1 00:00:00,370 --> 00:00:06,660 Hi everyone, welcome to home your 30 day yoga journey. It's day 10. Can you believe it? 2 00:00:07,630 --> 00:00:09,630 And today we ground 3 00:00:11,200 --> 00:00:13,200 Let's get started 4 00:00:33,220 --> 00:00:39,690 Alright pals today's practice is standing. So even if you're coming to the session a little bit tired 5 00:00:39,880 --> 00:00:42,030 It's all good, but we are going to stay 6 00:00:42,580 --> 00:00:47,249 on our feet today, we're going to use the breath to soften any hard edges and 7 00:00:47,950 --> 00:00:52,830 ultimately, the session is an invitation and reminder to keep coming back to this 8 00:00:53,380 --> 00:00:57,599 idea of grounding in what feels good or what feels 9 00:00:58,120 --> 00:01:03,059 true, what feels supportive, right? this idea of like no pain no gain 10 00:01:04,660 --> 00:01:06,310 does not apply here 11 00:01:06,310 --> 00:01:11,670 It could apply in other areas of your life. I'm not, that's really not my role to say it, but it doesn't apply here 12 00:01:11,850 --> 00:01:17,399 so a little opportunity to ground in what feels good and also we'll continue to build 13 00:01:17,590 --> 00:01:21,930 a strong foundation so we can grow some of our postures throughout the rest of this journey 14 00:01:23,619 --> 00:01:29,189 Here we go! feet together if it feels right for you here at the start 15 00:01:29,530 --> 00:01:32,309 If for whatever reason you're feeling a little bit off-balance 16 00:01:32,940 --> 00:01:37,980 Let's start by grounding with what feels good by just giving yourself a little more space getting your bones 17 00:01:38,260 --> 00:01:40,649 Underneath you giving yourself a wider base 18 00:01:41,380 --> 00:01:44,280 So if you are in a posture at any time throughout this journey 19 00:01:44,280 --> 00:01:49,260 And you feel things are too narrow or you're about to tip over you can always experiment with widening your base 20 00:01:49,450 --> 00:01:52,019 It's a great way to modify. So we're here 21 00:01:52,960 --> 00:01:54,960 Alright here 22 00:01:55,090 --> 00:02:02,100 Tadasana Mountain Pose, let's begin. We've already begun start to find a gentle lift up through the front body 23 00:02:03,700 --> 00:02:05,700 And 24 00:02:05,950 --> 00:02:09,149 Welcome a little grounding energy through the back body 25 00:02:11,800 --> 00:02:15,149 If you feel comfortable soften your gaze or close your eyes 26 00:02:17,500 --> 00:02:24,330 And send your awareness right away here down to the soles of your feet or if you're modifying 27 00:02:24,670 --> 00:02:32,250 This session even further just send your awareness to your foundation. Whatever that is for you that which is touching the earth or 28 00:02:32,860 --> 00:02:34,860 A surface that's holding you 29 00:02:40,500 --> 00:02:45,889 You can just feel that connection to whatever surface is kind of meeting your body 30 00:02:52,110 --> 00:02:53,640 And 31 00:02:53,640 --> 00:02:56,119 Then from that surface hang with me 32 00:02:57,060 --> 00:02:59,060 See if you can 33 00:02:59,070 --> 00:03:04,070 ground down and on your next inhale use that connection that 34 00:03:04,830 --> 00:03:09,109 Downward push to lift to pull up in the body 35 00:03:09,780 --> 00:03:11,780 particularly the spine 36 00:03:19,530 --> 00:03:27,320 And I'll try to maintain that if you're like I don't quite find that Adriene no worries let's let's continue and just keep working here 37 00:03:27,870 --> 00:03:31,190 remembering yesterday's invitation to treat this time as 38 00:03:31,890 --> 00:03:33,949 self-study, you know and 39 00:03:34,620 --> 00:03:39,770 Time to examine and explore not necessarily to check the boxes or get it, right? 40 00:03:42,870 --> 00:03:49,190 Begin to deepen your breath gently finding it nice full inhale and 41 00:03:50,820 --> 00:03:55,040 Seeing if you can enjoy a nice long long long exhale 42 00:03:58,140 --> 00:04:05,449 Great big full inhale breathe in maybe ground down as you lift the heart up high lifting up through the spine 43 00:04:07,110 --> 00:04:12,169 And then on the exhale we soften while maintaining that connection that activation to the earth 44 00:04:12,170 --> 00:04:16,399 We stay grounded within the dance the kind of expansion and contraction 45 00:04:17,970 --> 00:04:23,899 That our breath teaches us which is right is right. This is like kind of a great metaphor of her life, right? 46 00:04:24,210 --> 00:04:29,060 What goes up must come down the cyclical nature of things. So if you're like I'm so 47 00:04:29,850 --> 00:04:36,739 Expand my heart is open. I'm just like all an expansion you can bet your bottom dollar that you're going to feel 48 00:04:37,620 --> 00:04:40,910 The contraction but what we can control is kind of how we move 49 00:04:41,820 --> 00:04:44,119 In and out of that 50 00:04:45,750 --> 00:04:47,809 Through practice of grounding 51 00:04:49,229 --> 00:04:53,699 Finding what it feels like to be grounded weak kind of control that make that 52 00:04:54,970 --> 00:04:56,970 that loop feel 53 00:04:58,210 --> 00:05:00,210 More in control or at least 54 00:05:01,330 --> 00:05:03,780 more present easier on the mind in the body 55 00:05:07,180 --> 00:05:08,610 Ready for a big stretch 56 00:05:08,610 --> 00:05:15,419 Let's have the breath lead the way so synchronize the breath with the movement the movement with the breath inhale to reach for the sky 57 00:05:16,000 --> 00:05:18,000 big stretch 58 00:05:18,639 --> 00:05:20,639 Exhale float the fingertips down 59 00:05:22,030 --> 00:05:23,520 Now in your next inhale 60 00:05:23,520 --> 00:05:30,510 see if you can ground with the upper just touching the earth even more sand your awareness down as you inhale lift up high and 61 00:05:32,020 --> 00:05:37,200 Exhale floating the fingertips to your side last one. Here we go big inhale 62 00:05:39,700 --> 00:05:41,700 And exhale 63 00:05:42,400 --> 00:05:47,160 Awesome, slowly draw the hands to the waistline here. Pull the elbows back begin to open up through the chest 64 00:05:47,830 --> 00:05:49,830 Inhale and exhale drop the chin to the chest 65 00:05:51,250 --> 00:05:54,450 Inhale carve a little line scuse me with your nose up towards the sky 66 00:05:55,240 --> 00:05:57,240 and exhale chin to chest 67 00:05:57,700 --> 00:05:59,700 draw your shoulder blades together 68 00:06:00,070 --> 00:06:07,109 Inhale carve a line with the nose look up ground through the heels notice. Have you come into the toes exhale chin to chest and 69 00:06:08,470 --> 00:06:13,739 inhale really be attentive with the feet or that which is touching the earth for you here India Luca and 70 00:06:14,530 --> 00:06:16,530 exhale chin to chest 71 00:06:16,710 --> 00:06:23,460 Excellent. Keep the elbows back shoulder blades drawing together and melting down the back body as you slowly step the right foot forward 72 00:06:23,460 --> 00:06:26,760 So if you're sideways on the mat like me you'll want to turn to 73 00:06:27,700 --> 00:06:29,380 the front edge of your mat 74 00:06:29,380 --> 00:06:31,619 we're just going to step the right foot forward and 75 00:06:31,750 --> 00:06:38,369 Then the left foot back and your left toes are going to point towards the front left corner of your mat right toes straight ahead 76 00:06:39,070 --> 00:06:41,070 Now my Center is going to want to come out 77 00:06:41,169 --> 00:06:45,929 From underneath me a bit here soft bend in that front knee as you lengthen your tailbone down 78 00:06:45,930 --> 00:06:49,500 You're going to feel a great opening in the left hip crease here 79 00:06:50,710 --> 00:06:57,000 This femur is snuggling in we pull the right hip crease back this femur snuggling in and then if you feel like whoa 80 00:06:57,280 --> 00:06:59,280 a little bit 81 00:06:59,409 --> 00:07:00,909 off balance 82 00:07:00,909 --> 00:07:02,909 Widen your base 83 00:07:03,940 --> 00:07:06,900 Great pyramid posture hands again on the waistline 84 00:07:06,900 --> 00:07:08,860 We lift the heart inhale in 85 00:07:08,860 --> 00:07:14,759 Actively pull your right hip crease back or draw your lower belly up and in as you send your gaze forward 86 00:07:15,130 --> 00:07:22,290 give yourself the image of looking down and slightly out in front as if you were trying to lean forward to see your 87 00:07:22,450 --> 00:07:24,960 reflection in a body of water 88 00:07:26,620 --> 00:07:32,489 Now try to maintain all of this while pressing into the outer edge of that back foot I'm going to invite you to 89 00:07:33,130 --> 00:07:37,170 Activate this back leg by lifting your left kneecap charging up your left inner thigh 90 00:07:38,710 --> 00:07:40,540 Mm-hmm and 91 00:07:40,540 --> 00:07:46,770 Then maybe we continue the journey down a little bit more to a flat back position. Maybe not. This is a difficult posture 92 00:07:46,770 --> 00:07:50,579 So squeeze your energy into the midline start to put all of your vocabulary together 93 00:07:50,920 --> 00:07:54,990 Ground down through the feet keep the neck nice and long. We're not dropping here 94 00:07:55,210 --> 00:07:59,189 you're here breathing deep for one more cycle in and 95 00:08:00,250 --> 00:08:02,250 out 96 00:08:02,350 --> 00:08:04,350 Good slowly rise up strong 97 00:08:05,140 --> 00:08:06,370 beautiful 98 00:08:06,370 --> 00:08:11,099 Draw your navel in and up trying to maintain this core connection throughout the rest of this practice ready 99 00:08:11,110 --> 00:08:15,629 Turn the right toes in turn the left toes out. You can step this back foot up now 100 00:08:15,760 --> 00:08:18,539 Your right toes are pointing towards the front 101 00:08:19,210 --> 00:08:22,650 Right corner your new front of the mat front right corner 102 00:08:24,400 --> 00:08:26,400 Nice wide base 103 00:08:26,920 --> 00:08:28,780 Hands to the waistline 104 00:08:28,780 --> 00:08:34,589 Again, there's a tendency for the kind of long puppy belly to happen here draw the navel in and up lengthen tailbone down 105 00:08:34,590 --> 00:08:37,439 You're gonna feel that then in your right hip 106 00:08:38,080 --> 00:08:43,080 That strong grounded feeling like Oh back legs rooted strong 107 00:08:43,780 --> 00:08:48,209 And here we go draw the shoulder blades together inhale in 108 00:08:48,910 --> 00:08:53,429 Imagine you're looking out in front as the hips go back. We peel the left hip crease back 109 00:08:53,430 --> 00:08:58,950 We stay grounded through all four corners of the feet. We reinforce this connection and the outer edge of the right foot 110 00:08:59,770 --> 00:09:06,540 Now activate lift your right knee cap to tone your right quad keep your right inner thigh engaged you got to bring the breath 111 00:09:08,380 --> 00:09:13,230 Gazing forward hugging the lower ribs in maybe you come to a flat back position here. Maybe you're like, okay 112 00:09:13,230 --> 00:09:15,010 Wow, this is a new shape 113 00:09:15,010 --> 00:09:17,010 interesting 114 00:09:17,320 --> 00:09:19,320 Breathe 115 00:09:21,430 --> 00:09:26,609 We're not locked out through this left knee that's a tendency here just a little tiny tiny been lots of awareness 116 00:09:27,220 --> 00:09:29,220 in the joints always 117 00:09:29,560 --> 00:09:32,609 Take one more deep breath in see if you can tuck the chin just slightly 118 00:09:34,209 --> 00:09:36,209 And the long exhale out 119 00:09:38,500 --> 00:09:42,359 Good rise up strong from Center navel draws in and up 120 00:09:42,910 --> 00:09:47,790 Beautiful we're gonna turn the left toes in we're you know right back to the other side this time palms together 121 00:09:48,010 --> 00:09:52,589 Anjali mudra at the heart if you're like, no way I'm keeping hands on the waistline great 122 00:09:52,589 --> 00:09:57,208 You know that that's there for you lift the sternum to the thumbs here find the link this time 123 00:09:57,209 --> 00:10:00,419 We're gonna inhale look all the way up towards the sky as you breathe in 124 00:10:00,970 --> 00:10:04,200 Exhale tug back with the right hip crease begin to lean forward 125 00:10:05,890 --> 00:10:08,159 Maybe you go a little lower this time, maybe not 126 00:10:09,070 --> 00:10:11,070 soft bend in that front knee 127 00:10:11,709 --> 00:10:15,149 Beautiful if the fingertips want to come down here. Obviously. You're welcome 128 00:10:15,880 --> 00:10:17,880 To own it 129 00:10:22,149 --> 00:10:24,149 Great grounded through the legs 130 00:10:25,060 --> 00:10:27,060 building strength 131 00:10:28,390 --> 00:10:30,250 Strong spine 132 00:10:30,250 --> 00:10:37,019 Slowly, let's rise back up this way. You can carry your groceries when you're 90, but also carry your neighbors groceries 133 00:10:37,750 --> 00:10:39,070 right 134 00:10:39,070 --> 00:10:41,070 Talk about extra. Let's take it to the left 135 00:10:42,699 --> 00:10:47,639 Hand your neighbors neighbors, okay palms together Anjali mudra find your footing 136 00:10:49,120 --> 00:10:52,409 Inhale in lift the sternum look up as you look up 137 00:10:52,410 --> 00:10:54,149 So as we inhale and find this lift 138 00:10:54,149 --> 00:10:59,849 We find this grounding down just like we did in Mountain Pose and then exhale peel the left hip crease back 139 00:11:00,430 --> 00:11:02,430 Send it forward 140 00:11:02,800 --> 00:11:06,000 Long neck here shoulders tugging away from the ears 141 00:11:08,470 --> 00:11:11,160 Activate that back leg breathe deep here 142 00:11:11,649 --> 00:11:14,159 So this image of kind of drawing your navel? 143 00:11:14,560 --> 00:11:20,789 Sucking it up towards your spine is going to help bring the front body to meet the back body here kind of defying gravity 144 00:11:22,390 --> 00:11:24,390 I love yoga 145 00:11:26,590 --> 00:11:30,479 You're like yeah, we get it Adrian we get it yoga with adriene. Okay. Here we go 146 00:11:30,760 --> 00:11:33,239 Inhale in exhale come all the way back up 147 00:11:34,930 --> 00:11:36,930 All right if your legs are tired 148 00:11:37,630 --> 00:11:41,549 wonderful way to meet your edge toes are going to go forward and 149 00:11:42,700 --> 00:11:48,150 Then we're going to step or hop the feet together. If you liked the heel toe move that we've already learned 150 00:11:48,910 --> 00:11:50,910 Go ahead and bring it together is a bit uptight 151 00:11:51,610 --> 00:11:53,290 inhale in here 152 00:11:53,290 --> 00:11:56,400 Exhale bring your fingertips down Mountain Pose, Tadasana 153 00:11:57,430 --> 00:12:03,630 All right from here. We're gonna cross the right leg over the left. Try to keep your left foot firmly planted on the earth 154 00:12:03,850 --> 00:12:06,960 So it's going to want to come up here. The heel is going to want to come up 155 00:12:07,779 --> 00:12:09,640 inhale exhale 156 00:12:09,640 --> 00:12:14,669 Draw the shoulders down the back body try to maintain that as we then bring the palms together 157 00:12:15,190 --> 00:12:20,760 Nice opening through the chest inhale in exhale. You're gonna bend through the knees send the hips back 158 00:12:21,100 --> 00:12:24,300 So we keep this micro bend in the knees as we come all the way down 159 00:12:24,880 --> 00:12:28,650 Hands can stay at the heart or we can release the fingertips down 160 00:12:29,770 --> 00:12:36,509 Let the weight of your head go here breathe deep try to stay grounded through all four corners of the feet here 161 00:12:39,610 --> 00:12:46,860 If you like to walk or run or jog, I'm sure this is in your tool belt if not 162 00:12:48,430 --> 00:12:50,430 Maybe consider 163 00:12:51,100 --> 00:12:53,100 Sneaking it in 164 00:12:54,130 --> 00:12:59,249 To come out of the posture ground through the feet bring the hands back Anjali mudra is Slavin in the knees 165 00:12:59,250 --> 00:13:01,150 This is going to activate from Center 166 00:13:01,150 --> 00:13:05,999 So if you're familiar with booty in Abunda this lock you're gonna draw the navel in and up 167 00:13:06,160 --> 00:13:10,890 Think of this coming from your lower belly. If you're new to the practice coming all the way up 168 00:13:11,740 --> 00:13:19,380 Rolling up great. We're gonna release and just switch right on to the other side so ground through the right foot cross the left ankle 169 00:13:20,200 --> 00:13:22,200 over the right 170 00:13:22,959 --> 00:13:28,649 Pressing down through all four corners of the feet inhale find length exhale drop the shoulders down the back body 171 00:13:29,500 --> 00:13:35,219 Let's try to maintain that as we now keep a little micro bend in the knees and the hips back 172 00:13:36,459 --> 00:13:38,459 And come forward 173 00:13:40,870 --> 00:13:45,990 Stay here palms pressing together you can use this as a little bit of a fulcrum just for some stability 174 00:13:46,930 --> 00:13:51,720 Or if it feels right fingertips can come down will relax the weight of the head over 175 00:13:52,750 --> 00:13:56,160 everyone breathe deep full loving breaths 176 00:13:57,730 --> 00:14:01,079 We gain so much more out of the practice so 177 00:14:02,350 --> 00:14:04,350 much more when we 178 00:14:05,350 --> 00:14:07,350 remember 179 00:14:08,530 --> 00:14:12,899 That layer of breath when more than that when we prioritize 180 00:14:13,690 --> 00:14:15,690 that depth of breath I 181 00:14:16,270 --> 00:14:20,220 always say get your money's worth, but then it's always kind of funny because this is all free but 182 00:14:21,160 --> 00:14:25,110 Do you know what I'm talking about? Take one more breath here big inhale and 183 00:14:27,250 --> 00:14:32,460 Use your exhale to with control ground through the feet come back up nice as well 184 00:14:37,240 --> 00:14:44,610 All the way up let's cross the ankles bring the feet together really together or hip width apart if that's your jam 185 00:14:45,490 --> 00:14:50,040 Inhale in exhale bend the knees send the hips back way back fingertips are going to go forward 186 00:14:50,710 --> 00:14:52,800 Here we go Kurtis on you got this 187 00:14:55,030 --> 00:15:01,769 Ground through the heels keep the ball joint of the big toe ball jointed the pinky toe mound on the earth 188 00:15:01,770 --> 00:15:05,970 In fact, go ahead and take a look down lift your toes lift your toes 189 00:15:06,790 --> 00:15:14,099 This is that four part equals standing training is almost DP he'd practice all four corners of the feet 190 00:15:15,250 --> 00:15:17,140 Good inhale in here 191 00:15:17,140 --> 00:15:20,550 Exhale sink a little lower draw the low belly in four three 192 00:15:21,190 --> 00:15:25,200 Two stand up tall one big inhale open up through the chest 193 00:15:26,800 --> 00:15:29,999 Lift your heart and exhale hands come together 194 00:15:33,070 --> 00:15:36,570 Namaste awesome. Just take a second here to notice how you feel 195 00:15:41,650 --> 00:15:44,249 If you can detect any tightness any 196 00:15:44,710 --> 00:15:50,309 Tension or stress in the body you go ahead and find some soft easy movement here even shake it out 197 00:15:55,990 --> 00:16:01,349 Then as you're ready bring your palms to your heart so that you can feel the warmth of your 198 00:16:02,140 --> 00:16:07,259 Hands, either on your heart or you're a figurative heart space wherever it feels really yummy 199 00:16:08,590 --> 00:16:12,959 Then find a gentle bow of the head this kind of reverent bow 200 00:16:21,100 --> 00:16:23,100 Close your eyes observe your breath 201 00:16:25,060 --> 00:16:27,810 And if you haven't heard 202 00:16:29,230 --> 00:16:31,950 The phrase or the message? 203 00:16:34,090 --> 00:16:36,090 The mat is a mirror 204 00:16:37,600 --> 00:16:40,739 It's my pleasure to share it with you here today 205 00:16:41,830 --> 00:16:46,020 Let's keep this in mind each time. We add a new theme a new intention 206 00:16:49,930 --> 00:16:57,120 There's an opportunity to take whatever you're working with on the mat and make a home for it 207 00:17:03,370 --> 00:17:07,380 Allow it to serve you teach you reflect back to you 208 00:17:10,300 --> 00:17:17,669 You guys are doing great thank you so much for sharing your time and energy with me what a wonderful journey we were on together 209 00:17:21,100 --> 00:17:26,910 Bring the palms together thumbs up to the third eye inhale, lots of love in 210 00:17:30,220 --> 00:17:32,699 And exhale lots of love out 211 00:17:34,390 --> 00:17:38,400 Stay anchored in love. I love you guys so much. I'll see you tomorrow 212 00:17:40,030 --> 00:17:42,030 Namaste 213 00:18:02,400 --> 00:18:04,400 You