- What's up party people? Welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I'm Adriene and that's Benji over there. And today we have a super fun practice called "Yoga Party." So I get a lot of requests for practices that people can do together or maybe you want to do it on a special day. Or maybe you're just feeling a little restless. Maybe it's raining outside or you want to do something that is good for you but hang with your people. This is gonna be an awesome practice for that. Also, I just want to point out this is gonna be a super fun practice if you just don't feel like going out but you want to do something, you know, have a party with yourself, right? So hop into something comfy and let's get started. (light music) Hello, my sweet friends. Let's begin today's session in a nice comfortable seat. Take your time. Come on down to the ground. If you are practicing alone, just take a second to maybe just say thank you to yourself for showing up and spending some time with yourself and practicing with yourself. Nurturing your most important friendship. And if you're practicing this with other people, go ahead and take a second right now to just look at them and smile, say hi, high five like, "We're doing this." You can giggle. Just a connection, right? So Benji, what's up? Benji, (snaps) right here. Okay. And then we'll let that go, bring the hands together at heart center. Sit up nice and tall. Wherever you are, take a deep breath in. Awesome and as you close your eyes, you can relax the shoulders, breathe out here. Just land here in the moment. And again, deep breath in. Big, big, big full breath. And using your exhale to relax your shoulders. You can keep the eyes closed here or soften your gaze. And one more time, the biggest breath you've taken all day. Here we go, big inhale. And exhale to relax the shoulders. (Benji growls) Good. Just take a couple more moments here to listen to the sound of your breath. If you're coming onto the mat feeling a little tired or a little low energy or if you've been managing a bit of anxiety or stress lately, really let this practice be a gift. (clears throat) Excuse me. A gift that you give yourself. Move in a way that feels good for you today. I'm honored to be your guide. Alright, let's begin. Benji's up and out. Let's follow his movement. We'll open the eyes. We're gonna bring the palms to the knees. And when you're ready, inhale, we're gonna start moving in a circle. So just moving your heart forward as you breathe in. And then rounding the spine as you come chin to chest, breathing out. Inhale, come forward. And exhale, around and back. And keep it nice and slow here. Try to really deepen your breath. Wake up through the spine. And then when you're ready go ahead and reverse your circle. Let's make this a party right away. Checking in with the side body, the shoulders, the neck. You can start to get a little freaky. Just find what feels good. Checking in with your body today. We're gonna have you walking up and off the mat feeling good. More connected to your breath. More connected to your body. Hopefully a little more balanced out in the brain and the body. Okay, come back to center. Align your head over your heart, your heart over your pelvis and we're gonna take the left hand down to the earth and inhale reach the right fingertips all the way up and then all the way over for a nice side body stretch. Get really heavy in your right hip. Feel that connection right glute to earth as it reach the right fingertips a little more. Good, then come all the way back through to center and we'll switch to the other side. Right hand to the earth, inhale, left fingertips reach up first. Feel that lengthening in the side body. And then over. Nice side body stretch. Pull the left thumb back. Get heavy in the left hip. Take one more deep breath in here. Really reach. And then come back to center. Awesome work. We're gonna come forward on to all fours now. Take your time. Move like you love yourself. You can smile. Deepen your breath here with a big inhale. And really finding your foundation as you exhale. Wrists underneath the shoulders, knees directly underneath the hips. Cool, here we go, inhale, drop the belly, open your chest, look forward. Exhale, spinal flexion. Draw the naval up for Cat Pose, chin to chest. Breathe out. Good, inhale, drop the belly, open your heart. Look forward. Exhale, tuck the tailbone, round through the low back, mid back, upper back, cervical spine until the crown of the head is facing the ground. Cool, inhale, drop the belly. Open the chest. Feel that long puppy belly here. So really stretch through the front body. And then exhale, rounding through. Feel that stretch in the back body. Good, one more on your own with the sound of your breath. And then we'll meet back in Tabletop Position. Walk the hands out just a little bit wider now. Curl the toes under. When you're ready, take a deep breath in. Maybe lift the corners of the mouth if it's right for you today and then exhale, lift the hips up high and back, Downward Facing Dog. Pedal it out here. Bend the knees one and then the other. Claw through the fingertips to keep some pressure out of the wrists. And keep it light here today. Nice and fun just one breath at a time. One present moment opening a window into the next. It's all good. Don't have to do it right. Don't have to nail it. Just feel your way through. Awesome, bend the knees, let them come to the earth, bring the two big toes together, knees come as wide as the yoga mat. Send the hips back, fingertips forward, Extended Child's Pose but try to keep active arms here. So really inch your fingers toward the front end of the mat. Let the weight of your heart melt down. Forehead comes to the earth and you might rock the forehead softly getting a little massage on the brow bone. Soften through the jaw. Maybe pull that creases back just a bit in space. Mmmm, nice. Then keep the legs where they are. In fact, press into the tops of the feet as you lift your heart and your center back up. Then bring your left hand to the center of your mat and on your next inhale draw a line with your right fingertips all the way up your left arm, all the way across your chest and all the way up towards the sky. Good, breathe into your belly here. Inhale. Exhale, thread the needle, right fingertips come in and underneath the bridge of the left arm. You can send the left arm, left fingertips all the way forward. You can bend your left elbow. Maybe you take a bind taking the left fingertips all the way to the front hip crease of your right hip. Maybe left hand on the small back. So make a choice here. And then return to the sound of your breath. Awesome, close your eyes for one more cycle of breath or just soften your gaze a bit. Just going inward. Nice and then we'll slowly unravel using your hands to help you come back up to center. Right hand comes to the earth, left fingertips are gonna trace a line all the way across the right arm, all the way across the chest and all the way up to the sky. Breathe in here. And then exhale, thread the needle, left fingertips in and underneath the bridge of right arm. Again, you have a couple options here to explore what to do with the right arm. Find what feels good. Breathing deep, sending that breath to your belly. Nice, full diaphragmatic breaths here. So good for the body. So nourishing in a twist. Massaging your internal organs. Moving stagnant energy. Good, close your eyes or just soften your gaze a little bit here for this last cycle breath in your twist. Awesome, and then slowly unraveling. So good, especially if you're carrying any added tension in the shoulders, in the neck. Alright, walk the hands forward. Walk the knees just underneath the hip points. Curl the toes under, inhale in. Let's follow Benji here. (chuckles) Jenji, Benji by coming into Downward Facing Dog. When you're ready, peel it up. Inhale in when you get there and exhale long breath out as you find some soft easy movement. Awesome, then bend the knees, inhale, look forward and we're gonna just criss-cross the feet stepping one at a time, baby steps to the top of the mat. When you get there, ground the feet hip width apart, toes pointing forward, bend your knees generously and then allow the weight of your head to just hang. Again, really digging into all four corners. So some of us tend to roll in or out on the foot, front or back. See if you can kind of spread awareness evenly through all four corners of the feet. Clasp opposite elbow now with opposite hand and just take a second here to gently rock back and forth. Connecting with the sound of your breath. Lovely, then release that. Bend the knees even more. Nice strong legs, tuck the chin to the chest and slowly roll it up, Mountain Pose. Take your time. Ground down actively through the feet as you rise up strong. Heart lifts here, fingertips have energy here gently at your side. So just take a second to breathe in deep here. And use your exhale to relax any stress or tension that might have been accumulating in your shoulder. So you can use your exhale throughout this practice to soften and relax the shoulders the whole time. Alright, on your next inhale, reach the fingertips all the way up towards the sky. From here, we're gonna take this imaginary ball out that were holding up and over head and just slowly bring it over towards the left. Dig into your right heel. Turn to send your gaze up towards your right elbow and feel that length in the right oblique, right side body. Keep digging into your heels. Good, inhale to bring it back to center. Exhale, think up and over as you tilt to the right. Same thing here, dig into your left heel. Feel that length in the left side body, left oblique. And then send your gaze over towards your left elbow. Good, inhale, come back to center. Exhale to bend the knees, wiggle the fingertips and rain it all the way down to a Forward Fold once again. From here on your next inhale, come to a nice flat back position. You're gonna lengthen the crown towards the front, the tail towards the back. (chuckles) Soft bend in the knees here, elbows hugging in. Good, then on your next exhale let everything go, Forward Fold. Let's do that again. Big inhale, halfway lift. Inhale lifts you up. And then the exhale takes you down. And one more time, big inhale lifts you up. Find that flat back position. This time really trying to bring the front body up to meet the spine. Beautiful and then exhale slowly release. Ground down through the feet, inhale to reach for the sky. Big breath, big stretch. Capture a little magic up and overhead and as you exhale palms float down back to the heart space. Great, you can keep the feet now hip width apart or walk the feet together arch to arch. Here we go, inhale, fingertips go down to come up, big breath in. Exhale, tilt to the left, side body stretch on the right. Inhale, rise up. Exhale, tilt to the right, side body stretch on the left. Inhale, reach up. Exhale, rain it down, all the way. Just one of these this time. Inhale, halfway lift. Gaze straight down slightly in front. Exhale, Forward Fold. Great, bend the knees, step one foot back and then the other, Plank Pose. Spread the fingertips, don't panic. Hug the low ribs in. Draw your navel in and up. Reach the heel back, way back. From here you can always lower on to the knees for Half Plank otherwise keep it lifted finding that hollow body as you press away from your yoga mat for five. You got it, breathe deep. Four. Three. Two. On the one shift forward on the toes, look forward, squeeze the elbows in and slowly lower down with control. Belly flops, welcome. Breathe in as you slowly lift up, Baby Cobra. Breathe out as you slowly release. Good, curl the toes under. Press up to all fours. Tabletop Position. Beautiful, let's reset and then curl the toes under, lift from the hip creases and send it up and back, Downward Facing Dog. Lovely, anchor the left heel. On your next inhale, lift the right leg up high. Nice and easy. Turn all of the right toes down. Try and level the hips here. Good, then inhale in again. (clears throat) Claw through the fingertips, excuse me. Exhale, bend your right knee, bring it forward. Think of Cat Pose here in the spine. So hugging that right knee up into the chest. Good, then step it all the way up and in. We're gonna pivot on the back foot and we're gonna open up to Warrior II here. So opening all the way up to Warrior II. Front knee is bent, right fingertips forward, left fingertips back. So there's a tendency to lean forward a little bit here. Remember that alignment of head over heart, heart over pelvis so pull it back. So we're wanting to create a healthy flow of energy that runs up and down the spine. Alright, here we go, inhale in. Exhale, right elbow comes to the top of the right thigh. We are making sure our left toes are turned in here. And then nice and easy you're gonna send the left fingertips forward, up and then around and back and then keep it going. Forward, up and around and back. And forward, up, around and back. Now we're gonna reverse the circle. Here we go all the way to the back first. And then up and then swim it forward. Awesome. All the way back, up and swim it forward. Big, strum, and one more time. Rock 'n roll. Inhale, reach up. Back and this time let your left fingertips take you all the way back down. Back knee can lower or stay lifted as you reach the right fingertips all the way up, big breath in. Awesome, on your exhale bring it all the way back. Plant the palms. Listen carefully. Here you can step it to Plank, you can lower the knees to Half Plank or you can keep the right foot lifted for a one-legged vinyasa, eka pada vinyasa. So we're moving into Cobra again, inhale. Or if you want to do a Chaturanga to Up Dog you can. We're gonna meet in Downward Facing Dog. You can come to that Tabletop Position first and then peel up however you want to get there. When you arrive, take a deep breath in. And a nice cleansing breath, breathe out. Good, claw through the fingertips. On your next inhale lift the left leg up high. Turn the left toes down, you'll feel the glute engage, keep the left hip nice and level. Press into both palms evenly. Inhale in again. And exhale, slow and steady, shift forward. Hug the left knee up towards the chest. Try to touch your left heel to your left glute. Think Cat Pose in the spine, press away from your yoga mat, you're doing great. Nice and then step it all the way up into your lunge. Good, pivot on the back foot, nice and easy, Warrior II. Take your time. We rise up. Left fingertips forward, right fingertips back. Again, just check in with your spine. Are we leaning forward? Leaning back? Can I hug my low ribs in? Back toes are turned in, front knee over front ankle. Warrior II. Find your breath again. Catch a wave. Nice, then from here we're gonna bend the left elbow. Bring it to the top of the left thigh. Here we go, nice and easy, moving in a circle. Fingertips are gonna go down, inhale, forward and all the way up and back. Big circle. And all the way down. Strong legs. Forward. Breathing deep, up and back. And one more time nice and slow. Down and forward. And up and back and then here we go, we're gonna reverse the circle. Strong legs. All the way back. Inhale as you reach up, and swim it forward. And all the way back. And reach up. And swim it forward. And last one, here we go. Back and up. Energy in the fingertips. Swim it forward and let that bring you all the way back down to your mat. Pivot on the back foot, inhale left fingertips towards the sky. Big twist. Excellent. Slowly bringing the left hand back down to frame your left foot. When you're ready, step it back. Maybe you keep the back foot lifted for a one-legged vinyasa. Move in a way that feels good for you. Move with your breath. Marrying the action and the breath. We'll meet in Downward Facing Dog. From Down Dog take a deep breath in. And exhale out through the mouth. Nice cleansing breath. Awesome, bend the knees, inhale to look forward. Exhale to make your way to the top of the mat. Feet together or hip width apart. Inhale lifts you up halfway. Follow your breath. Exhale to soften and fold back in. Root to rise here, inhale, reach for the sky. Big breath, big stretch all the way up. And exhale, palms come together and float slowly back down to your heart space. Close your eyes here, capture a little bit of that magic. Take a deep breath in. And relax your shoulders down as you breathe out. And just take a moment here to observe your breath, your energy. Notice how you feel. Gently bat your eyelashes open. We're gonna shift the weight to the left foot, just the left foot. Nice and easy you're gonna keep your left thumb on your heart space and you're gonna actually lift your sternum up to your left thumb here. Then I'm gonna take my right hand, I'm gonna lift my right knee up and I'm gonna try to kick my right foot back to maybe capture my right ankle. When I do I'm gonna squeeze everything in, press up out of that standing foot to try to find my balance. And it helps to find a small focal point out in front. I'm getting a big quad stretch here. I'm working to get my center underneath me. Similarly to that Warrior II, head over heart, heart over pelvis. Not leaning forward, just yet. Just keeping it nice and stacked. Energy in the right foot. Breathing deep here. Great, then I can stay here or sternum still lifting to thumb, I might take my hand bring it to the inner arch of my right foot or maybe to the right ankle and I'm gonna begin to slowly lean forward. Hinging at the hips, looking forward as if I was looking into a pond to come into a Dancer Pose or a Standing Bow Pose. So just take your time. I'll start to kick it out, kick it out, kick it out. From here, maybe if I feel good, I'll start to take my left arm forward, palm face up or palm face down, whatever feels good for today. Some variations here would be to work at the wall or to work with a buddy (chuckles). Or to just keep the toes on the ground, hinge at the hip and work in a more aerobesque. Still working on the core. And then you can play with lifting the leg from here. Wherever you are take one more deep breath in. And then use your exhale to just slowly come back to a nice easy Mountain Pose. Shake it off, high five your neighbor if you like, it's all good. And we're gonna go to the other side. So shifting your weight to your right foot now. Bring both palms together. Anjuli Mudra at the heart. Then keep your right thumb right here so sternum's really pressing up into the the thumb. It's gonna help us keep this lift that we'll need moving into the posture. I'm gonna lift my left knee, maybe capture left ankle. Squeeze that left knee in. So feel that zipper effect. Zipping everything up and in. Find your focal point. And breathe. Just getting that quad stretch. Again, you can work with a little chair or couch edge or wall or post here. And don't be shy to walk away from the video, go find something to hold on to. Right? Own it. Own your process. Maybe we work to flip the hand around to the arch of the ankle here. And grow the shape by leaning forward, hinging at the hips, keeping this lift in the sternum and kicking the foot out. Soft micro-bend in the standing leg. I'm pressing up out of the earth here. Maybe the right fingertips come forward on this one, maybe not. Palm face up or palm face down. I'm kicking my left foot out. I'm drawing my navel up and in. Just playing. And wherever you are, take a deep breath in. And then exhale slow and steady, bring it back to Mountain. That's where we will all meet and we will shake it off. Alright, ain't no party like a yoga party and ain't no yoga party without a little Knocking On Heaven's Door. And if you don't know what I'm talking about I will guide you now. So we're gonna walk the feet out a little bit. Make sure you have a little space if you're practicing with someone. If you're practicing alone, you're about to have the party of a lifetime because no one's watching. Okay? So first we're just gonna find some softness in the knees. So it's very important that you don't lock the knees out here. So just find a little sway. And if you feel silly, trust me, you're supposed to. It's all good. And then you're just gonna see what happens from that. So if I can do this and put myself on YouTube you can do it wherever you are. Bring your hands to the waistline here, now we're just gonna get the hips involved. So we're just finding a little sway. Remembering to be soft and easy in the feet and in the knee joint. Cool and then from here we're gonna slowly start to release the arms and we're gonna move back and forth. Feet are soft and moveable. Knees are soft and bent. So we're not locking there. And we're gonna go back and forth and we're gonna start to pick up the speed. And we might even get some booty slaps in. Yes, it's that kinda party. And if you can, we're gonna start to synch up with the breath but you're gonna decide how. So maybe it's an inhale to one side, exhale to the other. Maybe starts to pick up a little more. And do not decide where this ends. Keep it going. Follow my lead. It's okay if you laugh a little here and giggle. If you really want to make the most of the booty slap, get it. Get it, my friend. Life's too short. Okay, moving energy in the body. Right when you want to quit and give up, stick with it. Stick with me. Breathing deep, keep your chin lifted. Gaze soft here. Nice and easy, breathing deep. Moving the energy of the body so you feel awesome afterwards. We're here for ten. Keep it going. Nine, eight, seven. Six, five, let everything go. Four, three, two. And on the one it starts to slow down and slow down and slow down and slow down and come back to center. And don't move your feet. Just stand here for one moment. Maybe you close your eyes and notice how you feel. Yes. And on your next breath in draw your palms together. Use your exhale to relax the shoulders down. Then you can slowly heel-toe, heel-toe, do-si-do come on baby, let's go, boot scoot! That's how we party here in Texas still, yes. (laughs) So heel-toe, heel-toe, feet together or if you want to hop the feet together, you can. Or if you just stopped the video because I started singing that song, I understand. Although if you stopped the video you wouldn't be able to hear me say that so here we are all together now standing in our final Mountain Pose. See if you can feel this upward current of energy through the front body. It's this lift. It's this uplifting, this elevating of oneself. And then see if you can balance out with a little awareness of grounding energy wherever you can find it. Maybe in the back body, shoulder blades melting down. And again, it's just this awareness of lift and ground. And expansion and fall. And may our awareness of both energies keep us centered for the rest of the day or for the evening. If you're practicing this on a special day, everyday's special, but you know what I mean, then I want to give you a little shoutout. Wherever this yoga party finds you, I hope that it leaves you feeling loved and connected or a little more loved and a little more connected 'cause you deserve it. Let's take one more deep breath in. Lift the thumbs up to the third eye. And we'll finish by exhaling all together. Bowing the head to the heart and whispering Namaste. (light music)