- Hello everyone. My name is Adriene and this is Benji and welcome to Yoga PE. Today we have a practice for your mind. So this is really great to help bring some calming energy to your day, or also really wonderful to help you focus. We're gonna start in a seated position of your choice. So you get to decide, come on down to the ground, find a cross-legged position like me, or maybe you wanna try kneeling. Benji has found his shape as well. Okay, wonderful. And once you have found your seat, sit up nice and tall. And imagine there is a string attached to the tip top of your head, and it's pulling you gently, gently up towards the sky. So your legs and your lower body stay put on the ground, nice and heavy, but there's this imaginary string kind of pulling you up to sit up a little bit taller. Then inhale in through the nose. And as you exhale, give a little ha sound. In fact, take one hand, bring it in front of your mouth, deep breath in again, and do it again and see if you can feel your breath on your hand. This is also a clever way to smell if you have bad breath. (sniffing) You know what I'm talking about. Alright, so we're gonna do that again. Now put the hand down. Inhale in deeply and exhale, nice long, calming ocean breath. Awesome work. So from there we're gonna drop the chin to the chest, look down and then look up. Warming up through the neck, look down and look up, and look down and look up and look down and look up. And here we go now, head to center. We're gonna go the opposite direction. We're going to take it to the side left to right. So side and through center and side. So the opposite plane here, side to side. And side to side. And side to side, great. Come back to center. Notice if you've kind of collapsed. See if you can reinforce that imaginary string, sit up nice and tall. And we're gonna do that same thing again, just a little more quickly. Here we go. Nodding the head down and up, down and up, down and up, sitting up tall, down and up. Now side to side, side to side, side to side, side to side and side to side. Beautiful. Bring it back to center. Send your fingertips all the way up towards the sky. We're gonna clap the palms together on three. Ready one, two, three. (claps) Bring the hands all the way down. Take a deep breath in. And ocean breath. Awesome, from here we're gonna come forward onto all fours, Tabletop Position. So for today we wanna have strong tables, right? Not weak tables. So spread your fingertips wide so the hands look like starfish and come into a Tabletop Position with a strong table, so the back is nice and strong. Beautiful. Then we're gonna challenge ourselves by curling the toes under and inhaling in, exhale, see if you can lift your knees and let them hover in Hovering Table. And if that is not working for your body today, do not get angry, it's all good, it's challenging. You can work up towards that. Hovering table for three, two, one. Awesome, let that go. Press into your hands, press into the tops of your feet. And we're gonna come into Cow Pose, so drop your belly to the ground, inhale to look forward. Exhale, if you know the sound that a cow makes, prove it. And now from Cow Pose we're gonna go in the opposite direction with the spine to Cat Pose. Now think friendly Halloween cat here. So really arch your back. And if you know the sound that a friendly Halloween cat makes, prove it. (hissing) Or meow. Now back and forth, Cow Pose, take a deep breath in, drop your belly, look forward. Exhale, round the spine. Draw your chin to your chest, claw through your fingertips. One more time, Cow Pose, drop the belly. Look forward. So good for your spine. Exhale, round it through, chin to chest, Cat Pose. Awesome. From here, we're gonna walk the knees together. We're gonna send the hips back towards the heels and we're gonna come into Rock Pose. So you're gonna send your fingertips back. You're gonna melt your heart and your head down and we're gonna come into it a little ball. This is also called Child's Pose. So for today, imagine you're a rock, a pebble, a stone, maybe in a beautiful babbling brook or river, a creek of water. You can close your eyes and begin to breathe a little deeper here and see if you can notice when you breathe in that your back kind of expands, lifts. So you might even the skin on your back stretch as you breathe in. And then everything relaxes and softens as you breathe out. Now decide what color rock or pebble you wanna be today. Quickly, go into yourself. And once you have that, we're gonna come all the way back up to Tabletop Position. Excellent. Wag your tail. Keep wagging your tail, get loose through the hips, loose through the hips, curl your toes under and send your tail up towards the sky. This one's for you, Benji boy, Downward Facing Dog. So you're gonna take your dog on a little walk here by peddling it out through the legs. We're stretching through the feet, the ankles, the legs, the hips. We're building strength in our upper body and we're also getting a healthy flow of energy running throughout the body, so nice, beautiful pose to boost your energy. Awesome. And if you know the sound that a dog makes and you wanna perform it now, go for it. Yes, yes, yes. Alright, from here we're gonna slowly come onto the knees and we're gonna cross the ankles. Awesome, and then we're gonna come all the way through, like magic, to cross-legged position. Excellent. In cross-legged position we're gonna stir the pot. We're gonna bring the palms to the knees and nice and slow we're gonna smooth the chest forward. And then back and then forward, and then back. Nice, slow movement here. And we'll reverse it. Forward, take it in the opposite direction, the other direction. Benji's very calm today. He is just a model of relaxation. Alright, bring it back to center. We're gonna bring the feet together now for butterfly. So you're gonna take your hands, we're gonna come into like peace fingers here. And then you're gonna take these fingers that are up and you're gonna bring them in between your big toe and your middle toe. Crazy, right? Then sit up nice and tall, lift your heart. Inhale in and exhale, we're gonna come forward. Bend the elbows, come all the way forward almost as if you were kind of coming into a chrysalis. So a rounding in. So we go from caterpillar to chrysalis to, here we go, nice and slow, blossoming into the butterfly. You can decide what color of butterfly you wanna be today. Maybe whisper it now. (whispering) Blue and purple. Awesome work. Alright, so from here, we're gonna release the hands. We're gonna come back to a cross-legged position and we're gonna finish with a little bee breath. What is bee breath? Well, just like a bumblebee. So you're gonna inhale in and yep, you guessed it, on the exhale we're gonna go (buzzing). So we're finishing with this calming breath and you wanna see how long you can get your buzz, right? Let's see what happens. You gotta take a deep breath in, notice what it feels like when you take a deep breath. And (buzzing). Good, relax your shoulders, if you giggle a little it's okay. But then come back to your inhale and again, notice what it feels like. How do you feel when you take deep breaths? Here we go. Inhale in deeply. And, (buzzing). Okay, so I could've gone on much longer, I've been practicing breath technique for a while. So don't worry if you didn't, if you didn't go super long. Benji, you were awake for this last breath. Alright, let's do one more all together. See if you can take the deepest breath you've taken all day so that you have lots of breath stored away for that nice, slow buzz. That nice, slow exhale. Are you ready? Sit up nice and tall. Here we go. Big breath in. (inhaling) And (buzzing). Empty it out. Alright guys, awesome work. So you can practice bee breath any time and you can work on it and then bring your skills and your focus and your calm back to class. Warning, if you have pets in the room, they may not like bee breath. Alright, love you guys. See you next time. Take good care. (upbeat music)