment acknowledging the thoughts this time bringing awareness we give ourself permission to have an awesome night's rest okay trawl the heels up towards the sit bones here flip the palms down drop the shoulder blades in together and down knees are pointing up towards the sky and I'm rooting into all four corners of the feet now we're not gonna waste ourself up into this bridge we throw ourselves around all day throw our bodies around moving in a fast pace so again unhurried no rush knees nice and slow press in all four corners of the feet press and all ten fingerprints and nice and slow from the tailbone notice how I'm rocking my pelvis first so I'll kind of exaggerate this if you want a peak for a second peeling up from the tailbone slowly I'm massaging up through the spine lifting I may not even lift into a full bridge post day I may just go this far or this fire this fire but massaging the spine the back coming all the way up maybe instead of pressing into the palms kind of you know active I go a little more Yin here opening the palms opening the shoulders as I lift my sit bones sitting bones towards the backs of the knees and then on an exhale float it down now do a couple of these at your own pace playing with the palms playing with the shoulders but finding the sensations that you love in this fine sometimes it's nice to even move the arms here kind of like puppet arms because you can really get deep into that spinal massage here keep moving breathing another option if you do have a block is to take a little more restorative bridge and lift up and maybe set the block at any level in the sacrum just giving a little lift here and breathing is right lower back like pajama shirts too baggy I'm kind of taking the work out of it finding that ease when you feel satisfied roll it down hug the knees into the chest one more time give yourself a hug acknowledge yourself for taking the time to practice today acknowledge yourself for not just saying I have insomnia I can't sleep I'm doing something about I'm checking with my body signaling my mind rising above connecting to the present moment squeeze your knees into your chest take a deep breath in and then exhale unravel if you want here you can transition to your bed if you're really ready you can transition to your bed here now otherwise we're gonna open the legs a little bit wider than normal so if you find that you're here in shavasana that's cool but my friends open it up today open your legs open your arms wide if you have a blanket I'll go ahead and grab a blanket here because I have plenty of blankets today it's nice sometimes to bring a blanket or a pillow to the top of the pelvic bone or the hips here or even the belly take the chest open it wide draw the shoulder blades together and we set ourselves up for the best and most beautiful relaxing shavasana you've ever experienced press into the heels alerts and then relax the ankles and feet completely and fully into the mat spread the fingertips wide spread your arms and then exhale relax your fingertips your wrists your arms completely and fully into the mat extend through the crown of the head tuck your chin into your chest breathe in and then relax your head your neck your shoulders completely and fully into the mat relax your jaw soften the skin of the face let the breath return to its natural normal rhythm [Music] let the tops of the thighs grow heavy the hips the buttocks crows heavy we saw from the belly here and relax the torso completely and fully into the mat giving the body permission to be completely and fully at ease no matter what came before matter what kind of day we had coming into this present moment no matter what's to come what's next maybe you still have stuff to do tonight but give yourself this moment even if it's just for one fine full breath choose to enjoy this moment choose to have a good night's sleep choose to let your yoga practice serve you in every miraculous way possible stay here as long as you like my friends have a good evening stick with the breath [Music]