hey everyone Happy New Year welcome to the yoga with Adriene vlog I'm Adriene it's a bright and beautiful new year I'm so excited 2015 a lot to look forward to and a lot of mystery there's this Julie in the mystery of the unknown and I can't wait to see what happens in the new year so we kicked off the year with 30 days of yoga super awesome I am on let's see day six today but you may be on day one or you might be on day zero looking to join us and so I'm here to let you know that you can join us anytime 30 days of yoga is on the YouTube channel it's kind of a DIY do-it-yourself program meant to inspire you to build a home practice transform let go of the things that are no longer serving you and get strong tone and fit it's also a really lovely invitation to just kind of take a look at yourself get back to who you really are we spent a lot of time and energy and a little bit of creativity and fun making a program that doesn't just feel like burden is hard push strong I think it's really well balanced and really fun it also is something that you can return back to so that's on the YouTube channel 30 days of you check it out if you want to be inspired just look up the hashtag 30 days of yoga and it'll rock your socks off such positivity in fact somebody left a comment the other day that I love I even the screen shot at it screenshot it and it's said you know there's no hate on here no trollin no hey Adrienne's is awesome like way to go and I think that's really cool and really indicative or really telling of the community vibe that's surrounding the yoga and at-home yoga practice with yoga with Adriene so rat all my friends I hope you had a lovely holiday um I did it was really nice you know there's always a little anxiety at the end of the viewer's as you look ahead and as you look back and you know I have my yoga and my friends to help me you know just remind me to guide myself back to the present moment so hopefully this vlog will help guide you back to the present moment just say you know even if you didn't transition into the new you're the exact way you wanted to or everything doesn't seem perfect just relish in the moment life is good and we have our yoga practice or maybe it's something else for you running or walking or dancing or some sort of movement and connection to breath that can help guide you to the next present moment and then on to the next I had a puppy for Christmas I don't know if you saw in my last vlog and so I wanted to give you a little update on his growth my friend David used to work out of a office he said this how you picked the puppies up I think more dogs can you pick the puppies up like this just making sure you support them so this is Benji everyone know he's a blue heeler that's a frequently asked question he's a blue heeler mix he's very loving he's very smart it's been really fun to see him evolve in the last couple weeks I am here today at my friend Hylas house and Chris's house and they have a new baby - oh thanks for the kiss and so we wanted to come together today and I'll say hello and Happy New Year and meet the babies I feel bad they're reading my hairy dog baby and I'm meeting their beautiful actual human baby Benji anything to say he said Ohm's Shanti Shanti ohm Thank You Benji all right up next I would love to tell you about something really exciting I've had the privilege and the honor to do a little cooking collaboration with my friends over at kin community we've created a show for you called crazy happy cooking and I couldn't be more excited to work with them and just kind of dig into other video ideas yoga lifestyle and cooking is one of them so I've done some play with my best buddy Hilah cooking which I really love and this will be my second time to play in the kitchen if you will and I've had a great time so our first episode just released and I want you to go check it out it's my breakfast taco recipe and it was a really fun thing to shoot and so please go over and check it out check out crazy happy looking follow along we have many more recipes on the way and the ideas is that these are all recipe lists but what am I trying to say Neels these are all recipe list meals so we're not baking obviously I am I mean let's keep it real here you need you might need that recipe to bake but the first one is breakfast tacos for breakfast and the idea is that we work with what we have we stay flexible and try to make everyone happy with what we got so you know if you have organic foods and you have access to local produce then great but if you don't we make the best we work as what we have and we always go with the flow in the kitchen as well and that can be a practice that you take on this year especially if you're not one to like to cook or be in the kitchen maybe you tried this year so hop on over to crazy happy cooking had an awesome time over there check out my California kitchen and let me know what you think there over at the breakfast taco video okay so last but not least I just want to say thank you thank you to all my friends who are already involved in the 30 days of yoga journey thank you for your inspiration and your stories you're definitely inspiring others to join in day by day so thank you so much thank you for all the beautiful friends that sent me loving cards and notes over the holiday and throughout the year artwork I'm going to try to share them on Instagram and Facebook so other people can see whether it's your Etsy or just your love and your creativity I want to share that and I want to be sure to thank you for thinking of me over the holiday thank you everyone let's keep up the great work keep up keep up the positivity you don't let anyone rush you don't let anyone slow you down be exactly where you are today you're perfect just the way you are let's have an awesome mirror alright everyone take care come on Benji together we bow and say oh namaste oh now you're being key here your sweet boy