(upbeat music) - Alright let's start standing, feet hip width apart. Take a second to stand up nice and tall, squeeze your shoulders up to your ears, take a deep breath in, smile, and then exhale. Shoulders down, relax, starting to cool off, stretch out. Inhale, squeeze and lift. Shoulders to the ears and exhale. And one more time, squeeze and lift. This time really press your feet into the earth, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, breathe in. And exhale, let it go. Awesome. Interlace the fingertips behind your tailbone, knuckles draw down and away. Inhale, just open up through the chest and, there's an option here to really square the wrists, or bring the palms together. Just finding this nice activation in the upper back body as we start to stretch the shoulders. Lift the chest and then exhale, break free. Awesome. Shift your weight over to one foot, doesn't matter which one. I'm just gonna bend the opposite knee and grab the opposite ankle. Now squeeze the inner thighs together here. If you want you can bring one hand to the heart or fingertips to the shoulder. And we're stretching the quad, pressing away from that standing leg. Option here to point the toe, or to flex the foot. Breathe in and then breathe out. Awesome, release. Switch to the other side, take your time. Squeeze the inner thighs together. Nice stretch in the quad and the hip flexors as you lift your heart, stand up nice and tall. Breathe in, point or flex the foot. And breathe out to release. Awesome work. Alright big inhale as you reach for the sky. And exhale Forward Fold, bend the knees. Deepen your breath here. And just continue to bend the knees maybe pedaling out a little bit here. Stretching through the hamstrings, the hips. Shake the head loose. If you're nice and sweaty when you start this maybe take some strong exhalations out through the mouth. Let go of some of that heat, start to cool it down mindfully. Alright fingertips come to the mat. Big inhale. And exhale, step the left toes back nice low lunge. Go ahead and lower that left knee down. Front knee over front ankle. Hair toss for me. Loop the shoulders and we breathe here. Open the chest. So the chest tends to round here, the upper back tends to round, so open the chest, activate the upper back body again here. And then if you want you can walk the right toes right foot out, just a little bit. Get a little deeper in the hip. Take a deep breath in and then exhale. Send the right hip crease back, flex your right toes towards your face, big stretch here. Keep a soft or generous bend in that left, excuse me, right knee. Breathing deep here, left toes stay curled under to stretch that foot out. Inhale in and then exhale. Roll through the right foot, come back to your lunge. This time lift the back knee, inhale. Then exhale, just step the back foot up to meet the front and we'll switch. Right toes step out, breathe in. And breathe out. Lower the right knee down. Stretching through the front of that right hip, right quad. Making sure to stack front ankle and front knee. Breathing deep here you can widen your stance if you wanna bring it more into the hip. And then everyone just remember to lift the chest, lift the heart here. And one more big breath in, maybe smile. And then exhale, send the left hip crease back, left toes towards your face. Runners lunge or runners stretch or half splits. You can tell your friends you did half splits today. Take a deep breath in, right toes are curled under. Feeling nice stretch in both feet. And then use an exhale to slowly roll through, come back, nice low lunge. When you're ready lift the back knee, let it hover and then inhale, open the chest. Great exhale, step the back foot up to meet the front. And Forward Fold. Awesome work. This time clasp the elbows, rock gently side to side feeling nice stretch in the back body. Bend the knees. Wonderful, then fingertips come to the ground and we're just gonna open, open, open the feet, a little bit wider than the hips and toes. Turn now and then send the hips down, hair toss. Here we come we're gonna end in a little froggy pose here today or a nice low yogic squat. So yogi's choice. If your workout was you know, maybe a run or a dance cardio or something that was really focusing on lower body, you might rock a little back and forth here, stretching out through the feet, the ankles, the calves. Another option would be to get down low here, bring the palms together, and find a little resistance as you press the arms into the legs and squeeze the legs into the arms. And wherever you are we're here for three breath cycles more. Breathe in deeply and exhale out through the mouth. Two more, inhale. Exhale really let it go. And one more time you got this, big inhale, lift your heart. And exhale to release. Awesome work. (upbeat music)