- Hello, everyone. Welcome to Home, your 30-day yoga journey. It's Day 20. Can you believe it? And today we find stillness. Let's get started. (upbeat gentle music) Hi, everyone. We're gonna begin seated today. Come on down to the ground and we're gonna start with a little foot massage. So come on down whenever you're ready and just take your thumbs to the arch of your right foot. Let's start with the right foot. And you're just going to start to work the arch here just kind of peeling away. And this could be the weirdest thing you've done in a long time or this could be the most beautiful thing that you've done in a long time, just whatever you're feeling, it's okay. Lean in. Start to breathe a little deeper here, more consciously. And we're gonna ease in to today's practice so you can start to just kind of focus inward and, best you can, treat yourself to this little massage. Inhale big, buoyant, beautiful breaths in. And then really extend those exhales. You can start to move away from the arch of the foot and start to just really get in there. You can wash your hands after this practice, so just don't bother. Just enjoy. Maybe get into the ankle and the heel a little bit. As you gently deepen your breath and bring your focus inward just notice how this activity makes you feel. Does it make you feel uncomfortable? Does it bring up a bit of emotion? On a practical note, we're wanting to really actually massage the feet, just kind of move this around, get some nice pressure. Make sure to squeeze all of your toes. And, you know, I should say if you are not working with the feet today, for whatever reason, this is not available to you, then let's go with hand massage. 'Kay? If you're modifying, that's not working for you let's do a hand massage. Same thing and just notice. Same stuff. How does it feel basically? Alright, let's switch from the right foot to the left foot, or if you were working on the right hand, you can finish up there and as you're ready, move to the left hand. Start with the arch of the foot, just right in there, just as if you were kneading some dough. No prerequisite necessary for this massage, just a willingness to touch yourself and notice how you feel. (laughs) Breathe deep. And some good pressure in the heel. Good pressure in the toes. Little reflexology moment here to start. But also for those who are new to the practice, you know, it's definitely to be expected for your feet to feel a little bit sore after all this movement. We're gaining a lot of flexibility in the feet that maybe we did not have before. Alright, finish up on the left foot or left hand. And then we'll release that. We're gonna bring the hands behind us. Fingertips in towards your bod. Press the palms into the earth, and then you're gonna bring the feet up to the ground, knees up towards the sky. Hey. Then walk the hands out. You're gonna get a nice stretch in the forearms here. Squeeze the elbows in towards each other to lift up through the front body. Inhale in. Exhale, lean back and then you're just going to pitter pat, pitter pat with the feet. Waking up the soles of the feet. And you can go hard here as long as you're a downstairs neighbor 'cause they're gonna get mad. And if they do, don't you blame it on me. Alright? Okay. Here we go. Kick it up. Go a little harder. Yep, the pets are gonna come running for this one. And then let's release. Cross one ankle over the other. Doesn't matter which one. Flip the palms up. Let them rest gently on your knees and come into stillness. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in. Exhale, relax the shoulders down and be still. Part the lips, soften the jaw and just notice. Notice your breath. Soften through the fingertips. Notice where your thoughts go. Acknowledge where the mind goes. And then come back to head over heart. Heart over pelvis. Come back to your breath. Inhale in. Exhale, hands are gonna come behind you again. Can open the eyes. We're gonna come back here, feet on the ground, knees up towards the sky. But this time we're gonna inhale, extend the right leg out and then exhale, cross the right ankle over the top of the left thigh. Big hip stretch here. Great, to deepen the posture we're gonna lift the bum, walk it a little bit closer to the left heel. And if we find this is much too much, of course, we'll just keep it nice and open. So breathing deep here. You can adjust the palms however you like here actually. Sitting up tall, lifting up through the crown. We're breathing deep. Then use this connection to your core, so don't just kind of unravel to the earth, use this connection to your core to slowly kick the right foot back out. Try to straighten it if you can. Bent knee's fine too but just working towards that. And then release it back down. Awesome. Here we go. So if the fingertips aren't working inward for you, go ahead and turn them out. Spiral back to that. Okay, here we go. From center, inhale. Exhale, kick the left leg out. Just as long as you can. As far as you can. And then here we go, crossing left ankle over the right thigh here, breathing deep, checking it out on this side, maybe walking the bum a little bit closer. Keeping an energy in your left toes. We've learned this, keeping that brightness in the toes to protect the knee. Breathing deep here. Keeping the chest lifted, crown lifted, not collapsed in the shoulders. Awesome. Then here we go, inhale in. Exhale, draw your navel in, extend your left leg out. Extend, extend, extend. Just testing here, building up to other poses. Here we go and then slowly bringing it back in. Awesome. Bring the soles of feet together, walk your hands all the way up. Grab your ankles sit up nice and tall, Cobbler's Pose. Take a deep breath in. Exhale to draw the shoulders down. Tag weight in the elbows, tag weight in these heavy quad muscles and find stillness. Soften the skin of the forehead. Soften the jaw. Lift up through the front body. Ground through the back body. So there is this active energy in the stillness. Inhale. Exhale to gently release, walk the feet to the earth, knees up towards the sky once again. This time hands are gonna come behind the backs of the thighs. We're gonna loop the shoulders, inhale in to lift the chest. Exhale to lift the heels, lean back, toes can stay on the ground or we'll lift the shins parallel to the ceiling, to the sky. Inhale. Exhale, mhmmm, low Boat. Pause here. Think hollow body. To challenge yourself you might reach the fingertips up and behind you, or keep them reaching forward. Find your breath. Three, two, one. Lift up, cross the ankles, palms face up. Find Sukhasana. Be still. Inhale in. Exhale to relax the shoulders down. Beautiful, take a little counter twist just once to the left. Big breath in. And once to the right. Back to center and to Downward Facing Dog. Here we go. Plant the palms mindfully, inhale in, exhale to lift the hips up high and back. Take a couple of breaths here to take whatever you may need. And then, yes, you guessed it, my darling, finding stillness here in Adho Mukha. So start from the ground up. Work your way towards being still. So find that alignment. Find your action within that alignment. And then we find our awareness by inviting a stillness in today. Lift the kneecaps, tone your quads, pull those hip creases up and back. Claw through the fingertips. Little to no pressure in the wrists. You got this. Breathe deep for three. Hold still for two. Slow, descend of the knees down on the one. Listen carefully, we're gonna drop the elbows where the hands were or elbows underneath the shoulders. Walk the toes out. Mhmmm. Here we go, forearm Plank. Reach the heals back. Send your gaze down. Press into the palms. Find that hollow body that you had in low Boat here. Neck is nice and long. Here we go. Breathing deep. For three, two, one. Lower the belly to the earth. Flip on the top of the feet. Loop the shoulders. Inhale, Sphinx Pose. So take any little movement you like here and then find stillness. Find the alignment. So make sure your elbows are underneath the shoulders. Forearms and wrists in two straight lines, parallel lines. Maybe walk your knees out towards the back edge of your mat. Create more space in the hip creases. Press into the pubic bone. Find the alignment and then the action within. Hug the low ribs in. Press into the pubic bone, press in to your fingertips. Soften through the face, tuck your chin just slightly. Draw the shoulder blades together (sighs) and breathe here. Be still. Mindfully working with your breath. So good for those who are seeking to transform or even using the idea, returning to here a happier posture within the body. Good posture. If this is a new shape for you, the biceps might be a bit turned on here, but trust me, through regular practice this will become more of a restorative shape. Activate your breath for three. Be still, two. And one, slow release. Just the chin tucks in, gaze straight down, open your eyes. You can interlace the fingertips here, if you like. We're gonna curl the toes under and we're gonna press into the earth. So use your foundation to lift the hips up high again for forearm Plank. Inhale in. Exhale, slowly shift to your right. You're gonna drop just your right hip down, kiss it to the earth. Then bring it back up. Then through left hip dip to the earth. Inhale, bring it up through center, right hip to the earth. And up through center, left hip to the earth. Hello obliques. All the way up to the right. You got it, nice and slow. And to the left. And to the right. Breathe. And to the left. Keep pressing into the elbows. To the right. And to the left. And one more time to each side. You got it. To the right. And to the left. Good, slowly come back to center. Lower onto the belly. Drag your hands in line with the rib cage, squeeze your elbows into the side body, inhale to rise up, lift up. And exhale to slowly bring it back down. Alright, maintain this connection pubic bone to earth. Press the tops of the feet into the earth and we're gonna start to send the fingertips forward. Palms facing one another. Thumbs up, pinkies down. You don't have to go super crazy here. So lighting up the muscles of the back body. We're maintaining our connection to the foundation. Here we go, tuck the chin, inhale. Exhale to lift the hands a little higher. You're not here long. Keep your gaze down. This is your superhero pose. Breathe deep. Inhale to reach the fingertips forward. Exhale, plug the shoulders back and in. You're here for three, two. Lift a little higher and one, release. Plant the palms. Forehead comes to the tops of the palms. Rest your head and then bring your big toes together. Splay the heels out left to right. Peek at me if you need to. So that you can relax everything's here, shake the hips a little left to right. And then find stillness. Listen to the sound of your breath. Feel your rib cage and the lungs expand as you breathe in. And then feel this gentle softening into the earth as you breathe out. Inhale in. Exhale to lift the chin. Here we go. Walk the toes out. Press in to the tops of the feet. You're gonna send the fingertips forward. Big breath in. Exhale to lift 'em up. Thumbs up, pinkies down. This time you can repeat what we did before in your superhero pose, super person pose or we're gonna add the legs. Inhale in. Exhale, lifting from the inner thighs, inner arches of the feet. You're gonna add the legs. Here we go. A little Locust variation. Keeping the gaze down, the neck nice and long so we're not clenched here. Alright? So find the stillness here. Breathing deep. You got it. Three more breaths. Inhale. And exhale. Lifting the inner thighs up towards the sky, inhale. And exhales. Spread the fingertips, spread the toes for this last cycle of breath, inhale. And exhale. Good, slowly release. Create a little pillow for your forehead with the palms, bring the big toes together, heels splay out left to right and rest your head, darling. Take a second here to restore. Just repeat the mantra quietly to yourself: "Allow. Release. "And let go." See if you can feel your heartbeat. Be still my beating heart. Inhale. Exhale to rise up. Check it out. Look at this fancy move. You're gonna take it from here, we're gonna flip your burger or your veggie burger all the way to your back. Hug the knees up to the chest. When you get there, give yourself a loving embrace. Close your eyes. Notice how your yoga mat has your back here. Literally, rising up to meet your spine. Take a deep breath in. And a long breath out, relax your shoulders. Good, slowly bring your feet to the earth. Some of you have practiced with me with the thud, a little reflexology moment if you want to bring that into play here, you just, let's all do it. Why not? You just drop your feet to the earth with a thud. Let your body move. Do it a couple times. Here we go. Drop the feet to the earth with a thud. Let your body move. Let's do one more. Here we go. Don't be shy. Inhale. Exhale. Ha! Yes. Extend one leg and then the other. Flip your palms up. Snuggle your shoulder blades underneath your heart space. Walk your ankles out is wide as your yoga mat. And here you go, tuck the chin. Inhale in. Exhale to close your eyes and let everything go. Shavasana, Corpse Pose. Find stillness here. Let your body be heavy. Permission here to do absolutely nothing for just but a moment. Let everything go. And this is the hardest part sometimes. So practice stillness. Soften the skin to the forehead, relax your jaw and just let your breath be easy. Trust me, trust yourself, trust the video. We're here for just but a moment. Then slowly, gently begin to deepen the breath. Let it begin to move you. Fingers, toes, wrists, ankles. Can start to move the tongue around in your mouth. Why not? Then we'll bend the knees. Turn to one side, any side, hug the knees up into the chest for a little fetal posture. Let your bottom bicep, your bottom arm become your pillow or as we say in Texas, pill-ah. And just take a second here to be still. Feel that nice, sweet curvature in the spine. Rest your head. Feel this loving, caring energy that you've cultivated for yourself on the mat, even if it's just a taste. And then slowly, we'll press back up to a seat. Bring your palms together. Lift your heart to your thumbs and let's bow the head to the heart. The mind intelligence to the body intelligence. Find a moment. Just capture one final moment here in this shape to be still and notice how you feel. So, it's wonderful to be here learning and exploring new shapes. But it doesn't always have to be harder, faster, stronger. Remember, dear one, to take time to be still. Thank you for sharing this time and energy with me today. Thank you for sharing your journey thus far with me and all of the beautiful people around the world practicing together, remembering to take time to listen and tend to it. I love you so much. Let's take one more deep breath in here together. I look forward to seeing you maƱana. Exhale to bow and we whisper Namaste. (upbeat gentle music)