- Hello, everyone. Welcome to Home, your 30-day yoga journey. It's Day 16, and today we learn to savor. Let's get started. (gentle upbeat music) Okey doke, my friends. Hello! Welcome to your Sweet 16. Let's begin seated. Thank you so much for being here. Sit up nice and tall. Take a second to settle in. Hmmm. Savor, what does it mean to savor something? Drop your gaze here or close your eyes, relax your shoulders, start to tune into your breath. Take a second to scan the body. Always, always utilizing the tools of our yoga practice to simply notice. Notice how you feel. And when we allow ourself the time and the opportunity to simply notice, inevitably we start to soften our grip on the doing. This kind of desire, this innate need to get 'er done, right? To do well, to check the box, to succeed. So just a little reminder today to allow one present moment, best you can, to bleed into the next to maybe drop any expectation. Keep an open mind. Inhale in deeply. Long exhale. Inhale. We often talk about enjoying the exhale, can you savor that exhalation? We're really good at enjoying the inhalation, most of us, so see if you can start to really relish in that long, beautiful exhale. Let's do one more here together to kick things off. Big inhale. And long exhale. Awesome. Open your eyes, we're gonna take the knee, excuse me, the hands of the knees. And if you're really zipped up here, half Lotus, Lotus, go ahead and give yourself a little space, you have a nice wide base. And with the hands on the knees, we're gonna inhale, sit up tall, tag a little weighr down in the elbows and the shoulders and then we're gonna start to move in a circle here so you can go to any side you like. You're gonna inhale, smooth your heart forward. And then exhale, just like in Cat Pose round through chin to chest. Feel that stretch in the back body. Lean back, way back. And then continue the journey. Smoothing the heart forward as you breathe in and then exhale, rounding through the spine. And then we'll continue in this circular motion here. Think Cat-Cow, right? As you come forward, that's the Cow Pose. And as you go back, that's the Cat Pose. So we're maintaining this spinal flexion as we move through a circle, through the circular motion. And you can really use your hands as much as you like on your knees to kind of exaggerate and savor, really get into the body. (clears throat) Excuse me. And if you are moving quite fast here, see if you can slow it down. I like that we get a little glute massage here, too. (snaps) And then reversing the circle whenever you're ready. Again, establishing the exhale as you come back and around through this, like I was called as Mr. Burns posture, and then smoothing the heart forward. Breathing in. Should feel really yummy in the hips. And the more you use your palms on the knees, you can get into the shoulders, even the neck. Great, one more time to each side, reverse it. This time I'd like to bring your awareness, I'd like to invite you to bring your awareness to your navel. And I often use this image that I guess now some some age groups might be like, "What are you talking about, girlfriend?" But this image of the old fashioned coffee grinder. So if you can allow this movement really come from the middle as you move around like one of those old fashioned coffee grinder. Stimulating those digestive organs and really massaging from the inside out. Reverse your circle. Moving with the breath. And then on this side, slowly begin to make this circular motion smaller. And smaller spiraling in on itself 'til eventually you are getting smaller, smaller, smaller and you're stacked head over heart, heart over pelvis. But don't rush this moment. Itty bitty circles. Itty bitty living space. And then we find stillness once again. Head over heart, heart over pelvis. Excellent, left hand comes to the earth. Inhale, reach the right fingertips up high. Exhale, big side stretch. Today, opportunity to maybe come on to the left forearm. Maybe, and if you're like, "Nuh-uh, not yet," that's okay. Inhale. Exhale, listen carefully. Chin to chest, right fingertips gonna come down through. We're gonna swoop the fingertips forward and take it to the other side. Big inhale. Exhale, maybe right forearm down. Excellent, come all the way back up. Deep breath in. Relax the shoulders as you breathe out. Right hand to the earth. Inhale, reach the left fingertips up high. Exhale, side body stretch. Maybe right forearm to the earth. Chin to chest, left fingertips sweep through. Should feel an awesome stretch opening through the left side body here. Coming all the way through. And now to the right side body. Here we go. Right fingertips reach. Maybe left forearm to the earth, maybe not. Hips are heavy here. Beautiful. Inhale in. Exhale, come back to center. Awesome. Take a second to inhale, squeeze the shoulders up to the ear lobe. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze and lift. And then exhale, just drop 'em back and down. Twice more like that. Inhale, squeeze and lift. Lift, lift, lift, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. And exhale, back and down. One more, here we go. Don't be shy. Inhale, squeeze and lift. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. Lift, lift, lift. A little more, a little more, a little more. And then take them back and down. (huffs) Excellent. Any soft, easy movement that you like in the neck, take it here. Find what feels good. You never have to wait for me to cue any of these movements. Begin to cultivate and listen really to what your body needs, right? Listen and respond. Listen and respond. That's how we find that yumminess. And then when we start to work this way on the mat, then this starts to become more of a natural way of living off the mat in which we are really present with what is. We don't miss the birds flying by. We can really learn to savor the moment, really be present with all of the gifts that come our way. Big and small. Okay, let's come forward on to all fours. Knees wide as the mat. Oh, Benji's so cute today and every day. Knees as wide as your yoga mat. Big toes come in towards each other. We're gonna walk the hands a little bit forward. So not underneath the shoulders today but in front so you have a nice slope here. Yes. Then we're gonna inhale, drop the belly. Let your tail go up towards the sky. You can wag your tail a little bit here, wiggle the hips. Inhale in, shift your heart forward. Exhale, come around to the right side. Sink through that Extended Child's Pose and then claw the fingertips to keep it going, big circle. Inhale. (back cracks) Ooh, yes, opening up already. Come forward. Exhale, rounding through. Big inhale takes you forward. (back cracks) Ooh. And exhale around the bend. So a little grace note here, whoa, got excited, keep your connection in the fingertips. Keep your connection in the tops of the feet. So always, always that which is touching the earth, your foundation, starting there and then moving from there. Even here. If you have not already start to sync with the breath, darling. Inhaling as you come forward. Exhaling as you come back. I used to teach at high school level and we added yoga as a gym hour while I was at the school and the kids loved this. We call it drunk Cat-Cow. Drunk on love of course. Of course, of course, truly. Reverse your circle. Inhaling to come forward. Exhaling to come back. If this is too much on the knees, you can always double up on the mat like so. Peek at me if you need to and use this as a little extra padding. And now as you move through your circle, if you find anything, a catch or and a little area where you want to work through, you can start to kind of freestyle. And if you find that, oh man, I'm just tired or my heart feels heavy today and you just feel awesome in this Child's Pose, then learn to listen and respond. Go there. That's where we'll meet. Extended Child's Pose. Take your time getting there. Then when you get there, reach the arms forward, active arms, inhale in. Exhale, go ahead and lift the heart, come back up. Keep the knees where they are. You're gonna bring the left hand in towards center and inhale, reach the right fingertips up high. Big breath as you reach up high, high, high. And then exhale, thread the needle. Right fingertips come in and underneath the bridge of the left arm. Use your left hand to really press into the earth here. Feel that stretch through the upper back body. Soften your gaze, your jaw, breathe deep. Amazing. Press into your foundation, come back up to center. Right hand's gonna come to the center of the mat. Inhale, reach the left fingertips up high. And exhale, thread the needle. Right elbow up towards the sky. Use your right palm to really press into the earth, breathe deep. Should feel yummy for most of us. Anyone with a computer, a smartphone, small child. Instrument, vehicle. Side sleepers. Like Benji. Inhale. Exhale, come all the way up. Walk the palms forward, walk the knees underneath the hips, curl the toes under, Downward Facing Dog. Here we go. Enjoy this transition. Can we savor that lift of the hips? Can we give thanks for this hand to earth connection? Enjoy. Enjoy. Take a deep breath in. And a long breath out. Two more like that, deep breath in. And a long breath out. One more, make it awesome, big inhale. And exhale, let it go. Beautiful. Slow descend in the knees back down. Swing the legs to one side, any side, and come through to a seat. Send your legs out. We're coming into Dundasana so sit up nice and tall. Activate the feet by flexing your toes towards your face. Thigh bones, femurs plug in and down. So let them get really heavy, almost as if you had like a sandbag here. Great. Then we're gonna inhale, draw their shoulder blades together. Exhale, draw them down the back body. Alright, lift the knees just a bit. Bring the hands to the tops of the thighs. Feel the warmth of your hands, the power of touch, as you slide your hands all the way down past your knees, past the shins, wherever you end up, is great. Just see where you end up today and really enjoy this connection of the hands on the legs. Wherever you end up, take a deep breath in and use an exhale to fold inward. If the hands come all the way to the ankles, great. Outer edges the feet, great. If not, also wonderful. Super great. If you need more, you want the bind to take the index finger and the middle finger and thumb grab onto the big toe and work to straighten the legs from here. All together now let's inhale, look forward. Just find a little extension. Think most will benefit from this moment and then exhale fold inward in again. Seated Forward Fold. You're gonna want to come out. You're gonna want to give up. You're going to want to start to think about your next meal. How blessed we are to even have a next meal? Can you bring your awareness back to the breath here? Relish it, big inhale. Enjoy the exhale. Keep listening. Feel the skin of the back stretch as you breathe in. The rise of the inhale and then the fall of the exhale, softening as you breathe out. Way to stay with it, take one more breath. And slowly on the exhale you can release. We' ll start to tuck the chin and roll up slowly, very slowly. Great, bring your right knee all the way up and in. Give it a hug. Left elbow around the right knee. Activate through the left foot. Here we go, inhale. Listen carefully, you're gonna take your left palm just in front of your chin-- That's your right hand. Take your right hand just in front of your chin. And then smoothing that surface, you're gonna pull the right elbow back. Great, then bring the fingertips down. Breathe into your belly. Exhale, enjoy the twist. Inhale, lift and lengthen. Exhale, twist. One more time, inhale, lift and lengthen. And exhale. Good, come back to center. Send that right leg out. Left knee comes up and in. Give it a hug. Hooking right elbow to left knee. Sit up nice and tall. Activate that right foot. Left hand's gonna come in front of the chin. So we're using this to keep the left armpit chest lifted. Keep everything lifted on this same plane as you inhale. And then exhale. Here we go, pull it back. Stay lifted, lifted, lifted. Not collapsing here. Lifting. And then from there lightly bring the left fingertips down. Inhale to lift and lengthen, create space. Soft and easy, exhale, twist. Inhale, lift and lengthen. And exhale, twist. One more inhale. Sit up nice and tall. Light on that left hand. And exhale, twist. Slow release back to center. Send both legs out. You're gonna shift your weight so your heels are close to the front edge of your mat. Send the fingertips forward. Palms come together, interlace the fingertips. We call that steeple grip or this is like that Charlie's Angels. Then point the toes, scoop the tailbone under, we're gonna try to go one vertebra at a time. Nice and slow see if you can savor this moment. I just realized it might be helpful for you to zip the legs up tight. If not, stay nice and hip width apart. Ankles in line with the knees, in line with the hips and we're gonna move nice and slow. What are you afraid of? Your legs flying up in embarrassing yourself? No, take your time. Stay in the moment. Nice and slow. Imagine those sandbags on your thighs. You got this. Taking stock, checking in. Nice and slow. Nice and slow. Eventually we'll join Benji here on the ground. Head is the last thing to land. Inhale in deeply. Exhale completely, let everything go. Gently rock the head a little side to side, ear to ear. Getting a little massage in the back of the head. The atlas. Nice passive stretch here. Side of the neck. Soften through the skin of the face. Close your eyes. Bring your head back to center stillness. Relax through the fingers, the toes, the wrist, the ankles. Inhale in deeply. Then, here we go, letting the weight of your body release completely and fully into the earth. Enjoy. Imagine you're just kind of sinking into a big cloud and it's holding you here in all your beautiful glory. Inhale lots of love in. Exhale lots of love out. Inhale lots of love in. Exhale lots of love out. And do one more on your own. I'm not going to cue it, enjoy it, savor it, listen. Life is good. Bring the palms together. Thumbs to third eye. Thank you for sharing your valuable time and energy with me and all of the beautiful people and pets practicing all over the world. Take one final deep breath in. And we exhale to close a practice. Namaste. (upbeat gentle music)