- Hello everyone. Welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I'm Adriene and this is Benji and we're so glad you are here. Today, we have a practice for uncertainty. Hop into something comfy and let's get started. (upbeat music) Hello everyone. Alright, let's start in a nice comfortable seat. You can use your blanket or a towel to sit up on here and we're gonna just jump right in by coming into a position where you can sit up tall, find length in the spine. Begin to relax your shoulders. You can close your eyes here or soften your gaze down, maybe gently past the nose. Tucking the chin slightly, feeling a lengthening through the back of the neck. Take a moment to get settled in, softening through the fingers. Noticing if you're holding or clenching and the jaw, maybe a little bit of a furrowed brow. Just start to notice really, and then respond. Maybe you're gripping in the toes, or the ankles, or the glutes. So I just want to remind you that this practice is designed to meet you wherever you are today in a major way. So whatever you're coming to the mat with, it's all good. So glad you're here. Thank you for sharing your time and your energy with me. Hands are resting gently on the knees here, or the tops of the thighs. Just taking another moment here to notice where you are, how you're feeling in your body. Again, notice if anything is kind of clenching, or feels like it's being held tight, clenched. And just begin to notice and maybe soften. Then as you're ready, maybe you've already begun to notice your breath, to become a little more attentive to the quality of your breathing today in this moment, knowing that, of course, it can change and likely will change throughout this practice. And then nice and easy, we're gonna bring the right hand to the low belly and the left hand right to the center of the chest, the heart space. Now see if you can gently deepen your breath. Deeper, longer, slower inhalations, practice. And a nice long, full and slow exhale. Whether you are fresh off a 30 day yoga journey, or returning to practice after a hiatus, or maybe this is new for you, think of the invitation to deepen your breath and get curious about your breath here, think of it as meeting or reuniting with an old friend. So it's this relationship that is always there, it's always been there. And we're just reconnecting to the quality of that relationship. Nurturing it by slowing down our inhalations, slowing down the exhalations. Now we're gonna get moving here in a second, but just give yourself a couple more beats, maybe three more cycles of breath. You can count them out if you like. Where you close your eyes and see if you can breathe a little deeper down into the belly on the inhale. And a nice, slow controlled release as you exhale. Breathing practice is such a wonderful way of acknowledging how you're feeling. (chuckles) Acknowledging where you are. And this can be incredibly valuable in uncertain times. Times where our relationship to the future can affect how we're feeling in the present. Now draw your hands together. Anjali Mudra at the heart space here and begin to really press the palms together, elbows move left to right and you're gonna try to do this while keeping your shoulder blades, your scaps drawing down. And we're gonna start to lift the chest, maybe get a little bit longer in the side waist. Lifting up through the front body, grounding through the back body. Then all together now, we're gonna take a deep breath in through the nose, Here we go, inhale. And exhale out through the mouth. Again, in through the nose. And out through the mouth, nice active arms here. And one more time, this time we'll seal the lips on the exhale. Inhale in through the nose. And exhale through the nose slowly. Beautiful, release the hands, palms face up, just take a second to notice how you feel. Again, a lot of this practice is just remembering to acknowledge how you feel, how you really feel. Practice is such a wonderful thing, regular practice, to have in irregular times. Having a nice, regular routine, so let's keep it up. Alright, so we're gonna actually come off the blanket or towel here, put it to the side for later and we're gonna come to lie on our backs. And when you do, right away, hug the knees up to the chest, nice and slow, and feel your spine supported on the earth. There's no rush here. Deepen your breath. Maybe close your eyes again and listen to your body, of course, but see what feels best here as you gently draw the knees in towards the chest. So at your comfort level. Breathing deep. And we'll slide the palms to the knees and nice and slow, we're gonna take the knees all the way out, so the arms are extended, peek at me if you need to here. And then we're gonna take the knees wide and then draw them back in to the chest. And then out, wide, and in. And moving like this, as you synchronize, maybe with a little inhale and exhale. And then reversing the circle. And then draw the knees in towards the chest, keep the hands on the knees and we're going to take a deep breath in and then on the exhale, we're going to let something go. You don't even have to identify it, just be open to letting something go. Ready? Here we go, deep breath in. And exhale. As you let it go, release the hands, bring the feet to the earth, hands come to the belly and relax the shoulders. Nice, so from here, we're gonna extend the left leg out long and you're gonna take your right foot all the way up towards the ceiling or the sky and that right knee may need to stay nice and bent. If you can straighten that leg, then great. Hands are still on the belly and you might feel your abdominals turn on, hello. We're gonna flex through both feet, so you're really pressing through the heels. Again, feel free to bend that right knee as much as you like. Resist the temptation here at the start to grab your leg and hold. We're gonna try to just connect to center here, breathing. Good, and then bend the right knee, right foot comes to the earth. Bend the left knee and we switch. Extending the right leg out long and right foot up toward, excuse me, left foot up towards the sky. Again, you can keep that left knee bent. Drawing down through the left hip crease, flexing through the feet, so feel the low back get kind of long as your abdominals engage. You can feel your center here. Notice if the shoulders have started to clench and lift. People always ask me to do like, can you do more advanced, more complicated things? I'm like, this is pretty complicated, if you're really working at a certain level in my opinion. Take one more breath. Exhale, bend the left knee, bring the left foot to the ground. Bend both knees, both feet on the earth. Now extend the left leg, right leg to the sky. This time we will interlace the fingertips behind the back of the right thigh, right hamstring here. Let the right hip crease get heavy. Close your eyes. Nice active feet here. If you want to point the toes here, you can, of course. Breathing deep. Then release the hands first, reach your right fingertips towards the, excuse me, reach both fingertips towards the right toes, keep your core engaged as you send the left leg up, both feet are up, both fingertip, both hands are reaching towards the toes and then we'll send the right leg out. And interlacing the fingertips behind the left thigh, breathe deep here, nice therapeutic posture with core engagement. Let this be a grounding time for you. Acknowledging how you're really feeling and using the breath to move, move it around. And release the bind. Send your hands, fingertips spread, towards the lift toes. Here we go again, core is engaged, we're gonna lift the right foot up. Beautiful, beautiful. Nice and easy, inhale in. Exhale, baby pulses here towards the toes. So head, neck, shoulders lift. Keep the skin of the face nice and soft, just a little stimulation. Strengthening for the core. Nice and easy. We'll keep it going for ten nine, eight, seven. Stick with it, six. Five, four, three, two, and one, nice. Hug the knees into the chest, take a deep breath in. And a long breath out. Great, slide the hands to the backs of the thighs. We're gonna rock and roll now up and down the length of the spine. If it feels awesome, maybe you do a couple. If it feels scary, maybe you do a couple. And we'll meet all the way up in a nice cross-legged seat. Head over heart, heart over pelvis. Nice, easy twist to the left. You're gonna take the right hand to the left knee, left fingertips behind. Inhale in deeply. Exhale completely, relax the shoulders. Then over to the right, left hand to the right knee, right fingertips behind. Sit up nice and tall, inhale deeply. And exhale completely. Nice, easy twist here. Alright, come back to center. Let's keep the momentum going forward. So from here, we're gonna rock onto all fours, walk the knees underneath the hips, wrists underneath the shoulders. If you need to center yourself on the mat a little bit here, go ahead and back it up. And then dropping the belly to inhale, open the chest, look forward. Exhale, rounding through chin to chest, warming up the spine. Inhale, drop the belly, open the heart. And exhale, tucking the tailbone, pressing into the fingertips, lifting the chest up to the sky. And one more time. Inhale, drop the belly. And exhale, rounding through. Nice, from here, come to Tabletop Position. We're gonna kick the right foot out, inhale in. Exhale, nose to knee, round it through. Inhale, kick it out, neck is nice and long. Exhale, round it through. Nice and slow. Inhale, extend, spread the right toes, neck is nice and long. Exhale, reel it in. One more, pressing into both palms evenly, inhale. And exhale, finding that contraction through the center, abdominals. Sweet, and then release. Right away, second side. Left foot extends, inhale. Exhale, round it through. Inhale, extend. And exhale, round it through, inhale, extend, pressing into both palms evenly. And exhale. Last one, inhale to extend. And exhale to contract. Beautiful, both knees come down to the ground. We're gonna walk them as wide as the yoga mat, the big toes to touch, send the hips back, fingertips forward, Extended Child's Pose. If this is giving you fussiness in the front body or in the neck, shoulders, the upper back, you can use your prop, whatever you brought as a blanket, towel, anything that's handy to lift the earth up to you here so that you may rest your forehead. Or, of course, the forehead is on the ground and together, we will all close the eyes and return to this interest in our friend, the breath. Listen to the sound of your breath. See if you can slow down the inhalation and slow down the exhalation. Feel the weight of your body on the earth. Imagine your yoga mat, or whatever surface you're practicing on, imagine it rising up to meet your hands, to meet your head, to meet your heart, supporting you in this moment. Inhale in deeply. Exhale to lift the head. You can open the eyes and take a look at your hands, you're gonna lift just the center of the palms up, so we're lifting the wrists, we're pressing into the fingertips firmly. And keep the legs where they are, you're gonna walk the fingertips all the way over to the right side. You're gonna feel this hopefully awesome, or generous at least stretch in the left side waist. And then you might stay here lifted and engaged in the core, or you might begin to bow the head, dropping the weight of the head, chin to chest here. Think about pulling back through your left hip crease. Breathing into the left low back, side waist, left armpit chest. Nice, press into the tops of the feet for stability. Draw your navel in and up for a nice core engagement as you come back to center and then you're going to walk it all the way to the other side. Breathing and you might keep the head lifted here, pulling the right hip crease back, or you might bow the weight of the head down. Gently pulling back through that right hip crease. Alrighty and then from center, bring it back, hands flat on the mat, here we go. Lifting the heart all the way up, walking the knees underneath the hips, curling the toes under and when you're ready, gently lifting the hips up high and back for Downward Facing Dog. Begin to pedal it out. Continue to deepen your breath so as much as you can stay in control of your breath here. Stay curious with your breath. Let's find a little flexibility through the foot, through the ankle, by bending one knee and then the other. And then when you're ready, we'll just continue to bend the knees, walking all the way up to the front of the mat. We'll land in a Forward Fold, feet hip width apart, or Flush together, I'll let you decide and we're gonna take a second here to really become so obsessed with what's going on in the feet, so spread awareness through all four corners. So you can think about really anchoring through the ball joint of the big toe and the pinky toe and then the back two corners of the heels. So just a little awareness goes a long way. Just think about really rooting through all four corners of your foot and then you'll start to draw a little energy up from the arches. Make sure you're not holding in the head and neck, so just shake a little yes and no. And then when you're ready, bend the knees generously, send the hips back, back, back. Find that connection to your core that we've already established and use that to roll up nice and slow. Mountain Pose, here we are. Stand up nice and tall and really feel that connection with your feet. I know it's like, well, what do you mean? It's really just about the awareness and how you respond may surprise you. One great action is drawing energy from the arches. Lifting up through the chest, feeling weight in the heels. And if you are moving a lot here, just notice that and see if you can capture a moment of stillness as we breathe in. And out. And on your next inhale, we'll reach the hands up towards the sky. And nice exhale to come all the way back down into the fold. Inhale, lift up halfway, bring your hands to your waistline here, draw the shoulder blades together, don't lock out the knees here, so keep them slightly bent and then peek at me if you need to, if the elbows are dropping down here, start to open up through the chest and just notice if the chest is feeling tight here, you're not alone. Good, then release that, Forward Fold, fingertips come to the earth and we're gonna just step the right toes back, just the right toes. Then lower the right knee to the earth. Left knee is stacked over that left ankle. Benji's back, he's looking like a little deer. Alright, from here, we're gonna bring the left elbow to the top of the left thigh and then the right hand's going to come behind to the small of the back, the back of your right palm right here on the small of the back. Good, and then just notice if you're collapsing in the left shoulder here, give yourself some space. Breathing in and then open the chest, send your gaze forward. Now listen carefully, squeeze the inner thighs together, feel this lift up from the pelvic floor here. We call this Mula Bandha. Activating those muscles, the pelvic floor, we're also stimulating like the, the root chakra, this energy center of security. Makes us feel safe and held, even in the tough times, the uncertainty. Alright, should feel like you're working here, so if you're not, just notice if you're collapsing, see if you can kind of press up and out of your foundation. Again, lifting from the pelvic floor. You can think about kind of a scissor effect lifting you up from the pelvic floor. You might feel it in your right quad. Alright, inhale in here. Exhale to release that. We're gonna bring the right hand to the earth and left fingertips to the sky. Big twist here, option to lift that right knee, so it's just an option. You can stay here. So squeeze the legs together again. So if the left knee's coming out, bring it back in over that ankle, send the right heel all the way to the back if that knee is lifted. And again, start to notice sensation in the left pec, the chest, as we begin to open it up. Inhale in, nice long neck. Exhale, bring it down, hand to earth. Step the left toes back, so we're either on our knees or knees are lifted here, so we're Half Plank, or full, top of a pushup or half pushup. You got this. Reach the heels back if the knees are lifted, everyone draw the navel up towards the spine. Hug the low ribs in, press away from the yoga mat, shift forward, look forward, breathe in. And then exhale all the way to the belly with control, best you can. Drag the hands in line with the rib cage. Squeeze the elbows into the side body. Root down through your foundation here, tops of the feet, pelvic floor, or excuse me, pubic bone. Same thing, (laughs) just kidding. And here we go, inhale, baby Cobra, nice and easy, nice and low. Find the integrity of your practice. Build it nice and slow with your breath. Release, forehead to the earth. Let's go again. Inhale, lift it up, Cobra. And exhale to release. And once more, inhale, Cobra. This time to just kind of test it out, we're going to lift the hands, palms face up to the sky. And you should be able to still breathe here. And release. From here, forehead comes down, we'll curl the toes under, inhale in deeply. Exhale to press up to top of a pushup, Plank Pose. Quietly whisper to yourself, I am strong. And you are, you can do hard things even in uncertain times. Hips up high and back, Downward Facing Dog, roll with me, inhale in deeply. Exhale completely. Baby steps to the top of the mat, nice and easy. Make your way there. Shake the head yes and no. Inhale, lift the spine halfway, hands come in line with the, excuse me, hands come to the waistline, shoulder blades draw together, elbows nice and wide. We're not locked out in the knees, crown of the head reaching forward, hip creases reaching back. Inhale in here. And exhale to let it all go. Forward Fold. Fingertips come to the earth. Step the left toes back, lower the left knee to the ground. Check your alignment, front knee over front ankle. This is gonna want to come out, so that's why we, we really pay attention to the foot first. Right, grounding through the feet. And then from there, we can stack the knee over the ankle. Not just for beginners, I see it all the time, kind of a wonky foundation in these fun and interesting poses, so great way to ground yourself is by anchoring the mind in the details of your asana practice, right? Action, alignment. Remembering the breath comes first. Here we go. Right elbow to top of the right thigh. Find this lift from the pelvic floor, breathe in. As you breathe out, take the left hand now to the small of the back. The back of the left hand comes to the sacral area here. And you'll know, you'll know, right? I designed this practice so I know, but you'll know, right, if you're kind of collapsing, you're dumping, maybe you're very flexible here in the hips, or maybe the shoulder's here, it's really about awareness and it's about when you're down and crumpled and uncomfortable, do we have the awareness to notice A, and B, can we find the energy, that self-care to create more efficiency in our shapes, to bring more ease to the body, to pay better attention to our breath, et cetera. So we're lifting up from the pelvic floor here. We're finding that scissor. There's a lot of work. This isn't like show-y work, this is inner work and I think it is what we are being asked to do right now, so way to stick with it, breathe. You're also strengthening the legs, you're strengthening that glute, we're opening the hips. Beautiful. Take one more breath, you got it. Maybe looking forward. And then slow and steady, don't lose this connection in the pelvic floor, that nice root chakra. We're gonna release, keep that lifted. Pull the right hip crease back. Left hand to the earth, right fingertips to the sky for your twist. Back knee can stay on the ground or we can lift it up, really reaching the left heel towards the back edge of the mat. Open up through the chest, open your heart. I know it's hard. We've been letting our heart soften when things get tough. It happens naturally, so we're gonna counterbalance that by opening up the chest briefly here, inhale in. And exhale to bring it down, both hands on the mat. Step the right toes back. Plank or Half Plank, if you haven't given the full pushup a try yet, go ahead and do it now, you can do hard things. Lift the knees, reach the heels back. We're only here for one breath. Inhale, look forward. And exhale to slowly down to the belly. Drag the hands in line with the rib cage, press firmly into the tops of the feet. Inhale, baby Cobra. Exhale to release. Inhale in again, Cobra, maybe it grows a little. And exhale to release. And now this one, just follow the wave of your breath, listen to the sound. Then from here we'll curl the toes under, inhale in deeply. Feel your belly on the earth as you breathe in and exhale, top of a pushup, heels back, shoulder blades move left to right. You're creating a doming effect kind of in the upper back body. Should feel that connection to your core, soften the skin of the face. Close your eyes if you need to here to whisper to yourself, I am strong. Hips up high and back, Downward Facing Dog, nice work. Find stillness here in your dog. Take a deep breath in. And a long breath out. Bend both knees, carve a line with your nose. Inhale, look forward. Exhale to walk, step, hop to the top of the mat. This time, feet together, really together if you can, give it a try. Nice, and then we're gonna take the hands now to the backs of the back of the calf, or the ankle and draw the elbows in and bend your knees as generously as you need to as we come into this standing Forward Fold, Uttanasana. So we're folding in. Legs might shake a little here. Find that nice connection through all four corners of the feet to ground you, to root you, hang on. Now slide the hands to the waistline. Draw the shoulder blades together, elbows nice and wide. Inhale in, ground through the feet. As you exhale, root to rise, stand up, open the chest. Lift your heart, Mountain Pose. Fingertips are gonna go down to come up as you inhale, reach for the sky. Soft bend in the knees as we continue to lift the heart, bend the elbows, lean back just a bit. You can always bring the hands to the small of the back, just like we did before for more support, otherwise nice football goalpost arms here, cactus arms, as we lift the chest. So brave to open your heart, keep an open mind. Then dig into the heels, reach the fingertips high up, nice and tall Mountain Pose, or Volcano Pose here. And then slow and steady, bring the palms together and exhale as you Forward Fold all the way down. Good, from here, plant the palms, step one foot back, then the other, Plank Pose. Turn onto the outer edge of your right foot, inner arch of your left foot. And then bring your left hand to the waistline here, side Plank. Lift the hips up. You have options here. You can take the left hand behind as we did before. You can take the left fingertips up towards the sky. You can stack the feet, maybe take another variation here. Breathe deep. You can also bend that top knee, left knee is a little kickstand here. Everyone lift your right hip up from the earth a little more, maybe an inch more. And then release, come back to center, let's take it to the other side. Left hand roots us, we turn onto the outer edge of the left foot, inner arch of the right foot. Right hand comes to the waistline. We lift the hips up, engage those obliques. Breathe deep. From here, we can take the right hand to the small of the back. Maybe up towards the sky. Maybe we stack the feet. Maybe we take the arm up and overhead. Find a variation that rocks your world today. Meet your appropriate edge. And then slow and steady, we'll come all the way back to center. Inhale to look forward, shift forward, exhale to lower all the way to the belly. Inhale to open the chest for Cobra or Upward Facing Dog. And exhale to make your way into Child's Pose. This time, knees together. Breathe it out. Whatever that means to you. Close your eyes if you need to here, soften your jaw. Can keep the arms reaching forward, or if it's calling to you to bring the fingertips back towards the toes and allow the weight of the shoulders to round and fall, then go ahead and make it happen. Inhale in deeply here. See if you can feel the skin of your back stretch as you breathe in. And soften as you breathe out. So we'll continue to slow down the breath. Taking fewer breaths here to slow our pace. Nice, conscious breathing with control. And that same Mula Bandha, that pelvic floor lift, from there, you're gonna actually begin to keep the feet on the ground but lift the hips. And as you do that, you're gonna bring the fingertips to interlace, so we're keeping the knees together, feet on the ground. You're gonna rock onto the crown of your head. If this feels all right for you, you're gonna draw the shoulder blades together. Start to open up the chest for Bunny Posture. We send the knuckles up towards the sky. I'm not crashing all of my weight into my head. I'm very much pressing into the tops of the feet. Lifting up from the pelvic floor, drawing my navel up and in, just like we did in those contractions earlier. Think Cat Pose, drawing the navel up towards the spine. Take a couple breaths here, Bunny Posture. And if you can't find that slow controlled breath, then you'll need to maybe just take a step back out of the full posture and come into a variation where maybe the heart is melting down, but we're just reaching the knuckles towards the back edge of the mat. Can peek at me now if you need to. If you're in Bunny Posture, take one more cycle of breath here. You're doing great. Everyone, lift the pelvic floor. You're doing wonderful, everyone. Way to stick with your breath. Now with control, everyone, nice and slow, release the fingertips, come back down through Extended Child's Pose, or rather with the fingertips extended in Child's Pose and a nice and easy lift up from your center. The heart lifts forward. You're gonna swing the legs to one side, any side and very slow, in slow motion, come through to a seat, extending the legs out in front of you. Bring your hands to your center, your abdominal wall, just to kind of engages the core, lift up from there lifting the chest. And then fingertips or palms to the earth, Dundasana. Stick Pose or Staff Pose. Head over heart, heart over pelvis here. If we are working on our flexibility, which we all are, definitely don't have to be flexible to do yoga, bend those knees. Deep breath in. Long breath out. Bring the hands to the backs of the thighs. You're gonna come to your back now here, you can choose how you get there. We're gonna snuggle the shoulder blades underneath the heart space here. Walk the heels up, knees up towards the sky, feet flat on the ground, find that four corner connection. (laughs) And here we go for Bridge Pose. Pressing the palms into the earth nice and slow. Try to be as articulate in the spine as possible. Just get curious about the journey that is going on here as you lift the hip points up high, Shins forward. And slowly we lift, lift, lift, lift. Sits bones reaching towards the backs of the knees, shins forward, lift your chest to your chin, chin to the sky and you might interlace the fingertips here. Drawing the shoulder blades together. Breathing wide into all four corners, excuse me, all four sides of the torso. Pressing into all four corners of the feet. And then inhaling in here, engaging the glutes and using your exhale to slowly and with control, again, stay curious just about this little ride, this journey from point A to point B as you slowly release and bring it back down to the earth. Let's do it one more time. Press the palms into the earth. All four corners of the feet into the earth, here we go. Following the sound of your breath. And this time maybe you bend the elbows, send the fingertips up towards the sky. Maybe you take the thumbs behind the hips here. Taking the bind. Maybe you challenge yourself by lifting one leg up to the sky and then the other. So make it your own here. We're here for three to five breaths, you got it. Chest to chin, chin to sky. Nice, strong muscles of the low body turned on here. And then when you're ready, slowly and with control, releasing back down to the earth. Walk the feet together, open the knees wide, let your hands rest lovingly on your belly. Knees come wide here in a reclined Cobbler's Pose. Take a deep breath in. It's time to relax. Exhale, let it go. Close your eyes. And just relax here in this passive stretch. If this is too intense for you, you can go one leg at a time, lifting one knee to center. You can also bring blankets or towels to the outer edge of your legs for a little supportive posture here. Return to your breath. And then nice and slow, we'll bring the knees together, hug the knees up into the chest. And extend the left leg out, hug the right knee in. Take a deep breath in. And exhale, guiding the right knee over towards the left side of the mat, or opening up through the right arm for a nice supine twist. Twist. Okay, breathe into the rib cage. Nice, wide, lateral breath here. You know what to do. Give the thinking mind a break, stay focused on this beautiful, slow breath. And then nice and easy, guide it back to center. Hug both knees into the chest. And then extend the right leg out long. And when you're ready, left knee over towards the right. We open up through the left arm, left chest and we breathe. We breathe fully, deeply, with nice awareness, Sending that inhale down into the belly. Nice and slow, filling the lungs and the nice and with control, exhaling. It's all about the breath. Alright, bring it back to center. Creaky old floor. How's it going? Hug both knees into the chest. Take a deep breath in. Long breath out. Happy Baby Posture, so you're gonna grab the outer edges of the feet, or the inner arches, kick the soles of the feet up, send the tailbone towards the front edge of your mat. If this is too much, you can just do one leg at a time, a little Stirrup Posture here. Find what feels good here. Way to show up for yourself. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Release the feet. You can windshield wiper the knees if you like. We're gonna extend the legs out long. We're gonna grab the blanket or the towel and we're gonna either use it as a pillow, or for little grounding comfort. I'm going to place it over the pelvis. In honor of today's theme and we're gonna allow the arms to rest gently at your sides. Come into Shavasana, tuck your chin into your chest. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, relax the weight of your body completely and fully into the earth. Now you can let go of the controlled breathing and just breathe, nice and easy, honoring whatever natural rhythm comes here. Relax your shoulders. This practice is about to wrap up, so just give yourself one more moment or two to really acknowledge how you're feeling. Notice the sensations in your body. Acknowledging any thoughts that come here. And finally, finding comfort in your breath always being there. Thank you for taking the time to practice today, for sharing it with me and all the beautiful people practicing together around the world today. I do believe we are better together, so thank you for connecting to yourself and to others in this way. Now gently draw the palms together. You can bring the thumbs right up to the forehead here. To the teacher within. Honoring that intuition. Way to show up for yourself. And by showing up for yourself, you're most certainly influencing the way you show up for others, so I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Take a deep breath in. And a long breath out to close the practice. With an invitation to whisper, Namaste. (uplifting music)